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Random walk (VLab: Virtual Complexity Lab)

Virtual Complexity Lab at Monash University

Related simulations

Random walk

Authors: ,

A random walk is a process consisting of a sequence of discrete steps of fixed length, where the direction of each step is random and does not depend on the previous steps. Random walks are an abstraction for a range of processes observed in all sorts of natural complex systems. For instance, random Brownian motion of molecules in liquids caused by thermal energy represents a random walk, as well as diffusing gas molecules. In biology, random walks can be observed in the foraging behaviour or insects. The mathematical properties of random walks vary greatly depending on the dimensionality of the space in which the walk is undertaken. Some of such properties bare quite some fascinating surprises.

This demonstration plots the area visited by a number of agents engaged in random walks, starting from the centre of the field. Typically, there is a circular area surrounding the starting point within which every point has been visited (the size depends on the number of agents).

How to use the simulation

You need to have Java version 1.5 installed for your browser in order to run the simulation applet.


Links and References

Demo screenshot