Labs and Projects | Elements of Software Construction | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare Browse Course Material Syllabus Calendar Lecture Notes Assignments Labs and Projects Pedagogy Course Info Instructors: Prof. Daniel Jackson Prof. Robert Miller Course Number: 6.005 Departments: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science As Taught In: Fall 2008 Level: Undergraduate Topics Engineering Computer Science Programming Languages Software Design and Engineering Learning Resource Types assignment Problem Sets notes Lecture Notes group_work Projects assignment_turned_in Programming Assignments with Examples menu search Give Now About OCW Help & Faqs Contact Us search Give now About OCW help & faqs contact us Course Info Elements of Software Construction Syllabus Calendar Lecture Notes Assignments Labs and Projects Pedagogy Hide Course Info Labs and Projects arrow_back browse course material library_books This course makes use of Athena, MIT’s UNIX-based computing environment. OCW does not provide access to this environment. Stand-Alone Labs To use the supporting files in Eclipse, choose the folder containing the unzipped files, using File » Import » Existing Project into Workspace. LABS SUPPORTING FILES Lab 0.1: Introductory Java (PDF) procedural_java (ZIP) (This ZIP file contains 3 .java files and 2 files with no file extension.) Lab 0.2: Object-oriented Java, and more tools (PDF) oop_java (ZIP) (This ZIP file contains 12 .java files and 2 files with no file extension.) collab_svn (ZIP) (This ZIP file contains 3 .java files and 2 files with no file extension.) ( courtesy of Max Goldman, and used with permission.) Projects You’ll complete three small software development projects, each of which goes all the way from specification and design to coding and testing. All projects will be done in teams of three students. Projects 1 and 2 have a deliverable after one week (usually involving exploring the problem and working on design issues), and a second, final deliverable after the second week. Project 3 is a three-week project, with three deliverables. Each project will be preceded by a lab assignment to help you get up to speed with the project’s technology. Lab assignments will be done individually. PROJECTS SUPPORTING FILES Project 1: Multipart data transfer Lab (PDF) Project (PDF) multipart (ZIP) (This ZIP file contains 1 .jar file, 5 .java files and 2 files with no file extension.) Project 2: An abc music player Lab (PDF) Project (PDF) Background reading: an abc subset for 6.005 (PDF) Grammar in an EBNF (TXT) (Courtesy of Eunsuk Kang, and used with permission.) abcPlayer (ZIP) (This ZIP file contains 2 .java files and 2 files with no file extension.) traversal_java (ZIP) (This ZIP file contains 8 .java files and 2 files with no file extension.) Project 3: Instant messaging Team building lab (PDF) Networking lab (PDF) Optional lab: graphical user interfaces in Swing (PDF) Project (PDF) guichat (ZIP) (This ZIP file contains 2 .jar files, 2 .java files and 2 files with no file extension.) friendly (ZIP) (This ZIP file contains 6 .java files and 2 files with no file extension.) guiwords (ZIP) (This ZIP file contains 2 .jar files, 2 .java files and 3 files with no file extension.) Course Info Instructors: Prof. Daniel Jackson Prof. Robert Miller Course Number: 6.005 Departments: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science As Taught In: Fall 2008 Level: Undergraduate Topics Engineering Computer Science Programming Languages Software Design and Engineering Learning Resource Types assignment Problem Sets notes Lecture Notes group_work Projects assignment_turned_in Programming Assignments with Examples Accessibility Creative Commons License Terms and Conditions MIT OpenCourseWare is an online publication of materials from over 2,500 MIT courses, freely sharing knowledge with learners and educators around the world. Learn more Accessibility Creative Commons License Terms and Conditions PROUD MEMBER OF : © 2001–2022 Massachusetts Institute of Technology