Adobe DC Reader
View, navigate, and print Adobe PDF files
Minitab Express
Easy-to-use interface for students who are new to statistics.
Adobe Shockwave Player 12.1
The web standard for powerful multimedia playback.
Mondrian 1.2
Data visualisation system.
Adobe Flash 20
Software to display vector graphics, animation, games and rich Internet applications.
Music2Go 6.67
Marketing simulation software.
Apple QuickTime Player 7.7.7
Multimedia player handling digital video, picture, sound and interactivity .
MYOB 19.8
Accounting and bookkeeping software.
ARC 3.52.17
Statistical scientific package based on the XLISP language.
NetLogo 5.3
Programmable modelling software.
Charis SIL 5.0
Charis Sil is a free font.
Notepad++ 6.7.3
Text editor with syntax.
CutePDF Writer 3.0
Convert, edit and create PDF files.
NVivo 10 and 11
Software to collect, organise and analyse content.
EndNote X7.5
Reference management software.
PISA-m 1.0.2
Program to perform DEM-based probabilistic slope stability calculations.
ENVI 5.2
Software for processing and analysing geospatial imagery.
Processing 3.0.2
Open source programming language and integrated development environment.
EViews 8 and 9
Statistical package for Windows.
PuTTY 0.63
Terminal emulator, and network file transfer application.
Ghostscript 9.15
Software to process and convert files to postscript and PDF.
R for Windows 3.2.3
Data manipulation, calculation and graphical display software.
Gretl 1.9.92
GNU Regression, Econometrics and Time-series software.
GNU Emacs 24.3.1
Text editor.
RStudio 0.99
Integrated development environment for R.
GSview 5.0
Graphical interface for Ghostscript.
SAP 7.2
Business management software.
GVim/Vim 7.4
Text editor based on the 'vi' text editor.
SAS 9.4
Statistical analyses software.
IBM SPSS AMOS Graphics 22
Software to specify, estimate, assess and present models.
Scilab 5.5.1
Numerical computational package.
IBM SPSS Modeler 15
Econometrics and statistics package.
IBM SPSS Smartreader 22
Statistics Viewer.
Sirius 1.2
Molecular modelling and analysis system.
IBM SPSS Statistics 22
Statistical analysis software package.
TIBCO Spotfire S+ 8.2
Data analysis and statistical modelling.
Macquarie University's united approach to greener printing throughout our campus.
TeXnic Center 2.0
Integrated environment for creating LaTeX documents in Windows.
Java 8 update 77
Programming language used to create applications.
TeXstudio 2.5.2
Integrated environment for writing LaTeX documents.
Mathematical computing software for engineers, scientists and other researchers.
VLC media player 2.2.1
Open-source, cross-platform media player.
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013
Includes: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote, Publisher and Outlook.
Web Browsers
Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari web browsers.
MiKTeX 2.9
Typesetting system for Windows.
WinRATS Standard 8.2
Time series analysis and econometrics software.
Minitab 16 and 17
Statistical software.
Wolfam CDF Player 9.0.1
Computable Document Format viewer.
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