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The Socket - August 2021 Skip to Content Skip to Main Navigation Skip to Search Indiana University Indiana University IU Menu Home Training What We Offer Register for Training Staff Training Tracks Training Materials Documentation Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Capital Assets Financial Processing in KFS Purchasing Suppliers Travel Reimbursements Reporting News Articles Newsletters Subscribe Contact Us VPCFO Training & Communications Home Home Training What We Offer Register for Training Staff Training Tracks Training Materials Documentation Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Capital Assets Financial Processing in KFS Purchasing Suppliers Travel Reimbursements Reporting News Articles Newsletters Subscribe Contact Us Home The Socket - August 2021 August 2021 Office Finds Contest - Winner! You never quite know what you’re going to find during an office move, and that was certainly proven by our Office Finds Contest. It was an epic battle, but in the end, the little green men came out on top. Congratulations to Mary Byrde for her winning submission!   Mary attending a cooking class in Thailand Mary's winning submission Noteworthy mentions below! 2nd place - Juliet Roberts 3rd place - Sarah Chavez We want to hear from you! This year, The Socket celebrated its third anniversary. I know, we can’t believe it either! We want to take this opportunity to hear from you. What kind of activities would you like to see in VPCFO? Zoom movie nights? Team trivia or karaoke nights? Which Socket contests were your faves? Click here to complete our super short poll and make your voice heard!   Feature Story: All About Supplier Diversity Supplier Diversity, a unit within the Office of Procurement Services, provides critical guidance that helps uphold IU’s core values and mission. Socket staff members Ali Piovesan, Juliet Roberts, and Sarah Chavez sat down with the Director of Supplier Diversity, Richard Wise, AVP of Procurement Services, Baris Kiyar, and Executive Director Tally Thrasher to get the scoop on the department’s mission and how the university community can help Meet Richard Wise Richard Wise, pictured left, joined Procurement Services as the Director of Supplier Diversity on April 1, 2021. Richard provides vision, leadership, and strategy for IU's supplier diversity program and advocates for the university within diverse business communities. Richard comes to us from Citizens Energy Group (Citizens), where he led the company to numerous supplier diversity recognition awards and milestone achievements. He is also actively involved with several organizations, including the Mid-States Minority Supplier Development Council (MSDC), National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO)-Indianapolis, Great Lakes Women's Business Council, the Indiana Energy Association's Supplier Diversity & Development Committee, and the Business Equity Initiative for Indy (BEI). What is Supplier Diversity? Supplier Diversity springs from a 1969 directive by then-US President Richard Nixon. Executive Order 11458 created the Office of Minority Business Enterprise, today known as the National Minority Supplier Development Council. Its mission is to remove barriers to enable business growth, jobs creations and other economic, social and community successes for Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) who are pursuing access to business opportunities with corporate America, public institutions and other economic drivers. The National Minority Supplier Development Council, along with its 23 non-profit regional affiliates, strategically work in concert with its national, local corporate and public members to certify, develop, connect, and advocate for business opportunities for certified Minority Owned Businesses across the United States and internationally. The movement has grown to also include certified Women Owned Businesses and Veteran Owned Businesses, both of which are included in IU’s vision for Supplier Diversity. In an IU context, “Supplier Diversity” is a strategy that identifies the gaps in IU’s business processes through which minority-owned businesses tend to fall and become marginalized or disadvantaged. The department works to reduce or eliminate these barriers and disparities. This is accomplished a variety of ways, from community outreach to the development of relationships and rapport with minority-owned businesses. Because IU is a major economic driver across the state, it’s important that the university is strategic in leveraging and prioritizing business with these suppliers to better represent our diverse student community. Additionally, the state of Indiana has requirements for diverse dollar spend which the university is working to meet and exceed. These state-sanctioned goalposts help IU to evaluate its spending and make changes that promote the visibility and use of minority-owned businesses. How do Supplier Diversity and Purchasing work together? Here’s the short version: Supplier Diversity cultivates relationships with diverse suppliers locally, in communities across Indiana, and beyond. Purchasing then ensures those diverse suppliers are included in sourcing events. To accomplish this, Richard and support staff member DeeDee Whittaker work together to strengthen relationships with diverse suppliers who currently work with IU in addition to building new ones. This takes many different forms, running the gamut from research to community outreach and meetings with supplier representatives. The Supplier Diversity team helps ensure suppliers are aware of business opportunities at IU and the successes IU and its current partners have achieved. When Purchasing is involved in a contract or sourcing event, they are committed to making every possible effort to ensure diverse suppliers are considered and ideally used. Sourcing is a process used by Purchasing to request quotes from multiple suppliers for one purchasing event and is generally required for single transactions exceeding $10,000. Several new positions within Purchasing were created recently to support this effort. Tom Westerhof and Lisa Hardy were recently promoted to the role of Strategic Sourcing & Diversity Manager. In this role, they work with Purchasing Category Managers to ensure a variety of diverse suppliers are considered during sourcing events, with Lisa focusing on IT and Professional Services and Tom on the MRO/Scientific space. Additionally, Tom and Lisa provide technical support to suppliers unfamiliar with navigating sourcing events in BUY.IU. What can we all do to help? If you make purchases of any type for the university, you are a champion for the cause of Supplier Diversity. Because Richard and his team can’t be in all places at once, the good of the university relies on IU staff bringing questions and ideas to Supplier Diversity so they can help guide business decisions that uphold IU’s mission and goals. The entire IU community, especially administrative staff, need to recognize the part they play in cultivating a diverse supplier base. BUY.IU provides options target supplier searches to return suppliers that qualify as diverse spending. Documenting these options and educating all IU faculty and staff on the importance of Supplier Diversity is the first phase of spreading this team’s mission. Additionally, Richard intends to spotlight legacy diverse suppliers on the Supplier Diversity website to help raise awareness. Every campus and department have the opportunity to recruit diverse business opportunities. Sharing this camaraderie across campuses helps elevate this initiative to the institution-wide level that it needs to be successful. Working with and thinking about diverse suppliers should be in IU’s DNA. Striving for diversity should be our default, not an afterthought as it sometimes is today. Diversity is a positive thing! It is emblematic of everything we do at Indiana University. By working actively on the prioritization of minority-owned businesses, the Supplier Diversity department seeks to cultivate equity and level the playing field for these communities. Success in supplier diversity is synonymous with success of IU: the makeup of our student body reflects global diversity so the dollars we spend must as well.   Name that VPCFO Employee It's time for another round of everyone's favorite game: Name That VPCFO Employee! Which one of your VPCFO colleagues gives this adorable little ball of fluff, named Jazie, a home? Keep reading to find out!     From the Desk: John S. Says Goodbye My last letter to all of you. Lots of great memories. Lots of great people. I can’t thank you enough for all that you have done for IU in my five years here. We have the highest bond rating, “AAA,” because we have the best people. I was amazed at what you all accomplished before the pandemic, before I even arrived here five years ago, during the pandemic, and I know you will continue to shine in the years ahead. The annual picnic is one of my favorite events. I was so glad we were able to have it again this year. It was fun seeing groups gather again. So many smiling faces and laughter. And President Whitten stopped by and spent time with us. I think she will do great things in her time here at IU. You may see me around campus this fall as President Whitten has asked me to do a consulting project for her. But first, vacation, a trip to the Grand Canyon, Sedona, Tucson and California, and then a second trip to meet up with college friends in Key West. After the consulting engagement, maybe heading South in the winter months. We still have to plan that out. Oh, and trips to South Bend to see our son and his wife. They just bought a house, so we’ll have a place to stay when we head up there. The dogs will like that as they don’t like hotels. There is a lot of change coming with leadership positions at IU. You probably saw the announcement for the searches for a Provost in Bloomington, Chancellor at IUPUI, VP for Marketing and Communications and for my CFO position. It’s natural to miss those who leave and to fear the unknown, but usually things work out for the best. I am confident that Sam, Don, Anna, Baris and Paul will continue to provide great leadership for all of you and continue the spirit of service and excellence that has helped us serve IU’s mission. As I ride off into the sunset, know that you will be missed, and the memories will be cherished! Yours in IU, John Below are well wishes and thank yous for John from across the CFO Division Continuous Improvement Corner Everyone in the VPCFO organization has opportunities for process improvement. Improvement does not have to involve broad, cross-functional processes. It can be as simple as setting up your desk to make the items you frequently use more accessible. Just think about your daily pain points and figure out how to make them better! For example, Ali Piovesan, Lorna Butler, and Jenny Moore in Accounts Payable recently identified a process that has been causing a great deal of rework, which in Lean Process Improvement we refer to as waste. When suppliers experience a merger or acquisition, it can create issues with invoice payments. Rather than complaining about it, they brought it forward as something to work on. Ali and Lorna kicked off the process review by creating a flowchart of the current process and documenting process details and issues. They brought that to their manager, and the team started working on what the process should look like. The team has developed a future state and is in the process of developing documentation. Ali, Lorna and Jenny saw a problem and took the initiative to try to improve it. That’s continuous improvement. What are your pain points? Interested in learning the methods and tools used in Lean Process Improvement? Check out the upcoming events listing at the end of this issue to view upcoming training offerings and sign up for a session! Email me at with questions about class offerings. Keep on improving! Mary Better Late Than Never! FY21 Cookout On August 5, the sun was shining, the grills were hot, and the swag was flowing at the VPCFO Cookout and Fiscal New Year Celebration. As per tradition, the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) worked the grills and made sure everyone got plenty of grub! Major shoutout to the talented staff at the IMU who made the day a success. The SLT took turns on the mic recognizing the accomplishments of the CFO division over the past year, and special guests from across IU's campuses stopped in to wish John S. well and thank him for his service to IU. Additionally, cookout attendees walked away with some appreciation items! Each individual received an IU-branded golf umbrella, metal mug, and waterproof picnic blanket. The past 18 months have been rough, but you've persevered and gotten the work done. We can never say "thank you" enough, but we hope these small tokens of appreciation are a start. Miss the event? No problem! The ESTC team will be contacting you in the near future to arrange pickup or delivery of your appreciation items. Check out pictures from the event below! Use the arrows on either side of an image to navigate to the next one in the queue. Department News & Updates VPCFO Division Interim Leadership With John Sejdinaj’s departure at the end of this week, AVP for Budget & Planning Sam Adams will step into the role of interim CFO. Another change in the CFO office is the departure of Samantha Wall. Sam is now working in the President’s Office as an Executive Assistant and Administrative Specialist for Executive Searches assisting with the many national searches currently underway to fill vacant positions at IU. She was a member of the CFO team for 10 years and we miss her! For the time being, please reach out to Petra Bragt or Laura Hudson for scheduling or other assistance involving the CFO. Awards Program Starting Wednesday, September 1, VPCFO division managers and directors may nominate staff for Spark or Division Merit Awards. Managers and directors will receive an email on September 1 with a link to a FireForm they will use to submit nominations. Individuals may be nominated for a Spark Award at any time. To qualify for one of these $250 awards, nominees must have demonstrated excellent customer service or have taken the initiative to solve problems or improve processes. Division Merit Awards may be awarded twice a year, in Fall and Spring, and vary in amount. In order to be nominated for this type of award, the nominee must meet at least two of the following criteria: 1. Performance above and beyond normal, high-quality work. 2. Sustained and outstanding customer service to external or internal customers. 3. Completed a high-value project above its expected outcome. All nominations are reviewed by the nominee’s AVP and the CFO. Nominations may only be made by the nominee’s manager or director. Contact your manager or HR Business Partner Steve Miller with any questions. Employee Services, Training, & Communication The ESTC team has made an offer to an individual who will fill our vacant Web Developer position. The hiring process is still underway, but we’re excited to introduce our new team member in November’s issue! First order of business: familiarizing themselves with IU’s content management system, WCMS, and learning about Travel, Supplier Diversity, and Purchasing’s content to lead their website redesign efforts. Below is a small sampling of new projects and updates on those previously mentioned. Enjoy! Procurement Services On November 15, the BUY.IU interface will be updated with a new look and feel. Sarah Chavez and Holly Hooper are hard at work preparing multiple resources to aid departmental users through the transition. Keep an eye out for announcements to the BUY.IU news list and webinar training opportunities. Additionally, the team is planning a slew of webinar offerings to be offered in October and November. These 45-minute sessions will cover topics including order building best practices, receipts, invoice approvals, and more. Needless to say, they have their hands full! Make way, make way for Travel Girl! Juliet Roberts spent the summer creating and delivering a series of webinars designed to help guide IU faculty and staff through their return to travel. Sessions were hosted in July and continue through the end of August and early September. Check out the Upcoming Events listing below to register for a session. Miss a session? No problem! Recordings of each session, along with presentation slides, are available on the What We Offer section of the Training website. Office of the University Controller In early July, Juliet Roberts published an asynchronous version of Getting Started in KFS in Canvas. This course is comprised of short, 5-minute videos and quizzes which allow participants to test their knowledge. The best part? It's available 24/7 via the platform. Click here to check out the course. Other Controller’s Office-focused courses, such as Common KFS Documents and Introduction to Financial Reports, are on the list for a similar transformation. Work will resume on this effort after Juliet is back from her much deserved vacation in September 😊 With the impending interface changes to BUY.IU, creation of asynchronous Non-Student Accounts Receivable (NSAR) training has been put on hold. This allows Holly Hooper to focus on updating existing BUY.IU materials to account for the new interface. Office of the University Controller External Financial reporting Adam Hadley has been promoted to Principal Accountant, External Financial Reporting. As a member of Financial Reporting, Adam will be primarily responsible for the execution and project management related to the annual audits of WFIU-FM and WTIU-TV (collectively referred to as the Radio/TV audits) and related Corporate Public Broadcast filings. This position is responsible for the integrity and accuracy of financial reporting and GAAP compliance of the Radio/TV financial reporting outputs as they relate to the audit. Adam will be the subject matter expert in the Radio/TV audits including the annual closing process, preparation of the related financial statements, drafting management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A), and reviewing the related notes to the financial statements. This position will also provide primary support for the data extract and field data-related questions pertaining to the annual audited financial statements. In addition, Adam will support and participate in the University’s annual external financial statement audit and related Annual Financial Report, ad hoc financial reporting projects, as well as internal controls projects that are part of the Office of the University Controller’s initiatives. Adam is a graduate of Indiana University, Kelley School of Business and holds both a Bachelor and Master’s degree in Accounting. He holds a CPA licensure from the State of Indiana. Adam is a proud husband, to Sarah, and father to two kids, Kaylah (12) and Ian (6). They enjoy playing in their little Intex pool in the backyard, going to state parks, and eating good food with friends. Adam also has a four-legged furry child named Cleo (she is a beagle-boxer mix), who happens to also like eating good food. In his spare time, Adam likes to (try to) play golf. Additionally, he serves on the boards of a local non-profit, LifeDesigns, and the Indiana Association of College and University Business Officers (IACUBO). External Financial Reporting would also like to introduce Jeffrey Martinez as our new Financial Reporting and Tax Fellow. Jeffrey attended the University of Texas at San Antonio for his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and attended University of Southern Indiana for his MBA with a concentration in Accounting. Jeffrey joins us from the IU Foundation where he worked as a merchant services coordinator. He also previously worked in UCO as a records manager. His work during the fellowship will include tax form preparation, year-end financial audit preparation, as well as several other UCO projects. Jeffrey plans to sit for the CPA examination. Jeffrey is originally from San Antonio, Texas and enjoys spending time with his family, two beagles and two cats. University Accounting & Reporting Services UARS successfully implemented and completed the first ever university-wide year-end closing procedures process. This phased in approach to university closing procedures piloted 7 RCs/campuses to complete balance sheet substantiation, variance analysis, and review of negative & stale balances, among other procedures. UARS acted as consultants for these pilot groups and through strong communication, detailed instructions/templates and careful review of documentation, the first year was a success. We’re also pleased to announce that Tina Smith has accepted the role of University Accounting and Reporting Services (UARS) Senior Consultant! As a member of UARS, Tina will be primarily responsible for facilitating the creation of new IU Accounting Standards and other authoritative fiscal and accounting guidance in addition to acting as the primary liaison between university fiscal officers and UCO. Tina’s prior work experience includes three years as an accountant for University Information and Technology Systems (UITS) and most recently, five years as both a consultant and senior consultant in Recharge Accounting. Prior to moving to Bloomington and joining IU, Tina spent time raising her amazing kids, Kaia and Cole. In her free time, Tina enjoys spending time with family camping on Lake Monroe, vacationing in the Dominican Republic and watching her kids in their sporting events. University Collections & Loan Services Debbie LaBarr has retired after more than 43 years of service at Indiana University. Debbie began working at IU on April 4, 1978, and spent the majority of her tenure in what is now referred to as University Collections & Loan Services. During her career, Debbie experienced several organizational changes, software systems, and various types of collection accounts. Through it all, she has been committed to the university, our borrowers, and ensuring compliance with various regulations.While we are very sad to see Debbie leave, we are very excited for her to begin this new chapter in her life. Debbie’s last day of work was August 13. Procurement Services Purchasing, P-Card, Accounts Payable, and SDM On August 9, the Purchasing, P-Card, AP, and SDM support form was connected to Salesforce/CRM. This means that instead of responding to submitted requests using Outlook, cases are now created in CRM and managed from that tool. It’s been a transition, but the teams have been doing a great job adjusting to the new processes that have been put in place. The implementation of CRM provides the teams with metrics to better understand what types of questions are asked, who’s asking them, and how quickly they are addressed. This data will help continue to mold the Support Form, target communications to departments or suppliers submitting regular requests, and inform future training materials. Supplier Diversity In case you missed it, InsideIU (now IU Today) did a great story on Rob Halter, former Director of Supplier Diversity. Click here to check it out! University Budget Office The IT Department of the Budget Office celebrated "Budget Load Day." It is a tradition of the IT department in the Budget Office to celebrate the end of the budget construction with a “Hawaiian Shirt Day” and 2021 was no exception. Padric Adams got in on the fun via Zoom. Kudos for a job well done guys! John S. even got in on the fun! Check out his Hawaiian shirt in the From the Desk section above. T. Michael Ford retired from IU after 25 years of service. He was one of the first Socket collaborators and worked most recently in the University Budget Office. We will miss you, T. Michael! Laura Hudson delivered some special items to T. Michael to celebrate his retirement. Check out that awesome cake! Happy trails, T. Michael. Kudos and Celebrations! Celebrating the incredible professional and personal achievements of our VPCFO employees. Kudos Mary Byrde has a few things to celebrate! This summer she earned her Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and was elected as an officer (Secretary) for NCCI, the Network for Change and Continuous Improvement! Congrats, Mary, we’re lucky to have you. Kathi Sipes completed her MS in Strategic Management. Congratulations on a great accomplishment, Kathi! Congratulations to Debbie Hull, Purchasing who achieves 40 years of service at IU this September. No small feat! This summer, Sandy McElhinney received the Bicentennial Medal for distinguished service to IU. Congratulations, Sandy, and we hope you’re enjoying your break! In that same vein, thank you to Cassie Rosenburgh and John Brumley for stepping up and covering Sandy’s Payroll duties during her leave. Kudos to the entire Payroll team for their diligent work to review and scan hundreds of documents stored in-house, including garnishment orders and overpayment documentation, in our efforts to move to a paperless environment! Great work team! Hip-hip-horray for Orah Cullison, UCO, who reaches 35 years of service at the university this September. Thanks for always supporting UCO and all their tech needs, Orah! Shoutout to Juliet Robert’s cat, Remus, for providing at-home support during her Return to Travel webinars. He’s a star! Kudos to Cody Bunn for stepping up as the Interim University Tax Manager and keeping the Tax team afloat with his leadership. Thank you to the entire Tax team for their hard work this past month to make sure we haven’t missed a tax payment despite not being fully staffed. We appreciate everyone pitching in to make it work! Kudos to ALL UCO and VPCFO employees who have been diligently working on the financial statement audit with Plante Moran. We ended up with over 40 Process Narratives for the Interim phase and are working our way through all the subsequent requests coming in from the auditors. Thank you all for your hard work and perseverance on the audit! LeAnn Snoddy, UCO, reaches 25 years of service at IU this September. Absolutely amazing! Kutina England, INLOCC, pictured right, celebrated her 25 years at IU. Congrats again, Kutina! Congratulations to Sadie Schmidt, UCO, who recently passed a second part of the CPA exam, Regulation. She previously passed the Financial Accounting and Reporting section and is currently studying for the final two parts. Cheers to Brittany Hubbard, Treasury, and Tracey Tompkins, UCO, for achieving 20 years of service at IU this quarter. We’re lucky to have you! Kudos to the entire Accounts Payable team. Internal Audit just completed an audit of duplicate payments from BUY.IU going live through Dec 31, 2021. The audit result was “green,” meaning controls are effective. The entire team works hard to prevent duplicate payments, and the audit results shows how diligent they are. Thank you, AP team! Michelle Dugger, Purchasing, and Amber Pruett, Bursar, celebrate 15 years at IU this quarter. An incredible feat! Nice job to Spencer Tsakila for passing the second part of the CPA Exam. We know he will be adding CPA to his title very soon. Congratulations to Carol Ball, UBO, Nancy Gagle, Purchasing, Elliot Jordan, UBO, and Phil Schuman, Financial Wellness and Education, on achieving 10 years at IU this quarter. Way to go! Kudos to the UARS team for completing the first ever pilot year-end closing procedures. Feedback from the process was great and we are excited to see what the team does next year! And last but not least, congratulations to Scott Gillespie, INLOCC, Sara Hawk, Bursar, and John Sejdinaj, VPCFO, for reaching 5 years at IU. We’re happy you’re here (or in John’s case, were here 😊). Celebrations Congratulations to Emily & Ben Rudman on the birth of their first child, Nicholas Forrest Rudman. Nick came into this world on Monday, July 26 at 10:20 p.m. at 7lbs. 3oz. and 19 inches tall. Don Lukes got married! On June 5, he and his wife Cindy exchanged vows in Bloomington. Congratulations Don and Cindy! Congratulations to Tina Smith for the adoption of the two incredibly cute French Bulldogs – Gus and Greta. Both have settled into their new home and love spending time with their family. Wedding bells also rang for Vanessa Laird and husband Jake Freeman this summer. Vanessa and Jake had a fabulous ceremony at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater in downtown Bloomington. Congratulations Vanessa and Jake! Ben holding newborn son Nick. Don and Cindy celebrating at Nick's. Vanessa and Jake outside the Buskirk. Name that employee! Which VPCFO employee... ...was a volunteer with Big Brother, Big Sister, loves to sing, and previously traveled the country as a health screener? It's Brittany Veal! Brittany is the IU Procurement Card Manager in Travel Management Services. Adventure and trying new things are right up her alley! Adrenaline is Brittany's middle name! Here she is skydiving. Brittany has worked at IU for 10 years prior to joining the Travel team earlier this year. Thank you, Brittany, for letting us learn more about you and sharing your stories. Do you know a VPCFO employee that we should feature? Share their name with us at and they may appear in a future issue of The Socket! New VPCFO Employee Spotlight Welcome to our new employees! Jill Martin Accounts Payable Jeffrey Martinez Controller's Office Maria Nguyen Purchasing Upcoming Events Event: Travel Document Approver 101 Date/Time: Tuesday, August 31, 1:30 p.m. Description: Earn your metaphorical PhD in travel approving at IU! As a travel document approver, what are you responsible for? What does your approval mean? Get answers to these and many more of life’s questions in this session. Brush up on the philosophy behind your sign-off and go confidently into the brave new world of IU travel! Click here to Register Event: Smooth Operations: Approver Setup Date/Time: Thursday, September 2, 1:30 p.m. Description: In this webinar, we’ll cover roles and permissions in Chrome River and KFS to ensure you and your staff can perform their responsibilities. Other topics will include how to set up approvers at the Org level, adding Vacation Approvers in Chrome River, and the difference between Delegates and Super Delegates. Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, now you’re an expert in all things-approval! Click here to Register Event: Introduction to Lean Process Improvement Date/Time: Wednesday, September 8, 9:30 a.m. Description: Do you ever wonder if there is a better way of doing things? Streamlining processes can help organizations and teams be more effective by focusing on valued added work. In this session, learn the basics of Lean process improvement which can help you increase efficiency, improve quality, reduce time, and optimize resources. Click here to Register Event: Lean Methodology Date/Time: Wednesday, September 22, 9:30 a.m. Description: Wondering how to get your project started? Process improvement and project work can be daunting. In this session, learn the basics of the Lean Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology, which will help you clearly define your process objectives and successfully execute a project to meet these objectives. Introduction to Lean Process Improvement should be taken prior to attending this class. Click here to Register Event: Lean Tools Date/Time: Wednesday, October 6, 9:30 a.m. Description: Do you struggle to keep your project going? One way is by using the appropriate tools for analysis and evaluation. In this session, learn how Lean tools support the Plan-Do-Check-Act framework for process improvement to help you successfully define, implement, and measure process improvements. Introduction to Lean Process Improvement should be taken prior to attending this class. Click here to Register Event: Identifying & Developing Lean Leaders Date/Time: Wednesday, October 20, 9:30 a.m. Description: Ever wonder what it takes to be a Lean leader? How would you know one when you saw one? Understanding the value of Lean leaders is vital to an organization and learning how to spot them is the first step. In this session, learn how to spot a Lean leader and the characteristics they possess. Introduction to Lean Process Improvement should be taken prior to attending this class. Click here to Register Event: Lean Leadership Development Date/Time: Wednesday, November 3, 9:30 a.m. Description: Pied Piper or engaged leader? Lean leaders are engaged, agile and focused on using Lean principles and tools to achieve results. In this session, learn how Lean leadership differs from traditional management and supports a culture of continuous improvement. Introduction to Lean Process Improvement should be taken prior to attending this class. Click here to Register Previous Issue: May 2021 Indiana University Bloomington social media channels Twitter YouTube Contact, Address and Additional Links INDIANA UNIVERSITYVPCFO Training and Communications 400 E. Seventh Street, Poplars Building, Room 300 Bloomington, IN 47405 Email: Related Sites University Budget Office Insurance, Loss Control, and Claims Office of the Treasurer Purchasing Supplier Diversity Travel Management Services VPCFO Training and Communications Accessibility | Privacy Notice | Copyright © 2020 The Trustees of Indiana University