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Advertising management
Unit Guide
Semester 1, 2011
The information contained in this unit guide is correct at time of publication. The University has the right
to change any of the elements contained in this document at any time.
Last updated: 27 Feb 2011
Table of Contents
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011........................................................................1
Chief Examiner:...............................................................................................................................1
Lecturer(s) / Leader(s):....................................................................................................................1
Additional information:.................................................................................................................................1
Unit synopsis...............................................................................................................................................2
Learning outcomes......................................................................................................................................2
Contact hours..............................................................................................................................................2
Unit relationships.........................................................................................................................................3
Teaching and learning method....................................................................................................................4
Timetable information......................................................................................................................4
Unit Schedule..................................................................................................................................4
Unit Resources............................................................................................................................................7
Prescribed text(s) and readings.......................................................................................................7
Recommended text(s) and readings................................................................................................7
Library resources.............................................................................................................................8
Blackboard (MUSO).........................................................................................................................8
Q Manual.........................................................................................................................................9
Assessment Summary...................................................................................................................10
Faculty assessment policy.............................................................................................................10
Hurdle requirements......................................................................................................................10
Second marking.............................................................................................................................10
Return of final marks......................................................................................................................10
Applications for extension of time..................................................................................................10
Additional assessment information................................................................................................10
Assessment tasks..........................................................................................................................11
Assessment task 1.........................................................................................................................11
Assessment task 2.........................................................................................................................15
Assessment task 3.........................................................................................................................17
Examination 1................................................................................................................................17
Special consideration.....................................................................................................................18
Assessment criteria - grading descriptors table.............................................................................19
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
Chief Examiner:
Dr Sandra Luxton (Semester 1)
Dr Nives Zubcevic (Semester 2)
Lecturer(s) / Leader(s):
Dr Nives Zubcevic
Assistant Lecturer, Behavioural Lab
Phone: +61 3 990 31552
Location: Room 30A, Building S5, Caulfield
Contact hours: by appointment
Dr Nives Zubcevic
Assistant Lecturer, Behavioural Lab
Phone: +61 3 990 31552
Location: Room 30A, Building S5, Caulfield
Additional information:
Welcome to MKX3621 Advertising Management.
The primary aim of this unit is to provide students with an understanding and appreciation of the issues
faced by both client and advertising agency in maximising the effectiveness of advertising activity and
This unit builds on previous studies of marketing communication in which you explored the entire
marketing communication mix from a management perspective. Advertising Management focuses on the
strategic use of advertising and will provide you with a greater understanding of the advertising process
and its management.
This is of great relevance and benefit to those of you who are seeking a career in an agency or those
who will be involved in advertising decision making from the client’s perspective. It will normally be taken
in the final year of the degree.
Unit synopsis
This unit explores advertising management issues. Topics include: the structure and responsibilities of
the advertising industry and its controls. Management of advertising within the agency and within the
client and the relationship between these two parties. The issues faced by clients and their agencies in
maximising the effectiveness of an advertising budget, including the choice of advertising research
techniques, media developments, production and international advertising considerations.
Learning outcomes
The learning goals associated with this unit are to:
explain the advertising management process within a client organisation, media group or an
advertising agency
formulate an appropriate approach for the selection, evaluation, briefing and remuneration of an
advertising agency
explain the various relationships within the agency/client/media roles3. 
critically evaluate creative concepts and executions4. 
critically assess ideas associated with advertising management issues.5. 
Contact hours
3 hours per week
Three hours class contact or equivalent per week. The total time commitment required for this unit is 156
hours. In addition to the 39 hours of class contact students are expected to devote an additional 117
hours during the semester to studying for this unit.  This includes time spent in the preparing for and
completing assessment tasks, together with time spent in general study, revision, and exam preparation.
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
Unit relationships
Students must have passed one of the following: MKF3461, MKW2211, MKG2460, MKW2460,
MKW3461, or MKC3460 before undertaking this unit.
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
Teaching and learning method
This unit is delivered as a 3 hour class, divided in to 1.5 hour lecture and a 1.5 hour seminar tutorial.
The lecture program is intended to introduce students to both the theoretical and practical applications of
advertising management, in particular the need for exploring new structures for managing a more
integrated marketing communication mix.  Video material and practical examples illustrating the
theoretical issues as well as guests from industry may also be utilised.
The tutorial program will consist of seminar papers, class discussion/presentation, case study analysis,
videos.  Students will all be required to present a paper and lead the class discussion on their paper
during the semester.
Lecture materials will be provided each week via MUSO. This can be accessed via My Monash
NOTE: In week 7, you will be required to attend an agency visit to one of a number of Melbourne’s
leading advertising agencies. This is a compulsory part of the program which will contribute to your
Individual Assignment. It generally takes place in the evening, but is dependant upon the availability of
the agency management team. Further detail will be provided in class.
The remainder of the class time involves a seminar program which will consist of student presentation of
Assignment Two seminar papers, class exercises and discussion, and case study analysis of ‘best
practice’ in advertising. 
Timetable information
For information on your timetable, including tutorial allocation if required, please refer to:
Unit Schedule
Week Topic Student Contribution
1 Introduction to Advertising
Management - content,
organisation, assessment and
expectations; Introduction to
case review process
2 Ethics of advertising, social &
legal constraints, politics of
Review seminar topics – to be allocated this week. 
Briefing for assignments (Folder & Case Book
Submissions), and Case Review requirements for
weekly submission.
Discussion of Advertising Code of Ethics (students are
required to access the code via the AANA website at
Prepare written analysis of AFA case: Telstra
BigPond – How a leader delivered outstanding
results by out-thinking the challengers.  Submit at
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
end of class.
3 Organisation for advertising:
Ad agencies – history,
structure, constraints, new
Reflective ad folder Stage 1 due for review
Prepare written analysis of AFA case: Amalgamated
Holdings – Thredbo: a local campaign to weather the
worst snow season of all time.  Submit at end of class.
4 Account management –
Interaction with clients
Seminar Presentation
Prepare written analysis of AFA case: Meat and
Livestock Australia – How to embed a 'new' tradition into
Australian culture. Submit at end of class.
5 Client management –
Interaction with agencies
Briefing for Agency Visits
Seminar Presentation
Prepare written analysis of AFA case: Football
Federation Australia – The launch of the Hyundai
A-League. Submit at end of class.
6 The Strategic Planning
Seminar Presentation
Prepare written analysis of AFA case: Diageo -
Bundaberg Rum: from a cult regional drink to a
national icon. Submit at end of class.
7 Agency Visits Agency visit – no tutorial
8 The Creative Resource. 
Evaluating Creative
Seminar Presentation
Agency Visits de-briefing
Reflective ad folder Stage 2 due for review
Prepare written analysis of AFA case: Sunbeam -
Unleash the barista. Submit at end of class.
Mid Semester Break
9 Issues in ad management:
New media developments
Seminar Presentation
Prepare written analysis of AFA case: Lion Nathan
Australia - Good as gold: How a long-term strategy
about four mates and a dog paid big for XXXX Gold.
Submit at end of class
10 Issues in ad management:
Integrating research into the
Seminar presentation
Reflective ad folder Stage 3 due – Final submission
Prepare written analysis of AFA case: Skins -
Skinning the competition. Submit at end of class.
11 Issues in ad management:
Global perspective
Seminar Presentation
Prepare written analysis of AFA case: Seeing Eye
Dogs - Replacing “Aww" with “Aha”: changing the
traditional way to generate donations for Seeing Eye
Dogs Australia. Submit at end of class.
12 Plenary Session Reflective Folder presentations & Feedback
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
Seminar Presentation
Prepare written analysis of AFA case: LynxJet - How
planning got us all onboard. Submit at end of class.
Students should note that the lecture and tutorial programs outlined above are a guide to the
material to be covered in this unit and not a definitive statement of when that material will be
covered.  Specific details relating to the timing will be discussed in lectures and tutorials, and
posted on MUSO unit website.
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
Unit Resources
Prescribed text(s) and readings
Prescribed text(s)
Cases from: Advertising Federation of Australia, “Effective Advertising”, 9th volume, Casebook of the
AFA Awards.  NOTE: You do NOT need to buy this book. The cases can be accessed via the
WARC website. See
Each week a case study from this book will be reviewed in class. You are required to bring a copy of the
relevant case along to each class, together with your prepared 1 page analysis of the case which is due
for submission each week.
The text is also available in the library and the bookshop may have some copies (or second hand copies
will be available from the previous year).
In addition students are expected to read 1 journal article each week – see Lecture program
Recommended text(s) and readings
Any marketing communication textbook such as the following will provide appropriate revision of studies
in this area which is a pre-requisite to undertaking this unit. Significant prior learning will be assumed. 
Belch & Belch, “Advertising and promotion: an integrated marketing communications perspective”,
McGraw Hill, 2007
Duncan, T., “IMC – Using Advertising and promotion to Build Brands”, McGraw-Hill, 2005
Rossiter, J. & Percy, L. “Advertising Communications & Promotion Management”, McGraw-Hill, 1997
Shimp, T., A., “Advertising Promotion,” 7th Edition, Dryden, 2007
Other relevant books include:
AFA casebooks vol. 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.
H. Gardner (1988) “The Advertising Agency Business”, NTC Business Books
H. McKay, (1993) “Reinventing Australia”, Angus & Robertson
N.J., Naples, (1979) “Effective Frequency” The Association of National Advertisers (US)
D. Ogilvy (1983), “Ogilvy on Advertising”, Pan Original
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
D. Ogilvy (1983), “Confessions of an Advertising Man” Ballantyne Books, New York
R. Rothenberg (1995), “Where the Suckers Moon: The Life and Death of an Advertising Campaign”,
Vintage, 1995.
N. Shoebridge, (1992) “Great Australian Advertising Campaigns”, McGraw-Hill
M. Sutherland, (1993) “Advertising and the Mind of the Consumer” Allen & Unwin
Library resources
The Monash University Library provides a range of services and resources that enable you to save time
and be more efficient in your learning and research at URL: or via the
Library tab in the portal.
Blackboard (MUSO)
All unit and lecture materials, plus other information of importance to students, are available
through the MUSO (Monash University Studies Online) site. You can access MUSO via the
My.Monash Portal:
Under “Online Systems” click the MUSO hyperlink
In order for your MUSO unit(s) to function correctly, your computer needs to be set up and certain
programs may need to be installed such as a compatible Java version (eg version 1.5.0). This can easily
be done by going to to update the
relevant software.
You can contact MUSO Support by:
Phone: (+61 3) 9903-1268
Operational hours (Monday – Thursday) – local time
Australia: 8 am to 10 pm (8pm Non Teaching period)
Malaysia: 6 am to 8 pm (6 pm Non Teaching period)
South Africa: 11pm to 1pm (11 am Non Teaching period)
Operational hours (Friday) – local time
Australia: Australia: 8 am to 8 pm
Malaysia: 6 am to 6 pm
South Africa: 11pm to 11 am
Operational hours (Saturday-Sunday) – local time (Teaching and Exam Period Only)
Australia: 1 pm to 5 pm
Malaysia: 11 am to 3 pm
South Africa: 4 am to 8 am
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
Further information can be obtained from the following site
Q Manual
You will often be directed to cite the source of the ideas, statistics, direct quotations and general
information that you use to prepare your written assignments. This is important for a number of reasons:
Firstly, it is good professional and ethical conduct to always give due credit to those people whose work
you have borrowed. Secondly, it is an element of good communication to ensure that your readers can
expand their understanding of your writing by accessing the same sources you have used to formulate
your thoughts.
Thirdly, all organisations, including your present or future employer, have written or understood rules of
the behaviour that is valued in that organisation. These rules often include the ways that it communicates
internally and externally. In the academic organisation the intellectual property of other researchers and
writers is highly valued. Citing their work is a way of acknowledging their contribution to scholarship. The
Q Manual shows you how to cite sources and list references correctly. Use it.
For referencing, report writing structure:
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
Assessment Summary
Within semester assessment: 60%
Examination (2 hours): 40%
Faculty assessment policy
For information regarding assessment policy, please refer to the appendix at the end of this Unit Guide.
Hurdle requirements
Hurdle requirements
There is a hurdle requirement in this unit.
The learning outcomes in this unit require students to demonstrate in the individual summative
assessment task a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered in the unit. This is demonstrated
by the requirement that the student must attain a mark of at least 50% in the final summative
assessment task.
A student’s final mark is normally the sum of the marks obtained in all of the individual assessment items
in the unit. Where a student fails the unit solely because of failure to satisfy the hurdle requirement a
mark of 48 will be returned for the unit.
The individual summative assessment task is the final exam.
Second marking
For information regarding second marking practice, please refer to
Return of final marks
The final mark that a student receives for a unit will be determined by the Board of Examiners on the
recommendation of the Chief Examiner taking into account all aspects of assessment. The final mark for
this unit will be released by the Board of Examiners on the date nominated in the Faculty Calendar.  
Applications for extension of time
For information regarding extensions of time, please refer to
Additional assessment information
Plagiarism and Cheating
The submission of essays, assignments and homework is an essential part of the learning process and a
vital way of assessing students' understanding of a unit. The submitted work must therefore be a
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
student's own work. This does not mean that students may not make use of the work of others. However,
in quoting or paraphrasing material from other sources, those sources must be acknowledged in full.
For more information on plagiarism and cheating please refer to the following links:
Assessment tasks
Assessment task 1
Group Seminar Paper
Learning objectives assessed:
Addresses objectives 1, 4, and 5.
Criteria for assessment:
Marks are assigned for:
Written Report - 15%
• Integration and organisation of material
• Identification of issues and substance of content
• Addressing all aspects of assignment brief
• Depth of reading / referencing
• Appropriate use of sources both academic and practical.
• Critical evaluation of material and appropriate style of writing, with attention to grammar
and expression
• Overall evidence of a research approach that applies concepts in a practical manner
Oral presentation to class - 10%
• Degree of preparation
• Quality of power point presentation
• Effort to engage class
• Provision of handout
Task details:
Each group will be allocated one of the Seminar Paper topics listed below. Each of these
topics will have approximately 3 students working on it. The length must be 2000 words
(four A4 pages). The paper must also be appropriately referenced. Please note that you
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
will be penalised for exceeding the word limit by more than 10% (not including
Each group will have 20 mins to present, followed by 15 mins for group activity and
Your group will provide the class with summary handouts.
Seminar Paper Topics
Topics will be assigned in Tute 1 – week 2.
You are expected to thoroughly research your selected topic. The better assignments will
draw on a broad range of reference material including journal articles, trade publications
(such as Ad News), textbooks, reliable web information etc. Drawing well informed
conclusions / implications from your investigation is appropriate.
1. ‘Learning from the Past’
a. Select any product category and conduct a detailed analysis of how and why the
advertising has changed over time.
b. Project forward – what should a Brand Manager for this category be conscious of in the
(NB good references are: “Soap Sex and Cigarettes” by J. Sivulka, and “Satisfaction
Guaranteed” by S. Strasser)
Due date: Week 4
2. ‘Horses for Courses … Advertising’s varied role’
You have just been appointed Marketing Manager for a Business to Business firm:
a. Using your knowledge of advertising as a marketing communication tool, prepare a
briefing document for your ad agency which explains the role you want advertising to play
in your marketing strategy for this context.
b. Outline any objections that you think might be presented by the agency and how you
would counter these in an agency/client meeting.
c. Provide some well supported recommendations.
Due date: Week 5
3. ‘Working under cover’ … ‘Covert’ advertising
This involves advertising in a less direct manner such as TV station pop-up promos,
product placement in movies/TV etc).
a. Is this another form of subliminal advertising?
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
b. What examples are there of it’s use in the Australian context?
c. Locate and / or construct “arguments for and against its use”…what if anything impedes
d. Write a report to advise your Creative Team.
Due date: Week 6
4. ‘To be or not be creative’
Choose 2 current or recent campaigns for the same product or service category, one
which you consider to be very creative and one which you consider is not as creative.
Conduct an analyse in terms of:
- target audience and consumer behaviour
- the process of communication
- creative and media strategy execution
- strengths and weaknesses.
Provide a rationale for why you have deemed each to be creative or otherwise.
Due date: Week 8
5. ‘Surprise…’
One relatively new technique in advertising is ‘ambient advertising’. Find examples of
different types of ambient advertising. Compare and contrast these, giving thought to
relative strengths and weaknesses. Review the literature on new / ambient media and
assess the strategic value of including it in an integrated campaign.
Due date: Week 9
6. ‘The advertised mind … ’
The use of ‘humour’ may work better in one medium rather than another, or for 1 context
more than another. What research evidence exists to support the advice a strategic
planner might give in terms of appropriateness of ‘humour’ in campaign message
execution? Explore other types of emotion used in advertising and discuss their
appropriateness. Use examples and provide your rationale.
Due date: Week 10
7. ‘Around the world in 60 seconds … global communication’
Select an Asian country to compare and contrast to Australia and/or other parts of the
world in terms of its culture, using Hofstede’s Five Dimensions of culture. (A useful
resource is
Now, select a brand that is marketed in the country you have analysed (hopefully you can
obtain creative executions from various parts of the world). What are the implications of
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
your analysis for global advertising client?
Due date: Week 11
Time allocated
The presentation should be 20 minutes with 15 minutes for group activity and questions
which your group should prepare to generate. For example, ask specific questions of the
group, or ask for their experiences or their thoughts on your topic, and ask them to
participate in an activity associated with what you want them to learn from your
presentation (e.g. evaluate alternative executions, quiz, role play, debate etc).
Technology requirements
Students should use PowerPoint for the presentation
Instructions to students
Each group should provide the class with a summary handout of their presentation (eg
power point handout or make it available via MUSO). It is highly recommended that
students rehearse their presentation several times to ensure all presenters are
comfortable and that the time guidelines are met. The presentation will stopped after 25
Word limit:
Word limit - 2000 words
Due date:
Progressive throughout semester
Submission details:
Assignments are to be submitted in class on the due date and time as specified in the
Seminar Program.
Return of marks:
Marked assignments will be returned at the end of the class, generally 2 weeks after
Penalties for late lodgement:
Applications for extension of time.
All applications for an extension of the time allocated to an assessment task must be
made to the unit co-ordinator via the Request for Special Consideration form prior to the
due date, and will only be granted where there is supporting documentation and
justification in line with University policy.  The form can be downloaded from
Approval if granted will be in writing and will be recorded on the Faculty Assignment Cover
sheet accompanying the assessment task by the responsible Lecturer/tutor.
Penalties for late lodgement
A penalty of 10% of the mark allocated to this assessment task will be deducted for each
day that the assessment is late.
Assessment coversheet:
Work submitted for assessment must be accompanied by a completed copy of the
Faculty Cover Sheet which has been signed by the student.  NO assignment will be
accepted or marked if it is not accompanied by a signed Assignment Cover Sheet
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
In the case of a group assignment, each member of the group must complete, sign and
attach to the assignment a separate copy of the Faculty Cover Sheet.
Assignments which are lodged electronically must be sent from Email address and must include an electronic
copy of the Assignment cover sheet.  Electronic lodgement from any other email
addresses will not be accepted.
Assessment task 2
Reflective Folio
Learning objectives assessed:
Addresses objectives 1, 4, and 5.
Criteria for assessment:
Marks will be awarded according to the presentation of the folder, and the appropriate
breadth, depth and relevance of material in folder ie ‘meeting the brief’.
Task details:
Individual assignment
Students are required to keep a folder from the beginning of semester in which you will
include ad examples (actual ads, articles, photocopies, video or audio material, rough
sketches or brief descriptions), academic and trade journal articles and items of relevance
to your studies in advertising.  NB You need to record where the ad was placed (e.g. what
magazine, when, and on what page. It may also be appropriate to take note of what was
placed around the ad in terms of other ads or editorial content).
NOTE: You can compile an e-folder if you prefer, by scanning ads or using online
sources. It can also be submitted as a combination hard copy and e-file format. The
choice is yours, but either way it must be clearly set out and straightforward to follow..
The objective is to provide yourself with a ready reference of significant and/or current
advertising material which is illustrative of elements of the subject.  NOTE: This is an
excellent resource for students to take to job interviews. The basic requirements are as
Stage 1:
Collect a selection of ads which are or have become controversial, and at least one article
discussing the controversy. Be prepared to discuss the objectives of the advertising, the
nature of the controversy and your opinion.
Due:  Week 3 for reviewing in seminars. Note: the folder is not required to be
handed in at this stage, but must be brought to class for review towards final
Stage 2:
Collect at least 2 ads to illustrate each of the following advertising categories, and 1
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
academic journal article and 1 trade press article which is relevant to the type of
advertising.  Aim for a mix of sources when searching for articles for your folder.  For each
ad you may wish to find out which agency is responsible for the advertising.
- brand
- retail
- direct response
- business to business
- not for profit
- global
Due: Week 8 for reviewing in seminar. Note: the folder is not required to be handed
in at this stage, but must be brought to class for review towards final assessment.
Stage 3:
Of the above ads select at least one which is an example of a “bad” ad, and likewise a
“good” ad.  Justify your choice in terms of strategy, creativity and execution.  Refer to
academic sources which address how to evaluate advertising.
Due: Week 10 for reviewing in tutorials. Note: the entire folder is required to be
handed in for assessment at the end of this seminar.
Due date:
Final submission in week 10
Submission details:
The Reflective Folder is due for submission at the end of the seminar in Week 10, but
must be sighted progressively in weeks 3 and 8. 
Submission is required by hand at the end of the seminar in Week 10.
Return of marks:
Reflective Folders will be returned to students at the end of tutorial in week 12.
Penalties for late lodgement:
Applications for extension of time.
All applications for an extension of the time allocated to an assessment task must be
made to the unit co-ordinator via the Request for Special Consideration form prior to the
due date, and will only be granted where there is supporting documentation and
justification in line with University policy.  The form can be downloaded from
Approval if granted will be in writing and will be recorded on the Faculty Assignment Cover
sheet accompanying the assessment task by the responsible Lecturer/tutor.
Penalties for late lodgement
A penalty of 10% of the mark allocated to this assessment task will be deducted for each
day that the assessment is late.
Assessment coversheet:
Work submitted for assessment must be accompanied by a completed copy of the
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
Faculty Cover Sheet which has been signed by the student.  NO assignment will be
accepted or marked if it is not accompanied by a signed Assignment Cover Sheet
Assignments which are lodged electronically must be sent from your Email address and must include an electronic copy
of the coversheet.  Electronic lodgement from any other Email addresses will not be
Assessment task 3
Case Analysis, Submission & Participation
Learning objectives assessed:
Task details:
Participation will be assessed according to the students’ contribution to class discussion,
and submission of weekly critiques of the case studies nominated in the Seminar
Instructions to students
Nominated AFA case cases will be discussed / reviewed in seminars. 
You must submit a 1 page typed summary of the critical success factors for each
case.  Extended bullet points are acceptable.
Note: if you do not have a summary sheet to hand in you are required to leave the
class while the case is being discussed to prepare your own.  In this way you will
achieve most benefit from this learning experience, and equity will be ensured for
those who have prepared answers.
Due date:
Return of marks:
Examination 1
2 hours
Type (open/closed book):
Closed book
Materials examinable:
The exam will be based on all content including lecture material, prescribed readings,
seminar papers, case studies, visits, guests etc.  You must score at least 50% in the
exam to pass the subject.
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
The exam will be comprised of 2 parts of equal marks
The exam will closed book and students will be required to answer 2 essay questions from
a selection of alternatives. Some past exam papers will be made available via Vista which
students can access via the My Monash portal.
Special consideration
For information regarding special consideration, please refer to the appendix at the end of this Unit
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
Assessment criteria - grading descriptors table
(70 - 79%)
(60 - 69%)
(50 - 59%)
(Less than 50%)
Outstanding or
exceptional work
in terms of
A very high
standard of
work which
originality and
Demonstrates a
high level of
understanding and
presentation and a
degree of
originality and
Satisfies the
Fails to satisfy the
Reading Strong evidence
of independent
reading beyond
core texts and
Evidence of
reading beyond
core texts and
understanding of
core texts and
Evidence of
having read core
texts and
Very little evidence
of having read any
of the core texts
and materials
of topic
awareness and
of deeper and
more subtle
aspects of the
topic. Ability to
consider topic in
the broader
context of the
Evidence of an
awareness and
of deeper and
more subtle
aspects of the
Sound knowledge
of principles and
Knowledge of
principles and
concepts at least
adequate to
intelligently in
the topic and to
serve as a basis
for further study
Scant knowledge
of principles and
of argument
imagination or
originality and
Evidence of
imagination or
Evidence of
originality and
argument based
on broad evidence
Sound argument
based on
Very little evidence
of ability to
construct coherent
analytical and
evaluative skills
Clear evidence
of analytical and
evaluative skills
Evidence of
analytical and
evaluative skills
Some evidence
of analytical and
evaluative skills
Very little evidence
of analytical and
evaluative skills
Ability to solve
very challenging
Ability to solve
Ability to use and
apply fundamental
concepts and skills
Very little evidence
of problem-solving
to the
developed skills
in expression
Well developed
skills in
expression and
Good skills in
expression and
Accurate and
of sources.
Adequate skills
in expression
and presentation
Inadequate skills
in expression and
Inaccurate and
of sources.
Source: University of Adelaide 2005
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011
Please visit the following URL: for further
information about:
Continuous improvement•   
Assessment policy•   
Grading Scale policy•   
Special consideration•   
Plagiarism, cheating and collusion•   
Plagiarism register•   
Non-discriminatory language•   
Students with disabilities•   
Using the University’s computer and IT facilities•   
Faculty policies•   
Related links•   
MKX3621 Advertising management - Semester 1, 2011