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Fall 2021
CS159 - Advanced Programming
Programming Assignment 2
UVIcast by 
1. Learning Objectives
This assignment is designed to help you learn several things. First, it will help you understand the difference 
between reference types and primitive types, the assignment of references, the difference between deep and 
shallow copies, and aliases. Second, it will give you some experience throwing and catching exceptions, and 
help you understand when exceptions should be used. Finally, as was the case for the previous assignment, it will
give you some experience with good programming practices/processes.
2. Overview
As you know, WeatherBits is a (fictitious) company that develops weather-related software of various kinds. 
They have asked you to write some additional classes for a product named UVIcast.
Note that you may either use your implementation of the classes/enumerations from programming assignment 1 
or the "solution" that was provided to you.
2.1.  About the Product
UVICast is a graphical user interface (GUI) application that can be used to display weather information 
(including the UVI) about both the current day and the next five days in the future.
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) for UVIcast looks something like the following (though the details vary 
across operating systems).
2.2. About the Current Assignment
A version of the main class ( has already been written, as have all of the classes/enumerations 
that were used in SunScreener. For this assignment, you must write and test the following classes:
The relationships between all of the components are illustrated in the following abstract UML class diagram.
Classes in purple are part of the Java libraries, classes in green were written by the GUI development team, 
classes in blue were written as part of programming assignment 1, and classes in black are to be written by you 
for this assignment.
Note that, the version of that was written does not make use of the UVICalculator. 
Instead, it creates arbitrary UVI objects that are useful for system testing.
2.3. Existing Code
The classes that comprise the GUI are available for download from the following URL:
The source code for the main class is available for download from the following URL:
3. Background Information
See the background information for programming assignment 1.
4. The Classes/Enumerations to be Written
You must write four classes/enumerations, each of which is described below.
4.1. The DailyUVReport Class
A DailyUVreport is an encapsulation of information about a single day. It may contain either historical or 
forecasted information.
4.1.1 UML Class Diagram
The following UML class diagram provides an overview of the attributes and methods in the DailyUVReport
class (which must be in the default package).
The temperature attribute will typically contain the average temperature for the day. The overcast 
attribute will be true if the sky is overcast for at least half of the day.
4.1.2 Detailed Design Specifications
In addition to the specifications contained in the UML class diagram, the DailyUVReport class must conform
to the following specifications.
1. Validation of the Temperature
1.1. The temperature must be validated whenever it is set.
1.1.1.Invalid temperatures must be projected (using the minimum Euclidean distance projection) onto 
2. Validation of the Low and High UVI
2.1. The low UVI must be validated whenever it is set.
2.1.1.If the low UVI parameter is null the corresponding attribute must be set to DEFAULT_LOW.
2.2. The high UVI must be validated whenever it is set.
2.2.1.If the high UVI parameter is null the corresponding attribute must be set to DEFAULT_HIGH.
2.3. After correcting for null parameters, the low and high UVI must be validated for consistency.
2.3.1.If the value of the low UVI is greater than the value of the high UVI then the value of the low 
UVI must be set to DEFAULT_LOW and the value of the high UVI must be set to 
3. The getRange() Method
3.1. The getRange() method must return a String representation of the UVI range (from low to high) 
for the day that is formatted using the DEFAULT_FORMAT.
4.2. The MultiDayUVForecast Class
A MultiDayUVForecast object is a collection of (deep copies of) DailyUVReport objects that contain 
forecasted information, all of which are "created at one time" (e.g., for the next seven days) and, hence, are 
interdependent (though the interdependence is not readily apparent). Deep copies are used so that an outside 
actor can't change a DailyUVReport object after it has been added to a MultiDayUVForecast object.
4.2.1 UML Class Diagram
The following UML class diagram provides an overview of the attributes and methods in the 
MultiDayUVForecast class (which must be in the default package).
4.2.2 Detailed Design Specifications
In addition to the specifications contained in the UML class diagram, the UVI class must conform to the 
following specifications.
1. Constructor
1.1. The constructor must throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException if the parameter is not in the half-
open interval [0, CAPACITY).
1.1.1.The message must be formatted using the IIOBE_FORMAT (where the integer value must be the 
1.2. Otherwise, the constructor must allocate memory for the reports array.
2. The addDailyUVReport() Method
2.1. The addDailyUVReport() method must throw a BackingStoreException if it is called too 
many times (i.e., if it is called more than CAPACITY times).
2.2. The addDailyUVReport() method must make and use a deep copy of the DailyUVReport 
object it is passed. (Note: Since the DailyUVReport class does not include a copy constructor, this 
requirement must be satisfied using the existing explicit value constructor in the DailyUVReport 
3. The getDailyUVReport() Method
3.1. The getDailyUVReport() method must throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException if it is 
passed a day-of-the-week (i.e., dow parameter) that is not in the half-open interval [0, CAPACITY).
3.2. The getDailyUVReport() method must return the DailyUVReport for Sunday if it is passed a 
0, must return the DailyUVReport for Monday if it is passed a 1, etc.
3.2.1.If there is no DailyUVReport for the requested day-of-the-week then the 
getDailyUVReport() method must return null.
4.2.3 Typical Usage
When a MultiDayUVForecast object is constructed, the day-of-the-week of the first day is set (where 
Sunday is denoted by 0). After that, daily information is added by calling the addDailyUVReport() 
method. Daily information must be added by the caller in order. So, for example, to construct a 
MultiDayUVForecast object that starts on Wednesday (which has a day-of-the-week of 3), one would 
declare and construct the MultiDayUVForecast as follows: 
        MultiDayForecast      forecast;
        forecast = new MultiDayForecast(3);
Then, to add information about Wednesday (which must be added first) contained in a DailyUVReport 
named report that has already been declared and constructed, one would call the addDailyUVReport() 
method as follows: 
Subsequent days would then be added in a similar fashion. Note that it is the responsibility of the caller to call 
the addDailyReport() method in the appropriate order.
5. Testing
You are responsible for testing all of the code that you write. Until we discuss testing, you may test your code 
using whatever techniques that you would like to use. (Later in the semester, you will be required to use a 
particular set of tools.)
This section contains several recommended tests for each of the classes you must write. You are not required to 
use them, but you would be wise to do so. You should also spend some time thinking about why each of the tests
is important. That is, you should think about what part of the code each test is trying to ensure is correct. 
(Actually, there are some tests that probably aren't necessary. You should also try and identify them because it 
will help you write fewer tests in the future.)
5.1. Tests for the DailyUVReport Class
You should construct at least one test for each of the following:
• The constructor and the simple accessors.
• The getRange() method.
• Specification 1.1.1 using the constructor.
• Specification 1.1.1 using the setter.
• Specification 2.1.1  using the constructor.
• Specification 2.2.1 using the constructor.
• Specification 2.3.1 using the constructor.
• Specification 2.1.1  using the setter.
• Specification 2.2.1 using the setter.
• Specification 2.3.1 using the setter.
5.2. Tests for the MultiDayUVForecast Class
You should construct at least one test for each of the following:
• Specification 1.1 for a small value.
• Specification 1.1 for a large value.
• Specification 2.1.
• Specification 3.1 for a small value.
• Specification 3.1 for a large value.
• Specification 3.2.1
• Specification 3.2, checking all of the accessors.
• Specification 2.2, checking all of the accessors.
6. Submission
You must submit (using Autolab) a .zip file named that contains:
1. Your implementation of the required classes/enums (including those that were developed for this assignment 
and those that were developed for PA1). Do not include the main classes or the classes that comprise the GUI.
There is no limit on the number of submissions and no penalty for excessive submissions.
7. Grading
Your code will first be graded by Autolab and then by the Professor. The grade you receive from Autolab is the 
maximum grade that you can receive on the assignment
7.1. Autolab Grading
Your code must compile (in Autolab, this will be indicated in the section on "Does your code compile?") and all 
class names and method signatures comply with the specifications (in Autolab, this will be indicated in the 
section on "Do your class names, method signatures, etc. comply with the specifications?") for you to receive 
any points on this assignment. Autolab will then grade your submission as follows: 
Conformance to the Course Style Guide: 10 points (All or Nothing; Success Required) 
Correctness: 90 points (Partial Credit Possible)
Note that "Conformance to the Course Style Guide" is described as being "Success Required" for this assignment. 
This means that Autolab will not assess subsequent criteria unless these criteria are satisfied. So, there is no point in 
submitting your code to Autolab unless it conforms to the style guide.
7.2. Manual Grading
After the due date, the Professor may manually review your code. At this time, points may be deducted for 
inelegant code, inappropriate variable names, bad comments, etc.
8. Recommended Process
Since nobody will be looking over your shoulder, you can use any process that you would like to use. However, 
it is strongly recommended that you use the process describer here.
8.1. Get Started
1. Create a project for this assignment. (Remember, do not create a module.)
2. Copy either your code from PA1 or the solution to PA1 into the default package of the project. (This step
isn't actually necessary, you could accomplish the same thing by changing the "Build Path" in Eclipse. 
However, making a copy will prevent you from changing the code you wrote for PA1.)
8.2. Work on the DailyUVReport Class
1. Create a version of the DailyUVReport class that has all of the required attributes.
2. Write the accessors in the DailyUVReport class.
3. Write the getRange() method in the DailyUVReport class.
4. Desk check the getRange() method. In other words, check to make sure that every specification has 
been satisfied. (Hint: Use the specification as a checklist. That is, read each entry in the specification and
put a check next to it if your implementation satisfies it.) 
5. Write the setOvercast() method in the DailyUVReport class.
6. Desk check the setOvercast() method.
7. Write the setTemperature() method in the DailyUVReport class.
8. Desk check the setTemperature() method.
9. Write the setConditions() method in the DailyUVReport class.
10. Desk check the setConditions() method.
11. Write the constructor for the DailyUVReport class.
12. Test the constructor for the DailyUVReport class.
13. Test and debug the remainder of the class.
8.3. Work on the MultiDayUVForecast Class
1. There are several different ways that you can use an array of size 7 to keep track of 7 days of information 
(starting on any arbitrary day of the week). Think about at least 2.
2. Choose the approach you think is best.
3. Create a version of the MultiDayUVForecast class that has all of the required attributes.
4. Write the constructor.
5. Desk check the constructor.
6. Write the getFirstDayOfWeek() method.
7. Test the constructor and getFirstDayOfWeek() method.
8. Write the getDailyUVReport() method.
9. Desk check the getDailyUVReport() method.
10. Write the addDailyUVReport() method.
11. Desk check the addDailyUVReport() method.
12. Test and debug the addDailyUVReport() and getDailyUVReport() methods.
8.4. Perform System Testing
1. Download pa2widgets.jar.
2. Add pa2widgets.jar to the project. (See the Department's Wiki for help.)
3. Download
4. Add to the project.
5. Use UVIcast to perform system tests. (Note: UVIcast uses command-line argument 0 to determine 
the first day of the week in the forecast.)
6. Carefully check the information actually displayed in the GUI with the information you expect to see in 
the GUI (given what is being done in UVIcast). Use any symptoms (i.e., differences between the 
expected and actual information) to locate and correct the faults in your code (i.e., debug your code).
9. Looking Back - The Big Picture
By the time you complete this assignment you should have learned many things, including but not limited to the 
following "big picture" issues.
• UML can be used to illustrate complex systems at different levels of abstraction (i.e., with different 
levels of detail) and these different levels of abstraction are appropriate at different stages of the 
design/development process.
• It is important to use decomposition when working on complex systems. For example, the fact that you 
implemented and tested the classes used in SunScreener before you started working on this assignment 
made it much easier to complete this assignment. In other words, if the two assignments had been 
combined into one and you had worked on the whole thing at once, it would have taken you much longer
to complete (and been much more difficult to complete).
• It is important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of alternative implementations before 
you start typing.
• We often distinguish between "shallow" and "deep" copies but, in fact, there are many levels of depth. In
order to make a "truly deep" copy of an object, every object has to be able to make a deep copy of itself
10. Questions to Think About
The following question will help you understand the material from this assignment (and from earlier in the 
semester). You do not have to submit your answers, but you should make sure that you can answer them.
1. To make attributes in a class accessible to objects in other classes one can either: (a) declare the attribute
to be public; (b) declare the attribute to be private and include a public "getter"; or (c) declare the 
attribute to be private and include a public "getter" and a public "setter". Compare these three options for
prinmitive types.
2. Now, compare the three options above for reference types. In particular, why are even "getters" 
dangerous with reference types?