Java Inheritance Write the code for a new class, Hybrid which extends the Car class we created earlier. This new class should include one instance variable, percentCharged, and methods to modify (or set) and access (or get) the value of percentCharged. public class Hybrid extends Car { protected double percentCharged; public Hybrid (double miles, String color, double inputCharge) { super(miles,color); this.percentCharged = inputCharge; } public void setCharge (double inputCharge) { this.percentCharged = inputCharge; } public double getCharge ( ) { return percentCharged; } public String toString ( ) { return "the miles are: " + this.miles + " the color is: " + this.color + " and the charge i:s " + percentCharged; } } Let’s create a new test driver, TDHybrid, inspired by our previous TDCar, which will test the new Hybrid class: import java.util.*; // needed for the Scanner class public class TDHybrid // this will be saved in a file called { public static void main (String[] args) { Car toyota = new Car(22000, "red"); System.out.println( toyota.getMiles() + " " + toyota.getColor() ); Car ford = new Car(); System.out.println( ford ); // this uses the toString method ford.changeMiles(1300); System.out.println( ford ); // this uses the toString method Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter the number of cars to declare and instantiate"); int n = keyboard.nextInt(); Car[] fleet = new Car[n]; for (int i=0; i