North Carolina State University – Project Proposal 1 (First Project) Refactoring Evaluation of SQL Queries (Java/Junit) Spring 2022 Project Tasks The SQLFE (SQL File Evaluation) open source software system automatically grades a set of files containing SQL queries. This project focuses on redesigning and rewriting one large method that controls all of the backend processing, and developing JUnit tests for the above method. 1. Restructure and/or rewrite the evaluate() method in the class, adding any new sub-methods desired, to accurately and efficiently do the following tasks: a. Read in and correctly parse the instructor-generated assignmentProperties file that specifies the correct solutions for each SQL query question. b. Set up the grade summary file for total scores and individual query scores for each submission file. c. Read in all submitted SQL query files from the files folder underneath the main evaluation work folder. d. Process each submitted SQL query file, which includes parsing each file as it is read in and evaluating each file through testing it using specified tests from the assignmentProperties file. e. Write out the score information for each file to the grade summary file. 2. Related to this task, a second and associated task for the project is to generate JUnit tests for the evaluate method in the BackEnd class, in order to show that this method works correctly. A high percentage of code coverage is desired. 3. You may continue to use, as is, any of the utility methods in the class. However, know that these methods are used by other classes in the project. If you prefer to create new utility methods (including making modifications to existing utility methods), any new or modified methods should be given new method names if they remain in the class file. In other words, do not modify or remove any method in 4. Generally, you should decide where to place sub-methods you create as part of the new evaluate() method functionality (that is, you may place them in or as you think is best for your design). 5. Good functionality is the primary goal. Any new code must work at least as well as the code that you’re replacing. 6. Good code commenting is expected. As a former consultant at 3M for a number of years, I’ve seen that the importance of good code commenting in helping me maintain or add to other people’s code cannot be overstated. 7. We are also interested in any constructive suggestions for improving the BackEnd class overall. If you find issues or possible improvements in working on this project, please communicate them to Paul Wagner (see contact information below). Additional Project Details While there are many possible improvements to SQLFE, we want to focus on the BackEnd class, specifically the evaluate() method within that class. As this method is essentially the main controller for the system, it has no parameters. The evaluate() method has been expanded in functionality over time and is currently ~175 lines in length, so there is a significant need to restructure this method into multiple methods to give it better design and make it more maintainable. System Overview SQLFE is an open source software tool to assist computer science instructors by automatically grading assignments or tests involving multiple submitted files consisting of SQL queries added to a template submission file. SQLFE has a JavaFX GUI that communicates with the backend system. Developed by Paul Wagner and others at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, SQLFE allows instructors to specify a weighted set of tests for each assignment question, which are then used to evaluate a submitted query and/or compare that submitted query against an instructor-supplied solution query. SQLFE also generates a detailed output file for each submission, which can be returned as feedback. SQLFE reduces instructor grading time for SQL queries and allows quicker, more detailed feedback as compared to hand grading. SQLFE source code, sample submission and instructor-generated files, and documentation can be found at . SQLFE itself is written entirely in Java, with the unit tests written in JUnit. Since SQLFE executes SQL queries as part of its evaluation, it must generally be connected to an SQL database management system (DBMS). Currently Oracle and MySQL DBMSs (both 5.x and 8.0) are supported. Files for Focus The following list of files to focus on is provided as a starting point for understanding. To ensure understanding of overall system functionality we suggest downloading the entire SQLFE project and getting the project working in your environment, including connecting it to an Oracle or MySQL DBMS, if this is possible. It is also possible to run SQLFE with a very simple “mock” database instance, which just returns one hard-coded data set at this point, but could be expanded to add better functionality in the future. However, to understand the major areas where you will be working, you can look at the following files in the GitHub repository: 1. MOST IMPORTANT: /src/sqlfe/general/ – the class where the general system back-end work is performed, including the evaluate() method that needs refactoring 2. /src/sqlfe/util/, which includes some methods that are called from the evaluate() method in 3. assignmentProperties – the instructor-specified evaluation file that guides the evaluation process. 4. /files/lt_01.sql, a sample student submission file to be evaluated 5. /evaluations/AAA_grade_summary.out, showing the summary output from evaluating all of the submitted files in the files folder. A walk-through of the entire system will be given at our first meeting. You will be able to make your own copy of the system in which to do your work. Questions? Paul Wagner, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire Email: (video chat and other communication available by appointment as needed)