dVRK console 2.0 dVRK console 2.0 Expand all Collapse all Type: object Configuration file format for the dVRK console. See dVRK wiki. This format is used by the application sawIntuitiveResearchKitQtConsoleJSON and the ROS application dvrk_robot dvrk_console_json For details of implementation, see code under sawIntuitiveResearchKit/components/code/mtsIntuitiveResearchKitConsole.cpp Schema file No Additional Properties io root ioType: object Configuration for the input/output (IO) No Additional Properties port root io portType: string Port used communicate between the computer and the dVRK controllers. Accepted values are "fw", "fw:X" (X is FireWire port), "udp" or "udp:xx.xx.xx.xx" (xx.xx.xx.xx is the IP address of the dVRK controller. Default controller address is Values are parsed by BasePort::ParseOptions in library Amp1394. Must match regular expression: ^fw$|^fw:[0-9]$|^udp$|^udp:[0-9]{2,3}.[0-9]{2,3}.[0-9]{2,3}.[0-9]{2,3} Examples: {
"port": "udp"
"port": "fw"
firewire-protocol root io firewire-protocolType: enum (of string) Default: "sequential-read-broadcast-write" Protocol used for all FireWire communications. This applies wether the controllers are connected to the computer using FireWired or Ethernet (UDP with Link-Local). This is an advanced setting and most users should avoid defining it. sequential-read-write: the PC reads data from each board (2 FPGA/QLA per controller), performs its computations (conversions, safety checks, PID, ...) and then writes sequentially to each board (N reads, N writes). This is the only protocol supported on older firmware (3 and below). sequential-read-broadcast-write: the PC reads sequentially but performs a single write for all the boards. The write message is an array of values sent to the boards, each board access the data it needs by index (N reads, 1 write). This is the default protocol for the dVRK controllers with firmware 4 and above. broadcast-read-write: the PC sends a single query/synchronization to all boards, read values are aggregated in single packet over the bus and there's a single write (1 query, 1 read, 1 write). This is the fastest protocol available but some FireWire cards seem to have trouble synchronizing the read packets. You will have to test it on your hardware to see if it supports this protocol or not. Must be one of: "sequential-read-write" "sequential-read-broadcast-write" "broadcast-read-write" footpedals root io footpedalsType: string IO configuration file used to define inputs from the foot pedals. See files sawRobotIO1394-*-foot-pedals.xml in directory share/io. The console use a search path that includes the sawIntuitiveResearchKit/share directory so you can specify any relative path from the share directory. Examples: {
"footpedals": "io/sawRobotIO1394-MTMR-foot-pedals.xml"
"footpedals": "io/sawRobotIO1394-MTML-foot-pedals.xml"
physical-footpedals-required root io physical-footpedals-requiredType: boolean Default: true Indicates if the console should have a foot pedal configuration file when one or more tele-operation components have been declared. If the user doesn't want the physical foot pedals but had declared some tele-operation components, set this parameter to false. The console will still need events emulating the foot pedals but these can be generated using the GUI or through ROS. period root io periodType: number Periodicity for the IO and PID loop. Defined in seconds, i.e. interval between two iterations. The default is defined in mtsIntuitiveResearchKit.h and is set so the loop frequency is 1500Hz, ~0.66ms so 0.00066s. This is an advanced setting and most users should avoid defining it. Value must be strictly greater than 0.0 Example: {
"period": 0.001
watchdog-timeout root io watchdog-timeoutType: number Maximum laps of time allowed between to read/write access to the controller. It is used to detect abnormally slow IOs or disconnected cables. The value is sent to the controllers and the controllers will turn off power if the communication loop time exceeds the watchdog timeout. Defined in seconds. The default is defined in mtsIntuitiveResearchKit.h and is set to 30ms. This is an advanced setting and most users should avoid defining it. Setting it to zero disables the watchdog and should only be used by experts. The maximum value is 300ms, i.e. 0.3s Value must be greater or equal to 0.0 and lesser or equal to 0.3 Example: {
"watchdog-timeout": 0.05
configuration-files root io configuration-filesType: array of string Extra configuration files to configure the IO component. See examples in directory share/io. Each item of this array must be: root io configuration-files itemsType: string console-inputs root console-inputsType: object Alternative sources for the main console inputs, "operator-present", "clutch" and "camera". Each input event normally comes from the da Vinci foot pedals connected to the dVRK controller using the attribute "io": "footpedals" but they can be replaced by other sources. To define another source, you need another component with a provided interface that has one write event named "Button". No Additional Properties operator-present root console-inputs operator-presentType: object Alternate source for the "operator-present" sensor event clutch root console-inputs clutchType: object Alternate source for the "clutch" pedal event Same definition as operator-present camera root console-inputs cameraType: object Alternate source for the "camera" pedal event Same definition as operator-present operator-present root operator-presentType: object Configuration required to use the built-in da Vinci surgeon's console head sensor No Additional Properties io Required root operator-present ioType: string IO configuration file used to define inputs for the da Vinci head sensor. This requires a custom cable and will only work with a full da Vinci system. The head sensor component was introduced in version 1.6. See dVRK wiki. Example: {
"operator-present": {
"io": "io/sawRobotIO1394-MTMR-dv-head-sensor.xml"
endoscope-focus root endoscope-focusType: object Configuration required to use the da Vinci endoscope focus controller No Additional Properties io Required root endoscope-focus ioType: string IO configuration file used to define outputs for the da Vinci endoscope focus controllers. This requires a custom cable and will only work with da Vinci focus controller. The endoscope focus component was introduced in version 1.6. See dVRK wiki. Example: {
"endoscope-focus": {
"io": "io/sawRobotIO1394-MTML-dv-endoscope-focus.xml"
component-manager root component-managerType: object See cisstMultiTask component manager No Additional Properties Examples: {
"components": [
"shared-library": "sawForceDimensionSDK",
"class-name": "mtsForceDimension",
"constructor-arg": {
"Name": "ForceDimensionSDK"
"configure-parameter": "sawForceDimensionSDK-MTMR.json"
"components": [
"shared-library": "sawSocketStreamer",
"class-name": "mtsSocketStreamer",
"constructor-arg": {
"Name": "streamerMTML",
"Period": 0.01
"configure-parameter": "streamerMTML.json"
"connections": [
"required": {
"component": "streamerMTML",
"interface": "Required"
"provided": {
"component": "MTML",
"interface": "Arm"
components root component-manager componentsType: array of object Each item of this array must be: root component-manager components itemsType: object No Additional Properties shared-library root component-manager components items shared-libraryType: string Name of the dynamic library that contains the class definition for the component to be created. The component manager will first test if the file exists, i.e. the name provided is the full path with the extension. If the name is not a full path, the name should be provided without the library prefix nor its suffix (e.g. for on Linux or sawSensablePhantom.lib on Windows, just use sawSensablePhantom. The component manager will then use the default system path as well as the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to try to locate the library. The shared library is optional, some symbols might already be linked within the executable. class-name Required root component-manager components items class-nameType: string Class name, i.e. type, to be used to dynamically create the new instance. configure-parameter root component-manager components items configure-parameterType: string String passed to the component's Configure virtual method. The component manager will attempt to find a file using this parameter. If a file is found, the component manager will call the configure method with the full path. Otherwise, the component manager will call the method with the parameter as-is. This is optional. If the configure-parameter is not provided, the component manager will call component->Configure(""). constructor-arg root component-manager components items constructor-argType: object Attributes required to build a single object passed to the constructor of a component. These objects depend on the type of component, e.g. mtsComponent, mtsTask, mtsTaskPeriodic... and are defined in the file cisst/cisstMultiTask/mtsParameterTypes.cdg. No Additional Properties Name Required root component-manager components items constructor-arg NameType: string Name of the component instance to be created. This name must be unique for the component manager and will be used later for connections. Period root component-manager components items constructor-arg PeriodType: number Value must be strictly greater than 0.0 IsHardRealTime root component-manager components items constructor-arg IsHardRealTimeType: boolean NewThread root component-manager components items constructor-arg NewThreadType: boolean StateTableSize root component-manager components items constructor-arg StateTableSizeType: number connections root component-manager connectionsType: array of object Each item of this array must be: root component-manager connections itemsType: object No Additional Properties provided root component-manager connections items providedType: object No Additional Properties component Required root component-manager connections items provided componentType: string interface Required root component-manager connections items provided interfaceType: string required root component-manager connections items requiredType: object No Additional Properties component Required root component-manager connections items required componentType: string interface Required root component-manager connections items required interfaceType: string arms root armsType: array of object List of arms for the console Each item of this array must be: root arms itemsType: object Configuration for a single arm No Additional Properties name Required root arms items nameType: string Name of the arm. For dVRK arms, use one of MTML, MTML, PSM1, PSM2, PSM3 or ECM Example: {
"name": "MTMR"
type Required root arms items typeType: enum (of string) Type of arm. This determines which class should be used to instantiate the arm. MTM, PSM and ECM correspond to the default classes provided for the dVRK arms. These are the most common ones. xxx_DERIVED corresponds to classes derived from the base classes provided in the dVRK stack. Users can derive the base arm classes to alter their behavior. In this case, the console knows that the derived class has all the features from the base class so the connections to the PID, IO, Qt widget and ROS bridge are the same as those for the base class. xxx_GENERIC corresponds to classes not derived from the dVRK base classes. The console will not create any IO, PID components for this arm. The console will use a generic Qt Widget and add ROS topics if and only if the provided interface has CRTK compatible commands and events. Examples include Force Dimension devices (sawForceDimensionSDK) and the Sensable Omni (sawSensablePhantom). PSM_SOCKET is a special case used for simple tele-operation between two processes (likely between two computers). One dVRK console will have to instantiate a PSM server and the other a PSM client. SUJ is for the Setup JointsFor xxx_DERIVED and xxx_GENERIC, the console has no way to automatically create the component, so the user has to provide the proper component-manager configuration to first create the component for the arm. Must be one of: "MTM" "PSM" "ECM" "MTM_DERIVED" "PSM_DERIVED" "ECM_DERIVED" "MTM_GENERIC" "PSM_GENERIC" "ECM_GENERIC" "PSM_SOCKET" "SUJ" Example: {
"arms": [
"name": "MTML",
"type": "MTM",
"serial": "22723",
"system": "jhu-dVRK"
"name": "MTMR",
"type": "MTM_GENERIC",
"component": "ForceDimensionSDK",
"interface": "MTMR"
serial root arms items serialType: string Arm's serial number. To verify the serial number, locate the label on the arm itself (see dVRK wiki). The serial number and the arm's name are used to locate the arm configuration file assuming the arm configuration file name is
-.json (e.g. MTML-22723.json). Example: {
"serial": "22723"
system root arms items systemType: string name of your system, i.e. subdirectory under sawIntuitiveResearchKit/share where to locate the arm configuration files (sawRobotIO1394*.xml, -.json, gravity compensation parameters (for MTMs)...). For example, setting thesystemtojhu-dVRKwill addsawIntuitiveResearchKit/share/jhu-dVRK` to the search path to locate the arm's configuration files. Example: {
"system": "jhu-daVinci"
arm root arms items armType: string Arm configuration file. Note that this is optional if the serial number has been provided. If the serial number has been provided, the application will assume the arm file is -.json. For example PSM1-22723.json. This attribute is useful mostly if the arm is simulated ("simulation": "KINEMATIC"). simulation root arms items simulationType: enum (of string) Use the arm in simulation mode. In this case, the console doesn't need to create an IO component and can run without the physical arms and dVRK controllers (see examples in directory share/arm). The only simulation currently supported is KINEMATIC, i.e. the PID will set the measured positions (measured_js and setpoint_js) based on the commanded positions (servo_jp). This allows to test the kinematic but doesn't include any dynamic nor simulation of interactions with the world like Gazebo or VREP would. Must be one of: "KINEMATIC" base-frame root arms items base-frame Base frame prepended to the forward kinematics. The base frame is also taken into account when setting cartesian position goals No Additional Properties One of Option 1 Option 2 root arms items base-frame oneOf item 0Type: object The following properties are required: reference-frame transform root arms items base-frame oneOf item 1Type: object The following properties are required: component interface Examples: {
"base-frame": {
"reference-frame": "HRSV",
"transform": [
"base-frame": {
"component": "ECM",
"interface": "Robot"
transform root arms items base-frame transformType: array of array 4 by 4 matrix, i.e. homogeneous transform Must contain a minimum of 4 items Must contain a maximum of 4 items Each item of this array must be: root arms items base-frame transform itemsType: array of number Must contain a minimum of 4 items Must contain a maximum of 4 items Each item of this array must be: root arms items base-frame transform items itemsType: number reference-frame root arms items base-frame reference-frameType: string Name of the reference frame. This is used for Qt Widget and ROS tf component root arms items base-frame componentType: string Name of the component that can provide the base frame at runtime. This is used for the full patient cart where the SUJ component can compute the base frame. interface root arms items base-frame interfaceType: string Name of the required interface used to set the base frame on the arm (using function set_base_frame) period root arms items periodType: number Override the default periodicity of the arm class. Most user should steer away from changing the default arm periodicity. This works only for the dVRK base types ('MTM, PSM, ECM). Value must be strictly greater than 0.0 io root arms items ioType: string [Deprecated] Name of the XML configuration file for the low level arm's IO (from sawRobotIO1394). The name of the IO configuration file is now inferred from the serial number attribute. Use serial instead. pid root arms items pidType: string [Deprecated] Name of the XML configuration file for the arm's PID (from sawControllers, mtsPID). The name of the PID configuration file is now inferred from the arm's name attribute. kinematic root arms items kinematicType: string [Deprecated] Name of the JSON configuration file for the arm's kinematic (from cisstRobot, robManipulator). The kinematic file should now be provided in the arm configuration file. The name of the arm configuration file can be inferred from the arm name and serial number (e.g. PSM1-28007.json) or provided using the arm attribute. component root arms items componentType: string For arm of type xxx_GENERIC only. Name of the component for the generic arm. For the dVRK arms, the component is named after the arm (e.g. "MTML"). For other devices (e.g. sawSensablePhantom) the component might be able to provide multiple arms so the arm name is used for the "interface". interface root arms items interfaceType: string For arm of type xxx_GENERIC only. Name of the provided interface for the generic arm. For the dVRK arms, the component is named after the arm (e.g. "MTML") and the interface is always "Arm". For other devices (e.g. sawSensablePhantom) the component might be able to provide multiple arms so the arm name is used for the "interface". skip-ros-bridge root arms items skip-ros-bridgeType: boolean Default: false Tell the component manager to not expose the arm commands to ROS. By default, the component manager will expose the arm to ROS using the cisst ROS CRTK bridge socket-server root arms items socket-serverType: boolean Default: false Only works for PSMs. Indicates that a PSM socket server should be created. This can be used to communicate with another dVRK console process with a PSM of type PSM_SOCKET and create a tele-operation between two sites. remote-ip root arms items remote-ipType: string Only works with PSM of type PSM_SOCKET or if "socket-server" is set to true. Used to create a UDP socket to remotely access a PSM port root arms items portType: number Only works with PSM of type PSM_SOCKET or if "socket-server" is set to true. Used to create a UDP socket to remotely access a PSM ecm-teleop root ecm-teleopType: object Configuration for the ECM tele-operation component No Additional Properties mtm-left Required root ecm-teleop mtm-leftType: string Name of the MTML. The arm must have been declared in the list of arms mtm-right Required root ecm-teleop mtm-rightType: string Name of the MTMR. The arm must have been declared in the list of arms ecm Required root ecm-teleop ecmType: string Name of the ECM. The arm must have been declared in the list of arms configure-parameter root ecm-teleop configure-parameterType: object See cisstMultiTask component manager period root ecm-teleop periodType: number Override the default periodicity of the ECM tele-operation class. Most user should steer away from changing the default arm periodicity. This works only for the dVRK base class, i.e. "type": "TELEOP_ECM" Value must be strictly greater than 0.0 psm-teleops root psm-teleopsType: array of object List of PSM tele-operation components. Each PSM tele-operation component requires a mtm and a psm Each item of this array must be: root psm-teleops itemsType: object Configuration for a single PSM tele-operation component No Additional Properties mtm Required root psm-teleops items mtmType: string Name of the MTM. The arm must have been declared in the list of arms psm Required root psm-teleops items psmType: string Name of the MTM. The arm must have been declared in the list of arms psm-base-frame root psm-teleops items psm-base-frameType: object Optional base frame. This allows the tele-operation component to track changes of a potential base frame for the PSM. This can be used to allow ECM motions while tele-operating. The interface provided must have a measured_cp command No Additional Properties Example: {
"mtm": "MTMR",
"psm": "PSM1",
"psm-base-frame": {
"component": "ECM",
"interface": "Robot"
component Required root psm-teleops items psm-base-frame componentType: string Name of the component that can provide the base frame at runtime. interface Required root psm-teleops items psm-base-frame interfaceType: string Name of the provided interface used to get the base frame (using command measured_cp) type root psm-teleops items typeType: enum (of string) Default: "TELEOP_PSM" Type of PSM tele-operation component. This determines which class should be used to instantiate the tele-operation component. TELEOP_PSM corresponds to the default class provided for the dVRK arms. TELEOP_PSM_DERIVED corresponds to a class derived from the base class mtsTeleOperationPSM provided in the dVRK stack. Users can derive the base arm class to alter its behavior. In this case, the console knows that the derived class has all the features from the base class so the connections to the MTM, PSM, Qt widget and ROS bridge are the same as those for the base class. TELEOP_PSM_GENERIC correspond to classes not derived from the dVRK base class.For TELEOP_PSM_DERIVED and TELEOP_PSM_GENERIC, the console has no way to automatically create the component, so the user has to provide the proper component-manager configuration to first create the component for the arm. Must be one of: "TELEOP_PSM" "TELEOP_PSM_DERIVED" "TELEOP_PSM_GENERIC" configure-parameter root psm-teleops items configure-parameterType: object See cisstMultiTask component manager No Additional Properties scale root psm-teleops items configure-parameter scaleType: number Scale factor applied to translations from the MTM to the PSM Value must be strictly greater than 0.0 and lesser or equal to 1.0 ignore-jaw root psm-teleops items configure-parameter ignore-jawType: boolean Default: false Ignore PSM jaws and incidentally the MTM gripper. This can be used for PSM tools (or generic PSM arms) without jaws and/or MTM arms without a gripper. rotation-locked root psm-teleops items configure-parameter rotation-lockedType: boolean Default: false Start the tele-operation component with the rotation locked, i.e. the PSM orientation will not change and the MTM wrist will be locked (for MTMs with motorized wrist such as the da Vinci MTM). This can be overwritten at runtime using the GUI or ROS topics. translation-locked root psm-teleops items configure-parameter translation-lockedType: boolean Default: false Start the tele-operation component with the translation locked, i.e. the PSM position will not change. This can be overwritten at runtime using the GUI or ROS topics. start-orientation-tolerance root psm-teleops items configure-parameter start-orientation-toleranceType: number Maximum orientation difference between the MTM and PSM allowed before starting the tele-operation. The error is computed by converting the difference of orientation to an axis-angle. This threshold is ingnored if "align-mtm" is set to false. Most users should steer away from this setting. The default is defined in components/include/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/mtsIntuitiveResearchKit.h: `mtsIntuitiveResearchKit::TeleOperationPSM::OrientationTolerance Value must be greater or equal to 0.0 start-gripper-threshold root psm-teleops items configure-parameter start-gripper-thresholdType: number This is one of two parameters used to detect hand motion from the operator to determine if their hand is on the MTM (see also "start-roll-thresold"). To prevent accidentally getting in follow mode, the tele-operation component tries to detect some motion on the MTM, using a combination of thresholds on the gripper and roll motion. In any of these motions exceed the corresponding thresholds, the tele-operation component assumes the operator have their hand on the MTM and tele-operation can start. If any of these threshold is set to zero, the tele-operation will start without any motion the on the MTM. This can be used for testing with a simulated MTM where emulating gripper and roll motion would be complicated (see "arm": "simulation"). Most users should steer away from this setting. The default is defined in components/include/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/mtsIntuitiveResearchKit.h: `mtsIntuitiveResearchKit::TeleOperationPSM::GripperThreshold Value must be greater or equal to 0.0 start-roll-threshold root psm-teleops items configure-parameter start-roll-thresholdType: number See "start-gripper-threshold" for description. Most users should steer away from this setting. The default is defined in components/include/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/mtsIntuitiveResearchKit.h: `mtsIntuitiveResearchKit::TeleOperationPSM::RollThreshold Value must be greater or equal to 0.0 align-mtm root psm-teleops items configure-parameter align-mtmType: boolean Default: true Enforce absolute orientation between the MTM and PSM. On clinical da Vinci systems this is always true, i.e. the orientation of the operator's hands with respect to the display always matches the orientation of the tooltip with respect to the endoscopic camera. For research purposes, it can be interesting to allow relative orientation between the MTM and PSM. This can also be useful for alternate MTMs (e.g. ForceDimension devices) with a smaller SO3 space which might require orientation "clutching". To note, the application publishes the error in orientation between the MTM and PSM when the tele-operation is in Following mode. This can be overwritten at runtime using the GUI or ROS topics. jaw-rate root psm-teleops items configure-parameter jaw-rateType: number Maximum rate (velocity) for the PSM jaw angle in radians per seconds. Most users should steer away from this setting. The default is defined in components/include/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/mtsIntuitiveResearchKit.h: `mtsIntuitiveResearchKit::TeleOperationPSM::JawRate Value must be strictly greater than 0.0 jaw-rate-back-from-clutch root psm-teleops items configure-parameter jaw-rate-back-from-clutchType: number Maximum rate (velocity) for the PSM jaw angle in radians per seconds when returning from clutch. When the user returns from clutch mode and back in follow mode, the PSM jaw angle might not match the MTM gripper angle. To prevent sudden changes in jaw angle, the PSM jaws moves at a slower rate until it "recovers" and matches the MTM gripper angle. Most users should steer away from this setting. The default is defined in components/include/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/mtsIntuitiveResearchKit.h: `mtsIntuitiveResearchKit::TeleOperationPSM::JawRateBackFromClutch Value must be strictly greater than 0.0 gripper-scaling root psm-teleops items configure-parameter gripper-scalingType: object Scaling applied to the MTM gripper angle. This angle is then used to control the PSM jaw angle. By default, the tele-operation component assumes that the MTM gripper maximum angle is 60 degrees (as defined in the gripper calibration) and the angle 0 corresponds to the PSM jaws being closed. When closed (angle set to 0), the PSM jaws don't apply any significant torque (just enough for the PID control to maintain a zero angle) so to apply a stonger grip, the tele-operation component sends a negative jaw angle to the PSM. Since the jaws can't have a negative angle, this will lead to a higher tracking error and by direct consequence, the PID will apply a strong torque. The "gripper-scaling" parameters are used to linearly interpolate the MTM gripper angles to the default convention, i.e. [0, 60] for positive range and some room for negative angles. For example, if your MTM has an effective range of [0, 30], set the "max" to 30 and the "zero" to 5. This way the values between 5 and 30 will be mapped to [0, 60] and values below 5 will generate negative angles for the PSM jaws (i.e. applying extra torque) No Additional Properties zero root psm-teleops items configure-parameter gripper-scaling zeroType: number Default: 0.0 Angle in radians on the MTM corresponding to just closed jaws on the PSM max root psm-teleops items configure-parameter gripper-scaling maxType: number Default: 1.0472 Maximum angle in radians the MTM can send. By default, 60 degrees (by convention for dVRK MTMs) rotation root psm-teleops items configure-parameter rotationType: array of array [Deprecated] Make sure your arms are properly aligned using their "base-frame". Only use this attribute if your arms don't support "base-frame", i.e. non-dVRK arms. Must contain a minimum of 3 items Must contain a maximum of 3 items Each item of this array must be: root psm-teleops items configure-parameter rotation itemsType: array of number Must contain a minimum of 3 items Must contain a maximum of 3 items Each item of this array must be: root psm-teleops items configure-parameter rotation items itemsType: number period root psm-teleops items periodType: number Override the default periodicity of the PSM tele-operation class. Most user should steer away from changing the default arm periodicity. This works only for the dVRK base class, i.e. "type": "TELEOP_PSM" Value must be strictly greater than 0.0 chatty root chattyType: boolean Default: false Make the console say something useless when it starts. It's mostly a way to test the text-to-speech feature. Generated using json-schema-for-humans on 2021-04-05 at 13:29:05 -0400