Work with kinemages - MolProbity Work with kinemages Main page About hydrogens Evaluate X-ray Evaluate NMR Fix up structure Work with kins View & download files Lab notebook Feedback & bugs Site map Save session Log out You are using 0% of your 200 Mb of disk space. You cannot use your browser's back button in MolProbity, and you cannot have multiple windows of the same working session (except for kinemage views, charts, and the like). Please continue on from here; no damage was done to your session. This page explains how teachers and students can use MolProbity to look at 3-D pictures of proteins and nucleic acids. Choose a structure: You will need to locate a model of the structure you're interested in. Publically available models are archived in the Protein Data Bank, where they are identified by a four character code. For instance, 2HHB is a structure of hemoglobin, a molecule that transports oxygen in the blood. Once you know the code for the molecule you're interested in, MolProbity can fetch it for you. Make a kinemage: "Kinemages" (kinetic images) are three-dimensional illustrations of molcular structure. MolProbity will make a variety of different kinds of pictures -- ribbons are good for seeing the overall fold, but ball-and-stick is good for seeing details. View your kinemage: You can either view your kinemage directly in the web browser using KiNG (requires Java), or you can download Mage or KiNG to your local machine and view the kinemage files there. If you're having trouble getting KiNG to work in the browser, see our help page for Java. Download files: Before you leave, you may want to download the files you've created. Click the triangle icons to open and close the different folders. Log out: This will permanenty remove your files from our server, freeing up space for other users. About MolProbity | Website for the Richardson Lab | Using ecloud x-H | Internal reference 4.2