Friday 3/11 Announcements: Homework 5 due Today Lab 5 and Homework 6 Posted Soon Change in PLU Mask Policy Quiz 2 returned on Monday For Next Time Read Section 2.9 Double-Linked List Implementation Today Lab 4 Questions Iterators and ListIterators Homework 5 Questions In-class Exercise (if time permits) Client Code to Print a List for (int i=0; i< myList.size(); i++){ String element = myList.get(i); System.out.println(element); } If myList is a linked list that contains n elements, what is the Big-O for this code segment? O(n2) Iterator An Iterator is conceptually between elements in the list. next() returns an element and advances the iterator LinkedListmyList LinkedList O(n2) loop for (int i=0; i iter = myList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String s =; System.out.println(s); } Where does iter come from? Iterator Interface The Iterator interface is defined in java.util The List interface has the abstract method iterator which returns an Iterator object that iterates over the elements of that list Iterators and Removing Elements You can use the Iterator remove()method to remove items from a list as you access them remove() deletes the last item returned You must call next()before each remove() otherwise, an IllegalStateException will be thrown LinkedList.remove(i) vs. Iterator.remove() LinkedList.remove(i) must walk down the list to remove the i-th element, it is O(i) Iterator.remove removes the last item returned, and is O(1) Iterators and Removing Elements Remove all elements from LinkedList myList that equals some target value: //this code is inefficient and incorrect!!! for (int i=0; i iter = myList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { if( iter.remove(); } Iterator and ListIterator (Client View) Iterator Limitations An Iterator objects always starts at the beginning of the list Traverses List only in the forward direction Provides a remove method, but no add method ListIterator extends Iterator, overcoming these limitations ListIterator Like an Iterator, ListIterator is conceptually positioned between elements of the list ListIterator positions are assigned an index from 0 to size How do you get your hands on a ListIterator? Know how to use a ListIterator (Client View) ListIterator Interface ListIterator Interface -- Client View Look at an example: iter = myList.listIterator(2); System.out.println(; iter.remove(); System.out.println(iter.previous()); iter.add(“Liz”); iter.remove(); null “Tom” “Dick” “Harry” “Sam” null 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 throws an exception Homework 5 Questions In-class Exercise 1. Start eclipse and create JavaProject PracticeIterator 2. Download from the class website (In-class exercises) to your JavaProject 3. Follow the instructions in