
C C++ Java Python Processing编程在线培训 程序编写 软件开发 视频讲解

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Lab Handout 2 
Jan 8, 2013 
Lab Handout 2 
Jan 8, 2013 
SECTION 1: Services 
1. What is a Service? 
a. A service is a component that runs in the background to perform long-running 
operations or to perform work for remote processes. A service does not provide a 
user interface. 
b. A service is implemented as a subclass of Service and you can learn more about it in 
the Services developer guide. 
2. We will create a Service called MP3Service to play music in the background of an Activity.  
a. Go to the day 2 folder in my Public here: and download 
b. In your Android project, create a new folder inside the res/ folder called “raw” 
c. Drag and drop theme_song.mp3 into the res/raw folder to copy it to that location. 
The mp3 file can now be accessed in your Android project with the id 
d. The skeleton of our MP3 Service.  
e. We will need to modify the onStartCommand and onDestroy callback methods 
i. onStartCommand should create a MediaPlayer, give it the MP3 to play, and 
set the player to loop, and start the music. Don’t modify the return 
ii. onDestroy should stop the MediaPlayer and release the resources associated 
with the MediaPlayer object 
iii. The API on the MediaPlayer can be found here:  
public class MP3Service extends Service { 
 private MediaPlayer m; 
 public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) { 
  return null; 
 public void onCreate() { 
 public void onDestroy() { 
 public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { 
  return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId); 
Lab Handout 2 
Jan 8, 2013 
f. The MP3Service will be used on MP3Activity. Create a new Activity called 
MP3Activity, the corresponding layout file activity_mp3, and don’t forget to declare 
your MP3Activity in the Manifest 
i. For the layout, you can download the activity_mp3.xml file from my Public 
and just copy it into your own activity_mp3 layout file (No need to create 
Buttons from scratch every time once you know how) 
ii. You can use the skeleton above for the Activity class. All that’s left to do is 
starting and stopping the MP3Service with Intents inside the corresponding 
helper methods. It’s one or two lines of code, and you can look up how to 
do it here:  
g. Don’t forget to declare your service in your Manifest  
public class MP3Activity extends Activity { 
 private Button startButton; 
 private Button stopButton; 
 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
  startButton = (Button) 
  startButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { 
   public void onClick(View v) { 
  stopButton = (Button) 
  stopButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { 
   public void onClick(View v) { 
 public void startService() { 
  /* Implement this. It should start your service */ 
 public void stopService() { 
  /* Implement this. It should stop your service */ 
 protected void onPause() { 
Lab Handout 2 
Jan 8, 2013 
3. The solutions are in the “service solutions” folder and are summarized here 
a.  Starting a Service 
b. Stopping a Service  
c. onStartCommand and onDestroy 
Intent i = new Intent(this, MP3Service.class); 
stopService(new Intent(this, MP3Service.class)); 
public void onDestroy() { 
 Toast.makeText(this, "Service Stopped", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); 
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { 
 Toast.makeText(this, "Service Started", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); 
 if (m != null) { 
 m = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.theme_song); 
 return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId); 
Lab Handout 2 
Jan 8, 2013 
SECTION 2: Accessing Media Content and Custom Views 
1. Our goal here is to open the phone’s Gallery on a button click, let the user select an image, 
and then turn that image into a holiday card. 
2. Create a new Activity called CardMakerActivity and the corresponding layout 
activity_cardmaker.xml. Declare it in the Manifest.  
3. Download from the day 2 folder… 
a.  activity_cardmaker.xml file which you can use as a starting point for your layout 
b. which has skeleton code to get you started and instructions 
in the comments 
c. which is a fully implemented custom ImageView 
4. In activity_cardmaker.xml, we want to add our CardView to the layout 
a. Since it is a custom View, the xml tag is a little different. Instead of the    
 tag, you need to specify the location of the class that defines your 
custom View, which would be something like  
b.  Specify the CardView’s attributes like layout_height, etc, and be sure to give it a new 
id. You might find in order for the view to inflate properly you need to specify        
5. Implement the onClick method in onClickOpenGallery in CardMakerActivity  
a. Create a new Intent 
b. Set the Action of the Intent to Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT  
c. Set the type of the intent to "image/*"  
d. Use startActivityForResult instead of startActivity 
i. so when the user has selected an image, info about the one they selected will 
be sent to us in onActivityResult  
ii. Use RESULT_IMAGE, an integer constant, for the integer request code 
6. Implement onActivityResult in CardMakerActivity 
a. Get the Uri of the selected image from the data Intent  
b. Save the image's Uri to mSelectedImageUri  
c. find your CardView i.e. CardView card = (CardView) 
d. set the card's imageUri to the selected image's uri  
e. invalidate the card to force it to be redrawn with the new image 
Lab Handout 2 
Jan 8, 2013 
7. Solutions: 
a. onClick 
b. onActivityResult  
public void onClick(View v) { 
 /* Create a new Intent */ 
 Intent intent = new Intent(); 
 /* Set the Action of the Intent to Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT */ 
 /* Set the type of the intent to "image/*" */ 
  * use startActivityForResult instead of startActivity so when the 
  * user has selected an image, info about the one they selected will 
  * be sent to us in onActivityResult (below); Use RESULT_IMAGE for 
  * the integer request code 
  * To let the user conveniently select how to view their pictures, 
  * try using the Intent.createChooser method 
   Intent.createChooser(intent, "Select Picture"), 
 protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { 
  super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); 
  if (requestCode == RESULT_IMAGE && resultCode == RESULT_OK 
    && null != data) { 
   /* Get the Uri of the selected image from the data Intent */ 
   Uri selectedImageUri = data.getData(); 
   /* Save the image's Uri to mSelectedImageUri */ 
   mSelectedImageUri = selectedImageUri; 
    * find your CardView i.e. CardView card = (CardView) 
    * findViewById(; 
   CardView card = (CardView) findViewById(; 
   /* set the card's imageUri to the selected image's uri */ 
   /* invalidate the card to force it to be redrawn with the new image */ 
Lab Handout 2 
Jan 8, 2013 
c. CardView in the xml 
Lab Handout 2 
Jan 8, 2013 
SECTION 3: AsyncTask 
1. Our goal here is to learn about how AsyncTasks work. One potential use for an AsyncTask 
is to download something in the background and periodically update the UI with the 
progress updates for the download. We will look at a simple example usage where the 
background work is just making the system sleep for a little while instead and periodically 
update the progress bar so that the UI remains responsive. 
2. Create a new Activity called AsyncActivity. The simplest way to do this is to use the New 
Android Activity Wizard which I will illustrate below 
a. Right click on your 
project folder, 
HolidayCards. Go to 
b. In the popup window, open the 
Android folder and select “Android 
Lab Handout 2 
Jan 8, 2013 
c. In the Android Activity Wizard, 
change the Activity Name to the 
name of the Activity you want to 
create, in this case 
“AsyncActivity”. The wizard will 
automatically update the layout 
d. Click “Finish”. The wizard will create the Activity in the src folder and will create the 
Activity’s xml layout file in the layout folder. The Activity’s onCreate method will be 
populated with a call to super.onCreate and setContentView(R.layout.your_activity-
_layout_here). Additionally, the wizard will declare your new Activity in the 
AndroidManifest for you. 
3. Go to your xml layout file. Copy and paste the code below to get started: