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Digital and Technology Solutions 
Assignment Outlines 
Year 1 
Introduction to Programming (Java) 
Assignment 1 
In the programming portfolio you will undertake around 15 assessed programming labs over 
the course of the year. These assessed programming labs will help you to develop new skills 
in the Java programming language. In addition, you will build up  a library of code for 
yourself that you and refer back to each week to help you remember the skills we have 
practiced. Each week we will have a new set of assessed exercises to be completed during 
the lab. These exercises can be completed at the student’s own pace and marking is 
undertaken at the student and tutor’s discretion. The final hand in for the portfolio exercises 
is usually in March. In addition to the programming exercises, the portfolio also consists of 
two assessed quizzes, one in the first term and one in the second term. These quizzes cover 
material from the portfolio exercises and are designed to serve as evidence of your 
knowledge of programming up to that point in the course. 
Assignment 2 
In the coding assignment you will be given a long-format assignment brief and asked to 
develop a piece of software to meet a specific task. The assignment will be judged on a 
number of dimensions such as the quality of code, the features implemented, the user 
interface and the testing and documentation. Students are expected to incorporate all of the 
skills that we have learnt in the portfolio exercises to develop a good submission to the 
assignment. The assignment will typically be released before Christmas and is due around 
Easter time. 
Introduction to Programming (COBOL) 
This assessment uses a variety of assessment types with the aim of building skills in reading, 
writing, testing and describing code (in written documentation and face-to-face 
walkthrough) using appropriate language. The assessments include coding exercises, mini-
projects, multiple-choice tests and a log book. Practice tests will be available and you will be 
able to ask for advice for the programming tasks. 
This assessment requires you to design, code and test a batch process for a (fictional) home-
shopping company. You will need to understand a business scenario, make and justify your 
decisions as to an appropriate approach for the processing required. You will be assessed on 
your design documentation and test plan as well as your code. To gain the highest marks, 
you need to consider non-functional requirements as well as interpreting the business 
requirements. You will have an opportunity to submit your work in progress to gain 
Introduction to Business Systems 
Assignment 1 
You are required to produce a 2,000 word report (plus/minus 10%).  You need to investigate 
the issue(s) with an existing information system and explain how it could be improved or 
replaced with a new or modified solution. You need to select an organisation of your choice 
to form the focus of the assignment and should consider selecting your employer, but you 
could choose another organisation if you want to, once you have chosen your organisation 
you need to select a particular information system to focus on.  You could arrange to speak 
with your line manager or colleagues to understand how the chosen information system 
works, to determine its issues, or how it could be improved. In your report you can refer to 
the people you spoke with to demonstrate you have conducted a rigorous analysis.  
Assignment 2 
Assignment 2 has three elements.  You will need to work in groups of 4 or 5 and the people 
you choose to work with must be in your workshop. You need to select an organisation and 
one of their business systems as a project. You can select a business system from one of 
your employers or you could choose another organisation and it needs to be chosen so it 
provides the necessary scope to allow all elements of the assessment to be undertaken. You 
need to produce a business case for a new database solution. At the end of the project you 
will be required to produce an operational Access database, presentation slides, and a 
4,000-word report (plus/minus 10%). The report should include an executive summary, 
contents, introduction, the main body of work, and conclusions. Any supporting 
documentation can be included in the report’s appendices. You will need to present an 
Executive Summary of the report to tutors in a 10-minute presentation.  
Examples of the business system your group selects could include: Making an appointment 
with your GP at your local surgery; Booking a train ticket; Buying car insurance; A stock 
control system; A hot-desking management system; A visitor management system; A 
university attendance system.   
Introduction to Web Development 
Assignment 1 
After completing a series of workbooks, you will take an in-class test, which will check you 
can create accessible, standards compliant HTML and CSS – the building blocks of all 
websites. To prepare for the test we will give you through a practice test in early December 
which you can practice as many times as you wish. 
Once you have successfully passed the assessment, you can be confident you will be able to 
read and modify the code of modern web pages, and have the vocabulary and insight to 
discuss aspects of your company's web presence. 
You would benefit from contact with the areas of your business responsible for testing the 
accessibility of your website or apps. If possible, try to visit your web or new media 
departments if you are situated in another area of the business. 
Assignment 2 
Building on Assignment 1, you will create a responsive web page using accessible, standards 
compliant HTML and CSS. Following a checklist of tasks, you will add, modify and test the 
code required to create a responsive site usable on a range of different devices, with the 
final website submitted in early April. We will learn about the way web coding practices 
change and develop in response to the invention of new devices and the continuing 
improvements in web browser software. 
Successfully passing the assignment means you can be confident you have an appreciation 
of modern web development methods, and should give you the tools and strategies to keep 
up to date with this fast-paced area.  
You would benefit from contact with your web or new media departments, particularly if 
they have a ‘device lab’ or other methods of testing websites on multiple devices. 
Year 2 
Computing Fundamentals 
Assignment 1 
Your first assignment is to deploy a virtualised computer network (web server, client, and 
network) considering the requirements for the various components of a computer 
architecture. Once deployed you will perform a vulnerability assessment on the virtual web 
server using industry standard tools (Kali Linux). The results of which will be correlated with 
information from real world sources (Various CVE repositories). Based on your research into 
the CVEs identified, you will propose a variety of mitigation strategies to secure the 
webserver. Furthermore, you will configure a firewall to reduce its attack surface. 
Assignment 2 
This assignment will require you to apply the relational database design theory and practical 
SQL development skills that you have learnt during the term to a scenario based on a real-
world example. You will be given a business case and a set of specific requirements which 
you must carefully analyse. From the results of this analysis you will create a relational data 
model using entity relationship diagramming (ERD) techniques. Using your completed ERD 
as a design you will then use the Structured Query Language (SQL) to create your database 
and populate it with sample data. You will then be required to create a series of specified 
reports by writing SQL queries. 
By working through the process of requirements analysis, database design and database 
implementation you will be gaining experience of the systems development process along 
with practical relational database skills and the problem solving and logical thinking 
expertise that are in demand in the technology sector. Although specific modelling software 
will be demonstrated and the MySQL Database Management System will be used for the 
teaching, the focus is on building transferable skills in database modelling and SQL 
development that are relevant to all database systems. 
Technology Management 
Assignment 1 
Looking at a small project from your workplace (or phase of a large project). Focusing on 
both project management tasks and stakeholder management tasks, write a report that 
documents some of the management activities of the project and evaluates them with 
reference to documented good practice and academic literature.  Compare reality to 
professional practice (AMP, PMI) and academic research and evaluate the differences and 
Assignment 2 
Evaluate the lifecycle (procurement, implementation and support) of a specified technology 
(hardware or software) within your organisation using appropriate criteria that you have 
identified. The stages in the lifecycle that you evaluate may include: approval to proceed 
(incl. Business Case), requirements, scoping, procurement, commissioning, maintenance, 
support, replacement/upgrading.  There is a case study available (documents, interviews, 
etc) for students who cannot find a suitable project. 
Customer Lifecycle Management 
Assignment 1 
Organisations require a web presence to acquire and convert customers. Your first 
assessment involves creating a web presence for an organisation and making it visible to 
your target audience. You will need to research an organisation of your choice to identify 
their target audience based on behavioural, geolocational and psychographic qualities, and 
use customer insight to develop an approach to communicating with them. You will then 
need to create a webpage of content to acquire and convert target customers for your 
organisation. When creating the webpage, you will need to consider the target audience, 
keywords, phrases or themes, copywriting, multimedia content, internal links, outbound 
links (e.g. social media accounts), and inbound links. From an SEO perspective, you will need 
to justify the decisions you make for all the elements on the webpage. You will also need to 
explain and justify how you will make the content visible to your target audience. To do this, 
you will need to consider the digital marketing techniques you will use to drive traffic to 
your page of content. 
Assignment 2 
Organisations must retain the customers they have acquired and converted through a 
customer relationship management (CRM) strategy. Working in a group, your second 
assessment focuses on managing customer relationships through the design of a customer 
loyalty program. You will need to select an organisation to form the focus of your 
assessment. You will need to identify the organisation’s target audience as well as the issues 
with their existing CRM strategy to justify the need to introduce a loyalty program. You will 
then need to design a loyalty program that will improve your chosen organisation’s ability to 
manage customer relationships and improve customer retention rates. You will need to 
calculate the value of your customers before and after the loyalty program’s introduction to 
show how the improved retention rates translate into higher value customers. The final 
element of the assessment is individual and requires you to critically evaluate the loyalty 
program your group has designed. 
Advanced Programming (CICS) 
Your portfolio will consist of four practical tasks and an in-class test. The practical tasks will 
include one on batch programming and three on techniques for use in CICS application 
server. At least one of the practical tasks will require you to modify an existing 
application.  The in-class test will require written answers on the uses of CICS application 
server. The questions will be taken from questions given during the unit. 
You should create an interactive mastermind game that uses CICS application server. In this 
game, the player should try to guess a code generated by the computer. You will need to 
design all the components that allow this interaction. Your submission will be marked in the 
following areas: documentation, user experience and event handling, using the CICS API, 
data handling, game logic, making use of feedback. There will be two opportunities to 
submit work in progress for feedback. 
Statistics and Visualisation 
Assignment 1 
In this assignment the students will: extract data from various sources; clean and prepare 
the data ready for analysis; model the trends through data transformation and 
manipulation; critically analyse and evaluate the trends; produce suitable visualisations and 
brief descriptions of relevant trends and comparisons; linking with and based on the trends, 
produce a set of strategic recommendations for the stakeholders. 
Assignment 2 
In this assignment the students will: choose and apply suitable techniques for probing and 
obtaining insights into the nature and structure of dataset so as to identify and report useful 
and interesting relationships; select and apply, appropriate statistical theory and techniques 
to real business scenarios; interpret and explain the data and the models obtained from a 
data analytics process, as well as communicate effectively to stakeholders and decision-
Computer Security Fundamentals 
Assignment 1 
You are responsible for managing security credentials and access for a group of four 
employees in Acme Inc. You must develop three different environments for restricted data 
sharing among this group: Cryptographic, File system, and Database. Your job is to create 
and manage the environment so that for each item of data any of the below 
privileges can be allocated to any of the four employees: 
• Read and Write 
• Read only 
• Write only (append) 
• No access 
Your work will be assessed through an in-lab test and a written report that documents and 
justifies your configurations, along with explanation of issues related to Confidentiality, 
Integrity, and Availability. 
Assignment 2 
Your task is to describe the operation of a small company that is emerging from an 
incubator. You must identify all potential attack vectors through which an adversary may 
cause harm. You must describe three recent, high-profile attacks and explain how they could 
apply to your company’s operations. You must rank the attack vectors in terms of those 
most seriously needing of protection. Finally, you must explain suitable mitigation methods 
that can be used to secure these attack vectors from harm.  Your work will be assessed 
through a presentation and a written report. 
Year 3 
Advanced Databases 
Assignment 1 
This assignment consists actually of two parts: an in-class test and a coursework. The in-class 
test consists of a 50-minute practical SQL test in which students are asked to create 10 SQL 
queries to produce a desired output. They complete the test interactively, able to see the 
output of an attempt and modify it if necessary to achieve the correct answer. In the 
coursework, students work in small groups to redesign a complex database. They will 
produce an ERD for the new design, create the tables, transfer the data from the old tables 
to the new ones and then redesign 5 complex queries to work on their new design. 
The exam consists of 5 compulsory questions, each worth 20% of the exam. Each question 
has a number of parts and the exam assesses students’ knowledge and understanding of the 
various theoretical concepts taught during the unit. 
Data Analytics 
In-Class Tests 
There are two in-class tests for this unit, each worth 25% of the unit. Both tests are practical 
and consist of a series of questions embedded into a Jupyter notebook relating to a provided 
dataset. Students will work within the notebook to write the necessary code to produce the 
answers. The first test assesses students’ skills relating to the use of Python and various data 
science packages including Pandas and Numpy. The second test assesses students’ skills 
relating to using Python and its packages to run statistical tests and generate high-quality 
data visualisations. 
Data Analytics Coursework 
The Data Analytics coursework asks the students to work individually on a data mining 
problem. They will be given a dataset and a classification problem. They will need to clean 
and prepare the data followed by applying machine learning, feature engineering, feature 
selection and parameter tuning to the problem. They will present their work and results in a 
high-quality data science report. 
Applied Web Design and Development 
Assignment 1 
You will work in a group as a web design and development agency to create a website to a 
brief, with the teaching team acting as your client. We will explain and use industry-derived 
processes for building websites – Information Architecture, User Experience, Agile 
Development, and more. 
Your group will research potential site audiences and based on this create the written and 
visual content your visitors need. Along the way your group will create presentations of your 
findings for feedback from the teaching team. You will also check your research by carrying 
out a user test on your prototype website. Groups will be able to improve their knowledge 
of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and build a database-driven website using some PHP and MySQL. 
The final assessment submission, due in early May, is a portfolio of the working documents 
your group has created during the process and the finished website. 
Successfully completing this unit will give you the background to participate in or manage 
the development of new websites, or the redesign of existing sites, for your business. 
You would benefit from contact with: 
 your company's design team/the group responsible for your corporate guidelines 
 your user experience, web or new media departments, especially if you can observe 
user testing 
 your marketing department, copywriters or anyone who creates content for external 
 those involved if any part of your organisation is rebranding/having a website 
redesigned or working with an external company to do this. 
Business Intelligence and Strategy 
Assignment 1 
The assignment consists of an evaluation of your organisation’s information systems 
strategy to determine how it is currently working in practice. The information systems 
strategy may or may not be formally written in a document. Once you have evaluated your 
organisation’s information systems strategy, you must develop recommendations to 
improve strategic decision-making. Your analysis will need to demonstrate you understand 
the specific strategic context of your chosen organisation. The analysis should be deeply 
embedded into academic theory on IS strategy and IT-Business alignment. 
The examination is worth 50% of the unit's grade.  The exam consists of one compulsory 
question worth 40 marks, and four 30-mark questions of which students pick two of their 
choice.  The questions are all essay-based and require the students to write analytically, 
supporting their answers with academic theory covered throughout the year.  Students are 
also encouraged to illustrate their answers with real examples, either from their workplace 
or using the different case covered in class.  It is imperative that students use academic 
theory to form their arguments and ideas. 
Consultancy Project 
Assignment 1 
This assignment has two elements, a Client Report and a Client Presentation.  The report 
should provide a thorough examination of the work-based project you are working on 
presently concentrating on areas specified by your employer/line manager and should be 
written for your employer/line manager and supervisor to read. Research is necessary, and a 
full statement of the research methods, findings and recommendations should be provided.  
All reports will differ but as a general guide, you should include an Executive Summary, a 
statement of objectives, research methods, findings, conclusions and recommendations. For 
the second element, The Client Presentation, you are required to deliver a presentation of 
the findings in your Client Report to your employer/line manager and unit leader/supervisor. 
You should provide a summary of the key points of your research into the employer’s 
requirement, giving a full explanation and justification, as required. Your presentation will 
last for 30 minutes (a 20 minute presentation and 10 minutes Q&A) This must be 
undertaken in a manner that will give your employer confidence of the thoroughness of your 
research and practicable application of the findings.  
Assignment 2 
The second assignment is a reflective account of your experience of processes involved in 
the project (1,500 words).  This needs to be a reflection on the processes experienced. 
Typically, you might analyse the employer’s/line manager’s relationship, the research 
methods employed by you and the management of this project. This critical reflection 
should refer to academic literature to support your account.   
Development Project 
Assessment 1 
This assessment is split into two: an assessment of a bundle of evidence they provide 
detailing their management of a self-contained software development project and a 
presentation on the project delivered to a joint academic and business audience. 
For the evidence bundle, students negotiate with their employer to identify a suitable 
project that addresses a genuine business need, and manage the project independently 
throughout its specification, design and implementation phases. Students test their finished 
product using appropriate techniques, and gather Software Engineering artefacts evidencing 
the way in which they completed the project. 
For the presentation, students are assessed on how effectively they communicate the 
project's purpose and principal achievements, and on their ability to provide a commentary 
on the project process. Students are asked a variety of questions, potentially by both 
academics and business representatives, probing their understanding of the project area, 
techniques used, and potential alternative designs, technologies and architectures. 
Assessment 2 
In this assessment, students are asked to produce a reflective report detailing their learning 
and development whilst managing the project, which in many cases is their first such 
experience of project managing a significant piece of software development. Students draw 
on their academic knowledge, their work experience, and their reflective ability to produce a 
piece of work that evidences their ability to manage their own professional development. 
Data Analytics Project 
This assignment gives the students an opportunity to work on a real-world data analytics 
problem. They will use data from their organisation to solve a problem (or problems) of 
interest to their organisation. Students will design the scope of their project and plan out 
the questions that intend to tackle. The project will involve data preparation (potentially 
including cleaning, transforming, identifying erroneous and missing data), and 
straightforward data analysis skills. Students will be assessed on the quality of their analysis 
via a formal report and a presentation. They will also submit a reflective account of their 
project, giving them an opportunity to consider the challenges they faced and their learning 
Enterprise Programming 
Assignment 1 
This assignment assesses the student’s ability to create a Web Service accessed in many 
ways, to fit in with current and legacy applications in industry. Students will create a simple 
web service, but will provide access to it using RESTful services, standard HTTP calls and 
legacy SOAP based applications. The Web Service will offer its data in a variety of data-
wrappers, JSON, XML and TEXT. Students will also create a cloud-based version of the Web 
Service (hosted by say Amazon or Google), with the data source for the service also being 
cloud based. A browser-based client front end will be developed to test access to the Web 
Service, and to demonstrate ability to parse results in the formats shown. They should be 
using appropriate APIs for building the client front end, such as JQuery or other similar 
approaches. Students will write a critical analysis of their code, indicating the Software 
Engineering techniques used, Design Patterns etc. They will be graded in this section on the 
quality of their code, as well as the functionality. 
The exam will be a written paper, assessing the student’s skills and knowledge of more 
theoretical aspects of the course. It will be a three-hour closed book exam, and students will 
answer any 4 questions from 6. 
The exam itself is still under preparation/moderation, but could include topics such as: 
 Design Patterns; Specifically, to discuss one they have used/studied 
 Analysis of MVC Design Pattern and how it fits in with Frameworks such as Spring 
 Remote Method Invocation on Java (RMI) 
 Cloud Computing theory 
 Hibernate Framework 
 Ajax and supporting technologies 
Security Auditing and Incident Response 
Assignment 1 
In this assignment, students are required to deploy and maintain a virtualised network to 
create an ethical and legal computer security lab. They will maintain control of the virtual 
network to ensure that your work is compliant with relevant laws and statutes (Computer 
Misuse Act 1990, Communications Act 2003, Police and Justice Act 2006, Serious Crime Act 
2015);  They will 
deploy and secure a penetration testing virtual machine, along with target virtual machines, 
which they will analyse for vulnerabilities.  Upon completion of the vulnerability analysis, 
they will plan and deploy a replacement webserver and variety of countermeasures to 
mitigate the effects of some of the vulnerabilities identified.  Throughout the work, students 
will produce a short narrative of the techniques and technologies employed, along with 
supporting evidence in the form of the commands used and appropriate screen captures 
Assignment 2 
Students are required to conduct a brief review of current and emerging threats to 
computer systems and reflect on how they may impact on their organisation.  As part of an 
incident response exercise, apprentices will review evidence of network-based attacks, and 
identify the actors involved and their actions.  Students will develop Python scripts to parse 
and interpret evidence from packet captures and visualise the results. Their scripts should 
clearly identify trends in network traffic indicative of network attacks. 
Computer Networks and Operating Systems 
Assignment 1 
This assignment assesses your ability to use industry-standard facilities and equipment to 
build and interconnect networks. You will be given a scenario to implement using a variety 
of networking devices. You will be required to install and configure hardware for the 
computer network scenario and test the installation and configuration of the network to 
confirm functionality. You need to select security measures to support the computer 
network installation. 
Assignment 2 
This is a closed book assignment, which covers OSI layers, network devices, switched 
network architecture, network design, shared media access, routing protocols, TCP/IP and 
security basics. You will be assessed on your understanding of how computer networks are 
designed, implemented and applied at each layer. The test will include analytical questions 
and problem-solving questions mainly on line encoding, error detection and correction 
methods and network partitioning. 
Cyber Security Project 
The Cyber Security Project unit enables students to address a real security project problem, 
either specific to their employer or a more generic problem agreed as relevant by their 
employer. The project involves undertaking a year-long non-trivial work-based project such 
as a security audit, and produce a substantial deliverable in the form of a cyber-security tool 
and/or process. The project deliverables include a portfolio (with a covering report and 
supporting one-hour presentation/professional discussion), and a reflective account. The 
content of the portfolio will be dependent of the project undertaken. However, it should 
include all the material relevant to the ‘product’, the developed cyber-security tool and/or 
process. Rather than an unorganised mass of documents, a ‘wrapper’, in the form of a 
report, is used to narrate the project. The presentation (including a professional discussion) 
is undertaken before the final submission of the portfolio and reflective account. Formative 
feedback is provided after the presentation so apprentices can complete their reflective 
account. Students are allocated a supervisor and are provided with a comprehensive unit 
Year 4 
Synoptic Project 
The Synoptic Project involves students undertaking a non-trivial work-based project, 
negotiated with their employer, that includes activity in the full life-cycle of the project, and 
produces a substantial deliverable in the form of a product or process. The assessment takes 
the form of presentation and professional discussion about the project and its deliverables 
to the assessors and employer, and submission of a 9-11,000 word Synoptic Project Report 
to the academic assessors. It demonstrates the student can make connections between their 
academic study and their practice, as relevant to their practice, and at the appropriate level, 
drawing on the knowledge and skills developed throughout the course. The project should 
be manageable within the time frame of the final year, preferably so that at least the key 
project activities can be undertaken as part of the apprentice’s normal workload, with the 
academic component being completed in allocated study time. The presentation is made 
before the submission of the project report. Timing of completion of these components will 
be around about the Easter vacation, with exact dates of each being dependent on the dates 
for the Easter and the vacation dates set around this. Students are provided with a 
comprehensive unit handbook providing further guidance on interpreting the requirements 
for their specific pathway. 
Principles of Business Analytics 
Assignment 1 
You have recently been employed by Marks & Spencer, a major UK high street retailer, as 
part of the creation of a business analytics function within the company. Marks & Spencer 
are aware of the concepts of ‘big data’ and ‘analytics’ but they are not particularly sure how 
it can benefit their business. Your first task therefore is demonstrate to the company’s 
regional directors for Northern England, how analytics can help them to better understand 
their business and facilitate informed decision-making. 
You have been provided with sales data, KPI targets and further store information. You have 
been asked to perform some analyses on this data set and develop a Power BI-based report 
for the use of the regional directors. The regional directors are busy people and so you have 
been given a maximum of just 20 minutes to present your findings and demonstrate how 
the Power BI report works. 
Assignment 2 
A multinational organisation (any actual organisation can be chosen) is about to embark on a 
project to implement a data warehousing solution alongside the formation of a business 
analytics department at its corporate headquarters. In your role as a Business Data & 
Analytics Consultant you have been employed by the organisation to advise them on the 
processes and potential for the planned implementation. You will prepare a max 15 page 
report for the organisation on the following areas: 
1.      Outline what data and information will be available to the organisation. This will 
need to include a summary of the organisation in geographical, operational and 
product/service terms. 
2.      Summarise from the literature what is meant by ‘data warehousing’ and how it can 
be used in conjunction with the data and information identified in section 1 above. 
3.      Provide an overview of the issues and processes involved in the implementation 
and adoption of the data warehouse. 
4.      Illustrate how three separate advanced business analytics techniques (for example; 
optimisation, forecasting, simulation etc.) can be employed by the business analytics 
department, to inform organisational decision making, once the data warehouse is 
fully operational. Students can use actual data if available or simulated data to 
illustrate the separate techniques. 
Developing a Digital Business 
Assignment 1 
Your first assignment is to conceive a start-up digital business that could realistically survive 
and prosper in the current Digital Business Environment. You should choose a business that 
is of interest to you and one that you will be able to investigate and analyse within the 
available timeframe and technical resources. The business is to be conducted digitally; the 
product may or may not be digital.  Solutions from your Digital Business opportunity can be 
anything you choose, but you should avoid unrealistic solutions. In particular, you must be 
conscious of things such as time and cost issues. Research is necessary to discover what 
digital businesses are already operating in the area you are contemplating. 
During the course of your research you may well discover a gap in the market, perhaps a 
customer need that is not fulfilled by an existing digital businesses. Your digital business 
could endeavour to fill this gap, as it could be a very fruitful area for you to exploit. 
Alternatively, you might discover a completely new market although you would need to be 
clear about any risks associated with this. 
Assignment 2 
Your second assignment is to develop a multimedia presentation to pitch your digital 
business. The aim of your pitch is to enthuse and excite your audience.  Demonstrating that 
the digital business has been rigorously investigated and designed (look and feel). The pitch 
also discusses the value proposition within the context of both the target audience and the 
global commercial digital environmental.  A detailed cash flow is also required showing start-
up costs and income for year 1 together with a summary cash flow for years 2 and 3 , 
indicating return on investment. 
Tech Route Assignment 
The DDB Tech-Route assignment requires students to build a digital presence (prototype) for 
the proposal they developed in Term 1. The assignment is in two parts. The first part is a 
2000 word report (including references). The report will include the website design, 
competitor analysis, HCI justification and ERD for their applications. The second part is the 
prototype which could be a website or a mobile application. Students would be taught 
VB.NET (using ASP.NET) and would be encouraged to use VB.NET but they are allowed to use 
any other programming language they prefer. The application would require a database, 
good HCI search feature, administrator feature and payment service. The report and the 
prototype form 30% and 70% of the marks respectively. 
Digital and Social Media Marketing Communications   
Assignment 1 
Your first assignment is to conceive a start-up digital business that could realistically survive 
and prosper in the current Digital Business Environment. You should choose a business that 
is of interest to you and one that you will be able to investigate and analyse within the 
available timeframe and technical resources. The business is to be conducted digitally; the 
product may or may not be digital.  Solutions from your Digital Business opportunity can be 
anything you choose, but you should avoid unrealistic solutions. In particular, you must be 
conscious of things such as time and cost issues. Research is necessary to discover what 
digital businesses are already operating in the area you are contemplating. 
During the course of your research you may well discover a gap in the market, perhaps a 
customer need that is not fulfilled by an existing digital business. Your digital business could 
endeavour to fill this gap, as it could be a very fruitful area for you to exploit. Alternatively, 
you might discover a completely new market although you would need to be clear about any 
risks associated with this. 
User Experience Design 
Assignment 1 
The main elements to this assignment include the UX report + Illustrations to include the 
a. Problem space > domain description; 
b. Market insight > competitor analysis; 
c. Audience insight > personas, storyboards;
d. User journey/scenario > goal-based journey; 
e. Lo-Fi Sketching > interface & user flow; 
f. Digital prototype > interface & user flow; 
g. Guerrilla testing > set-up & results;
h. Iterative design > incorporating feedback. 
The UX report is the outcome of your work throughout the unit. It contains a number of 
documents you will need to complete and will be your individual report of the entire user-
centered design process from idea generation, to competitor analysis, to user requirements. 
prototype, design, and testing. The process you will go through reflects current best practice 
in most professional web agencies. 
Assignment 2 
In this assignment you will be introduced to a variety of usability testing methodologies. By 
consulting a number of practitioners, we have selected a group of methods, techniques and 
tools that are used regularly in the digital sector to test both new and existing products. We 
will be asking you to use these same methods, techniques and tools to carry out testing on 
selected resources with the view to delivering an individual report of your findings. 
Although this assignment submission is individual we will be asking you to work in teams to 
facilitate the various usability testing methods you will be assigned to undertake. It is 
expected that it will be easier for you to run the various tests in co-operation will your peers. 
However, once you have completed the testing you are required to draw your own 
conclusions from the data that your squad has gathered. You are then required to deliver 
your personal findings in a narrated presentation that is submitted online.  
Data Engineering 
Assignment 1 
This assignment comprises two parts. The first part is 5 log book tasks which will cover 
PL/SQL, data analytics in SQL and data mining and these will be based on lab exercises which 
is worth 10%. The second part of the coursework (40%) you will be given a real world-based 
dataset and a data mining problem to solve. You will be required to first pre-process the 
dataset and then to select, justify and apply a selection of data mining algorithms. This will 
inform performing a series of experiments and analysing the results. You will be asked to 
produce technical report of your findings that a business manager is capable of 
Assignment 2 
The second assignment is a three-hour closed book academic exam. This is an applied exam 
where you will have to demonstrate your understanding of the material taught in the course 
to new problems and scenarios. The questions in the exam are aligned to the learning 
outcomes of the unit. 
Mobile App Development 
Assignment 1 
This assignment assesses the student’s ability create an Internet of Things Smart 
environment. It uses a set of Sensors and Actuators (supplied to students) to create an IoT 
Application. DTS students have specific kit allocated to them to avoid having to wait for loan 
availability. The assessment is in 3 parts. Part 1 creates a lock system based on RFID cards 
opening a door lock. Cards are validated for correct usage, all door open attempts are 
recorded, actual door openings are recorded in a database table. A web service is developed 
to interact with storage and receive requests to store. MQTT is used as a messaging protocol 
between the client rfid and client lock. Data is sent at all times in json format. Task 2 looks at 
creating an Android App to open the door, validation and recording similar to above. Task 3 
is a Design Exercise, and involves specifying the design of a Smart Lawn Sprinkler System, 
students having to design nodes with sensors/actuators, and specify an approximate costing 
with the specification. They also specify network protocols used, data formats, hub nodes, 
cloud/mobile access/voice control, security concerns. 
Assignment 2 
The Portfolios assess the student’s ability in analysing real-world situation critically, which 
include engaging with stakeholder or interdisciplinary perspectives. You will develop mobile 
applications, which include the use of a variety of advanced mobile applications and location 
aware mobile development technologies, which mirroring the sorts of tasks you would be 
required to carry out in the role of a mobile applications developer. More specifically, this 
assignment is focus on Xcode and Swift for iOS development. The assessment consists of 
two Portfolios. Portfolio 1 involves Questionnaire app development suitable for the use of 
older adults.  The app should include multiview, data persistence and user friendly. Porfolio 
2 creates Photo Album with the functionally to load the photo, select computer algorithms 
to detect/recognise the object on the photo and display the results.  In addition, both 
portfolios will be assessed based on the design patterns and the code quality. 
Advanced Web Development 
Assignment 1 
This assignment involves the creation and testing of a price comparison website for the gas 
industry.  The user enters details regarding their property and estimated gas usage and the 
site states the cheapest gas supplier for those parameters; this is coded in HTML and 
JavaScript and uses the client parts of the MEAN stack.  Additionally, the bulk price of gas is 
modelled by a variable x which is dynamic and stored on an external site, the software 
parses the external site to determine x and consequently the price of gas by the companies. 
Finally, the data input by users is analysed and displayed using mongo. 
Assignment 2 
The assignment in the 2nd term is a group project requiring the development of 
a restaurant web application that allows communication between a waiter (who takes 
orders on - say a tablet), the kitchen who communicate with the waiter informing them 
when the order is ready, and an administrator who can perform certain tasks such as track 
the takings of the restaurant over a week.  This software is done in MEAN, and follows on 
from the work in the first term in allowing the software to be a full mean stack application. 
Artificial Intelligence 
Assignment 1 
Students study three Machine Learning classifiers, with the aim of developing a complete 
understanding of how they each work. Learning takes place through a series of dedicated 
lectures and labs, interactive Kahoot quizzes, and code commenting exercises. Learning is 
evaluated through an in-class test and an optional code extension exercise. The assignment 
additionally develops an understanding of more general associated issues in Machine 
Learning (e.g., basic data preparation and performance evaluation) and the knowledge 
students gain provides the basis for the more practical work undertaken in the second half 
of the unit. 
This is a "practical exam" where students sit at a computer, writing and running code to 
address realistic Machine Learning problems involving real-world datasets. Learning takes 
place through a series of practical labs, with associated code examples, data, and practice 
questions. The exam evaluates the practical application of the theories students have 
learned about earlier in the unit (see 1CWK50) and a number of associated techniques, with 
a focus on building a "toolkit" of useful approaches for future (e.g., data 
investigation/cleaning, data/model visualisation, better model evaluation, salient feature 
extraction, dimensionality reduction, unsupervised learning, data abstraction).