Java Programming Intro to Programming 1. Elements of Programming 1.1 Your First Program 1.2 Built-in Types of Data 1.3 Conditionals and Loops 1.4 Arrays 1.5 Input and Output 1.6 Case Study: PageRank 2. Functions 2.1 Static Methods 2.2 Libraries and Clients 2.3 Recursion 2.4 Case Study: Percolation 3. OOP 3.1 Using Data Types 3.2 Creating Data Types 3.3 Designing Data Types 3.4 Case Study: N-Body 4. Data Structures 4.1 Performance 4.2 Sorting and Searching 4.3 Stacks and Queues 4.4 Symbol Tables 4.5 Case Study: Small World Computer Science 5. Theory of Computing 5.1 Formal Languages 5.2 Turing Machines 5.3 Universality 5.4 Computability 5.5 Intractability 9.9 Cryptography 6. A Computing Machine 6.1 Representing Info 6.2 TOY Machine 6.3 TOY Programming 6.4 TOY Virtual Machine 7. Building a Computer 7.1 Boolean Logic 7.2 Basic Circuit Model 7.3 Combinational Circuits 7.4 Sequential Circuits 7.5 Digital Devices Beyond 8. Systems 8.1 Library Programming 8.2 Compilers 8.3 Operating Systems 8.4 Networking 8.5 Applications Systems 9. Scientific Computation 9.1 Floating Point 9.2 Symbolic Methods 9.3 Numerical Integration 9.4 Differential Equations 9.5 Linear Algebra 9.6 Optimization 9.7 Data Analysis 9.8 Simulation Related Booksites Web Resources FAQ Data Code Errata Lectures Appendices A. Operator Precedence B. Writing Clear Code C. Glossary D. TOY Cheatsheet E. Matlab Online Course Java Cheatsheet Programming Assignments 1. Elements of Programming Overview. Our goal in this chapter is to convince you that writing a computer program is easier than writing a piece of text such as a paragraph or an essay. In this chapter, we take you through these building blocks, get you started on programming in Java, and study a variety of interesting programs. 1.1 Elements of Programming instructs you on how to create, compile, and execute a Java program on your system. 1.2 Built-in Types of Data describes Java's built-in data types for manipulating strings, integers, real numbers, and booleans. 1.3 Conditionals and Loops introduces Java structures for control flow, including if-else statements, while loops, and for loops. 1.4 Arrays considers a data structure known as the array for organizing large quantities of data. 1.5 Input and Output extends the set of input and output abstractions (command-line arguments and standard output) to include standard input, standard drawing, and standard audio. 1.6 Random Web Surfer presents a case study that models the behavior of a web surfer using a Markov chain. Java programs in this chapter. Below is a list of Java programs in this chapter. Click on the program name to access the Java code; click on the reference number for a brief description; read the textbook for a full discussion. REF PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 1.1.1 Hello, World 1.1.2 using a command-line argument 1.2.1 string concatenation example 1.2.2 integer multiplication and division 1.2.3 quadratic formula 1.2.4 leap year 1.2.5 casting to get a random integer 1.3.1 flippling a fair coin 1.3.2 your first while loop 1.3.3 computing powers of 2 1.3.4 your first nested loops 1.3.5 harmonic numbers 1.3.6 Newton's method 1.3.7 converting to binary 1.3.8 gambler's ruin simulation 1.3.9 factoring integers 1.4.1 sampling without replacement 1.4.2 coupon collector simulation 1.4.3 sieve of Eratosthenes 1.4.4 self-avoiding random walks 1.5.1 generating a random sequence 1.5.2 interactive user input 1.5.3 averaging a stream of numbers 1.5.4 a simple filter 1.5.5 standard input-to-drawing filter 1.5.6 bouncing ball 1.5.7 digital signal processing 1.6.1 computing the transition matrix 1.6.2 simulating a random surfer 1.6.3 mixing a Markov chain Last modified on July 19, 2016. Copyright © 2000–2019 Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. All rights reserved.