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Syllabus for CCJ3024-Survey Of Cj System-20222-99744-Oberg--ONLINE You need to have JavaScript enabled in order to access this site. Dashboard CCJ3024 - Survey Of Cj System Syllabus Skip To Content Dashboard Login Dashboard Calendar Inbox History Help Close My Dashboard CCJ3024 - Survey Of Cj System Syllabus Spring 2021-22 Home Syllabus Modules Purchase Course Materials Student Course Evaluations Instructor Course Evaluations Office 365 Writing Help TLCC Tutoring Online Google Drive VidGrid Portal Ask a Librarian Course Syllabus Jump to Today CCJ 3024 Survey of CJ Systems Welcome to CCJ 3024 Survey of CJ Systems.  Professor Raymond Oberg PhD Polk State College BS in Criminal Justice  Polk State College is committed to and encourages equal opportunity/equity/access for its programs, services, and activities.  For more information go to the BCI link at:  Link Professor Contact Information: Professor:  Raymond Oberg PhD Office Hours:   I will schedule in-person office hours on Campus by request or phone Conferences can be made by appointment. Office Location:  Public Safety Building Room 146 Office Phone:   863-297-1010 Ext. 5543 Email: Correspondence: All correspondence will be conducted through email feature in Canvas.  The instructor has 48 hours to respond to all inquiries. This does not include weekends or holidays. About the course: Course Title:  Survey of the Criminal Justice System Course ID/Reference Number: CCJ 3024/ 99744 Spring 2022 Number of Credit Hours: 3 Term/Year/Session/Length: 20202 /  12  week Course prerequisites: This is the prerequisite for all courses in the BS in Criminal Justice degree program. Basic course information:  Link Instructional Materials and Equipment for the Course The textbook and material for this course are provided to you at no additional cost.  You may find all of the required material within the modules.    Online Delivery  System This course will be delivered completely online via Canvas. There will be no in person course meetings. You will need to turn off the pop-up blockers to use this online course. Please see the Technology Requirements and the Canvas Supported Browsers. Technology  Requirements In this course, you may use the following technical skills: Use of the Canvas learning management system/online course program Emailing with attachments Creating and submitting files in commonly used word processing program formats Copying and pasting Downloading and installing software needed to support Canvas. Please use the following checklist to determine your computer readiness. You should own or have access to: Your Polk State email account Computer with high speed access to the Internet Access to College computers when needed Virus-checking software Click on any of these to download and install. Adobe Acrobat Reader Flash Player Java QuickTime Shockwave Player Course description This course introduces the structure and operation of law enforcement, prosecution, the courts, and corrections procedures. The curriculum also includes a brief overview of the major types of reported crimes. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:   1. Argue the basic functions of each component of the criminal justice system.  2. Examine the definition of crime and different kinds of crime  3. Compare and explore the history and structure of policing, police management, and legal aspects of policing. 4. Analyze the court process, and progression of cases through the system.  5. Assess probation, parole, community corrections, prisons, and jails. Your Course Participation Participation by logging into Canvas is essential. You will be required to log into this course at least twice during any 7-day period to check for new announcements and to participate in discussions and submit assignments as required by the instructor. You are allowed to be absent from logging in for a one week period during the term. Notify your instructor as soon as possible following an emergency so that options may be discussed. Special circumstances may be considered by the instructor on a case-by-case basis. The professor may withdraw the student from the course for lack of participation any time between the Drop deadline and the withdrawal deadline. Should a student not participate in the course for longer than two weeks without contacting the professor, the professor will withdraw the student from the course and assign the grade of W2. Purpose and Structure of the Course: The course is broken down into weekly modules. Under each week’s module includes instructions for that week’s readings and supplemental material the instructor feels helps to clarify the content. Each week, you will have individual activities that must be completed.  You will receive points toward your grade based on your participation in the activities and the quality of your individual work. Discussion Board Forums Our discussion board forums represent an opportunity to have thoughtful discussions about a given topic. The questions raised will be related to that week’s module topic and will require you to display learned knowledge. In each discussion topic, you will be required to give an accurate and detailed answer. The instructor may post or reply to any student post in the discussion board forum if further clarification or guidance is needed. The student will be responsible for answering the discussion question(s) and responding to 2 other student’s post. The original post needs to be a minimum of 300 words in length and should be written in APA or MLA style. The responses to classmates’ posts should be a minimum of 200 words. Simply stating you agree with your classmate is not sufficient to receive full credit. Your opinion matters, however you are required to have at least one outside source/reference to back up your opinion. You are required to document that reference within your post with in text citations as well as a works cited entry at the end of your post. You are required to use college level grammar and punctuation. Please remember this isn't AIM, Facebook, or Twitter. You can't use abbreviations and lower case text and expect to get full credit. The due date listed below for each discussion post is the due date for the original post. You will have two days after that to respond to at least two of your classmates' posts. Refer to the class Grading Rubric for additional details. Quizzes  The quiz questions come directly from your textbook and will determine if you have grasped the course outcome and learning objectives for that specific week. The quizzes are due by the due date listed below in the course summary. Writing Assignments  There are several writing assignments. Rubrics for each of the writing assignments can be found within the assignment. PowerPoint Presentation: The PowerPoint presentation will be graded based on the Grading Rubric. Video Assignment: The Video assignment will be graded based on the Grading Rubric.  Grades for the Course: All weekly assignments will be graded and posted each week under the Grades tab within one week of the due date.  Refer to the Grading Rubric for more details. Late or Make-up Work If a student submits an assignment late, the student will be penalized 10 points for each day the assignment is late. If the final paper is posted late, it will not be accepted. There is no opportunity for extra credit in this course. Recommendations for Success in this Course: Purchase the course textbook. Plan to study 4 hours for each credit hour of the course. For a 3 credit hour course, you will need a minimum of 12 hours (4 X 3) of self-study time each week. This means an additional 12 hours of study time in addition to the time requirements for completing assigned work. Communicate with your instructor to ask any important questions and to discuss important concepts. Complete all Reading Assignments and View and Review all Chapter Lectures. Complete and Review all Online Classroom Materials. About the College Polk State College offers many resources to help you become successful in your academic career. This section of the syllabus will review these resources and any policies that may affect your course participation. Library and Learning Commons The Library/TLCC (TLCC) is an instructional area of the College designed to offer a variety of teaching, learning and research resources to students enrolled in courses at Polk State College. TLCC services include individual and small group tutoring; traditional and virtual library services and materials; subject-specific instruction including orientations; free workshops; study areas; and access to tutorials, computers, and multimedia technology. Click here to visit the Library website. Click here to visit the Teach Learning Computer Lab (TLCC) website. For free tutoring resources as well as feedback on your writing assignments, refer to the information on Smarthinking listed under “Content”, “Help”. For information on Student Services and Student Life, Click here. Student with Disabilities The College complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and provides equal educational opportunity for qualified individuals. A student with a disability who requires special accommodations or auxiliary aids under The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) should contact the Office of Disability Services on either campus and speak with the Associate Dean of Student Service. Canvas is committed to reporting our web accessibility compliance openly and transparently. To read more on how Canvas meets these requirements: Link Important Dates for the Term: Link All due dates are listed in the course summary of the syllabus (see below). Technical Support If you are having trouble logging in to Canvas, accessing your course(s) in Canvas, or need your password reset, contact the Canvas Help Desk at 1-844-880-9814.   Within Canvas there is also a chat area for assistance. To gain access, log into Canvas and click on Help in the menu on the left side of your screen. Netiquette policy: For the college wide policy on Netiquette, Click here.  Keep email messages brief using proper grammar and spelling to instructor and other students. Include the following in email messages to the instructor: include course name in the subject line What assignment/s are you referencing Sign your first and last name Remember the Golden Rule of Netiquette- Treat others as you would like them to treat you Be careful when using sarcasm and humor, as it might be misinterpreted. Be polite. Avoid using offensive language. Avoid sending or posting flames, which are abusive or insulting messages. Do not participate in flame wars, which are exchanges of flames. Do not use all capital letters, which is the equivalent of SHOUTING! Use limited abbreviations and acronyms; lol, btw, fyi, and imho. The objective in an online discussion is to be collaborative, not combative. Please, proofread your responses carefully before you post them to make sure that they will not be offensive to others. Use discussions to develop your skills in collaboration and teamwork. Treat the discussion areas as a creative environment where you and your classmates can ask questions, express opinions, revise opinions, and take positions just as you would in a more “traditional” classroom setting. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty, in any form, has severe consequences. Students determined to have committed an act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade for  the course. No warnings will be issued. Students must be especially careful not to "life" and paste content without citing the source.  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR READING YOUR COLLEGE CATALOG REGARDING PLARIARISM BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THIS COURSE. You can review the college's policy on academic dishonesty here Sanctions are level 1 and 2.  This instructor will follow level 1 sanctions unless the paper is a copy of another students work, a paper submitted from an outside source that produces papers, or papers found on the internet/web.  In those instances a level 2 sanction will be applied.  III. Possible Sanctions If the instructor’s judgment is that the student is in violation of the Student Code of  Conduct for Academic Dishonesty, he or she may propose either a Level One or Level  Two sanction as he or she deems appropriate and as outlined in the course syllabus.  The level of sanction and consequence of academic dishonesty is at the discretion of the  instructor and will be outlined in the syllabus. Level One Sanctions (can include, but are not limited to): 1. Retesting or reworking of the test, project, or assignment. 2. Loss of partial credit on the test, project, or assignment. 3. Loss of full credit on the test, project, or assignment.  Level Two Sanctions (can include, but are not limited to): 1. A grade of F will be given for the course. If the student decides to appeal, and the  appeal process is completed, the student will immediately stop attending the  course if he/she loses the appeal. 2. A predetermined reduction in the final grade as stated in the course syllabus. 3. Administrative withdrawal of the student from the course (a grade of W3 will be  assigned). Turn it The college has implemented a plagiarism checker, which is integrated into the assignments. Your paper will be submitted to upon submission. For more information about this service, please visit Attendance Policy:                                            Attendance is measured in this course by your weekly access to the online content and completion of assignment, discussions, and responses.  If a student fails to participate in the online course they will be withdrawn on the 7th day after the drop/add date and receive a W4 grade by the professor. The professor may withdraw the student from the course for lack of participation any time between the Drop deadline and the withdrawal deadline. Should a student not participate in the course for longer than two weeks without contacting the professor, the professor will withdraw the student from the course and assign the grade of W2. Grade Indicators – W2 Grade, W4 Grade, and “I” Grades Incomplete (“I” Grades): If a student cannot complete course requirements by the end of the term due to extenuating circumstances as verified by the professor, the professor may assign a grade of I, provided this occurs after the withdrawal date. The withdrawal date occurs at approximately the 70% point of the term. If the extenuating circumstances occur prior to the withdrawal date, students should be withdrawn from the course with a W2 and not given a grade of I. The professor may withdraw the student from the course for lack of participation any time between the Drop deadline and the withdrawal deadline. Should a student not participate in the course for longer than two weeks without contacting the professor, the professor will withdraw the student from the course and assign the grade of W2. Course Navigation The navigational toolbar for the course, which contains all of the course tools, is located along the left side of the home page. Home - Includes instructions for starting the course. Announcements- Any announcement from your professor will be included here. Grades – You will receive a grade update as soon as the instructor completes the grading process each week. Modules – each Module will navigate you through the course requirements and activities for that week. Refer to the Start Here or Help module to assist you with any questions regarding course requirements you may have. Smarthinking – This is the online tutoring available to all students. For more information, refer to the module/Help. Purchase Course Materials: This links to the college bookstore to purchase the textbook for this course. Office 365: You have access to Office 365 as a student at Polk State. It is recommended to complete your assignments/discussions in Microsoft Word and copying and pasting the material into this course for submission. Use the help section, located at the bottom of the menu on the left of your screen, for any assistance or to contact your instructor via email.    *Note: At instructor’s discretion the syllabus may change. The syllabus page shows a table-oriented view of the course schedule, and the basics of course grading. You can add any other comments, notes, or thoughts you have about the course structure, course policies or anything else. To add some comments, click the "Edit" link at the top. Syllabus Description: Show Course Summary Cancel Update Syllabus Course Summary: Date Details Due Prev month Next month May 2022 5 Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 24 April 2022 24 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 25 April 2022 25 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 26 April 2022 26 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 27 April 2022 27 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 28 April 2022 28 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 29 April 2022 29 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 30 April 2022 30 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 1 May 2022 1 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 2 May 2022 2 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 3 May 2022 3 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 4 May 2022 4 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 5 May 2022 5 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 6 May 2022 6 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 7 May 2022 7 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 8 May 2022 8 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 9 May 2022 9 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 10 May 2022 10 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 11 May 2022 11 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 12 May 2022 12 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 13 May 2022 13 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 14 May 2022 14 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 15 May 2022 15 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 16 May 2022 16 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 17 May 2022 17 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 18 May 2022 18 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 19 May 2022 19 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 20 May 2022 20 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 21 May 2022 21 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 22 May 2022 22 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 23 May 2022 23 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 24 May 2022 24 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 25 May 2022 25 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 26 May 2022 26 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 27 May 2022 27 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 28 May 2022 28 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 29 May 2022 29 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 30 May 2022 30 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 31 May 2022 31 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 1 June 2022 1 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 2 June 2022 2 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 3 June 2022 3 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details 4 June 2022 4 Previous month Next month Today Click to view event details Assignments are weighted by group: Group Weight Discussions 10% Assignments 50% Quizzes 20% Final Paper 20% Imported Assignments 0% Total 100%