CO881 lab guide and assessed exercise summary COMP8810 lab guide and assessed exercise summary Week Lab guides Assessed project:exercises Submission folders 1 getting started chapter 1 lab-classes: 1.23-1.29 n/a 2 chapter 2 book-exercise: 2.83-2.91 2-book-exercise 3 chapter 3 mail-system 3.42-3.54 3-mail-system 4 chapter 4 products: 4.56-4.58 4-products 5-6 chapter 6 chapter 7 bouncing-balls: 6.68 (modified) weblog-analyzer: 7.12-7.15 6-bouncing-balls 7-weblog-analyzer Exercise numbers shown above refer to the 6th edition of the book. Submission folders are relative to the main submission folder (see below). See lab guides for full instructions. Submitting code for assessed exercises Our system administrators have (or soon will have) created a separate submission folder for each assessed exercise under the location: \\raptor\exports\proj\comp8810\files\login where login refers to your Kent login name. If you access this remotely you need to be logged into the Uni's VPN, but also see here how to access these servers from off campus. For example, if you mapped raptor to drive X on your PC, the folder chapter 2 can be found by opening drive X then navigating down subfolders proj, comp8810, files, login, 2-book-exercise. Don't confuse the file submission folders \\raptor\exports\proj\comp8810\files\login with your personal filespace \\raptor\exports\home\co881 or the location of the master copies of the original project files \\raptor\exports\courses\co881 The file submission folders can only be created after everyone has chosen their options so they might not be ready until the end of week 2. If your folder is still missing at the beginning of week 3 please notify the lab assistant/lecturer. When submitting the code for an assessed exercise only the Java source files (.java) are required but it's okay to include other file types from the project's folder (e.g. .class, .ctxt, etc.). For each assessed exercise please only use the subfolder specified in the lab guide for that exercise. If you rename folders or create additional subfolders then the examiners might not see the files and assume they're missing.