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Assignment, side-effects, expression statements and l-values — CHaR Expressions Sequence points The operators in the productions below expect the first operand to identify an object, and modify its value. unary-expression ++ unary-expression Side-effects -- unary-expression Side-effects postfix-expression postfix-expression ++ Side-effects postfix-expression -- Side-effects assignment-expression unary-expression assignment-operator assignment-expression assignment-operator = *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= ^= |= Such a modification is called a side-effect, and it is the only way to modify the value of an object. An expression that identifies an object is an l-value, pronounced ‘el value’. If the object can be modified using that expression, the expression is a modifiable l-value. Operators with side-effects require the first operand to be a modifiable l-value. Expressions are often useful for their side-effects alone, with the result being discarded. This happens most often in expression statements: statement expression-statement expression-statement expression ; (Other places include the initializer and increment of a for loop, and the left operand of the comma operator (see expression).) Given the following declarations: int x; int *xp = &x; int arr[10] = { 0 }; // All zero …here are a dozen or so expression statements with their side-effects explained: // The l-value is a simple variable name. x = 10; // Set x to 10. x++; // Set x to 11. x--; // Set x to 10. ++x; // Set x to 11. --x; // Set x to 10. // The l-value identifies an object by dereferencing its address. *xp = 6; // Set x to 6. (*xp)++; // Set x to 7. --*xp; // Set x to 6. // The l-value identifies an object in an array. arr[3] = 10; // Set arr[3] to 10. ++arr[4]; // Set arr[4] to 1. arr[5]--; // Set arr[5] to -1. arr[x - 2] -= 3; // Set arr[4] to -2. The operator ++ increments the object by one, while -- decrements by one. The simple assignment operator = assigns the value of its right operand to the object identified by the left operand. The operator -= decrements the object on the left by the value on the right. Other operators behave similarly, i.e., x op= y is equivalent to x = (x) op (y). As expressions, all these operators yield a value, although it can be, and often is, ignored. The assignment operators yield the value that is assigned, permitting expressions such as x = y = z, which assigns the value of z to both x and y. The operators ++ and -- yield a value depending on whether the operand is to the left or right of the operator. ++x yields the new value of x; x++ yields the previous value of x. Unmodifiable l-values are array names, and l-values of types qualified with const: char arr[10]; const char *p = arr; char *q; arr = q; // Error; arrays cannot be moved. *(arr + 4) = 'c'; // Okay; arr + 4 has type char *. arr[4] = 'c'; // Okay; same as above. *(p + 4) = 'c'; // Error; p + 4 has type const char *. p[4] = 'c'; // Error; same as above. Although *(p + 4) identifies an object, and is therefore an l-value, p + 4 has type const char *, so *(p + 4) must have type const char, and that makes it unmodifiable. Some expressions are used to invoke functions, and follow this grammar: postfix-expression postfix-expression ( argument-expression-listopt ) Function calls Depending on what it has access to, the invoked function may produce side-effects of its own. CHaR Sitemap Supported Site format updated 2022-03-21T11:39:41.069+0000 Data updated 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000 Page updated 2022-03-21T11:39:40.613+0000 © School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University — Disclaimer & copyright