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Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University  
Clayton, Vic., 3800, Australia. 
Phone: +61-3-9905-5438; Fax: +61-3-9905-5475 
2010-   Professor, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University. 
2015-   Affiliate, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), MIT, Boston. 
2014-   Fellow, Australian Academy of Social Sciences. 
2012- Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn. 
2011- Life Fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge University. 
1998- Adjunct Research Fellow, Indonesia Project, College of Asia and the Pacific, ANU. 
Princeton University 
1996   Ph.D. Economics 
1994  M.A. 
University of Melbourne 
1999  Grad. Dip in Modern Language (Indonesian) 
1992  Masters of Commerce (First Class Honours) 
1989   Bachelor of Commerce (First Class Honours) 
2012- 2015 Director, Centre for Development Economics (CDE), Monash University. 
2010    Professor, Department of Economics, University of Melbourne. 
2007-2010 Director, Asian Economics Centre, University of Melbourne. 
1997-2010 Academic Levels B-D, Dept of Economics, University of Melbourne. 
1990  Research Officer, Institute for Fiscal Studies, London. 
1988/89 Cadet Economist, Reserve Bank of Australia. 
2015 Luskin School of Public Policy, UCLA, July-Dec. 
2011  Department of Economics, Cambridge University, July-Dec. 
2011  Clare Hall, Cambridge University, July-Dec. 
2011 Institute for Fiscal Studies, London, July-Dec. 
2008  China Centre for Economic Research (CCER), Peking University, Sept-Dec. 
2000 SMERU Research Institute, Jakarta, Jan 2000 - Mar 2000. 
2000 World Bank Development Economics Research Group (DEcRG), Apr- Jun.   
1994 Demographic Institute, University of Indonesia, Sep-Nov.  
2015-   Economic Society of Australia’s Expert Panel. 
2014- Fellow, Australian Academy of Social Sciences. 
2001  Best paper prize, Economic Record.  
1995 Wilson Fellow, Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy, Princeton.  
1994 Bradley Fellowship, Dept. of Economics, Princeton University. 
 Robertson Fellow, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University. 
 Mellon Grant for research in Indonesia, Princeton University. 
1992 Fulbright Postgraduate Award; Wilfred Prest Travelling Scholarship. 
Lisa Cameron 
Monash University 
1991 Commonwealth Postgraduate Course Award. 
1989 Les Brewster Exhibition (1st ranked in honours year, Uni of Melbourne). 
1988 J.F. Major Memorial Prize, (Best 3rd year student in Faculty, Uni of Melbourne). 
1986 Alban C. Morley Prize, (Best 1st year student in Faculty, Uni of Melbourne). 
Maternity Leave: 36 months, April 02-Feb 03; Jan-Dec 05; Aug 06-July 07.  
60% Full-time equivalent: Mar 2003-present.  
World Bank 
2015 -  Principal Investigator, Sanitation and Child and Maternal Health in Indonesia. 
2014 -   Co-Principal Investigator on RCT of Lao Sanitation Intervention (CLTS+incentives). 
2012-2013 Team Leader for ERR Calculation for stunting intervention PNPM Generasi Plus. 
2007-2011 Co-Principal Investigator on Evaluation of Indonesian sanitation intervention (TSSM). 
2004  Developed a research program for the Bank on gender inequality in Indonesia.  
2004  Prepared a brief on gender inequality for the incoming Indonesian government. 
2004  Research on cross-country differences in people’s attitudes to corruption. 
2000  (& UNICEF). Evaluated Indonesia’s social safety net scholarship scheme.  
2000  (& UNICEF). Conducted research on the impact of the crisis in Indonesia. 
DFAT (previously AusAID) 
2016-  Research in living with a disability in Indonesia. 
2015-  Research on gender inequality in Indonesia. 
2014-2016 Research project on Maternal Mortality. 
2013  Review of over- and under- nutrition in the Asia-Pacific 
2012- Member of Analytical Research Unit providing strategic research advice to the MAMPU 
program (Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction).  
2009  Indonesian Ministry of Finance Briefing. 
1999  Report on Impact of Indonesia’s Financial Crisis on poverty. 
International Labor Organisation(ILO) 
2001  Report on Income Distribution in Indonesia. 
Asian Development Bank (ADB) 
1999-2000 Assessment of Poverty in Indonesia.  This document formed the basis of ADB’s next 5 year 
funding cycle for programs in Indonesia. Presented at a High Level Forum of Indonesian 
government ministers and senior officials; and at a workshop with NGO representatives. 
Organising committee, Australian Women in Economics Retreat, 2016. 
Australian Academy of Social Science, Panel B Committee, 2014 -. 
Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) Peer Reviewer, 2010. 
Australian Research Council (ARC) International reader, 1999-. 
Advisory Committee, Indonesia Project, RSPAS, ANU,  2007-. 
Expert Advice Panel Member assessing the proposed merger between the School of Accounting and School 
of Economics and Finance at the University of Western Sydney, 2006. 
Selection Committee, prize for the best article in the Economic Record, 2005. 
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (2003 - ) 
Journal of the Asia Pacific Economies (2008 - ) 
Asian Pacific Economic Literature (2009 - ) 
Economic Record (2010- 2014) 
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) (A$65,000), Disability in Indonesia, 2016-2017 (with 
D. Contreras Suarez). Administered through the Australian Indonesian Partnership for Economic 
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) (A$320,000), Gender Inequality in Indonesia, 2015-
2017 (with D. Contreras-Suarez). Administered through the Australian Indonesian Partnership for 
Economic Governance,  
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) (A$1,425,157) Empowering Migrant Workers to 
Access Quality Overseas Placement Services (with S. Bazzi, F. Witoelar and S. Schaner), 2015-2019. 
Administered through J-PAL South East Asia, 
J-PAL South East Asia Indonesia RCT Fund (A$800,000), Empowering Migrant Workers to Access 
Quality Overseas Placement Services (with S. Bazzi and S. Schaner), 2013-2014. 
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) (A$100,000, Maternal Mortality in Indonesia, 2015-
2016.), Administered through MAMPU, 
Australian Council for International Agricultural Research ($A850,579), Improving food security in the 
Northern Uplands of Lao PDR: identifying drivers and overcoming barriers (with P. Santos, L. 
Gangadharan and A. Leroux), 2015-2018. 
J-PAL South East Asia Indonesia Pilot RCT Fund (US$48,899), Empowering Migrant Workers to Access 
Quality Overseas Placement Services (with S. Bazzi and S. Schaner), 2013-2014. 
J-PAL South East Asia Indonesia RCT Pilot Fund (US$57,498), Promoting Public Health through 
Savings for Sex-Workers (with M. Shah), 2013-2014. 
Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant ($265,718), Combating HIV/AIDS in Indonesia: 
Understanding the Behaviour of Sex Workers and their Clients (with M. Shah), 2011-13.  
Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant ($153454), Community-Led Sanitation 
Interventions: the Role of Social Capital (with M. Shah), 2009-11. 
World Bank/Gates Foundation ($1,000,000), Randomised Evaluation of Total Sanitation and Sanitation 
Marketing (TSSM) in Indonesia, (with M. Shah), 2007-2011. 
Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant ($255,000), Economics of Corruption and 
Institutional Change: Theory and Experiments (with L. Gangadharan, N. Erkal), 2006-08. 
Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant ($175,000), Health and Income in a Developing 
Country (with J. Williams), 2005-07. 
Australian Research Council Discovery Grant ($24,000), Agglomeration of Economic Activity in a 
Developing Country Context (with M. Amiti). 2002. 
Australian Research Council (ARC) Large Grant ($159,000), Female Education and the Welfare of 
Families in Asia (with M. Dowling and C. Worswick), 1998-2000. 
Australian Research Council Small Grant, University of Adelaide ($19,676) An Economic Analysis of the 
Demand for Illicit Drugs in Australia (with J. Williams), 1999. 
Australian Research Council Small Grant, ($9,000), The Effect of Crop Loss on Children’s Educational 
and Labour Market Status in Indonesia, 1999. 
Australian Research Council Small Grant, ($7,500) Familial Support for the Elderly in Indonesia, 1998. 
“Risk-Taking in the Wake of Natural Disasters” with M. Shah, Journal of Human Resources, 2015, Spring, 
50(2): 484-515.  
“Cultural Integration: Experimental Evidence of Changes in Immigrants’ Preferences” with N. Erkal and L. 
Gangadharan, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2015, March, Vol 111:38-58.  
“The Double Burden of Malnutrition in SE Asia and the Pacific: Priorities, Policies and Politics” with L. 
Haddad and I. Barnett, Health Policy and Planning, 2014, Oct 15, 1-14. 
“China’s One Child Policy” with X. Meng. New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Online Edition, 2014. 
Palgrave Macmillan, UK. 
“Social Protection for Women in Developing Countries”. IZA World of Labour, May 2014, available at 
“Mistargeting of Cash Transfers, Social Capital Destruction, and Crime in Indonesia” with M. Shah. 
Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2014, 62(2), 381-415.  
Zhang, D., Y. Wang, X. Meng, and L. Cameron (2014), “The Determinants of Migrant Crime: An Empirical 
Study Based on a Prison Survey”, China Economic Quarterly, 14(1):83-112. (in Chinese). 
“Little Emperors Pose Behavioral Challenges”, with N. Erkal, L. Gangadharan, X. Meng. Science, 19 April 
2013, 340, 272-273. 
“Little Emperors: Behavioral Impact of China’s One Child Policy” with N. Erkal, L. Gangadharan, X. Meng. 
Science, 22 Feb 2013, 339, 953-957.  
“Trade Liberalization and the Wage Skill Premium: Evidence from Indonesia”, with M. Amiti. Journal of 
International Economics. 2012, 87, 277-287. 
 “Do Attitudes Towards Corruption Differ Across Cultures? Experimental Evidence from Australia, India, 
Indonesia and Singapore”, with Chaudhuri, A., Erkal, N. and L. Gangadharan.   Journal of Public 
Economics, 2009, 93, pp. 843-851. 
 “Is the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Health Stronger for Older Children in Developing 
Countries?”, with J. Williams. Demography, 2009, 46(2), May, pp303-324. 
 “Subject Pool Effects in a Corruption Experiment: A Comparison of Indonesian Public Servants and 
Indonesian Students”, with V. Alatas, A. Chaudhuri, N. Erkal and L. Gangadharan. Experimental 
Economics, 2009, 12(1), 113-132. 
 “Gender and Corruption: Insights from an Experimental Analysis”, with V. Alatas, L. Cameron, A. 
Chaudhuri, N. Erkal, and L. Gangadharan, Southern Economic Journal, 2009, 75(3), January, pp663-680. 
 “The Role of Social Safety Net Scholarships in Preventing Mass School Drop-out During the Indonesian 
Economic Crisis, Economics of Education Review, 2009, 28(3), June, pp308-317.   
 “The Impact of Minimum Wages on Employment in a Low Income Country: A Quasi-Natural Experiment in 
Indonesia”, with V. Alatas, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2008, 61(2), 201-223.  
 “Do Coresidency with and Financial Transfers from Children Reduce the Need for Elderly Parents to Work 
in Developing Countries?”, with D. Cobb-Clark Journal of Population Economics., 2008, 21(4), October, 
1007 – 1033. 
 “Economic Geography and Wages”, with M. Amiti, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2007, February, 
Vol. 89, No. 1: 15-29. 
“The Labor Market as a Smoothing Device: Labor Supply Responses to Crop Loss” with C. Worswick, 
Review of Development Economics,2003, 7(2), 327-341. 
 “Old-Age Labour Supply in the Developing World” with D. Cobb-Clark. Applied Economics Letters, 
August 2002; 9(10): 649-52.  
 “Growth with or without Equity: The Distribution Impact of Indonesian Development”, Asian-Pacific 
Economic Literature, 2002, Nov, 16(2), 1-17. 
 “Education Expenditure Responses to Crop Loss in Indonesia: A Gender Bias” with C. Worswick, 
Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2001, 49(2), January, 351-364. 
“Education and Labour Market Participation in Asia: Theory and Evidence” with J. M. Dowling and C. 
Worswick, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2001, 49(3), April, 459-476. 
“The Impact of the Indonesian Financial Crisis on Children: An Analysis Using the 100 Villages Data”, 
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 2001, 37(1), April, 43-64. 
“Cannabis, Alcohol and Cigarettes: Substitutes or Complements?” with J. Williams Economic Record, 2001, 
77(236), March, 19-34.  
 “Income Inequality in Java: Relating the Increases to the Changing Age, Education and Industrial 
Structure”, Journal of Development Economics, 2000, 62, 149-180. 
“The Residency Decision of Elderly Indonesians: A Nested Logit Analysis”, Demography, 2000, 37(10), 
February, pp17-27. 
 “It’s the Economy Stupid?: Macroeconomics and Federal Elections in Australia” with M. Crosby, Economic 
Record, 2000, Vol. 76, 235, Dec, 354-364.  
“Learning and the Adoption of High Yielding Variety Seeds: Evidence from India”, American Journal of 
Agricultural Economics, 1999, Feb, 81, 83-94. 
“Raising the Stakes in the Ultimatum Game: Experimental Evidence from Indonesia”, Economic Inquiry, 
1999, January, pp47-59. 
“Survey of Recent Developments”, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 1999, April, pp3-40. 
“Female Education and Child Mortality in Indonesia” with N. Mellington, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic 
Studies, 1999, 35(3), December, pp1115-44.  
“Indirect Tax Exemptions and the Distribution of Lifetime Income: A Simulation Analysis” with J. Creedy, 
Economic Record, 1995, 71(212), March, 77-87. 
“Sanitation and Health: The Past, the Future and Working Out What Works” with S. Olivia pp. 245–279 in 
Employment, Living Standards and Poverty in Contemporary Indonesia, C. Manning and S. Sudarno (eds.), 
Institute of South-East Asian Studies, Singapore, 2011.  
“The Kuznets Curve” with L. Gangadharan and S. Ashok in  M. Blaug and  P. Lloyd (eds.), Famous Figures 
and Diagrams in Economics, Edward Elgar, 2010.  
“Taxation and the Redistribution of Lifetime Income” with J. Creedy in Taxation, Poverty and Income 
Distribution, J. Creedy (ed.), Edward Elgar, U.K., 1992. 
“Women And The Labour Market: During And Post-Crisis”, pp144-157. In Indonesia Assessment, S. Bessell 
and Robinson, K. (eds). Institute of South-East Asian Studies, Singapore, 2002.  
 ‘Welfare Capitalism in Southeast Asia: Social Security, Health and Education Policies’. Asian Studies 
Review, 2002, 26(3), Sept, 405-407. 
Gender Inequality in the Indonesia Labour Market with D. Contreras Suarez and W. Rowell, Oct 2015. 
Prepared for the Australian-Indonesian Partnership for Economic Governance (AIPEG). 
Impact Evaluation of a Large-Scale Rural Sanitation Project in Indonesia with M. Shah and S. Olivia, 
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 6360, (Impact Evaluation Series No. 83), Feb, 2013. 
Scaling Up Rural Sanitation: Findings from the Impact Evaluation Baseline Survey in Indonesia with M. 
Shah, Water and Sanitation Project Technical Paper, November 2010. 
Assessment of Poverty in Indonesia with S. R. Osmani, Asian Development Bank, Manila, 2000. 
“Scaling Up Sanitation: Evidence from an RCT in Indonesia” with M. Shah, Jan 2017. Under submission. 
“Conditional Cash Transfers: Do They Result in More atient Choices and Increased Educational 
Aspirations?” with D. Contreras Suarez, Oct 2016. Under submission. 
“China’s Sex Ratio and Crime: Behavioral Change or Financial Necessity?” with X. Meng and D. Zhang. 
IZA Discussion Paper No.9747, Feb, 2016. Under submission. 
“Initial Conditions Matter: Social Capital and Participatory Development” with S. Olivia and M. Shah. IZA 
Discussion Paper No. 9563, Dec 2015. Under submission. 
“How Does Health Promotion Work? Evidence from the Dirty Business of Eliminating Open Defecation” 
with P. Gertler, M. Shah, M. L. Alzua, S. Martinex and S. Patil, NBER Working Paper 20997, March 2015. 
 Risk-taking amongst sex-workers in Indonesia (with J. Muz and M. Shah); 
 An Information Intervention for International Migrant Workers (with S. Bazzi and S. Schaner); 
 Incentivizing Access to Sanitation in Laos (with P. Santos). 
 “Designing Social Protection for Women”, IZA World of Labor Commentary, 8 Jan 2017. Available 
 There’s Nothing to Fear in a Big Australia, Sydney Morning Herald, 7 Nov 2016. 
 Where are all the female economists in Australia? Sydney Morning Herald, 16 Oct, 2016. 
 Risk-Taking in the Wake of Natural Disasters, Huffington Post, 15 Mar 2016. 
 Little Emperors: Behavioral Impacts of China’s One Child Policy received extensive international 
media coverage including in The Independent, New York Times, The Australian, Time Magazine, BBC 
World Service, Voice of America, Radio Australia and Radio National, Feb-Mar 2013.  
 Radio Australia’s Today program. Poverty and Poverty Alleviation, April, 2011. 
 Radio National’s Breakfast Program. Interview about political business cycles. 
 Radio National’s Business Report. Political business cycles. 
 Australian Financial Review, “Statistical crystal tips Howard, but there’s more to it than economics”, 9 
Nov 2001, p 16.  
 Australian Financial Review, “Unemployment could well hurt Howard at the polls”, 14 Jan 2001, p 42. 
 Far Eastern Economic Review, Opinion piece. “Indonesia’s Social Crisis”, 8 July 1999, p 24. 
 Keynote speaker, New Zealand Association of Economists Conference, Wellington, July 2017. 
 Invited Speaker, International Symposium on the Transition from School to Work and Its Impact on 
Later Lifetime Income, Feb 9-10, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 
 Workshop on the Economics of Health and Ageing, Centre for Excellence in Population Ageing 
Research (CEPAR), University of New South Wales, Feb 8 2015. 
 Workshop on Experimental Methods for Research in Social Science and Business, UNSW, Nov, 2014. 
 Paris School of Economics, Workshop on Natural Disasters, October 11th-12th, 2012.  
 One Just World Public Lecture on “What Do We as Australians Owe the Global Poor?” with Bob 
McMullan Parliamentary Secretary for International Assistance; Tim Costello, CEO World Vision; Prof 
Peter Singer, Princeton University; John Roskam, CEO Institute for Public Affairs; Clare Slatter, Fiji 
National University (featured on ABC’s Big Ideas). 
 World Vision Australian Head Office, Melbourne. 21st March, 2011. 
 Indonesian Update, Australian National University, Sept 2010. 
 Indonesian Ministry of Finance Briefing Session, “Policy Options for Alleviating Poverty During the 
Global Financial Crisis”, Jakarta, 2009. 
 New Techniques in Development Economics, Opening address, ANU, 19-20 June, 2008. 
 GOI Workshop on Indonesia’s next Five Year Development Plan, Bogor, Indonesia. Feb 2004.  
 Keynote address, PhD Conference in Economics and Business, University of WA, Nov 7-9, 2001. 
 Indonesian Update, Australian National University, 2001. 
 Indonesian Panel Session, Conference of Economists, “Social Impact of the Crisis in Indonesia”. 
Latrobe University, Sept 1999.  
 International Economic Association World Congress, 2014. 
 Rural-Urban Migration in China and Indonesia conference, Yogyakarta, 2010.  
 Economics PhD Conference, ANU, 2000. 
 World Bank Conference, Social Impact of the Indonesian Crisis, Jakarta, 1999. 
 International Meeting on the Indonesian Economic Crisis, ANU, Nov 1998.  
 Women in Economics Retreat 2016, Adelaide, July 14-15, 2016. 
 International Economic Association 2014 World Congress, Program Committee. 
 Monash-AusAID-World Bank Workshop on Community-Driven Development, Feb 4-6th, 2013. 
 Australasian Development Economic Workshop, Monash University, 2012. 
 Development Research Unit Workshop, Monash University, 2011. 
 Australian Development Economics Workshop, 2009, University of Melbourne  
 Labour Econometrics Workshop 1999, University of Melbourne. 
 2015: Georgetown University, Dec 3; World Bank, Dec 2; George Washington University, Dec 1; Texas 
A&M, Nov 3; University of Southern California, Sept 8. 
 Paris School of Economics, Workshop on Natural Disasters, October 11th-12th, 2012.  
 2011: Institute for Fiscal Studies, London (Sept); University of Tilburg, Netherlands (Oct); Cambridge 
University (Oct); London School of Economics (Nov); Oxford University (Nov); University of 
Nottingham (Nov); University College London (Nov); York University (Nov); Univ. of Essex (Dec). 
 European Assoc. of Labour Economists/U.S. Society of Labor Economists Conference, London, 2010. 
 Oxford University, June 2010. 
 Asia Pacific meetings of the Economic Science Association, University of Melbourne, 2010. 
 China Centre of Economic Research (CCER), Peking University, China, 2008. 
 Tsinghua University, Beijing,China, 2008. 
 Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China, 2008. 
 Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, 2008. 
 International Workshop on Field experiments in Economics, University of Canterbury, NZ, Feb 2006. 
 North Eastern Universities’ Development Conference, Yale University, Oct 2003. 
 European Society of Population Economists Conference, Athens, June 2001. 
 RAND, Labor and Population Program seminar, June 2000, Los Angeles, USA. 
 Princeton University, Dept of Economics seminar, April 2000. 
 World Bank, Development Economics Research Group seminar, June 2000. 
 North Eastern Universities’ Development Conference, Yale University, Oct 1998. 
 Western Economic Society International Meetings, Bangkok, Jan 1998. 
 Seminar at Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Melbourne, March 2016. 
 Workshop on Experimental Methods for Research in Social Science and Business, UNSW, Nov 2014. 
 Australasian Development Economics Workshop, U WA, Perth, June 2011. 
 Development Research Unit Workshop, Monash University, 7th April, 2011. 
 Health Economics Workshop, Melbourne Institute, 2008. 
 Experimental Workshop, University of Melbourne, 2008. 
 Australian Workshop on Experimental Economics, Univ.of Melbourne, 2007. 
 CAER Summer Workshop in Health Economics, University of NSW, 2006. 
 Australasian Econometric Society Conference, Melbourne, 2004. 
 Labour Econometrics Workshop, University of NSW, Sept 2001. 
 Labour Econometrics Workshop, ANU, March 1998.  
 Australian Economic Society Conference, Sept 1998. 
 Labour Econometrics Workshop, RSSS, ANU, March, 1998. 
 Australasian Econometric Society Conference, University of Melbourne, 1997. 
American Economic Review, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Journal of 
Agricultural Economics, Asian Population Studies, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, China 
Economic Review, Demography, European Economic Review, Economic Development and Cultural 
Change, Economic Inquiry, Economic Record, Experimental Economics, Health Economics, Hewlett 
Population Reference Bureau Grants, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economies, Journal of Development 
Economics, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of 
Public Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Review of Development Economics, Review of 
Economics of the Household, U.S. National Academy of Science. 
 Dr Diana Contreras Suarez, Post-doctoral Fellow, Monash University, 2015-. 
 Dr Katy Cornwell, AusAID Postdoctoral Fellow in Indonesian Economy, 2010-2012. 
 Dr Susan Olivia, AusAID Postdoctoral Fellow in Indonesian Economy, 2010-2012. 
 Dr Mabel Andalon, ARC Post-doctoral fellowship, 2009-2010. 
 Dr Susan Olivia, Post-doctoral fellowship funded under an ARC grant, 2009. 
 Rebekah Pinto, “Malnutrition in Indonesia”. 2015 - 2016. 
 Diana Contreras, “Program Evaluation in Colombia”. 2011-2015. 
 Kristy Coulter, “Discrimination against Indigenous Australians”, 2011-2013.  
 Syafira Arhansya, “Industrial Agglomeration in Indonesia” 2009-2011. 
 Felicia Eng, “Education in Indonesia” 2010-2011. 
 Li Runping, Central University of Finance and Economics, China. 2011. 
 Ari Perdana, “Health inequality in Indonesia”. 2009-10. 
 Qu Jing, Zhejiang University, China. “Rural Inequality in China”. 2010. 
 Ririn Purnamasari, “Deforestation and Poverty in Indonesia”. 2006-08. 
 Chris Ryan, “Education and Productivity in the Labour Market”. 2000-01. 
 Thammarak Moenjak, “Education and Welfare of People in Thailand”, 1997-98. 
 Mudradjad Kuncoro, “The Dynamics of Industrial Agglomeration in Java”, 1999. 
 Joanne Loundes, “Wage Determination in Australia”, 1998. 
Ryan Edwards, “Natural Resource Sectors and Human Development Outcomes: International, National and 
Local Evidence”, ANU, 2016. 
Doan Thi Thuy Dung, “Economic and Measurement Issues in Diet Diversity and Obesity in China”, ANU, 
Heni Wahyuni, “Prenatal Care Utilization, Community-Group Participation, and Infant Health in Indonesia”, 
University of Technology, Sydney, 2014. 
Guochang Zhao, “Essays on the Effects of Parental Education and Private Tutoring on Children's Education 
Outcomes, and the Rural-Urban Student Achievement Differential in China”, ANU, 2013. 
Huong Le, “Empirical Essays on Development Economics: The Case of Vietnam”. ANU, 2011. 
Suryadarma, D. “Essays on the Economics of Education in Indonesia”, Australian National University, 2010.  
Permani, R., “Islamic Education in Indonesia”, University of Adelaide, 2010. 
Fahmi, M., “Essays on the Economics of Education: Public-Private School Choice and Student Performance 
in Indonesia”, Latrobe University, 2010. 
Khaqan Najeeb, “Educational Inequality and Growth in Pakistan” University of New South Wales, 2009. 
Gray, M., “The Effects of Unemployment on the Earnings of Young Australians”,  ANU, 1999. 
Applied Econometrics, 3rd year undergraduate, 70 students, 2016. 
Quantitative Methods 2, second year undergraduate, 370 students, 2009. 
Development Economics, honours and graduate, 20 students, 1998, 2000-1, 2003-4. 
Labour Economics, 3rd year undergraduate, 50 students, 2000. 
Basic Econometrics, 3rd year undergraduate, 150 students, 1997-1999. 
Labour Economics, graduate students, 8 students, 1997-1998. 
Honours and Masters Supervision, 2-5 honours or masters students per year.