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MLIR: An Optimizing Compiler 
Framework for the End of Moore’s Law
U. of Oxford — Dpt. of CS — 4th December 2019
presenting the work of many
The LLVM Ecosystem: Clang Compiler
LLVM IR Machine IRClang AST
C, C++, ObjC, 
CUDA, OpenCL, ... Asm
                        are Static Single Assignment (SSA) Intermediate Representations (IRs)
● Different levels of abstraction — operations and types are different
● Abstraction-specific optimization at both levels
Green boxes
From Programming Languages to TensorFlow Compiler
LLVM IR Machine IR Asm
Java & JVM 
Languages Java BC
Julia Julia IRJulia AST
XLA HLOTF GraphTensorFlow Ecosystem
● Domain specific optimizations, progressive lowering
● Common LLVM platform for mid/low-level optimizing compilation in SSA form
Clang ASTC, C++, ObjC, CUDA, OpenCL, ...   CIL IR 
The TensorFlow compiler ecosystem
Several others
Tensor RT
Many others
Core ML
Many “Graph” IRs, each with challenges:
● Similar-but-different proprietary technologies: not going away anytime soon
● Fragile, poor UI when failures happen: e.g. poor/no location info, or even crashes
● Duplication of infrastructure at all levels
TensorFlow Lite
SSA-based designs to generalize and improve ML “graphs”:
● Better side effect modeling and control flow representation
● Improve generality of the lowering passes
● Dramatically increase code reuse
● Fix location tracking and other pervasive issues for better user experience 
Goal: Global improvements to TensorFlow infrastructure
No reasonable existing answers!
● … and we refuse to copy and paste SSA-based optimizers 6 more times!
But why stop there?
What is MLIR?
A collection of modular and reusable software components 
that enables the progressive lowering of operations, to 
efficiently target hardware in a common way
How is MLIR different?
Progressive abstraction lowering, 
from graph representation and 
analysis to code generation
State of Art Compiler 
MLIR is NOT just a common 
graph serialization format nor is 
there anything like it
Modular & Extensible Not opinionated
Choose the level of 
representation that is right for 
your problem or target device
We want to enable 
whole new class of 
compiler research
Shared abstractions 
spanning languages 
to machine code
Mix and match 
representations to fit 
problem space
A toolkit for representing and transforming “code”
Represent and transform IR ⇄↺⇓
Represent Multiple Levels of IR at the same time
● tree-based IRs (ASTs) 
● data-flow graph IRs (TF Graph, SSA)
● control-flow graph IRs (TF Graph, SSA)
● target-specific parallelism (CPU, GPU, TPU)
● machine instructions
While enabling
Common compiler infrastructure 
● location tracking
● richer type system(s)
● common set of conversion passes
And much more
MLIR Story
1. The right abstraction at the right time
2. Progressive conversion and lowering
3. Extend and reuse
4. Industry standard
Contributed to LLVM (very soon)
We listen & learn as we go
Focus: Programming
Tiled SIMD Hardware
From Supercomputing
to Embedded HPC
Highly specialized hardware
e.g. Google Edge TPU
Edge and embedded
computing zoo
Single Op Compiler TVM example: scan cell (RNN)
m = tvm.var("m")
n = tvm.var("n")
X = tvm.placeholder((m,n), name="X")
s_state = tvm.placeholder((m,n))
s_init = tvm.compute((1,n), lambda _,i: X[0,i])
s_do = tvm.compute((m,n), lambda t,i: s_state[t-1,i] + X[t,i])
s_scan = tvm.scan(s_init, s_do, s_state, inputs=[X])
s = tvm.create_schedule(s_scan.op)
// Schedule to run the scan cell on a CUDA device
block_x = tvm.thread_axis("blockIdx.x")
thread_x = tvm.thread_axis("threadIdx.x")
xo,xi = s[s_init].split(s_init.op.axis[1], factor=num_thread)
s[s_init].bind(xo, block_x)
s[s_init].bind(xi, thread_x)
xo,xi = s[s_do].split(s_do.op.axis[1], factor=num_thread)
s[s_do].bind(xo, block_x)
s[s_do].bind(xi, thread_x)
print(tvm.lower(s, [X, s_scan], simple_mode=True))
Tiled and specialized hardware
1. data layout
2. control flow
3. data flow
4. data parallelism
Examples: Meta-programming APIs and
domain-specific languages (DSLs) for loop transformations
Halide for image processing pipelines
XLA, TVM for neural networks
Tiling... And Beyond?
1. But what about symbolic bounds, sizes, shapes?
2. Other transformations: fusion, fission, pipelining, unrolling… 
3. Composition & consistency with other transformations, mapping decisions
4. Code reuse across compiler flows, code generation frameworks
5. Evaluating cost functions, enforcing resource constraints
→ Impact on compiler construction,
intermediate representations,
program analyses and transformations
MLIR’s Answer: Extensible Operations Through Dialects
%x = "tf.Conv2d"(%input, %filter)
          {strides: [1,1,2,1], padding: "SAME", dilations: [2,1,1,1]}
    : (tensor<*xf32>, tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
%m = “linalg.tensor_contraction"(%y, %z)
          {reduction_dim: 1}
    : (memref, memref) -> memref
%f = llvm.add %a, %b 
    : !llvm.float
Also: TF-Lite, other frontends, other backends…
and much more than a single-op compiler (abstraction, algorithm and code reuse)
Dialects are a modular vehicle for carrying these extensions
and keeping them consistent
● MLIR semantics
○ SSA values, block arguments
○ Sequential execution in blocks, control flow through terminator operations
○ Tree of regions, functions and modules as operations
● Single source of truth for dialect-specific objects
○ Operation definition specification
○ Using traits, constraints, legalization actions
○ IR Builders
○ IR verifier
○ Documentation
What Dialects Must Comply With and Provide
Essential so that we don’t end up with the XML/JSON of compiler IRs!  
What Dialects May Extend and Customize
● Types: linalg.range, llvm.float, etc.
● Operations: tf.Add, tf_executor.graph, linalg.view, affine.apply, etc.
● Attributes: constants, affine maps, etc.
● Dialect-specific
○ support functions and state
○ canonicalization
○ pretty printer and parser
○ static analyses
○ declarative pattern rewriting
○ passes
Dialect-Specific Operations, Types, Attributes
%res:2 = "mydialect.morph"(%arg#3) { some.attribute : true, other_attribute : 1.5 }
              : (!mydialect<"custom_type">) -> (!mydialect<"other_type">, !mydialect<"other_type">)
                                                                        loc(callsite("foo" at "":10:8))
● Multiple levels of abstraction in the type and operation definition
Name of the
Op Id
Number of 
values returned
prefix Argument
Index in the 
producer’s results
Dialect prefix 
for the type
Opaque string
Dialect specific type
List of attributes:
named, constant arguments
(optional dialect prefix, defaults to op)
Mandatory and rich location
Dialect-Specific Operations, Types, Attributes
● Multiple levels of abstraction in the type and operation definition
○ Nested regions with control flow, modules, semantic assumptions and guarantees
○ Modules and functions are operations with a nested region (belonging to a builtin dialect)
func @some_func(%arg: !random_dialect<"custom_type">)
 -> !another_dialect<"other_type"> {
  %res = "custom.operation"(%arg)
       : (!random_dialect<"custom_type">) -> !another_dialect<"other_type">
  return %res : !another_dialect<"other_type">
→ Research: formalization, soundness and equivalence proofs
Example: TensorFlow in MLIR
Computational data-flow graphs,
and modeling control flow, asynchrony
TensorFlow in MLIR — Computational Graph Dialect
Arg Arg
Ret Ret
func @foo(  %arg0 : tensor, %arg1  : tensor<...>) ... {
    %X   = tf.X   %arg0 : tensor<...>
    %Y   = tf.Y   %arg0, %arg1 : tensor<...>, tensor<...>
    %Z:2 = tf.Z   %X, %Y : tensor<...>, tensor<...>
     return    %Z#0,      %Z#1  : tensor<...>, tensor<...>
Control flow and dynamic features of TF1, TF2
● Conversion from control to data flow
● Lazy evaluation
● Sequential execution in blocks
● Distribution
● Offloading
● Explicit concurrency in tf.graph regions
○ Implicit futures for SSA-friendly, asynchronous task parallelism
→ Research: task parallelism, memory models, separation logic, linear types 
TensorFlow in MLIR — Control Flow and Concurrency
TensorFlow in MLIR — Control Flow and Concurrency
Example: Linalg Dialect
Composition and structural decomposition
of linear algebra operations
Linalg Rationale
Propose a multi-purpose code generation path
● For mixing different styles of compiler transformations
○ Combinators (tile, fuse, communication generation on high level operations)
○ Loop-based (dependence analysis, fuse, vectorize, pipeline, unroll-and-jam)
○ SSA (data flow)
● That does not require heroic analyses and transformations
○ Declarative properties enable transformations w/o complex analyses
○ If/when good analyses exist, we can use them
● Beyond black-box numerical libraries 
○ Compiling loops + native library calls or hardware blocks
○ Can evolve beyond affine loops and data
○ Optimize across loops and library calls for locality and customization
Linalg Type System And Type Building Ops
● Range type: create a (min, max, step)-triple of index
        %0 = linalg.range %c0:%arg1:%c1 : !linalg.range
→ for stepping over loop iterations (loop bounds) & data structures 
● View type: create an n-d “indexing” over a memref buffer
%8 = linalg.view %7[%r0, %r1] : !linalg.view
Base pointer
Base offset: 2 Stride: 2
Size: 3
Begin:2 End: 5
Begin: 0
End: 4
6*3=18Size: 4
%memref = alloc() : memref<4x6 x f32>
%ri = linalg.range %c2:%c5:%c2 : !linalg.range
%rj = linalg.range %c0:%c4:%c3 : !linalg.range
%v = linalg.view %memref[%ri, %rj] : !linalg.view
{ float*,  # base pointer
  i64,     # base offset
  i64[2]   # sizes
  i64[2] } # strides
View Type Descriptor in LLVM IR
Linalg View
● Simplifying assumptions for analyses and IR construction
○ E.g. non-overlapping rectangular memory regions (symbolic shapes)
○ Data abstraction encodes boundary conditions
Backing buffer Backing buffer Backing buffer
Same library call, data structure adapts to full/partial views/tiles
matmul(vA, vB, vC)
Defining Matmul
● linalg.matmul operates on view, view, view
func @call_linalg_matmul(%A: memref, %B: memref, %C: memref){
  %c0 = constant 0 : index
  %c1 = constant 1 : index
  %M = dim %A, 0 : memref
  %N = dim %C, 1 : memref
  %K = dim %A, 1 : memref
  %rM = linalg.range %c0:%M:%c1 : !linalg.range
  %rN = linalg.range %c0:%N:%c1 : !linalg.range
  %rK = linalg.range %c0:%K:%c1 : !linalg.range
  %4 = linalg.view %A[%rM, %rK] : !linalg.view
  %6 = linalg.view %B[%rK, %rN] : !linalg.view
  %8 = linalg.view %C[%rM, %rN] : !linalg.view
  linalg.matmul(%4, %6, %8) : !linalg.view
Lowering Between Linalg Ops: Matmul to Matvec
func @matmul_as_matvec(%A: memref, %B: memref, %C: memref) {
  %c0 = constant 0 : index
  %c1 = constant 1 : index
  %M = dim %A, 0 : memref
  %N = dim %C, 1 : memref
  %K = dim %A, 1 : memref
  %rM = linalg.range %c0:%M:%c1 : !linalg.range
  %rK = linalg.range %c0:%N:%c1 : !linalg.range
  %5 = linalg.view %A[%rM, %rK] : !linalg.view
  affine.for %col = 0 to %N {
    %7 = linalg.view %B[%rK, %col] : !linalg.view
    %8 = linalg.view %C[%rM, %col] : !linalg.view
    linalg.matvec(%5, %7, %8) : !linalg.view
“Interchange” due to library impedance mismatch
Lowering Between Linalg Ops: Matmul to Matvec
// Drop the `j` loop from matmul(i,j,k).
// Parallel dimensions permute.
void linalg::MatmulOp::emitFinerGrainForm()
  auto *op = getOperation();
  ScopedContext scope(FuncBuilder(op), op->getLoc());
  IndexHandle j;
  auto *vA(getInputView(0)), *vB(...), *vC(...);
  Value *range = getViewRootIndexing(vB, 1).first;
  linalg::common::LoopNestRangeBuilder(&j, range)({
      matvec(vA, slice(vB, j, 1), slice(vC, j, 1)),
Extracting/analyzing this information from transformed 
and tiled loops would take much more effort 
With high-level dialects the problem goes away
Loop Tiling 
func @matmul_tiled_loops(%arg0: memref, 
      %arg1: memref, %arg2: memref) {
  %c0 = constant 0 : index
  %cst = constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
  %M = dim %arg0, 0 : memref
  %N = dim %arg2, 1 : memref
  %K = dim %arg0, 1 : memref
  affine.for %i0 = 0 to %M step 8 {
    affine.for %i1 = 0 to %N step 9 {
      affine.for %i2 = 0 to %K {
        affine.for %i3 = max(%i0, %c0) to min(%i0 + 8, %M) {
          affine.for %i4 = max(%i1, %c0) to min(%i1 + 9, %N) {
            %3 = cmpi "eq", %i2, %c0 : index
            %6 = load %arg2[%i3, %i4] : memref
            %7 = select %3, %cst, %6 : f32
            %9 = load %arg1[%i2, %i4] : memref
            %10 = load %arg0[%i3, %i2] : memref
            %11 = mulf %10, %9 : f32
            %12 = addf %7, %11 : f32
            store %12, %arg2[%i3, %i4] : memref
  %c0 = constant 0 : index
  %c1 = constant 1 : index
  %M = dim %A, 0 : memref
  %N = dim %C, 1 : memref
  %K = dim %A, 1 : memref
  %rM = linalg.range %c0:%M:%c1 :
  %rN = linalg.range %c0:%N:%c1 :
  %rK = linalg.range %c0:%K:%c1 :
  %4 = linalg.view %A[%rM, %rK] :
  %6 = linalg.view %B[%rK, %rN] :
  %8 = linalg.view %C[%rM, %rN] :
  linalg.matmul(%4, %6, %8) : 
tileSizes = {8, 9}
Boundary conditions
Loop Tiling Declaration
● An op “declares” how to tile itself maximally on loops
○ For LinalgBase this is easy: perfect loop nests
○ Can be tiled declaratively with mlir::tile
linalg::emitTiledLoops(Operation *op, ArrayRef tileSizes) {
  auto loops = emitLoops(op);
  if (loops.hasValue())
    return mlir::tile(*loops, tileSizes, loops->back());
  return llvm::None;
void linalg::lowerToTiledLoops(mlir::Function *f,
                               ArrayRef tileSizes) {
  f->walk([tileSizes](Operation *op) {
    if (emitTiledLoops(op, tileSizes).hasValue())
Works with imperfectly 
nested loops + interchange
View Tiling
func @matmul_tiled_views(%A: memref, %B: memref, %C: memref) {
  %c0 = constant 0 : index
  %c1 = constant 1 : index
  %M = dim %A, 0 : memref
  %N = dim %C, 1 : memref
  %K = dim %A, 1 : memref
  affine.for %i0 = 0 to %M step 8 {
    affine.for %i1 = 0 to %N step 9 {
      %4 = affine.apply (d0) -> (d0 + 8)(%i0)
      %5 = linalg.range %i0:%4:%c1 : !linalg.range   needs range intersection
      %7 = linalg.range %c0:%K:%c1 : !linalg.range
      %8 = linalg.view %A[%5, %7] : !linalg.view
      %10 = linalg.range %c0:%M:%c1 : !linalg.range
      %12 = affine.apply (d0) -> (d0 + 9)(%i1)
      %13 = linalg.range %i1:%12:%c1 : !linalg.range   needs range intersection
      %14 = linalg.view %B[%10, %13] : !linalg.view
      %15 = linalg.view %C[%5, %13] : !linalg.view
      linalg.matmul(%8, %14, %15) : !linalg.view
Nested linalg.matmul call
Example: Affine Dialect
For general-purpose loop nest optimization, 
vectorization, data parallelization,
optimization of array layout, storage, transfer
Affine Dialect for Polyhedral Compilation
func @test() {
  affine.for %k = 0 to 10 {
    affine.for %l = 0 to 10 {
      affine.if (d0) : (d0 - 1 >= 0, -d0 + 8 >= 0)(%k) {
        // Call foo except on the first and last iteration of %k
        "foo"(%k) : (index) -> ()
Custom parsing/printing: an affine.for operation
with an attached region feels like a regular for loop.
Affine constraints in this dialect: the if condition is an
affine function of the enclosing loop indices.
#set0 = (d0) : (d0 - 1 >= 0, -d0 + 8 >= 0)
func @test() {
  "affine.for"() {lower_bound: #map0, step: 1 : index, upper_bound: #map1} : () -> () {
  ^bb1(%i0: index):
    "affine.for"() {lower_bound: #map0, step: 1 : index, upper_bound: #map1} : () -> () 
    ^bb2(%i1: index):
      "affine.if"(%i0) {condition: #set0} : (index) -> () {
        "foo"(%i0) : (index) -> ()
        "affine.terminator"() : () -> ()
      } { // else block
      "affine.terminator"() : () -> ()
Same code without custom parsing/printing: 
closer to the internal in-memory representation.
Affine Dialect for Polyhedral Compilation
(static) affine
layout map
● Polynomial multiplication kernel: C(i+j) += A(i) ⨯ B(j) 
Stepping Back: Strengths of Polyhedral Compilation
Decouple intricate optimization problems
Partially Specified 
● Optimizations and lowering,
choices and transformations
e.g., tile? unroll? ordering?
● Generate imperative code,
calls to native libraries 
infer buffers, control flow
Functional Semantics and 
Resource Modeling
● Semantics
e.g., def-use, array dependences
● Resource constraints
e.g., local memory, DMA
● Objective functions
linear approximations, resource 
counting, roofline modeling...
● Feedback from actual execution
profile-directed, JIT, 
● Combinatorial optimization
ILP, SMT, CSP, graph algorithms, 
reinforcement learning...
Then, Isn’t it Much More Than Affine Loops and Sets/Maps?
● Example: isl schedule trees, inspiration for the MLIR affine dialect
● Mathematical core: parametric linear optimization, Presburger arithmetic
used in LLVM Polly
and many research projects including Pluto, PPCG, PoCC, Tensor Comprehensions...
● Building on 12 years of collaboration
Inria, ARM, ETH Zürich
AMD, Qualcomm, Xilinx, Facebook
IISc, IIT Hyderabad
Ohio State University, Colorado State University, Rice University
Google Summer of Code
Integer Set Library (isl)
Representing Partially Specified Programs
● Polyhedral compilation
○ Affine scheduling
optimization: often ILP-based
○ Code generation
from affine schedules to nested loops
● Meta-programming array processing code
○ Halide / TVM specific combinators
and scheduling/mapping primitives
○ Polyhedral: URUK, CHiLL
with automatic schedule completion
TVM example: scan cell (RNN)
m = tvm.var("m")
n = tvm.var("n")
X = tvm.placeholder ((m,n), name ="X")
s_state = tvm.placeholder ((m,n))
s_init = tvm.compute((1,n), lambda _, i: X[0,i])
s_update = tvm.compute((m,n), lambda t, i: s_state[t -1,i] + 
s_scan = tvm.scan(s_init, s_update, s_state, inputs =[X])
s = tvm.create_schedule (s_scan.op)
// Schedule to run the scan cell on a CUDA device
block_x = tvm.thread_axis ("blockIdx.x" )
thread_x = tvm.thread_axis ("threadIdx.x" )
xo, xi = s[s_init] .split(s_init.op.axis[1], factor=num_thread)
s[s_init].bind(xo, block_x)
s[s_init].bind(xi, thread_x)
xo, xi = s[s_update] .split(s_update.op.axis[1], factor=num_thread)
s[s_update] .bind(xo, block_x)
s[s_update] .bind(xi, thread_x)
print(tvm.lower(s, [X, s_scan], simple_mode =True))
Functional Correctness and Resource Usage
● Polyhedral compilation 
○ Model data dependences, data flow, memory accesses and footprint at compile time, symbolically
○ Beyond scalar data flow: symbolic affine expressions on indexing/iterations
● Program synthesis
○ Start from denotational specification, possibly partial (sketching), or (counter-)examples
○ Guess possible implementations by (guided) sampling lots of random ones
Or guess efficient implementations by (guided) sampling lots of stupid ones
○ Filter correct implementations using SMT solver or theorem prover
Model both correctness and hardware mapping
● Superoptimization
○ Typically on basic blocks, with SAT solver or theorem prover and search
○ Architecture and performance modeling, e.g., EXEgesis
Inspired From Adaptive Libraries and Autotuning
● Feedback-directed and iterative compiler optimization, lots of work since the late 90s
● Adaptive libraries
○ SPIRAL: Domain-Specific Language (DSL) + Rewrite Rules + Multi-Armed Bandit or MCTS
○ ATLAS, FFTW, etc.: hand-written fixed-size kernels + micro-benchmarks + meta-heuristics
● Polyhedral compilation
○ Traditionally based on Integer Linear Programming (ILP)
○ Pouchet et al. (affine), Park et al. (affine and CFG): Genetic Algorithm, SVM, Graph Kernels
Most program analyses and transformations over numerical computations can be 
captured using symbolic/parametric intervals
  → need an abstraction for symbolic (parametric) integral hyper-rectangles
  → support tiling on dynamic shapes
  → support shifting/pipelining
  → transformation composition is key
MLIR’s Research Proposal for a Polyhedral-Lite Framework
1. Sufficiently rich abstraction and collection of algorithms to support a 
complete, low complexity, easy to implement, easy to adopt, sub-polyhedral 
compilation flow that includes strip-mining and tiling
“complete” = loop nest + layout + data movement + vectorization + operator graph + composable
“sub-polyhedral” = less expressive than Presburger arithmetic, but still integer sets
2. Implemented on two’s complement machine arithmetic, rather than 
natural/relative numbers (bignums, e.g., GMP)
aiming for correctness-by-construction whenever possible, resorting to static safety checks when 
not, and to runtime safety checks as a rare last resort
(Sub-)Polyhedral Abstraction Examples (not integer-precise)
See Upadrasta’s thesis, 
POPL 2013

MLIR in a Nutshell
MLIR is a powerful infrastructure for
● Compilation of high-level abstractions and domain-specific constructs
● Gradual and partial lowering, legalization from dialect to dialect, mixing dialects 
● Reduce impedance mismatch across languages, abstraction levels, specific ISAs and APIs
● Code reuse in a production environment, using a robust LLVM-style infrastructure
● Research across the computing system stack
Check out github, mailing list, stay tuned for further announcements