
C C++ Java Python Processing编程在线培训 程序编写 软件开发 视频讲解

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INFO I101  
Introduction to Informatics  
Department of Human-Centered Computing  
Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing  
Semester: Fall 2016 
Section Number: 20719 
Credit Hours: Four credit hours  
Course Web Site:  
IT 355, Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00am to 11:50am 
Instructor: Francesco Cafaro  
Office Address: IT 579  
Email Address:  
Course Description  
Problem solving with information technology; introductions to information representation, 
relational databases, system design, propositional logic, cutting edge technologies; CPU, 
operating systems, networks; laboratory emphasizing information technology including web 
page design, word processing, databases, using tools available on campus.  
There are no prerequisites for this course. 
Contact Information 
 Instructor TA TA  
Name Francesco Cafaro Milka Trajkova Jessica Despard 
Office IT 579 IT 557 IT 557 
Tuesday 11:50 am to 1 pm, 
Thursday 11:50 am to 1 pm, 
and by appointment 
By appointment By appointment 
Required Textbooks 
1) Jon Duckett, HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites, Paperback 
2) Jon Duckett, JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development, Paperback 
Recommended Textbook 
Bruce Eckel, Thinking in Java, available online (free book) at 
Learning Objectives 
By the end of the semester, you will be able to design websites on the basis of the users' requirements; 
create webpages using HTML and CSS; write statements in Javascript -including defining variables and 
using Javascript constructs; use object-oriented programming languages; explain what is a script and 
how to create one; store and query data in databases; visualize data sets; and, explain introductory 
concepts of Human-Computer Interaction. 
1. Define hardware and software terms.                 1                   3                 
2. Define hypertext terms.             1                   3                 
3. Script webpages using HTML5 tags, attributes, and elements. 6                   1B, 2         
4. Use cascading style sheet (CSS) to specify the presentation of a 
3                   1B, 2         
5. Transfer files to a server and  set permissions to display 
webpages on the Internet.               
3                   3                 
6. Describe the roles of Internet addresses, domain names, and 
DNS servers in networking.          
2                   3                 
7. Characterize different types of Internet protocols.        2                   3                 
8. Place data in a spreadsheet and correctly format a table and 
3                   3                 
9. Demonstrate how entities and attributes are used to design 
3                   1B, 2         
10. Correctly execute SQL statements to query a database.              3                   1B              
11. Define the essential properties of an algorithm.            1                   3                 
12. Define variables and construct statements JavaScript.                1                   1B              
13. Write expressions using arithmetic, relational, and logical 
6                   1B              
14. Compose conditional and compound statements.        6                   1B              
15. Create JavaScript functions with correct syntax and 
6                   1B              
16. Understand concepts in statistics at an introductory level 
(including descriptive statistics, inference, probability, and 
regression analysis).        
2                   1B              
17. Program JavaScript to produce descriptive statistics as output 
from data. 
4                   1B, 2         
18. Apply functions in spreadsheets to manipulate data.  3                   1B, 2         
19. Analyze current trends in computing.                 4                   2                 
20. Discuss current topics related to social networking.     2                   2–6            
21. Describe current employment trends in informatics.                   2                   3,  4           
22. Explain introductory concepts in human‐computer interaction 
and user experience.           
4                   2,  3           
23. Critique current software applications from a user’s 
5                   2,  3           
24. Summarize current research being conducted at the School of 
Informatics and Computing.                
2                   4  
25. Recognize and explore examples of big data use.  4                   2,  3           
RBT:     Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy;      
PUL:     Principle of Undergraduate Learning    
Principles of Undergraduate Learning (PULs) 
The main PUL for this course is PUL 3 -Integration and Application of Knowledge, which includes problem 
solving, product creation, and group work (see
and-Application-of-Knowledge ). 
Additional PUL are: 
 1A. Core communication: written, oral and visual skills       
 1B. Core communication: quantitative 
 1C. Core communication: information resources 
 2. Critical Thinking 
 4. Intellectual depth, breadth, and adaptiveness             
 5. Understanding society and culture   
 6. Values and ethics    
Program-level Learning Outcomes (PLO) 
Graduates of the Informatics undergraduate program will demonstrate expertise in the following core 
competencies essential to success as an informatics, computing and information technology professional: 
1. Technical Knowledge: 
a. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the mathematical and logical foundations of 
informatics, data representation, models, structures and informatics-centric management 
b. Define terms and explain basic principles essential to the design and development of IT 
and computing systems 
c. Acquire fundamental concepts and skills in software architectures and the development of 
information systems 
2. Social Dynamics of Informatics and Information Technology: 
a. Understand and apply major societal trends affecting the development and deployment of 
modern day IT, such as access, privacy, intellectual property, security and others 
b. Critically analyze the impact of IT on individuals, groups and organizations at local and 
global levels 
c. Apply a user-centered approach to interaction design and product usability, including 
techniques for quantitative and qualitative testing of interface and interaction design 
d. Utilize digital tools to communicate with a range of audiences 
e. Analyze the social, cultural and organizational settings in which IT solutions will be 
deployed to achieve successful implementation 
3. Domain-specific Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills:  
a. Define terms and explain basic principles, concepts and theories from another domain or 
discipline in which IT skills will be applied 
b. Deploy IT resources in the context of another domain and/or discipline 
c. Synthesize, analyze and conceptualize information and ideas from multiple sources and 
d. Evaluate data, arrive at reasoned conclusions and solve challenging problems 
4. Collaborative Teamwork: 
a. Select and effectively utilize oral, written, visual and quantitative communication skills 
within the context of an interdisciplinary team 
b. Identify and demonstrate the skills, behaviors and attitudes necessary to function as an 
effective team member, including working cooperatively with diverse group members 
c. Acquire the skills to initiate, manage and execute an IT project 
d. Articulate legal and ethical issues when using the creative work of others; respect the 
intellectual property of others 
5. Professional Ethics and Development: 
a. Create a personal code of ethics; articulate principles for resolving ethical conflicts 
b. Commit to a regular program of continuing education and lifelong learning that is 
independent of employer sponsorship 
c. Participate in professional organizations that promote responsible computing and service 
to society 
Date Details 
Tue Aug 23, 2016 Introduction to the Course. Introduction to Informatics.  
Introduction to HTML. 
Thu Aug 25, 2016 [LAB] Introduction to JAVA programming.  
Setting up IDE environment. Hello World. 
Mon Aug 29, 2016  Programming Assignment #1 due by 11:59pm 
Date Details 
Tue Aug 30, 2016 
[HTML] Markup, Text, Lists, Images, Table, Hyperlinks,  
HTML5: images and caption. Setting up a HTML editor.  
Create a personal webpage. 
Thu Sep 1, 2016  [LAB] Variables. Arrays. Objects. 12am 
Tue Sep 6, 2016  [PROJECT] Individual Webpage presentation 12am 
Thu Sep 8, 2016 
 [LAB] Conditionals 12am 
 [PROJECT] Group formation 12am 
Tue Sep 13, 2016 
 [DESIGN] Designing for Human-Computer Interaction 12am 
 [PROJECT] Group work 12am 
Thu Sep 15, 2016  [PROJECT] Group work 12am 
Tue Sep 20, 2016  [PROJECT] Initial presentation 12am 
Thu Sep 22, 2016  [LAB] Loops 12am 
Tue Sep 27, 2016  [CSS] Introduction to CSS. Colors. Text. Boxes. 12am 
Thu Sep 29, 2016  [LAB] Classes. Scope. Overloading. 12am 
Tue Oct 4, 2016  [CSS] Images. Layout. 12am 
Thu Oct 6, 2016  [LAB] Input and Output 12am 
Date Details 
Tue Oct 11, 2016  [REVIEW] Review before midterm 12am 
Thu Oct 13, 2016  ~~MIDTERM~~ 12am 
Tue Oct 18, 2016  ~~FALL BREAK~~ 12am 
Thu Oct 20, 2016  [JAVASCRIPT] Introduction to Javascript.  
Basic Javascript Instructions. Decisions and Loops. 
Tue Oct 25, 2016  [PROJECT] Intermediate Presentation 12am 
Thu Oct 27, 2016  [JAVASCRIPT] Functions, methods and objects. 12am 
Tue Nov 1, 2016  [DATABASES] Relational databases and SQL. XML. 12am 
Thu Nov 3, 2016  [JAVASCRIPT] Decisions and Loops 12am 
Tue Nov 8, 2016  [JAVASCRIPT] Document Object Model (DOM) 12am 
Thu Nov 10, 2016  [JAVASCRIPT] Events 12am 
Tue Nov 15, 2016  [USER TESTING] Introduction to Statistics for HCI. Types of data. 12am 
Thu Nov 17, 2016  [JQUERY] Introduction to JQuery. Change CSS. 12am 
Tue Nov 22, 2016  [PROJECT] In-Class User Study 12am 
Thu Nov 24, 2016  ~~THANKSGIVING BREAK~~ 12am 
Date Details 
Tue Nov 29, 2016  AJAX and JASON 12am 
Thu Dec 1, 2016  [PROJECT] Final presentations 12am 
Tue Dec 6, 2016  [PROJECT] Final Presentations 12am 
Thu Dec 8, 2016  [REVIEW] Review before the Final 12am 
Thu Dec 15, 2016  ~~FINAL EXAM~~ 12am 
 Individual Programming Assignments (12 points) 
o   Programming Assignment #1 (2 points) 
o   Programming Assignment #2 (2 points) 
o   Programming Assignment #3 (2 points) 
o   Programming Assignment #4 (2 points) 
o   Programming Assignment #5 (2 points) 
o   Programming Assignment #6 (Javascript) (2 points) 
 Individual Project-Related Assignments (3 points) 
o   Individual webpage about one dataset (2 points) 
o   Individual webpage presentation (1 point) 
 Project (Group Work) (45 points) 
o   Initial Presentation (7 points) 
o   Intermediate Presentation (5 points) 
o   User Study Report (8 points) 
o   Final Presentation (10 points) 
o   Final Website (15 points) 
 Participation (10 points + up to 10 bonus points) 
o   Attendance (10 points) 
o   Class Participation (bonus points) (up to 10 bonus points) 
 Exams (30 points) 
o   Midterm (15 points) 
o   Final Exam (15 points) 
Grades will be assigned using the IUPUI grading scale:  
You will receive a score for each graded assignment or group work. The sum of all points that you 
can receive during the semester is 110: 100 points, plus up to 10 bonus points that can be assigned 
(one-by-one) in class for extraordinary participation. In order to compute your final grade, you can 
simply add up all the points that you received during the semester, and convert your score to a letter 
grade using the table below.  
Letter grade Score 
A+ >=100 
A >=93 
A- >=90 
B+ >=87 
B >=83 
B- >=80 
C+ >=77 
C >=73 
C- >=70 
D+ >=67 
D >=63 
D- >=60 
F <60 
Make-up Exams 
You are required to take both a midterm and a final exam. If an unexpected event (e.g., illness) 
prevents you from taking the midterm, it is your responsibility to talk with the instructor asap, so that 
we can schedule a comprehensive exam for you on the day of the final exam. No exceptions. You 
can also take the comprehensive final if you are not satisfied with your midterm grade. If you 
elect this option, you need to send an email to both Instructor and TA no later than 7 days 
after the midterm grades have been posted. You will loose your current midterm grade as 
soon as you send that email. 
Attendance is mandatory and will directly affect 10% of your final grade. You will be required to 
check in at the beginning of each class. Please plan to be on class on time. If you are not in class at 
10:30, you may be considered absent that day. 
Your attendance will be graded in the following way: 
 Letter Grade Points 
Up to 2 absences A 10 
3 absences B 6 
4 absences C 3 
5 absences D 1 
6 or more absences F 0 
Long Medical Absence (more than two days) 
It is your responsibility to promptly notify the instructor if you have compelling medical reasons that 
prevent you from being in class for more than two days through the semester–so that we can 
determine additional assignments to keep you on track with the class work.  
Late Assignments 
Assignments are due at 11:59 pm the day BEFORE class (unless otherwise specified). If you submit 
an assignment between 1 minute and 24 hours after the deadline, the penalty is 20% of the score. If 
you submit more than 24 hours after the submission deadline, the assignment will count 0% towards 
your final score. 
Group Work and Peer Evaluation 
Your group project scores will reflect your contribution to the group. It is not enough to be in a group 
that delivers good work to get a satisfactory grade in the group project: you need to actively 
contribute to the group, and your personal contribution needs to be clear during the project 
presentations. It is your responsibility to promptly notify your instructor (within the first two weeks of 
the group project) of any unexpected circumstances that require you to be assigned to a different 
We will conduct a peer evaluation three times through the semester. You will be asked to rate the 
contributions of your groupmates on a scale from 1 (did not contribute at all) to 10 (contributed as 
The first peer evaluation will be with the collected with the initial presentation; it will not affect your 
score, but you will receive a first feedback from your groupmates. 
The second and third peer evaluation will directly impact your score for: (1) intermediate 
presentation; and, (2) final presentation and final website. 
Points will be computed in the following way: a basic group score will be assigned to your group 
submission; the average peer evaluation score G will be computed for your group; if the average 
score that you received from your groupmates is y% below G, your personal score will be adjusted 
by  -y%, while if your personal score is +x% above G, your personal score will receive a x% bonus. 
Campus policies governing IUPUI courses may be found 
Administrative Withdrawal 
A basic requirement of this course is that you will participate in all class meetings and 
conscientiously complete all required course activities and/or assignments. If you miss more than 
half of the required activities within the first 25% of the course, you may be administratively 
withdrawn from this course. Our course meets twice per week; thus if you miss more than four 
classes in the first four weeks, you may be withdrawn. 
Administrative withdrawal may have academic, financial, and financial aid implications. 
Administrative withdrawal will take place after the full refund period, and if you are administratively 
withdrawn from the course you will not be eligible for a tuition refund. If you have questions about the 
administrative withdrawal policy at any point during the semester, please contact the instructor or 
visit (Links to an external site.) 
Important Supplement for IUPUI Syllabi 
IUPUI Policy on Disability Accommodations 
Students needing accommodations because of disability will need to register with Adaptive 
Educational Services and complete the appropriate forms issued by AES before accommodations 
will be given.  The AES office is located in Taylor Hall, UC 100.  You can also reach the office by 
calling 274-3241. 
IUPUI Policy on Religious Holidays 
IUPUI respects the right of all students to observe their religious holidays and will make reasonable 
accommodation, upon request, for such observances. Students seeking accommodation for religious 
observances must submit a request in writing to the course instructor by the end of the second week 
of the semester and should use the Request for Course Accommodation Due to Religious 
Observance Form. More information on the IUPUI Policy on Religious Holidays is available 
IUPUI Policy on Academic Integrity: 
The IU Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct states that students must uphold and 
maintain academic and professional honesty and integrity; the code defines academic misconduct 
as any activity that tends to undermine the academic integrity of the institution. Students engaging in 
academic misconduct may therefore receive penalties from their course instructor and disciplinary 
action from the university. Policies against academic misconduct apply to all course-, department-, 
school-, and university-related activities. Academic misconduct may involve human, hard-copy, or 
electronic resources and includes but is not limited to the following: cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, 
interference, violation of course rules, and facilitating academic dishonesty. For definitions of these 
activities, visit For information 
on how faculty and students are expected to handle cases involving academic misconduct, 
visit Additional information about the rights and 
responsibilities of IU students is available at 
IUPUI Policy on Sexual Misconduct 
As your instructor, one of my responsibilities is to help create a safe learning environment on our 
campus. Title IX and our own Sexual Misconduct policy prohibit sexual misconduct.  If you have 
experienced sexual misconduct, or know someone who has, the University can help.  
If you are seeking help and would like to speak to someone confidentially, please 
visit (Links to an external site.) for contact 
 It is also important that you know that federal regulations and University policy require me to 
promptly convey any information about potential sexual misconduct known to me to our campus’ 
Deputy Title IX Coordinator or IU’s Title IX Coordinator.  In that event, they will work with a small 
number of others on campus to ensure that appropriate measures are taken and resources are 
made available to the student who may have been harmed.  
 Protecting a student’s privacy is of utmost concern, and all involved will only share information with 
those that need to know to ensure the University can respond and assist. 
I encourage you to visit (Links to an external site.) to learn more about 
available resources on campus and in the community. 
Education and Title VI 
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects people from discrimination based on race, color or 
national origin in programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. 
Resources for Students: 
 Student Advocate 
The Student Advocate Office is located in the Campus Center, Suite 350, and can be contacted by phone 
at 278-7594 or email at For more information, visit the Student Advocate website 
Adaptive Educational Services 
Students needing accommodations because of physical or learning disabilities should contact Adaptive 
Educational Services, Taylor Hall (UC), Room 137:  
Counseling & Psychological Services 
Students who wish to seek counseling or other psychological services should contact the CAPS office by 
phone at 274-2548 or email at For more information, visit the CAPS website 
The Instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus and course schedule, if 