
C C++ Java Python Processing编程在线培训 程序编写 软件开发 视频讲解

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 CS 161 
Fall 2016 
INSTRUCTOR:   Dodi Coreson 
Office: MKH-108 Phone: 541-917-4269  email: 
Office Hours. Mon/Wed 10:00 – 11:00 am; Tues/Thurs 1:00 – 2:00 pm,   others by appointment 
COURSE DESCRIPTION:  CS161 introduces the principles of computer programming using an 
object oriented language. It includes problem-solving concepts, verification and validation, 
representation of numbers, sources of errors, debugging techniques and algorithm development.  
The Java programming language is used. 
CLASS TIME:    Mon/Wed  8:00 – 9:20 am,  Fri  8:00 – 9:50 am    MKH 203 
PREREQUISITE:    CS160 – Orientation to Computer Science, with a ‘C’ grade 
   Mth 95 – Intermediate Algebra or equivalent 
1)   Lewis & Loftus, JAVA Software Solutions, 8th Edition ,  Addison Wesley.   
2)   CS161 Worksheet Packet, Spring 2016 
MATERIALS:   USB Key/Flash Drive/Thunb Drive (bring to lab each week) 
                             For your home computer: Textpad and Java 6 
COURSE OBJECTIVES:  On completion of this course, students will be able to: 
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the differences between primitive data types and objects and 
their representation in Java. 
2. Demonstrate the use of good program development, debugging techniques and documentation. 
3. Write Java code that includes control statements, while loops, for loops, output to the screen 
and input from the keyboard and from a file. 
4. Write, compile and run simple Applets and GUI Applications using components and containers. 
5. Write simple, user-designed, classes that demonstrate an understanding of encapsulation. 
6. Write Java code that includes the use of single-dimensional arrays 
GRADING:  Final grades will be assigned based on the percentages of the weighted total points. 
  Labs     20%   90%-100% .. .A 
  Worksheets, Assignments      20%   80%-89%  .. ..B 
  Quizzes    25 %   70%-79%  .. ..C 
  Final Exam          35%   60%-69%  .. ..D  
        below 60%   ..F 
“W” Grade: It is the responsibility of the student to withdraw from the course if they do not wish to 
receive a letter grade.  The last day to withdraw is Friday of week 7 (Nov 10th ) and is listed in the 
current schedule of classes.  “I” grade, or Incomplete, may only be given if the majority of the class 
is completed with a C or better and a plan for completion is agreed upon with the instructor. 
A. Quizzes will be given the last class period of each week.  
B.  The lowest quiz score will not be counted.  
C.   Missed quizzes cannot be made-up without instructor consent PRIOR to the quiz. 
D.  NO MIDTERM EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN - weekly quizzes will take the place of a midterm. 
A. Labs are due at the beginning of the specified class period. 
B. Labs turned in late will receive a 10-30% reduction in credit. 
C. Labs turned in after the due date of the next lab will not receive any credit. (you have ONE week).  
See Exceptions below for “Late Tickets” 
D. To receive credit for labs you must: 
1. Turn in a printed copy, with a header which contains: the name of your file as submitted to the 
DropBox, a written description of your program which is grammatically correct, a test oracle,  as 
well as other pertinent information outlined by your instructor. 
2. Turn in an electronic copy of your file into the LABS subdirectory of the DropBox.  Put your file in 
a subdiredtory named with your last name followed by the lab number. (* i.e.: Ima P Nutt's Lab # 1 
would be copied into the directory using the subdirectory name NuttL1)  BE SURE your 
subdirectory name and filename are included in the header of your code. 
A.  Written assignments from your text book will be given throughout the quarter.  Assignments must 
  be typed in a word processor, printed and handed in to the instructor.  Do not put them in the dropbox. 
B.  All assignments must incude a “header” which includes Student name, class name,date, assignment 
number and description.  
C.  All assignmn be turned in at the beginning of the class period on the date due.   
D.  Assignments will lose 10-30% for being late and will not be accepted more than one week after due 
date. See Exceptions below for “Late Tickets” 
A. Worksheets are intended to be completed during the Lab session each week.  If you do not have 
sufficient time to complete the worksheet during the Lab session, you will be expected to finish 
it either at home or in one of the campus labs:   
B. Answers to worksheet questions should be typed using a wordprocessor, printed, and handed in 
to the instructor either the day of the Lab class or at the next regularly scheduled class session. .  
Worksheets will lose 10-30% for being late  
C. The woksheet java file will be turned in electronically to the drop box. 
D. Worksheets turned in after the due date of the next worksheet will not receive any credit (you 
have ONE week). See Exceptions below for “Late Tickets” 
E. Participatiion during Lab class will constitute 30% of the possible points for each worksheet. 
INDEPENDENT WORK: All students are encouraged to discuss labs, worksheets, assignments and course 
materials in general terms with other students.  However, each student is expected to work independently 
on all labs, worksheets and assignments.  The work you turn in to be graded must be your own work.  If 
you need help with lab exercises, see the instructor, a lab assistant in the Library Computer lab, or a Tutor.  
The penalty for turning in work done by another student will range from a 0 grade on the assignment to a 
failing grade in the course. 
A.  The LAST DAY to turn in Labs, Assignments and Worksheets is 12:00 noon Friday, Dec 2, 2016.  
Anything turned in after that time will NOT be graded. (remember the one week rule!) 
B.  Graded assignments will be returned at the beginning of the class period.  If a student is late to class, it 
is his/her responsibility to request that assignment from the instructor 
C.  Electronic copies of labs, worksheets or assignments which are emailed to the instructor rather than  
put in the dropbox or handed in to the instructor will receive a 15% reduction in points. 
A.  Each student will be allowed one exception to the one week rule for late assignments, labs and 
worksheets.  To qualify for that exception, the student must cut out the “Late Ticket” attached 
to the syllabus and staple it to the assignment. 
B. Students are allowed one late ticket for each of the three categories:  Assignments, Labs and 
Worksheets.  The late penalty of loss of points will still apply, but the work will be accepted 
and graded. 
MISSED CLASSES/LAB ASSIGNMENTS/ QUIZZES: In case of absence from class, students are 
responsible for announcements made and materials covered.  If an absence results in a missed quiz, that 
quiz will be treated as the low score which is discarded when total points are calculated at the end of the 
TUTORS:   Tutors are usually available for computer programming classes.  Check with the Learning Center 
in Willamette Hall 212. 
CELL PHONES: Cell phones can be very disruptive.  If you carry a cell phone or pager, make sure they are 
in “vibrate” mode while you are in class. No cell phones may be used during any quiz or exam. 
DIVERSITY: The LBCC community is enriched by diversity.  Each individual has worth and makes 
contributions to create that diversity at the college.  Everyone has the right to think, learn, and work 
together in an environment of respect, tolerance, and goodwill. (related to board policy #1015). 
STUDENT RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES: All students are expected to be familiar with the Student 
Rights and Responsibilites handbook, and to follow the conduct guidelines outlined. The handbook can be 
found on the  LBCC Website, under Students/Students Rights. 
LBCC EMAIL:  Each student is assigned an LBCC email account. If you do not check that account 
on a regular basis, please go through the setup procedures to “forward” mail received there to an 
account you do check regularly.  The LBCC email account will be used for college communications 
to you.   
DISABLILITIES ACCOMODATIONS:  Arrangements for disabilities accommodations must be made 
during the first week of class.   Contact the Center for Accessibility Resources, 541- 917-4789 for 
information.  If you have a documented disability, a letter will be sent to your instructor and you must 
follow-up with a private meeting with your instructor to discuss accommodations. 
COURSE OUTLINE: (subject to change during the term…….) 
Week 1:  Introduction to programming, language translation, basic architecture 
Sept 26-30       Installing Java, simple output statements, Worksheet #1 
             Reading: Chap 1, 2 
             Due: Fri –Assignment #1 
Week 2:   Objects and primitive data types, variables, assignment statements, operators, 
Oct 3-7        escape sequences, expressions, data conversion, Applets, color, Worksheet #2 
              Reading: Chap 2 
             Due:  Mon – Worksheet #1; Wed - Lab #1, Fri- Assignment #2 
Week 3:  String Class, Aliases, Formatting output, Random class, Enumerated Types 
Oct 10-14       Math class, components and containers, Wrapper classes, Worksheet #3 
         Reading: Chap 3       
         Due:   Mon–Worksheet #2;  Wed-Lab #2,   Fri – Assignment #3 
Week 4:   Writing classes, instance variables, constructors, method declaration  
Oct 17-21        Encapsulation, modifiers, parameters, Worksheet #4 
          Reading: Chap 4 
          Due:  Mon - Worksheet #3;    Wed – Lab #3; Fri- Assignment #4 
Week 5:   Logical operators, If/Else statements, nested If’s, switch statements, looping 
Oct 24-28          structures, Conditional Operator, While loops, Worksheet #5 
           Reading: Chap 4. Chap 5 
               Due: Mon -Worksheet #4;    Wed – Lab #4, Fri - Assignment #5;  
Week 6:   Iterators, nested loops, For Loops, Do loops, iterator for loop 
Oct 31- Nov 4   Graphics with loops, writing classes, dialog boxes, radio buttons , Worksheet #6 
             Reading: Chap 5 
           Due:  Mon  –Worksheet #5;   Wed – Lab #5;  Fri - Assignment #6 
Week 7:  Object Oriented Design, Graphical objects, buttons, Text fields, more loops 
Nov 7-11        Worksheet #7 HOLIDAY – Veteran’s Day Nov 11 – No School  
         Reading: Chap 6      
            Due:  Mon - Worksheet #6;  Wed- Lab #6 
Week 8:   Arrays in Java, declaring Arrays, filling Arrays, array.length, Worksheet #8 
Nov 14-18         Reading: Chap 6, 8      
           Due:   Mon–Assignment #7, Worksheet #7;  Wed – Lab #7;  Fri - Assignment #8 
Week 9:   Array Elements, initialize lists, Arrays and iterator for loop, Arrays of Objects,  
Nov 21-25        Worksheet #  9, Reading: Chap 8 HOLIDAY – Thanksgiving Nov 24-25 – No School
           Due: Mon- Worksheet #8; Wed - Lab #8 
 Week 10:   Arrays of Objects, REVIEW 
Nov 28- Dec 2     Due: Mon – Assignment #9,Worksheet #9;   Wed - Lab #9,  Fri - Extra Credit Lab 
                       Wed:  student driven review  
                       All homework must be turned in by Friday, Dec 2nd  at 12:00 pm (noon)   
Week 11:   FINAL EXAM:     Monday Dec 5th   8:00 – 9:50 am    MKH 203