University Infrastructure SAF-POL-INF Compliance and Responsibilities University Infrastructure Page 2 of 9SAF-POL-INF Version 1 Refer to Health and Safety Dept. for latest version Document Control Document Details Reference SAF-POL-INF Title University Infrastructure – Compliance and Responsibilities Version Number 1 Approval Date 27/4/22 Issue Date 27/4/22 Review Date 27/4/24 Status Approved Owner Health and Safety Department Author Barrie Ellis Document Revision History Revision Date Nature of Revision Prepared by Approved by The Health and Safety Department will maintain the official version of this document. Before referring to any printed copies, please ensure that they are up-to-date. University Infrastructure Page 3 of 9 SAF-POL-INF Version 1 Refer to Health and Safety Dept. for latest version Contents Page Number 1 Introduction 4 2 Definitions 4 3 Roles and Responsibilities 6 4 Training, Competency and Supervision 8 5 Monitoring and Inspection 9 6 Incidents and Non-Conformities Reporting 9 University Infrastructure Page 4 of 9 SAF-POL-INF Version 1 Refer to Health and Safety Dept. for latest version University Infrastructure 1. Introduction University of Nottingham infrastructure (see definitions below) are the responsibility of the Estates Office unless they have explicitly (in writing) given ownership or access to another Business Unit of the University. The Estates Office will undertake a full review of all University infrastructure to establish suitable ownership or access arrangements. If the transfer of ownership or access is agreed, then the Business Unit ‘owning or accessing’ the specific University Infrastructure shall be required to follow all relevant safety management (policy and arrangements) operated by the University and Estates Office at all times. 2. Definitions University Infrastructure University infrastructure is any of the following, but not limited to: § Fabric of all buildings § Grounds § All water supplies § Sewers § Plant and machinery rooms § Mechanical and electrical plantrooms § Telecommunication rooms § All building risers / lift shafts § Boiler houses / sub-stations (HV/LV) § Ventilation systems § Gas pipes Estates Asset An Estates asset includes only permanent fabric of all buildings, building infrastructure services and external (grounds) elements of the University site installed and controlled by the Estates Office. Other assets which may be fixed to or rest upon an Estates asset or are connected from or to the final point of connection of building infrastructure services are Business Unit assets. Use and or connection to Estate’s assets must be in accordance with Estates Office requirements (see below). Building Infrastructure Services Specific inclusions: § Electrical power and general lighting and emergency lighting systems up to the final socket, isolator or general light fitting § Fixed Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems up to the point of connection University Infrastructure Page 5 of 9 SAF-POL-INF Version 1 Refer to Health and Safety Dept. for latest version § Natural gas distribution systems up to the final isolator or connector § Fixed medical or special gas distribution systems up to the final isolator or connector § Gas detection and alarms systems § Steam and condensate distribution systems up to the final isolator or connector § Compressed air distribution systems up to the final isolator or connector § Fixed hot and cold water systems up to any tap, final isolator or connector up to the final isolator or connector § Fixed water purifications systems up to the final isolator or connector § Sanitation and drainage systems from any general waste inlet or specialist interceptor § Fixed general space heating systems § Fixed refrigeration equipment and chilled water or DX pipe installations up to final room unit § Air handling units, fans and ventilation equipment including ductwork up to final diffusers § Fixed LEV and laboratory containment systems § Fire prevention, refuge communications, signage, extinguishers, detection, alarm, control and evacuation systems § Fixed passenger and goods lifting equipment § Security detection, alarm and control systems including CCTV and intercoms § Building Management Systems § Pneumatic tube conveyor systems § Thermal insulation to the above systems § Ground’s infrastructure, manhole covers, lamp posts and bollards. Specific exclusions: § Any portable or moveable appliances or equipment including but not limited to, autoclaves, furnaces, ranges, freezers, moveable water purification or processing units, gas cylinders, bench UPS’s etc § Swimming pool water systems and spa baths or similar § Specific systems maintained and used by Business Units such as but not limited to the following examples: hydraulics lab water system etc § Any other system which has not been authorised or installed by the Estates Office. Estates Office Requirements Business Units must only connect to building infrastructure services at suitable designated connection points such as but not limited to the following examples; taps, sockets, outlets etc. All connections to final isolators must be undertaken by the Estates Office such as but not limited to the following examples: water valves, gas valves, electrical rotary isolators etc. All alterations, modifications or changes including changes in use of existing equipment affecting Estates assets must be authorised by the Estates Office. Business Units where any Estates asset are not used or connected to safely must report these to the Estates Office, such as, but not limited to the following examples: § LEV systems where maintenance is required § Equipment connected to water systems without backflow prevention, low use water outlets, disposal of inappropriate waste into wastewater systems etc. Failure to report will result in the Business Unit being responsible for any consequential system non-compliance. University Infrastructure Page 6 of 9 SAF-POL-INF Version 1 Refer to Health and Safety Dept. for latest version Any Business Unit that retains copies of keys for University infrastructure must return these to the Security Office. Keys may only be retained by Business Units when authorised by the Estates Office. Maintenance Maintenance is any maintenance, repair, upkeep, replacement or renewal of any existing Estates asset. 3. Roles and Responsibilities University Council will § Receive annual assurance reports from the University Health and Safety Committee produced by the Health and Safety Department in association with the Director of Estates and Facilities on University infrastructure safety. The University Health and Safety Committee will § Be the formal oversight and compliance committee for the University and will provide assurance to University Council § Promote good practice among University staff and students in relation to the management of University infrastructure safety § Consider and advise on University infrastructure policy and arrangements § Be notified of any significant accident, incident or enforcement action § Receive annual report of audits and assurance monitoring. University Executive Board (UEB) will § Ensure that they are provided with information on the significant risks presented by University infrastructure-related hazards by the Director of Estates and Facilities § Consider the risk implications of strategic decisions such as large projects § Seek assurances that all mandatory requirements for University infrastructure management are met § Seek assurances that all health and safety arrangements for University infrastructure are adequately resourced § Seek assurance that risk control measures to ensure safety of University infrastructure are in place and are being acted upon § Seek assurances that those with University infrastructure management responsibilities are adequately trained and competent § Seek assurance that there is a process for auditing health and safety performance for the management of University infrastructure § Seek assurance that competent health and safety advice is available to assist in managing and assessing risks from University infrastructure issues § Be notified of any significant accident, incident or enforcement action. University Infrastructure Page 7 of 9 SAF-POL-INF Version 1 Refer to Health and Safety Dept. for latest version The Health and Safety Department will § Provide and keep updated, polices, arrangements and guidance to ensure any statutory requirements for the management of University infrastructure are met § Provide competent advice and support on University infrastructure management to the University § Ensure appropriate oversight for compliance with University infrastructure statutory requirements and provide reports to University Health and Safety Committee and UEB § Have an oversight of reported significant accident, incident or enforcement action concerning University infrastructure and make recommendations where necessary § Lead on and coordinate visits by external agencies, including the Health and Safety Executive § Receive regular assurance reports from the Director of Estates and Facilities on University infrastructure management § Monitor Estates Office are adhering to the University Policy by carrying out audits (see University Health and Safety Monitoring Policy). SAF-POL-MON Director of Estates and Facilities will § Ensure that management of University infrastructure meets the requirements as set out in University policy and associated arrangements within area of responsibility § Ensure that suitable arrangements are implemented which meets the requirements of University policy within area of responsibility § Ensure that suitable assurance on the significant risks presented by University infrastructure related hazards is communicated effectively to UEB, relevant committees and the Health and Safety Department § Ensure unauthorised access is prevented to University infrastructure (See Access to Plant & Machinery Spaces - SAF-ARR-INT-PMS for details) § Ensure robust records for the ownership of University infrastructure are kept § Ensure that the Estates responsible person(s) are appointed and have sufficient training, experience, knowledge, time and resources to enable them to meet all of the statutory provisions § Ensure the consideration of University infrastructure risk implications of strategic decisions such as new projects and relevant construction work § Lead by example e.g. undertake leadership walk rounds § Ensure that following any significant accident, incident or enforcement action that an appropriate investigation is undertaken and any findings implemented. Estates Responsible Person(s) will § Ensure that responsibilities of the role are understood § Implement systems to ensure relevant University infrastructure management meets the requirements as set out in University policy and associated arrangements (SAF-ARR-INF- PMS) § Produce and implement a University infrastructure plan to ensure that appropriate measures of controlling the risks are undertaken and robustly recorded § Ensure that an appropriate plan of works is in place and approved prior to commencing work on University infrastructure University Infrastructure Page 8 of 9 SAF-POL-INF Version 1 Refer to Health and Safety Dept. for latest version § Ensure that University infrastructure asset registers are updated after works to University infrastructure § Ensure monitoring of University infrastructure and Estates assets as per University policy, arrangements or statutory requirements § Ensure that suitable competent contractors are used for any works on University infrastructure § Ensure that any University staff who commission works (either by external contractors or internal maintenance staff) have the appropriate Construction Phase Plan or Risk Assessments and Method Statements prior to the commencement of the works in relation to management of University infrastructure § In collaboration with the Health and Safety Department, provide information, support and advice to Business Units on all matters concerning the management of University infrastructure § In conjunction with the Health and Safety Department, assist investigating any incidents involving University infrastructure § Ensure that appropriate information is communicated to University staff, students and contractors § Manage performance of contractors working on University infrastructure providing feedback at contract meetings and to the Director of Estates and Facilities § Ensure that training records are kept in accordance with University policy § Provide regular reports to the Director of Estates and Facilities on non-conformities and new or modified University infrastructure. Heads of Business Unit will § Ensure the dissemination of the University’s arrangements for the management of University infrastructure to relevant people within the Business Unit § Ensure that the Estates Office requirements (as above) are met § Ensure no connection to, work or access will take place to/on the University infrastructure without the authorisation of the Estates Responsible Person § Ensure that access to University infrastructure is not obstructed § Ensure that University infrastructure is not used for the storage of Business Unit equipment or items without authorisation received from the Estates Office. 4. Training, Competency and Supervision The University will ensure that all relevant staff who manage University infrastructure as part of their duties will receive the appropriate level of training as set out in the University Competency Policy (see SAF-MAN2.05) or statutory requirements. All direct labour and contractors used on any inspection, maintenance or refurbishment works of University infrastructure must have had suitable and sufficient training and supervision. University Infrastructure Page 9 of 9 SAF-POL-INF Version 1 Refer to Health and Safety Dept. for latest version 5. Monitoring and Inspection The University will ensure appropriate monitoring and inspection regimes are in place to manage all University infrastructure. Additional monitoring and inspection of processes and contractors will be conducted by the Estates Responsible Person. Oversight and audit are completed by the Health and Safety Department. The University standard is to carry out monitoring and inspection in all areas in accordance with the University Monitoring and Inspection Policy (See SAF-POL-MON). The Health and Safety Department will audit arrangements every 3-5 years as per University policy. The Estates Office will ensure appropriate assurance reporting regarding University infrastructure is communicated regularly to the University Health and Safety Committee. 6. Incidents and Non-Conformities Reporting In any emergency the primary concern should always be the immediate safety of those who are affected as a result. When the immediate situation has been dealt with and people are no longer at risk, the incident must be reported locally, and to the Health and Safety Department who will inform the Responsible Person. The Responsible Person, in collaboration with the Health and Safety Department where required will investigate incidents with the aim of identifying lessons learned and preventing similar occurrences in future. Any remedial actions required must be implemented immediately where possible and lessons learnt communicated widely to all who can benefit. If any University infrastructure, building infrastructure services or Estate’s asset is unsecured, then a report to University of Nottingham Security Team must be made. In some cases, the Health and Safety Executive must be notified by the University Health and Safety Department under the Reporting of Incidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR) Regulations. When a non-conformity is identified this should be investigated by the Responsible Person in collaboration with the Health and Safety Department. If in doubt advice can be sought from the Health and Safety Department.