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FPGrowth.AssociationRule JavaScript is disabled on your browser. Overview Package Class Tree Deprecated Index Help Prev Class Next Class Frames No Frames All Classes Summary:  Nested |  Field |  Constr |  Method Detail:  Field |  Constr |  Method weka.associations Class FPGrowth.AssociationRule java.lang.Object weka.associations.FPGrowth.AssociationRule All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable Enclosing class: FPGrowth public static class FPGrowth.AssociationRule extends java.lang.Object implements, java.lang.Comparable Author: mhall See Also: Serialized Form Nested Class Summary Nested Classes  Modifier and Type Class and Description static class  FPGrowth.AssociationRule.METRIC_TYPE Enum for holding different metric types Field Summary Fields  Modifier and Type Field and Description static Tag[] TAGS_SELECTION Tags for display in the GUI Constructor Summary Constructors  Constructor and Description FPGrowth.AssociationRule(java.util.Collection premise, java.util.Collection consequence, FPGrowth.AssociationRule.METRIC_TYPE metric, int premiseSupport, int consequenceSupport, int totalSupport, int totalTransactions) Construct a new association rule. Method Summary Methods  Modifier and Type Method and Description int compareTo(FPGrowth.AssociationRule other) Compare this rule to the supplied rule. boolean containsItems(java.util.ArrayList items, boolean useOr)  boolean equals(java.lang.Object other) Return true if this rule is equal to the supplied one. static java.util.List generateRulesBruteForce(weka.associations.FPGrowth.FrequentItemSets largeItemSets, FPGrowth.AssociationRule.METRIC_TYPE metricToUse, double metricThreshold, int upperBoundMinSuppAsInstances, int lowerBoundMinSuppAsInstances, int totalTransactions) Generate all association rules, from the supplied frequet item sets, that meet a given minimum metric threshold. java.util.Collection getConsequence() Get the consequence of this rule. int getConsequenceSupport() Get the support for the consequence. FPGrowth.AssociationRule.METRIC_TYPE getMetricType() Get the metric type of this rule (e.g. double getMetricValue() Get the value of the metric for this rule. java.util.Collection getPremise() Get the premise of this rule. int getPremiseSupport() Get the support for the premise. int getTotalSupport() Get the total support for this rule (premise + consequence). int getTotalTransactions() Get the total number of transactions in the data. static java.util.List pruneRules(java.util.List rulesToPrune, java.util.ArrayList itemsToConsider, boolean useOr)  java.lang.String toString() Get a textual description of this rule. java.lang.String toXML()  Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait Field Detail TAGS_SELECTION public static final Tag[] TAGS_SELECTION Tags for display in the GUI Constructor Detail FPGrowth.AssociationRule public FPGrowth.AssociationRule(java.util.Collection premise, java.util.Collection consequence, FPGrowth.AssociationRule.METRIC_TYPE metric, int premiseSupport, int consequenceSupport, int totalSupport, int totalTransactions) Construct a new association rule. Parameters: premise - the premise of the rule consequence - the consequence of the rule metric - the metric for the rule premiseSupport - the support of the premise consequenceSupport - the support of the consequence totalSupport - the total support of the rule totalTransactions - the number of transactions in the data Method Detail getPremise public java.util.Collection getPremise() Get the premise of this rule. Returns: the premise of this rule. getConsequence public java.util.Collection getConsequence() Get the consequence of this rule. Returns: the consequence of this rule. getMetricType public FPGrowth.AssociationRule.METRIC_TYPE getMetricType() Get the metric type of this rule (e.g. confidence). Returns: the metric type of this rule. getMetricValue public double getMetricValue() Get the value of the metric for this rule. Returns: the value of the metric for this rule. getPremiseSupport public int getPremiseSupport() Get the support for the premise. Returns: the support for the premise. getConsequenceSupport public int getConsequenceSupport() Get the support for the consequence. Returns: the support for the consequence. getTotalSupport public int getTotalSupport() Get the total support for this rule (premise + consequence). Returns: the total support for this rule. getTotalTransactions public int getTotalTransactions() Get the total number of transactions in the data. Returns: the total number of transactions in the data. compareTo public int compareTo(FPGrowth.AssociationRule other) Compare this rule to the supplied rule. Specified by: compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable Parameters: other - the rule to compare to. Returns: the result of the comparison. equals public boolean equals(java.lang.Object other) Return true if this rule is equal to the supplied one. Overrides: equals in class java.lang.Object Returns: true if this rule is the same as the supplied rule. containsItems public boolean containsItems(java.util.ArrayList items, boolean useOr) toString public java.lang.String toString() Get a textual description of this rule. Overrides: toString in class java.lang.Object Returns: a textual description of this rule. toXML public java.lang.String toXML() generateRulesBruteForce public static java.util.List generateRulesBruteForce(weka.associations.FPGrowth.FrequentItemSets largeItemSets, FPGrowth.AssociationRule.METRIC_TYPE metricToUse, double metricThreshold, int upperBoundMinSuppAsInstances, int lowerBoundMinSuppAsInstances, int totalTransactions) Generate all association rules, from the supplied frequet item sets, that meet a given minimum metric threshold. Uses a brute force approach. Parameters: largeItemSets - the set of frequent item sets metricToUse - the metric to use metricThreshold - the threshold value that a rule must meet upperBoundMinSuppAsInstances - the upper bound on the support in order to accept the rule lowerBoundMinSuppAsInstances - the lower bound on the support in order to accept the rule totalTransactions - the total number of transactions in the data Returns: a list of association rules pruneRules public static java.util.List pruneRules(java.util.List rulesToPrune, java.util.ArrayList itemsToConsider, boolean useOr) Overview Package Class Tree Deprecated Index Help Prev Class Next Class Frames No Frames All Classes Summary:  Nested |  Field |  Constr |  Method Detail:  Field |  Constr |  Method