Introduction 01 Applet Launcher Applet 1 Applet 2 Applet 3 Applet 4 Applet 5 Applet 6 Rotational Raman Spectroscopy Introduction page 1 of 3 Practical Navigator Introduction The Raman Effect Experimental Techniques 1. Rotational Raman Spectroscopy Interpreting the Spectrum Effect of Bond Length Centrifugal Distortion Intensities of Spectral Lines Nuclear Spin Statistics 2. Real Diatomic Molecules Temperature Spectrum of Nitrogen Isotopic Substitution Nuclear Spin Statistics Predict the Spectrum of Oxygen This experiment is based around interaction with a computer simulation of a Raman spectrum. The model is embedded into the web pages that contain the practical. Spectroscopy is the study of the exchange of energy between radiation and matter. Light of a known frequency irradiates a sample. Molecules in the sample emit or absorb distinct packets of energy. The frequency and intensity of light hitting a detector is converted by a spectrometer into a spectrum. In the lab often it is not energy that is measured directly but frequency of the electromagnetic radiation. It is simple to convert frequency into energy units using the equation: (1) << previous page next page >>