CMPS SAMPLE SYLLABUS STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: Students will be required to abide by all the guidelines stated in the CYY Honor Code at all times. This course will be covering all the material stated in the Course Description. Student evaluations will be based upon their performance on class programming projects, labs, class participation/discussion, quizzes, and exams. DAY TO DAY SCHEDULE DAY SESSION TOPIC COVERED/WORK DONE 1. Morning Introduction to CMPS. STUDENT INTRODUCTION. Honor Code. Introduction to Windows. Introduction to DOS. Overview of the software development process. Afternoon Introduction to the Java Development Kit. Write the “Hello World” program. Comments, simple output, integer input, data types, variables, literals, and escape sequences in Java. Assign first lab Evening Finish first lab 2. Morning Arithmetic operators/Arithmetic expressions in Java. Do arithmetic laboratory exercises. Relational Operators. The if statement in Java. The if/else statement in Java. Do class exercise. Afternoon Logical Operators. Work on integrated lab (“Detective lab”). Evening Importance of pseudo-code/Finish Project/Review notes. 3. Morning Using Blocks of Code. if-else-if ladders. Repetition-the for loop. The Switch Statement. Assign choose a “Friend” lab. Afternoon Work on lab. Evening Try/Catch blocks in Java. Making code readable. 4. Morning Assign Special Puzzle (“Mountain”). Review 2 DAY SESSION TOPIC COVERED/WORK DONE arrays. Some manipulation of arrays. The while loop. The do-while Loop. Review repetition structures in Java. Nested loops. Assign “Happy Mart” Project (integrated project) Afternoon Work on Happy Mart Project Evening Do array lab with search key 5. Morning Algorithm analysis String Input. Comparing Strings Inputting from a File/Writing to a File Assign File Project (“honor role” project) Afternoon Work on Happy Mart project Evening Finish Happy Mart Integrated project. 6. Morning Review Nested repetition structures Sorting arrays-Bubble Sort Assign Sorting Project. Afternoon Work on Sorting Project. 2-D Arrays. Evening Review all basic program control statements in Java. 7. Morning Assign “class roster” project Algorithm analysis Afternoon Work on “class roster” project Evening Do review exercises. The random number generator Do “dragon” project 8. Morning Finish projects 2-D arrays Work on 2D-array puzzles Afternoon Introduction to Methods Value parameters vs. reference parameters Evening Work on methods project 9. Morning Introduction to graphics in Java Introduction to Applets Afternoon Continue Applets Evening Work on Applet project 10. Morning Finish methods project Assign final “Game Project” (Tic-Tac-Toe-Two player mode and one player mode with low level AI.). Develop algorithm for game project. Afternoon Continue working on algorithm for game project Evening Finish Applets Work on game project 11. Morning Discuss method development/implementation for the game project 3 DAY SESSION TOPIC COVERED/WORK DONE Afternoon Work on programming puzzle and game project Evening Do Review Exercises in Text Book 12. Morning Add a more “intelligent computer mode” to game project. Afternoon Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Evening Review and take quiz 13. Morning Do calculator/quadratic equation project using OOP Afternoon Introduction to GUI (Graphical User Interface) programs Evening Adapt previous program to have a GUI 14. Morning Discuss Eclipse SDK 3.4 Try/Catch blocks Error checking Afternoon Review and take final assessment test Evening Give students SPE’s Finish GUI program 15. Morning Inform students how to download the JDK/eclipse software. Food for future thought.