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 © 2002 Edward F. Gehringer ECE 463/521 Lecture Notes, Fall 2002 1 
Figures from CAQA used with permission of Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.  © 2003 Elsevier Science (USA) 
The MIPS Instruction-Set Architecture 
[H&P §2.12]  The MIPS instruction set illustrates four underlying 
principles of hardware design:  
1. Simplicity favors regularity.  
2. Smaller is faster.  
3. Good design demands compromise.  
4. Make the common case fast. 
The MIPS instruction-set architecture has characteristics based on 
conclusions from previous lectures. 
• It is a load-store architecture that uses general-purpose 
• It has only two addressing modes, displacement and 
immediate, but can synthesize other important modes from 
• It supports 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit integers, and 32- and 64-
bit IEEE 754 floating-point numbers. 
• It has an orthogonal set of instructions to manipulate these 
data types. 
• It has separate comparison and branching instructions.  
(This is an example of making the common case fast.) 
MIPS has thirty-two 64-bit general-purpose registers, named R0, R1, 
… , R31. 
 R0 always contains 0 (loading it with another value has no 
It has 32 floating-point registers, which can hold either single-
precision (32-bit) or double-precision (64-bit) values. 
This is an example of smaller is faster—using a single register set 
would make register-address fields larger and make accesses take 
Lecture 13 Advanced Microprocessor Design 2 
Addressing modes 
Displacement and immediate modes both have 16-bit fields. 
How can we synthesize other important addressing modes? 
› Register indirect:   
› Direct:   
› Scaled:   
› Memory indirect:   
Like the PowerPC, MIPS can select either Big Endian or Little Endian 
byte ordering. 
Memory is byte addressable with a 64-bit address. 
MIPS instruction formats 
Simplicity favors regularity … so all MIPS arithmetic instructions have 
exactly three operands. 
For example,  
DADD R3, R1, R2  Regs[R3] ← Regs[R1] + Regs[R2] 
DSUB R3, R1, R2  Regs[R3] ← Regs[R1] – Regs[R2] 
Good design demands compromise … so instructions are fixed length 
(32 bits).  This requires different instruction formats.  This table gives 
a summary of the three formats. 
Format 6 bits  5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 6 bits Comments 
R op rs rt rd shamt funct  Arithmetic 
I op rs rt address/immediate Transfer, branch, immediate 
J op target address Jump 
 © 2002 Edward F. Gehringer ECE 463/521 Lecture Notes, Fall 2002 3 
Figures from CAQA used with permission of Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.  © 2003 Elsevier Science (USA) 
Let’s take a look at each of these formats in more detail. 
An R-type instruction has this format. 
6 5 5 5 5 6 
Opcode rs rt rd shamt funct 
ALU op Operand 1 Operand 2 Result Shift amt. add, sub, etc.
This format is used for both arithmetic and boolean operations.  In 
general, the shamt field is 0 for arithmetic operations, and the rs field 
is 0 for logical operations.  
An I-type instruction has this format. 
6 5 5 16 
Opcode rs rt Immediate 
Load/Store Source register 
[rt ← rs op immediate] 
PC-relative offset 
[if rs rel rt then branch] 
A J-type instruction has this format. 
6 26 
Opcode Offset 
[& link] 
Target address4..29 
to jump to 
 JR function 
MIPS instructions 
Here are a few MIPS instructions.  The text has another list, and a 
comprehensive list (for MIPS IV) can be found at 007-2597-001/pdf/007-2597-
Lecture 13 Advanced Microprocessor Design 4 
Arithmetic instructions  
Instruction  Example  Meaning  Comments 
Add ADD R1,R2,R3 R1←R2+R3  
Subtract SUB R1,R2,R3 R1←R2–R3  
Add immediate ADDI R1,R2,10 R1←R2+10 Adds a constant 
Add unsigned ADDU R1,R2,R3 R1←R2+R3 No trap on o’flo. 
Add immed uns’d ADDIU R1,R2,10 R1←R2+10  
Logical instructions 
Instruction  Example  Meaning  Comments 
And AND R1,R2,R3 R1←R2&R3  
Or OR R1,R2,R3 R1←R2|R3  
And immediate ANDI R1,R2,10 R1←R2&10 and with a constant 
Shift left logical SLL R1,R2,10 R1←R2<<10 Shift left by constant 
Shift right logical SRL R1,R2,10 R1←R2>>10 Shift right by constant
Instruction Example  Meaning  Comments 
Load word LW R1,10(R2) R1←Mem [R2+10] Memory to register 
Store word SW R1,10(R2) Mem[R2+10] ←R1 Register to memory 
Load upper 
immed. LUI R1,10 R1←10×2
16 Load constant into upper 16 bits of word 
Conditional branch  
Instruction  Example  Meaning  
Branch on equal BEQ R1,R2,10 if (R1==R2) goto PC+4+10 
Branch on not equal BNE R1,R2,10 if (R1!=R2) goto PC+4+10 
Set on less than SLT R1,R2,R3 if (R2