CSE-1402 Practical Session #11 Preparation - A Style Guide Manual in LATEX School of Computer Science & Software Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, 3800, Australia October 6, 2003 Student Handout Abstract Prac Session Objectives: The student will further consolidate experience gained with using LATEX, and will produce a technical tutorial manual on the topic of ‘how to comment source code’. School of Computer Science & Software Engineering 1 Reading Material (No Marks) 2 1 Reading Material (No Marks) Please read the lecture notes which discuss the commenting of software source files. In particular, you will be concerned with C Shell, C, C++ and Java. Make sure you read up on Java commenting technique, and the javadoc tool, which are not discussed in detail in the lecture notes. Please note that a style guide is a special category of document, since it must fulfill the functions of both an advanced user manual and a specification. It is important that the proper tense be used, i.e. ‘shall’, ‘should’ or ‘could’. 2 Preparation Tasks (1 Mark if Selected) Assume the software house which employs you has decided to institute a company wide standard for source code commenting. As an experienced programmer, you have been given the task of writing a company style guide for commenting. You will now prepare a tutorial manual entitled ‘Style Guide for Source Code Commenting’ which explains the proper style for commenting in C Shell, C, C++ and Java. You can safely assume that the readers of the style guide manual are programmers and will understand the language and comment syntax. Your aim is to specify block and inline formats for commenting, based upon the techniques discussed in the lecture notes. The manual is to assume comprehensive commenting, and the use of both ‘tactical’ and ‘strategic’ comments. There is no template for this style guide manual. Rely upon your knowledge of LATEX to produce the .tex file. A standard article format document is sufficient. 1. Using gvim or vi, produce a 1,600 word company style guide tutorial manual covering C Shell, C, C++ and Java. The manual will be in LATEX format. 2. The introduction will explain why commenting is important, in about 400 words. The body of the manual, which will be 1,200 words in length, will discuss specific commenting techniques as outlined in the lecture notes. 3. Using the \verbatim environment, please include examples in all four languages for each type of comment. 4. Add a short 50 word section which describes the author (yourself). Use the ‘trailer’ sections in the handouts as an example of an author information section. 5. Include a bibliography using bibtex. 6. Compile the document using LATEX and view it with a DVI viewer. 7. This document will be the basis of your assessed work in the Lab Work, therefore it is essential that you do this work thoroughly. School of Computer Science & Software Engineering 3 Lab Work Tasks 3 3 Lab Work Tasks 1. The Lab Work Tasks for Prac #11 will rely on the practice and notes you produce working through the Preparation Tasks. Therefore the more effort you put into the preparation, the better the grade you can produce in the Lab Work Tasks. 2. Details of the Lab Work Tasks will be made available before the Prac, in electronic form. 3. Please show your tutor the work you did to complete the Preparation Tasks. School of Computer Science & Software Engineering 4 Revision Status 4 4 Revision Status $Id: Prac-11-Prep.tex,v 1.3 2003/10/06 10:41:25 carlo Exp carlo $ $Log: Prac-11-Prep.tex,v $ Revision 1.3 2003/10/06 10:41:25 carlo CCM Mods added Revision 1.2 2003/10/06 01:28:28 carlo Revised layout, updated Revision 1.1 2003/10/06 01:08:53 carlo Initial revision School of Computer Science & Software Engineering