Make, Integrate & Explore (MIE) Lab – STEM Education, Activities and Experiences Skip to content Make, Integrate & Explore (MIE) Lab STEM Education, Activities and Experiences Menu expanded collapsed MIE Lab Team MIE School MIE School Primary Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 MIE School Secondary Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 MIE Science Unplugged MIE Events MIE Events MIE Community Robotics Club Women in Technology NOBURN Citizen Science Project Professional Development Arduino Professional Development Micro Drones Professional Development Crystallising STEM Careers Shop Events Calendar Publications Contact Us Home Page Welcome to MIE Lab About MIE Lab Make, Integrate & Explore (MIE) Lab provides the opportunity for all students, teachers, parents and the community to learn and engage in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) activities and experiences. Our aim is to garner interest in STEM subjects at school, encourage future transition into tertiary studies, support positive growth of STEM occupations and to inspire the next generation of STEM leaders. MIE School School-based career and technical education (CTE) sessions which develop students’ Computational Thinking Skills using technologies such as Scratch and Micro Drones. MIE Events MIE Events brings together all things STEM in a range of exciting and engaging events hosted across Sunshine Coast and beyond. Events include various challenges and immersive experiences to get students (and adults) excited about STEM! MIE Community MIE Community programs have been developed in consultation with regional communities to provide STEM inspiration to the broader community. Access publications by the MIE Lab team here Access career resources to help parents as they support and guide their children to consider STEM subject selection at school and STEM pathways in university here MIE Lab is a widening participation program developed by the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) to increase participation in tertiary education in STEM fields. It is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment under the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program. In 2022/2023 the MIE Lab project is supporting the Crystallising STEM Careers project funded by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources under a National Careers Institute Partnerships grant. makeintegrateexplore RoboRave – Australia’s largest single-day roboti Today is world creativity and innovation day #WCID Congratulations to our expert lead trainer and pre We are so honoured to have received the @usc.aust QLD Youth Week begins today! A time to celebrate Registrations for the MIE Community Robotics Club Load More… Follow on Instagram Connect with us Ph: (07) 5459 4780 E: Natalie McMaster Search Search for: Facebook Instagram Twitter Make, Integrate & Explore (MIE) Lab, Loading Comments... Write a Comment... Email (Required) Name (Required) Website