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lrisc.s ## LSU EE 4720 -- Spring 2022 -- Computer Architecture # ## ISA Families Overview, MIPS/Others Comparison ## Contents # # Major ISA Families # The RISC Family # The CISC Family # The VLIW Family # MIPS, SPARC, Arm A64, and RISC-V Comparison ## Objectives # # Major ISA Families # Define, know main features of. # SPARC # Understand enough to figure out simple programs and use a reference # for less simple ones. # Understand how the condition code register is used for branches. # MIPS v. SPARC: Instruction Similarities and Differences # Floating point, jumps, overflow, branch conditions, etc. # Coding and Instructions # Understand how coding affects instructions. (Immed. sizes, opcodes, etc.) # Understand basic tradeoffs in coding alternatives. # (Simpler format vs. larger immediates, etc.) # Floating Point # Read and write MIPS programs using floating point instructions. # Understand how SPARC uses floating point. ################################################################################ ## Major ISA Families ## ISA Families # :Def: ISA Family # A broad classification of ISAs based on a contemporary understanding # of significant features and characteristics. # There are many ISAs, with many characteristics. # # Two ISAs can be similar (MIPS, Alpha) or different (MIPS, IA-32). # # There are generally accepted /families/ of ISAs. # ISAs in the same family are similar. # ISAs in different families are very different. # # Three families are described below. # More details covered in a different set. # ## RISC: Simple Pipelined Implementations ## CISC: Powerful Instructions ## VLIW: Faster Multiple-Issue (covered later) Implementations. # # The families above are mutually exclusive (an ISA can't be in more # than one). # There are additional families. (An ISA may not fit in to any of the three.) ## RISC: Reduced Instruction Set Computing # # Example: MIPS ## Goals # # Low-cost and fast pipelined implementations (based on 1980's technology). # Simple to write compilers for. ## Current Status # # Dominant for cell phones, tablets, some technical workstations and # servers, used in some video game consoles, once used in the Mac. # # New ISAs and implementations continue to be developed. ## Characteristics # # Fixed Insn Size: All instructions are the same size, (usually 32 bits). # # Instructions allow simple control logic. # # Amount of work done by instructions balanced, for easy pipelining. # # Only "load" and "store" instructions allowed to access memory. # (Arithmetic instructions cannot access memory.) # # Enough registers to avoid frequent loads and stores. # # Few special-purpose registers. ## Examples # # MIPS -- Embeddable cores. In The Day, Silicon graphics workstations. # # RISC-V -- A free (unencumbered) ISA, for research, teaching, commercial use. # ARM32 -- Many embedded systems. # ARM64 -- (Aarch64) NVIDIA hybrid GPU/CPU chips. # POWER -- IBM workstations and servers. # PowerPC -- Wii, PS3, [Mac, when it had more syllables]. # SPARC -- Sun and Fujitsu workstations, servers. # Alpha -- Developed by DEC, once 2nd largest computer comp. # Great, but failed. # PA-RISC -- Hewlett-Packard workstations. # # This class will frequently use MIPS and SPARC. ## Fixed-Size Instructions # Advantages # # Easy instruction fetch and decode - no need to "find" instruction. # Fixed locations for fields (rs, rt, etc). # Provide greater range in displacement CTIs (such as branches). # # Disadvantages # # Can't store large immediates so # .. need two or more insn in some cases. # # Simple instructions (addi r1, r1, 1) "waste" space. ## Amount of work done by instructions balanced, for easy pipelining. # Instructions that access memory (load, store, etc) .. # .. don't perform arithmetic (except for computing the memory address). # Instructions shouldn't need to re-use a stage. # Advantages # # Low-cost implementations. (Simple control logic, fewer interconnections.) # Easier to use elaborate implementation techniques (e.g., dynamic scheduling). # # Disadvantages # # May need more instructions in a program. #################### ## CISC: Complex Instruction Set Computing # # Example: VAX ## Goals # # Provide powerful (do-everything) instructions. # Popular in the 1970s and 1980s. ## Characteristics # # Instruction sizes vary. # Large variety of immediate sizes and memory addressing modes. # Moderate number of registers. # Arithmetic and other instructions can access memory. ## Examples # # VAX Very popular in early 80s. Used in what were called minicomputers. # Arguably: IA-32 and Intel 64, popularly known as x86 and x86_64. ## Current Status # # Little new development, except for IA-32/Intel 64 .. # .. because of large installed base. # In 20th century, overtaken by RISC. ## VLIW: Very-Large Instruction Word # # Example: Itanium ## Goals # # Reduce cost (v. RISC) of implementations that operate on >1 insn / cycle. ## Characteristics # # Instructions handled in groups (usually of 3) called /bundles/. # Information about instruction relationships provided to hardware. ## Examples # # Itanium (Intel) Designed for general purpose use. Faded away. # Tera (Developed by Tera, now owned by Cray) For scientific comp. # TI Velocity (Texas Instruments) For signal processing. ## Current Status # # Used in special purpose applications, such as signal processing. # Has not caught on for general-purpose use. ################################################################################ ## RISC v. CISC ## Fixed v. Variable Insn Size: Instruction Fetch Hardware # # Instruction fetch hardware is much simpler with fixed-size instructions. # RISC # # PC contains address of instruction currently being fetched. # # To get next instruction address just increment PC by 4 .. # .. and fetch 32 bits. # # That's it. # CISC # # PC contains address of instruction currently being fetched. # # The PC needs to be incremented by the size of the instruction # currently begin fetched .. # # .. but the size isn't known because the instruction isn't here yet .. # # .. so increment PC by some constant amount, perhaps 4 bytes. # # In ID shift and mask leftover IR from previous cycle ... ## Fixed v. Variable Insn Size: Branch Targets # RISC # Immediate is number of insn to skip. ## Addressing Modes # Quick examples of addressing modes in CISC instructions. # Some Possible CISC Instructions add (r1), r2, 0x12345678 # Mem[r1] = r2 + 0x12345678 add (r1), r2, (0x12345678) # Mem[r1] = r2 + Mem[0x12345678] add (r1), r2, ((0x12345678)) # Mem[r1] = r2 + Mem[Mem[0x12345678]] add (r1), r2, ((r3)) # Mem[r1] = r2 + Mem[Mem[r3]] add ((r1)), r2, ((0x12345678)) # Mem[Mem[r1]] = r2 + Mem[Mem[0x12345678]] add r1, r1, (r3+) # r1 = r1 + Mem[r3]; r3 = r3 + sizeof(int) add r1, r1, (r3+) # r1 = r1 + Mem[r3]; r3 = r3 + sizeof(int) add (r1+r7), 0x4322(r2), ((0x12345678)) # A Possible CISC Instruction add (r1), (r2), 0x12345678 # Equivalent MIPS code lw r20, 0(r2) lui r21, 0x1234 ori r21, r21, 0x5678 add r23, r20, r21 sw r23, 0(r1) ################################################################################ ## ISAs Used in EE 4720 ## MIPS # # Used in the Patterson & Hennessy and Hennessy & Patterson 3rd Edition texts. # An early and still popular RISC ISA. ## DLX # # Phased out in this class, appears in very old homeworks and exams. # Used in the Hennessy & Patterson 2nd Edition text. # A simplified form of MIPS. ## RISC-V # # Perhaps this can be though of as DLX redux (DLX returns). Developed # for research, teaching, and commercial uses. The "V" is a Roman # numeral, unlike, say, the V in Sputnik V. In some ways similar to # DLX in that it is of academic origin, but goals are more # ambitious. Used in the recent Patterson/Hennessy Computer # Architecture texts. Also used in real products, mostly for embedded # and lightweight applications. # # RISC-V has many fewer instructions than its contemporaries. It also # has a modular design. ## SPARC # # Used in ECE Sun computers. # An example of an early RISC ISA. ## VAX # # A good example of a CISC ISA. # # This ISA style considered obsolete .. # .. covered to emphasize how ISA styles driven by contemporary hardware. ## IA-32 / Intel 64 # # It's everywhere. # Since it's no longer covered in EE 3750 it ought to be covered here. # Sort of like something built as a small cottage 150 years ago .. # .. that had since been expanded every 20 years or so. ## Arm A32 (Arm v7 and Arm v8 A32) # # It started out as an ISA for embedded applications, and it has enjoyed # steady growth. It replaced IA-32 in EE 3750 (µProcessors). # A32 is the winner of the EE 4720 Quirky ISA Award [tm]. ## Arm A64 # # Less quirky than A32. Appropriate for medium (cell phone, laptop) # and larger (workstation, server) systems. # An example of a late RISC ISA. ## Itanium # # An example of a 21'st century VLIW ISA. Perhaps a good example of # Brooks' second system effect (Brooks 75). Implementations were a # disappointment. ################################################################################ ## RISC ISA Comparison: MIPS, SPARC, ARM A64, RISC-V # :Def: Address Space Size [of an ISA] # The number of bits in a virtual memory address. # # MIPS-I has an address space size of 32 bits. lw r1, 4(r2) # 4+r2 is a 32-bit quantity. # MIPS-IV has an address space size of 64 bits. lw r1, 4(r2) # 4+r2 is a 64-bit quantity. # # An important ISA specification. # # It's so important, that the phrase "address space size" is omitted: # "MIPS-I is a 32-bit ISA." # "Alpha is a 64-bit ISA." # # Typically, an ISA with an A-bit address space: # Has A-bit general-purpose registers. (Bit enough to hold an address.) # Has fast A-bit integer instructions. ## Summary of Differences # ## MIPS (MIPS-I, MIPS-IV, MIPS64) # # Early RISC. # Started as 32 bit-ISA, later 64-bit version developed. # Simple and with few quirks. # MIPS should be familiar to EE 4720 students at this point. # ## SPARC (v8, v9) # # Early RISC. # Started as 32 bit-ISA, later 64-bit version developed. # More elaborate than MIPS. # ## ARM A64 (a.k.a. Aarch64) # # Late RISC. (About 2016) # A new ISA, not a 64-bit superset of A32. # Large number of instructions. Especially: # Scaled arithmetic (shift second source operand). # Indexed load and stores (address is sum of two registers). # Bit manipulation. # ## RISC-V RV64I # # Late RISC. # A new ISA, not an extension of MIPS (though similar). # Design goal was simplicity and modularity. # Base version (rv32i, rv64i) has few instructions. # RV32I has just 40 instructions. ## Address Space Sizes in Comparison ISAs # MIPS and SPARC # # Both started out with a 32-bit address space (32-bit version). # Both later were extended with 64-b versions. # # 32-bit: MIPS-I, SPARC v7, v8 # 64-bit: MIPS-IV, SPARC v9 # # Many other early-RISC ISAs started as 32-bit ISAs .. # .. and later were extended with 64-bit superset versions. # # A 64-bit superset version of a 32-bit ISA .. # .. can run code written for the 32-bit version. # # # ARM and RISC-V # # Both ARM and RISC-V have INCOMPATIBLE 32- and 64-bit versions. # # ARM v7 # Developed in mid 1980s. # A 32-bit ISA. Later (sort of) referred to as A32 # ARM v8 # Released in 2016. # Defines A64, a 64-bit ISA, which is nothing like A32. # A64 aka Aarch64 # # RISC-V # Unlike ARM, all address space size versions developed at the same time. # # RV32I* 32-bit ISA versions. (There are several extensions.) # RV64I* 64-bit ISA versions. (There are several extensions.) # RV128I* 128-bit ISA versions. (There are several extensions.) ## Registers and Memory # ## Common to MIPS, SPARC, ARM A64, RISC-V, and many other RISC ISAs. # # 32 general-purpose registers (GPRs) .. # .. including a zero register. # Each GPR holds 32 bits in 32-bit versions. # Each GPR holds 64 bits in 64-bit versions. # # Floating point instructions do not operate on GPRs. # ## Floating Point in MIPS and SPARC, and many early RISC ISAs # # 32-bit versions: # 32 floating-point registers. # FP registers are 32 bits .. # .. BUT can be used in pairs for 64-bit values. # # Pairing of 32-FP registers is a feature of many early # RISC ISAs. # # 64-bit versions: # 32 floating-point registers. # FP registers are 64 bits. ## Floating Point in ARM A64 # # Common to many 21st century ISAs .. # .. ARM A64 defines a set of vector registers .. # .. which are used by floating-point (and other) instructions. # # 32 128-bit vector registers. # A register can be used to hold a single value. (A scalar.) # For example, one 32-bit value. # A register can be used to hold a several values. (A vector.) # For example, four 32-bit values. # ## Floating Point in RISC-V Variants # # FP Register Size Depends on Variant # All FP variants: 32 FP registers. # # FP variant indicated by a letter: # F: 32-bit registers. rv32if, rv64if # 32-bit FP instructions. # Unlike other ISAs, no 64-bit FP instructions. # D: 64-bit registers. rv32id, rv64id # 32-bit and 64-bit FP instructions. # Q: 128-bit registers. rv32iq, rv64iq # 32-bit, 64-bit and 128-bit FP instructions. # ## ARM A64 but not others # # Register 31 (not 0) in most instructions is the constant zero .. # .. but in some instructions it is an ordinary register. ## MIPS but not others # # Two 32-bit integer multiplication and division registers (hi/lo). # # Four sets of coprocessor registers. Each set has 32 registers. # # Co-processor 0: Processor and system control. # Co-processor 1: MIPS-32 floating-point # Co-processor 2: Reserved for special-purpose designs. # Co-processor 3: MIPS-64 floating-point # ## SPARC but not MIPS # # SPARC: Y register for use in multiplication. # Windowed integer registers: # ISA Defines 16 + 16n integer registers, 4 <= n <= 32. # An instruction "sees" only 32 of them at a time. # Hardware saving and restoring of registers, meant for call & return. # # ## Register Names # ## MIPS32 and MIPS64 # # GPR: $0 - $31. Register $0 is always zero. # GPRs also have names: # # Names Numbers Suggested Usage # $zero: 0 The constant zero. # $at: 1 Reserved for assembler. # $v0-$v1: 2-3 Return value # $a0-$a3: 4-7 Argument # $t0-$t7: 8-15 Temporary (Not preserved by callee.) # $s0-$s7: 16-23 Saved by callee. # $t8-$t9: 24-25 Temporary (Not preserved by callee.) # $k0-$k1: 26-27 Reserved for kernel (operating system). # $gp 28 Global Pointer # $sp 29 Stack Pointer # $fp 30 Frame Pointer # $ra: 31 Return address. # # The same register names are used in 32- and 64-bit versions. # # MIPS: $hi, $lo. Used for product, quotient, and remainder. # ## SPARC: General-Purpose Registers divided into four sets of eight: # # Names Numbers Description # %g0-%g7 0-7 Global. %g0 is always zero. # %o0-%o7 8-15 Output. Used for function arguments by caller. # %l0-%l7 16-23 Local. # %i0-%i7 24-31 Input. Used for function arguments by callee. # # SAVE and RESTORE instructions "copy" registers. # Register window feature eliminates need to have code save and restore # registers, as long as there are available registers. # ## RISC-V: # # GPR: x0 - x31. Register x0 is always zero. # GPRs also have names: # # Names Numbers Suggested Usage # zero: x0 The constant zero. # ra x1 Return address. # sp x2 Stack pointer. # gp x3 Global pointer. # tp x4 Thread pointer. # t0-3 x5-x7 Temporary. (Caller-save.) # s0/fp x8 Frame pointer. # s1 x9 Callee save. # a0-a7 x10-x17 Function arguments and return values. # t3-6 x18-x31 Temporary. (Caller-save.) # # The same register names are used in 32- and 64-bit versions. # # ## ARM A64: # # Register names indicate size. 64 bit: x0,..,x30 32 bit: w0,..,w30 ## Floating-Point Register Names # # MIPS FPR: $f0 - $f31 (Also called co-processor 1 registers.) # SPARC FPR: %f0 - %f31 # ARM A64: Name indicates how much of register is accessed. # RISC-V: f0-f31, and ABI naming. # # ## Memory # # All32: 32-bit address space. # Aligned Access (Address must be multiple of size.) # # SPARC: Big Endian. # MIPS: Either (bi-endian). (Big endian used in class.) # RISC-V: Little endian. Unaligned access allowed but may be slower. ## Some Assembly Language Differences # # MIPS, RISC-V, ARM A64: Destination is first (leftmost) operand. add $s1, $s2, $s3 # s1 = s2 + s3 add x1, x2, x3 # A64 add x1, x2, x3 # RISV-V # SPARC: Destination is last (rightmost) operand. add %l2, %l3, %l1 # %l1 = %l2 + %l3 # # MIPS, RISC-V: Parenthesis used for dereference, offset is outside parenthesis. lw $s1, 4($s2) # MIPS lw a1, 4(a2) # RISC-V # SPARC, A64: Square brackets used for dereference, offset is inside: ld [%l2+4], %l1 # SPARC ldr w1, [x2, 4] # A64 # Note: Syntax highlighting is for MIPS, so other instructions # may not be colored properly. ## Basic Three-Register Integer Instructions # MIPS: add, addu, sub, subu, and, or, xor # RV: add, sub, and, or, xor # SPARC: add, sub, and, or, xor, andn (and-not), orn # A64: # The MIPS addu and subu instructions are not unsigned. add $1, $2, $3 # MIPS, $1 = $2 + $3 add a1, a2, a3 # RISV-V add x1, x2, x3 # A64 64-bit add add w1, w2, w3 # A64 32-bit add (high bits of dest are zeroed.) add %g2, %g3, %g1 # SPARC g1 = g2 + g3 ## Basic Two-Register + Immediate Integer Instructions # MIPS: addi, andi, ori, xori # SPARC: add, sub, and, or, xor (Immediate uses same opcode.) # Immediate Sizes # MIPS: 16 bits for most instructions. # SPARC: 13 for arithmetic insn. 22 bits for sethi (set hi) # RISC-V: 12 for arithmetic insn. 20 bits for lui (load upper immediate) # A64: 12 for arithmetic insn. 16 bits for move, 21 bits for PC-rel ops. addi $t0, $t1, 5 # MIPS I Format add %l1, 5, %l0 # SPARC Format 3b # MIPS does not have an immediate subtract, others do. ################################################################################ ## Instruction Coding ## The Three MIPS Instruction Formats # # R Format: Typically used for three-register instructions. # I Format: Typically used for instructions requiring an immediate. # J Format: Used for jump instructions. ## The Three (or six) SPARC Instruction Formats # # Format 1: Used for calls. # Format 2a: Used for sethi (like lui). # Format 2b: Used for branches. # Format 3a: Typically used for three-register and load/store instructions. # Format 3b: Typically used for instructions requiring an immediate. # Format 3c: Typically used for three-register floating-point instructions. ## The Four RISC-V rv32i and rv64i Instruction Formats # # R Format: Typically used for three-register instructions. # I Format: Typically used for instructions requiring an immediate. # S Format: Typically used for stores. # J Format: Used for jump instructions. ## MIPS R Format # _________________________________________________________________ # | opcode | rs | rt | rd | sa | function | # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # # Bits Field Name Unabbreviated Name Typical Use # # 31:26: opcode First part of opcode. # 25:21: rs (Register Source) Source register one. # 20:16: rt (Register Target) Source register two. # 15:11: rd (Register Destination) Destination register. # 10: 6: sa (Shift Amount) Five-bit immediate. # 5: 0: function Second part of opcode. # add $s0, $s1, $s2 # $s0 = $s1 + $s2 ## SPARC Format 3a (op =2 or 3, i = 0) # _________________________________________________________________ # | op| rd | op3 | rs1 |i| asi | rs2 | # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # # Bits Field Name Description # # 31:30: op Opcode # 29:25: rd Destination Register # 24:19: op3 Opcode for format 3. # 18:14: rs1 Source operand 1 register number. # 13:13: i Immediate Sub-format. Zero in this case. # 12:05: asi Address space identifier. Used by loads and stores. # 04:00: rs2 Source operand 2 register number. add %l2, %l3, %l1 # %l1 = %l2 + %l3 ## RISC-V Format R (R-type) # _________________________________________________________________ # | funct7 | rs2 | rs1 | fn3 | rd | opcode | # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # # Bits Field Name Unabbreviated Name Typical Use # # 31:25: funct7 Part of opcode. # 24:20: rs2 (Register Source 2) Source register two. # 19:15: rs1 (Register Source 1) Source register one. # 14:12: fn3 (funct3) Part of opcode # 11: 7: rd Destination # 6: 0: opcode Opcode # ## MIPS I Format # _________________________________________________________________ # | opcode | rs | rt | immed | # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # # Bits Field Name Unabbreviated Name Typical Use # # 31:26: opcode Entire opcode (for I and J). # 25:21: rs (Register Source) Source register one. # 20:16: rt (Register Target) Source register two. # 15:0: immed (Immediate) Immediate value. addi $t0, $t1, 2 lw $t0, 4($t1) lui $t0, 0x1234 beq $t0, $t1 TARG ## SPARC Format 3b (op =2 (non-memory) or 3 (memory), i = 1) # _________________________________________________________________ # | op| rd | op3 | rs1 |i| simm13 | # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # # Bits Field Name Description # # 31:30: op Opcode # 29:25: rd Destination Register # 24:19: op3 Opcode for format 3. # 18:14: rs1 Source operand 1 register number. # 13:13: i Immediate Sub-format. One in this case. # 12:00: simm13 The immediate. # Used for memory and arithmetic / logical. add %l1, 2, %l0; ld [%l1+4], %l0 ## RISC-V Format I (I-type) # _________________________________________________________________ # | imm[11:0] | rs1 | fn3 | rd | opcode | # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # # Bits Field Name Unabbreviated Name Typical Use # # 31:20: imm[11:0] A 12-bit immediate. # 19:15: rs1 (Register Source 1) Source register one. # 14:12: fn3 (funct3) Part of opcode # 11: 7: rd Destination # 6: 0: opcode Opcode # # Note: In load and store instructions fn3 is width of value. ## SPARC Format 2a (op = 0, op2 = 4) (sethi) # _________________________________________________________________ # | op| rd | op2 | imm22 | # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # # Bits Field Name Description # # 31:30: op Opcode # 29:25: rd Destination Register # 24:22: op2 Opcode for format 2. # 21:00: imm22 The immediate. # # Used for sethi. lui r1, 0x1234 ori r1, r1, 0x5678 sethi %hi(0x12345678), %l1 or %l1, %lo(0x12345678), %l1 # 0x1234c000 lui r1, 0x1234 ori r1, r1, 0xc000 sethi %hi(0x1234c000), %l1 ## SPARC Format 2b (op = 0, op2 = 2, 6, or 7) (branches) # _________________________________________________________________ # | op|a| cond | op2 | imm22 | # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # # Bits Field Name Description # # 31:30: op Opcode # 29:29: a Typical: If one, instruction in delay slot annulled. # 28:25: cond Condition. Some function of condition code register. # 24:22: op2 Opcode for format 2. # 21:00: imm22 The immediate, a branch displacement. # # Used for branches. ## MIPS J Format # _________________________________________________________________ # | opcode | ii | # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # # Bits Field Name Unabbreviated Name Typical Use # # 31:26: opcode Entire opcode (for I and J). # 25:0: ii (Instruction Index) Part of jump target. ## SPARC Format 1 (op = 1) # _________________________________________________________________ # | op| disp30 | # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # # Bits Field Name Unabbreviated Name Typical Use # # # Used for calls. ## Shift Instructions # MIPS: sllv, srlv, srav, sll, srl, sra Format R (All) # SPARC: sll, srl, sra Format 3a, 3b # MIPS constant shift instructions use special sa field, DLX use immed field. ## Shift Amount in Register sllv $1, $2, $3 # MIPS R Format sll %g2, %g2, %g1 # SPARC Format 3a ## Shift Amount in Instruction sll $1, $2, 5 # MIPS R Format sll %g2, 5, %g1 # SPARC Format 3b ## Shift Amount Fields # # MIPS: Special sa field # SPARC: Immediate field. ## Load Upper # Loads the upper bits of a register with a constant. # MIPS: lui Load upper 16 bits. # SPARC: sethi Load upper 22 bits. lui $1, 0x1234 # MIPS sethi 0x123456, %l1 # SPARC # SPARC assembler "hi" macro extracts upper 22 bits from constant, # and "lo" macro extracts lower 10 bits (even though insn could use # thirteen bits). sethi %hi(0x12345678), %l1 # %l1 = 0x12344000 or %l1, %lo(0x12345678), %l1 ## Load and Store Instructions # MIPS: lb, lbu, lh, lhu, lw, sb, sh, sw # SPARC: ldsb, ldub, ldsh, lduh, ld, stb, sth, st # (SPARC instruction does same thing as MIPS above, e.g., lhu same as lduh). lw $1, 16($2) # MIPS I Format lw x1, 16(x2) # RISC-V I Format ld [%g2+16], %g1 # SPARC Format 3b ldr x1, [x2, 16] # ARM A64 # No comparable MIPS. (Note sum of two registers.) ld [%g2+%g3], %g1 # SPARC Format 3a ldr x1, [x2, x3, lsl 2] # ARM A64 x1 = Mem[ x2 + ( x3 << 2 ) ] sw $1, 16($t5) # MIPS I Format sw x1, 16(x2) # RISC-V S Format st %g1, [%g5+16] # SPARC st %g1, [%g5+%g6] # SPARC ## Integer Branches # MIPS: beq, bne, bgtz, bgez, bltz, blez # DLX: beqz, bnez # SPARC: be, bne, bg, bge, blt, ble # RISC-V: beq, bne, blt, bltu, bge, bgeu. # Integer Condition Code Register: ICC, four bits: N, Z, V, C # MIPS: Branches have delay slots. # Can compare registers. # # DLX: No delay slots. # Can only test if a register is zero. # # SPARC: Delay slots (usually). # Branch based on condition codes. (Covered later.) # # RISC-V:No delay slots. # Can compare equality or magnitude of two registers. # # ARM A64: No delay slots. # Uses condition code registers. # Later RISC ISAs: # No delay slot, because little advantage, more complexity # in implementations > 5 stages, superscalar, etc. # # Can do register comparison in branch. # MIPS beq $3, $4, TARGET nop xor $5, $6, $7 # SPARC subcc %l3, %l4, %l6 # l6 = l3 - l4; icc = .... sub %l23, %l10, %l16 bgt TARGET xor lw blt TARGET nop xor %l6, %l7, %l5 ## SPARC Annulled Branches # # Annulled Conditional Branch Behavior (SPARC): # If taken delay slot executed. # If not taken delay slot not executed. # (Behavior of branch always and never is different.) # SPARC beq,a TARGET # Delayed branch add %l2, %l3, %l1 # Executed only if branch taken. xor %l6, %l7, %l5 # Annulled Branches For Short if/else Statements # # if ( i1 == i2 ) l10 = l2 + l3; else l11 = l2 - l3; # g1 = g2 ^ g3; subcc %i1, %i2, %g0 beq IF_PART nop j SKIP sub %l2, %l3, %l11 # Else part (not executed if branch taken) IF_PART: add %l2, %l3, %l10 # If part (not executed if branch not taken) SKIP: xor %g2, %g3, %g1 subcc %i1, %i2, %g0 beq,a SKIP add %l2, %l3, %l10 # If part (not executed if branch not taken) sub %l2, %l3, %l11 # Else part (not executed if branch taken) SKIP: xor %g2, %g3, %g1 ## Jump # MIPS: j, jr # SPARC: Special cases of jump and link (jmpl) and branch instruction. # MIPS: Delayed # SPARC: Delayed # MIPS: Immediate is region. # SPARC: Immediate is displacement. # PC= 0x12345678 # ii 0x3ffffff # Region Address # PC= 0x12345678 # 4ii 0x0ffffffc # targ 0x1ffffffc # MIPS: TARGET is a 26-bit region. j TARGET nop # SPARC # Use branch always instruction for jumps. # TARGET is specified using a 22-bit displacement. ba TARGET nop # MIPS # TARGET in $t0 jr $t0 nop # SPARC # TARGET in %l0, %g0 is zero register. jmpl %l0 + 0, %g0 nop TARGET: ## Jump and Link Instructions # MIPS: jal, jalr # SPARC: jmpl rs1 + simm13, rd (Jump to rs1 + simm13, rd = PC. ) # SPARC: jmpl rs1 + rs2, rd (Jump to rs1 + rs2, rd = PC. ) # SPARC: call disp30 (Jump to PC + 4 * disp30 ) # MIPS: Register 31 holds return address (link) (by default) # MIPS: Can specify return address register. jr $t1 jmpl %l1 + %g0, %g0 jalr $t1 jmpl %l1 + 0, %o7 # Procedure call. o7 = jmpl addr; l1 is jump targ add ... jmpl %o7 + 8, %g0 # Procedure return. jal TARG call TARG TARG: ################################################################################ ## Floating Point Summary ## Separate Floating Point Registers # # A feature of many RISC ISAs. # Eases implementation. ## MIPS Floating Point # # Supports IEEE 754 Single and Double FP Numbers # # Floating point handled by co-processor 1, one of 4 co-processors. # # MIPS floating point registers also called co-processor 1 registers. # MIPS floating point instructions called co-processor 1 instructions. # # Registers named f0-f31. # Load, store, and move instructions have "c1" in their names. # Arithmetic instructions use ".s" (single) or ".d" (double) , or ".w" (int) # /completers/ to indicate operand type. ## SPARC Floating Point # # Supports IEEE 754 Single, Double, Extended (128-bit) FP Numbers # # Storage for FP registers called the FP register file. # # Registers named %f0-%f31. # Load and store instruction names end in "f" or "d" # Arithmetic instructions start with "f" (single), "d" (double), or "q" (quad). ## Types of Floating-Point Instructions # # Briefly here, in detail later. # # ## Arithmetic Operations # # Add double-precision (64-bit) operands. # # MIPS: add.d $f0, $f2, $f4 add.d $f0, $f2, $f4 # {$f0,$f1} = { $f2, $f3 } + { $f4, $f5 } add.d $f0, $f2, $f5 # Illegal in MIPS 32 # SPARC: faddd %f0, %f2, %f4 # SPARC: fadds %f0, %f2, %f4 # SPARC: faddq %f0, %f4, %f8 # # ## Load and Store # # Load double (eight bytes into two consecutive registers). # # MIPS: ldc1 $f0, 8($t0) # SPARC: ldf [%l0+8], %f0 # # ## Move Between Register Files (E.g., integer to FP) # # MIPS: mtc1 $f0, $t0 # SPARC: No such instructions. Use store / load: # st %l0, [%sp+16] # ldf [%sp+16], %f0 # ## Format Conversion # # Convert from one format to another, e.g., integer to double. # # MIPS: cvt.d.w $f0, $f2 # SPARC: fitod %f0, %f2 # # ## Floating Point Condition Code Setting # # Compare and set condition code. # # MIPS: $f0, $f2 # SPARC: fcmpd %f0, %f2 # Condition codes set to =, <, >, or unordered. # # ## Conditional Branch # # Branch on floating-point condition. # # MIPS: bc1f TARGET # Branch coprocessor 1 [condition code] false. # SPARC: fbg TARGET # Branch condition code greater than. # ## FP Load and Store # MIPS # # Load word in to coprocessor 1 lwc1 $f0, 4($t4) # $f0 = Mem[ $t4 + 4 ] # # Load double in to coprocessor 1 ldc1 $f0, 0($t4) # $f0 = Mem[ $t4 + 0 ]; $f1 = Mem[ $t4 + 4 ] # # Store word from coprocessor 1. swc1 $f0, 4($t4) # $f0 = Mem[ $t4 + 4 ] # # Store double from coprocessor 1. sdc1 $f0, 0($t4) # Mem[ $t4 + 0 ] = $f0; Mem[ $t4 + 4 ] = $f1 # SPARC # # Load float. (NOT load double.) ldf [%i1+4], %f0 # %f0 = Mem[ %i1 + 4 ] # Load double float. lddf [%i1+8], %f0 # %f0 = Mem[ %i1 + 8 ]; %f1 = Mem[ %i1 + 12 ] ## Move Instructions # MIPS # # Move to coprocessor 1 mtc1 $t0, $f0 # # Move from coprocessor 1. mfc1 $t0, $f0 # SPARC # # No such instruction, instead use store and load. # st %l0, [%sp+16] ldf [%sp+16], %f0 ## Data Type Conversion # Convert between floating-point and integer formats. # NOTE: Values don't convert automatically, need to use these insn. # MIPS # # To: s, d, w; From: s, d, w # # cvt.TO.FROM fd, fs # cvt.d.w $f0, $f2 # $f0 = convert_from_int_to_double( $f2 ) # SPARC Conversion # # From and to: i, x (64-bit int), s, d, q (quad) # fitos %f2, %f0 fitod %f2, %f0 # {$f0,$f1} = convert_from_int_to_double( $f2 ) ## Setting Condition Codes # In preparation for a branch, set cond code based on FP comparison. # MIPS # # Compare: fs COND ft # COND: eq, gt, lt, le, ge # FMT: s, d # # c.COND.FMT fs, ft # Sets condition code to true or false. # $f0, $f2 # CC = $f0 < $f2 bc1t TARG # Branch if $f0 < $f2 nop $f0, $f2 # CC = $f0 < $f2 bc1t TARG2 # Branch if $f0 < $f2 nop # Reachable? # SPARC # # Unlike MIPS, no need to specify kind of comparison. # FCC set to one of four states: <, =, >, or unordered. # fcmps %f0, %f2 fcmpd %f0, %f2 ## FP Branches # MIPS # # Branch insn specifies whether CC register true or false. # bc1t TARG nop # bc1f TARG nop # SPARC # # Branch insn specifies specific relationship, e.g., >= # fbg TARGET # Branch condition code greater than. ## Integer Multiplication and Division # MIPS: Not an ordinary integer arithmetic instruction. # # (After MIPS I ordinary integer multiplication added to ISA.) # # Early SPARC (before v8): No multiply instruction, use a multiply # step (muls) many times to perform a multiplication. # SPARC v8 has a multiply instruction that uses ordinary registers # for the low 32 bits and a special register "Y" for the high 32 bits. ## Differing Approaches # # MIPS: Use a special integer multiply and divide unit. # SPARC: Use any integer reg for low 32 bits and Y register for high 32 bits ## MIPS Multiplication # # Product goes in to lo and hi registers. # # To multiply integers: # # Multiply # Move product from lo and hi (if necessary) to integer registers. mult $t0, $t1 # {hi,lo} = $t0 * $t1 mflo $t2 # $t2 = $lo div $t0, $t1 # hi = $t0 / t1; %lo = $t0 % $t1 ## SPARC Multiplication # # # l3 = l1 x l2 smul %l1, %l2, %l3