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CSC 232 Data Structures
Lecture 01
Anthony J. Clark
Today’s Outline
• Introduction to the course
• Printing numbers
Learning Objectives
• Understand what CSC 232 is all 
• Show me how you develop C++
• Q01: Introduction
• A01: Developing in C++
• Due next Monday
• L01: Hello 232, due today
• Due Today
• None
Anthony Clark, PhD
• Office: Cheek Hall 307
• Office hours:
• MW from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
• TU from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
• or by appointment
• This is my first time teaching 232
• I teach 325, 333, and a grad class
• CSCS students will have me for 325
• I’m always in need of student 
Course Materials
Course Website (
• Syllabus
• Lecture notes and quizzes
• Assignment descriptions
• Exam prep
Slack (
• Ask questions, discussions, etc.
• Open Data Structures (in C++)
We’ll use Slack for all communication (login and save now, we’ll use it in 
• It is best if you ask questions here so that everyone can get the answer
All course materials will be on the course website
• Easier for me to update slides and homework assignments
We’ll use Gradescope for submitting assignments and labs
• I will also put all grades on Gradescope
• It does not tally up your scores
Quizzes     : 10%
Labs        : 20%
Assignments : 30%
Exam 1      : 20%
Exam 2      : 20%
A  (4.00) : >=90%
B+ (3.30) :   87%
B  (3.00) :   80%
C+ (2.30) :   77%
C  (2.00) :   70%
D+ (1.30) :   67%
D  (1.00) :   60%
F  (0.00) :  <60%
Quizzes (about 3 per week)
• Worth 10 points each
• Answers will come from readings
Labs (about 2 per week)
• Worth 2 points each
Assignments (6 total)
• Variable number of points
Exams (midterm and final)
Class Flow
• Each lecture is 2 hours and 5 minutes
• I will almost never lecture for 2 hours and 5 minutes
• We are on a very condensed schedule
• Monday    : assignment given/due; quiz; lecture; lab
• Tuesday   : quiz; lecture; lab
• Wednesday : quiz: lecture; assignment worktime
• Thursday  : quiz: lecture; lab;
Class Policies (full text in syllabus)
• Attendance is not mandatory, but you will likely miss quizzes
• Academic Dishonesty (you are responsible for knowing the University’s 
honor code)
• Nondiscrimination
• Disability Accommodation
• Cell Phone
• Religious Accommodation
• Emergency Response
Storm Shelter and Evacuation
• Shelter Information (in case of severe weather).
• Evacuate floors 1, 2, and 3 using Center, North and West stairs;
• Shelter in basement interior hallway.
• Evacuation Instructions (in case the building needs to be evacuated 
for events such as fire, gas leak, etc.)
• West to Siceluff Hall 1st Floor Classrooms and Lobby; 
• Overflow, Plaster Student Union Lower Level
Personal Opinion:
• Never start a new project using C++ (or Java or C or …)
• Unless you are doing so to learn C++
• Pick a better language (D, Go, Rust, Kotlin, Swift, Julia, etc.)
• Better package ecosystem
• Interoperability with C/C++
• Encourage better practices (testing, documentation, patterns, etc.)
• It is still critical to learn C++
Lab 01: Hello 232
• Work by yourself
• After a certain amount of time we will go over the solution together