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COMP519: Web Programming Course Notes Toggle navigation COMP519 Home Course Notes Meeting Times Other info Assessments HW1 (Creating a Home Page) HW2 (JavaScript Programming) HW3 (CGI Programming) HW4 (PHP and mySQL Registration Page) January Exam Marking descriptors Contact Note: This webpage uses JavaScript (via Bootstrap and JQuery) for its menu structure. With JavaScript disabled, you won't have access to the entire set of weblinks provided from the menu. Tentative Schedule for the Autumn 2015 Term WEEK TOPICS READINGS HANDOUTS ASSIGNMENTS 1 Overview   history, Internet and Web. (long,print) HTML basics   hypertext, tags & elements, links,   images, lists, tables. (long, print) books:   [WS, Ch. 1-5] online resources:   W3C, ISOC   W3 Guide to HTML, W3 school,   HTML5 Reference,   Jens Oliver Meiert's HTML Elements Index,   HTML Goodies,   HTML escape character code reference,   Unix Primer,   A Unix tutorial,   vi (text editor) Primer,   pico Tutorial Brief Course Overview Setting up your HTML directory Assignment 1 (Creating a Home Page):     due 21 October 2015 (5pm) 2 Style Sheets   inline, document, external. (long) (print) books:   [WS, Ch. 12-17] online resources:   CSS Tutorial   CSS3 Introduction   Jens Oliver Meiert's CSS Properties Index   HTML color code chart,   Can Color-Blind Users See Your Site?   Bootstrap (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework)   Modernizr (HTML5 and CSS3 feature detection using JavaScript) Document Type Declarations Information on Meta tags see Assignment 1 3-4 JavaScript basics   data types, control, functions,   strings and arrays, classes (long, print) JavaScript   form elements, event-driven programming (long, print) books:   [WS, Ch. 19-23], [PJ, Ch 3-11], [TYJ, Hour 1-14] online resources:   Cut-n-Paste Scripts, EarthWeb   W3 school   jQuery (JavaScript library for cross-browser support)   AngularJS (MVC-like framework JavaScript library)   Modernizr (HTML5 and CSS3 feature detection using JavaScript) A complex JavaScript example Assignment 1 to be turned in (21 October) Assignment 2 (JavaScript Programming):     due 18 November 2015 (5pm) 5-6 Combining Java & JavaScript   calling Java from JavaScript   accessing JavaScript & HTML from an applet (long, print)   Java applet examples (zipped file) from notes Internet and Web protocols:   TCP/IP, HTTP, caching, cookies (long, print) Basics of Python   basic program, scalars, operations, lists, tuples, strings   files, controls, conditionals, regular expressions (long), (print) ( books:   [WS, Ch. 25], [PJ, Ch. 18], [LP, Ch. 1-20] online resources:   TCP/IP,   HTTP,,   Python course at codecademy,   Python program to generate random permutations   Python program to solve instances of the "pancake sorting problem"   Sample input for the pancake sorting problem Assignment 2 to be turned in (18 November) Assignment 3 (CGI and Python):     due 2 December 2015 (5pm) 7 Python and CGI Programming   CGI in server-side programming   environment variables in Python   POST and GET methods   extra path information   a basic counter (long, print)   ( online resources:   Python (ver 2) CGI support   Python CGI Programming tutorial Environmental variables available in Python See Assignment 3 8-9 Introduction to PHP   basic workings   variables, operators, and controls   some useful functions   working with forms, cookies, files, time and date   a basic form checker (ppt, pdf, books:   [WS, Ch. 29-31], [PPHP, Ch. 1-6]   [LPHP, Ch. 3-6] online resources: (general reference site)   A Simple Tutorial   PHP Manual   W3 school   The PHP Resource Index Assignment 3 to be turned in (2 December) Assignment 4 (PHP and MySQL Registration Page):     due 18 December 2015 (5pm) 9-10 basic mySQL/PHP   mySQL database   a data table   basic queries   a basic PHP/mySQL application (ppt, pdf) advanced mySQL/PHP   more on SQL queries and PHP/SQL functions (ppt, pdf)   PHP objects and sessions (ppt, pdf) books:   [WS, Ch. 29-31], [PPHP, Ch. 1-8, 11]   [LPHP, Ch. 8-10, 12-13] online resources:   W3 schools   PHP/mySQL Tutorial   Discussion about SQL injection attacks   Introduction to mySQL prepared statements   Top 7 PHP Security Blunders   PHP Security Guide   PHP Security Tutorial See Assignment 4 11 Emerging technologies   Ajax   Basic Ajax syntax and examples ppt pdf   Introductory XML   (lecture notes provided by Christoph Ambühl) ppt pdf books:   [AJAX, Ch. 1-14] online resources:   jQuery library (cross-browser support for Ajax) Assignment 4 to be turned in (18 December) FINAL EXAM Last updated: 09 December 2015.