Unit Information This section contains unit materials available for downloading, including lecture notes, forms for various unit and project tasks and assessible items, templates that can be used in the development of project documentation and other assessible items, software, and worksheets for various practical tasks. Click one of the links below to go to that section. Assessment Unit Outline Teaching Timetable Tutorials Resources Assessment Top This unit will be assessed by practice work, assignments and a final examination with the following weights: Component Due Date(s) % of grade Practice Work submission 1 - week 8 submission 2 - week 13 5% 5% Assignment 1 Week 7 15% Assignment 2 Week 11 25% Final Examination End of Semester. TBA. 50% The actual due dates will be specified on the assignments themselves. The assignments will be made available several weeks before they are due. Check the web site and announcements on the unit web page. Unit Outline Top Download unit outline in Word Format. Teaching Timetable Top Lectures Time: Tuesday 9.30 - 12.30. To be finalised Location: EH 2.22. Map Schedule of Topics Week Topic No Topic Title Text Chapters 1 1 Course Info and Introduction 1 2 OO Project Life cycle 2,3 3 JavaBeans, EJBs 6-7, 14*, 15* 4 4 Multitier systems 5 5 JDBC 8 6 6 servlets and JSPs 9-10, 11* 7 7 RMI 13 8 8 CORBA 26-27 9 8 (cont) CORBA (cont.) 26-27 10/11 9 Java design patterns, UML 1, 3*, 5* 12 11 Real-time, embedded systems 13 - Web Services and course review Download the lecture notes here. Tutorials Top Time/Location Time: Tuesday 1.30 - 3.30. Location: ECL 2.046. Tutorials start in week 2. Tutorials are assessible and are worth 10%. See the assessment section to see when they are due. Tutorial sheets can be downloaded here. Resources Top Software The School of IT also has an agreement with THE MICROSOFT DEVELOPER NETWORK ACADEMIC ALLIANCE (MSDNAA), which allows students to take home legally various microsoft software. A description is provided in the word document, click the icon to download. All software needed to complete the practicals and assignments is available on the machines in the labs. For external students and home use, you can download most of the software from the unit materials page. See the FAQ page for answers to any installation problems. Labs start in week 2. There may still be small configuration problems especially with the example software. In particular it does not seem easy to get many Bean examples from BDK working properly in Sun ONE and the latest versions of JDK. These may show up in labs or on home computers. Please report any problems to me. The practical component of this unit is done on the department’s Pentium 4 computers. We will use jdk1.4, the Java Software Development Kit from Sun (SDK), which is freely available from Note that the size of the package is over 30Mb (for version 1.3) while the size of the specification is over 20Mb (for version 1.3). Downloading will take quite some time to complete. You will find it useful to download nmake.exe for automatic compilation of the Java files that compose each JavaBean.See ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/ for NMAKE15.EXE For the topic on servlets and JSPs, Tomcat, a free, open- source implementation developed under the Jakarta project at the Apache Software Foundation will be used.� It can be downloaded from http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/tomcat/ and may require some work on the configuration. To make it a painless process for you, it is strongly recommended that Tomcat is used in conjunction with Sun ONE (which does the configuration for you). You will also need Java Servlet API to compile servlets.� Both the class file (in zip format) and the javadoc file (in zip format)� can be downloaded from: http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/download.html#specs. (again, this all comes with Tomcat under Sun ONE) Several IDE’s (Integrated Development Environment) for developing Java applications are available: Kawa, Jbuilder4 (University Edition), Sun ONE Studio 4 Update 1 and the textbook includes a CD, which has the Community Edition for all platforms of Forte Release 2.0.� You may choose any one of them for software development for the unit. However, the Community Edition of Sun ONE is free from http://wwws.sun.com/software/sundev/jde/ and is the recommended IDE as it works with many of the advanced facilities which we will be studying. For example, it contains a visual development tool which allows beans to be put together with other Swing/AWT components etc. If you are not using Sun One or Forte then, for working with beans, the older Bean Development Kit BDK from Sun may be worth looking at: http://java.sun.com/beans/software/bdk_download.html A software version control tool, CVS, can be found on the machines in the lab and should be used for software versioning control.� See http://ccvs.cvshome.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList Microsoft Access is available on the lab machines and will be used for one of the topics of the unit. For accessing pdf (Portable Document Format) files, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is a freely available software.To download the software, visit http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html All the above software [except Forte] will be available on the machines in the ECL 2.046 lab. HTML last modified: July 6 , 2004 - 12:54 AM Modified by: David Bennett, Unit Coordinator, ICT337 Advanced Software development Authorised by: David Bennett, , School of Information Technology, Murdoch University Disclaimer & Copyright Notice © 2004 Murdoch University