Comp24412 (2012-13) Lab 2 The Travelling Salesman Problem in Prolog Preamble The purpose of this lab is to give you some more serious practice in Prolog programming. You will implement an exhaustive search algorithm for the Trav- elling Salesman Problem (TSP). This algorithm is not competitive for large problem instances; but it nicely illustrates how to use Prolog search in a tricky way. The main program The algorithm uses depth-first search on a space whose nodes represent initial segments of a tour, and whose edges represent extensions of these initial seg- ments by a single city. Let n be the total number of cities in the TSP instance under consideration. We identify the cities with the integers 0, . . . , (n−1), and we assume that, for distinct integers i, j in this range, d(i, j) gives the distance between cities i and j, where d : N2 → N is symmetric in its arguments. We adopt the following terminology. A proper path is a non-empty list of integers in the range 0, . . . , (n − 1), without repeats, and ending with 0. The length of that path is number of integers in the list in question minus 1. An improper path is a list of integers formed from a proper path of length n − 1, preceded by an additional occurrence of 0. Any improper path is said to have length n. A path is a proper or improper path. An improper path represents a tour from city to city in the obvious way, but conventionally read from right to left. The cost of a path [am, . . . , a1] is defined to be i=m−1∑ i=1 d(ai, ai+1). Note that the cost of the length-0 path, [0], is 0. We take a node to be a triple [p, m, c], where p is a path, m is its length, and c is its cost. A node [p′, m′, c′] is a child of a node [p, m, c] if p′ is the result of adding one city to the start of the list p. The initial node of the search tree is [[0],0,0], corresponding to the zero-length path [0]. The implementation features a predicate child/4, such that, when child(N,N1,U,V) is called with N instantiated to n, N1 to n − 1 and u to 1 any node, v is instantiated to a child of u, with all children eventually found on resatisfaction. Notice that, as a result of our definitions, if u = [p,m,c] where m = n − 1, then there is only ever one possible child of u; and if m = n, then there are no children of u. Now suppose that there is a fact in the database of the form bsf(p∗,c∗), where p is an improper path (i.e. tour) and c∗ is its length. Informally, we interpret this fact as asserting that p∗ is the best improper path so far found, and has length c∗. Initially, p∗ is set to some dummy value (say [ ]), and c∗ is set to a value which we know will be larger than any optimal tour. (This is easy to calculate.) Calls to the predicate child(N,N1,U,V) have side-effects as follows. When called with a node u = [p,m,c] where m = n, the value c is compared with the length, c∗, of the best tour so far, as recorded by bsf/2. If c∗ ≤ c, nothing happens, and the call to child/4 simply fails (because u has no children). If, on, the other hand c∗ > c, the old fact bsf(p∗,c∗) is replaced with bsf(p,c), representing the fact that p is a newly found minimal-cost tour, before the call to child/4 fails as before. We can then search for a tour of minimal length using the predicate search(N,N1,U):- child(N,N1,U,V), search(N,N1,V), fail. search(_N,_N1,_U). We simply call search(n,n− 1,[[0],0,0]), and, when it is finished, read the best path off from bsf(p∗,c∗). Make sure you understand why this works. Actually, child/4 needs to be a bit cleverer than that. Suppose that bsf(p∗,c∗) is in the database, and we are about to call child(n, n − 1, u, V), where u = [p,m,c], and m < n. If c ≥ c∗, there is no chance we will beat the best tour so far by extending u, and so we might as well take u to have no children. Thus, in this case, the call child(n, n− 1, u, V) simply fails. To complete the code, we need a predicate to generate problem instances, makeArray/2, which generates a random problem instance of size n, in the in the form of a collection of assertions of the form distance(i,j,d) (0 ≤ i < j < n). See Task 1, below, for details. The resources file contains a handy predicate distanceSym/2 which allows us to look up distances without worrying about ordering the arguments. The predicate printArray/1, which is provided for you, prints out the ma- trix of distances in a pretty format. Check you understand how it works. Inci- dentally, it assumes all distances are integral in the range 0 to 99. You should keep all distances between pairs of cities in this range. The tasks 1. Write a predicate makeArray/2, such that, when makeArray(n,M) is called, a fact of the form distance(i,j,d) is asserted to the database for every i, j (0 ≤ i < j ≤ n), where d is an integer chosen (for each i, j) 2 randomly in the range 0 to M −1. You will need to experiment a bit with the built-in function random/1. 2 ?- makeArray(4,20). true. 3 ?- listing(distance). :- dynamic distance/3. distance(0, 1, 3). distance(0, 2, 5). distance(1, 2, 18). distance(0, 3, 13). distance(1, 3, 1). distance(2, 3, 8). distance(0, 4, 7). distance(1, 4, 7). distance(2, 4, 2). distance(3, 4, 4). true. [10 marks] 2. Look at the code provided for tspMakeAndRun/2. The definition of child/4 is missing. Write this definition, as specified above, and get the whole code working. The result should be something like this: 5 ?- tspMakeAndRun(10,20). 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9: 0 4 19 7 19 16 7 13 19 8: 17 15 2 4 11 10 11 13 7: 18 11 14 7 10 4 10 6: 4 18 12 18 15 13 5: 2 4 17 18 1 4: 9 19 17 17 3: 7 5 6 2: 1 0 1: 15 Best path: [0, 6, 9, 1, 2, 8, 3, 7, 4, 5, 0] Cost: 41 true. [10 marks] 3 Evaluation There are 20 marks in total for this lab exercise. For each task, you get 6 marks for a fully working program, and a further 4 for using proper Prolog style, commenting and presentation. Solutions falling short of the ideal will receive marks proportionately. Use the submit mechanism to submit your work, which should be in the file Resources The file lab2 can be found in the course lab code repository. 4