Chapter 3 Lab 1 Creating a static Method that Requires No Arguments and Returns No Values Pages 124 - 125 Calling a static Method from Another Class Pages 125 – 126 Creating static Methods That Accept Arguments and Return a Value Pages 137 – 138 Instructions: This lab is made up of multiple assignments from the book. Make the following changes to the instructions shown in your text book: Creating a static Method that Requires No Arguments and Returns No Values Page 124 – Step 1 Name your class ParadiseInfo_YourInitials Calling a static Method from Another Class Page 125 – Step 1 Do not create a new project or package for this class. In order for the lab to work the TestInfo_YourInitials class must exist in the same package and project as the ParadiseInfo_YourInitials class. Name your class TestInfo_YourInitials Your class is named ParadiseInfo_YourInitials so the last line in the main method need to be: o ParadiseInfo_YourInitials.displayInfo(); Creating static Methods That Accept Arguments and Return a Value Page 137 – Step 1 Create a copy of the file named ParadiseInfo2_YourInitials Turn in the files, and Grading: 2 – General, compiles, comments, proper indentation, etc 2 – code 2 – code 2 – code