Chapter 3 Lab 2 Creating a Class That Contains Instance Fields and Methods Page 150 Declaring and Using Objects Pages 154 – 156 Adding a Constructor to a Class Pages 158 – 159 Instructions: This lab is made up of multiple assignments from the book. Make the following changes to the instructions shown in your text book: Creating a Class That Contains Instance Fields and Methods Page 150 – Step 1 Name your class SpaService_YourInitials Declaring and Using Objects Page 154 – Step 1 Do not create a new project or package for this class. Name your class CreateSpaServices_YourInitials Page 155 – Step 5 Your class is named SpaService_YourInitials so you need to use this as the name of the class and the constructor for example: o SpaService_YourInitials firstService = new SpaService_YourInitials(); Adding a Constructor to a Class Page 159 – Step 1 Your class is named SpaService_YourInitials so the constructor name needs to be SpaService_YourInitials Turn in the files and Grading: 2 – General, compiles, comments, proper indentation, etc 2 – code 2 – code