Assignments | COS 126 Spring'22 Search COS 126 Spring'22 COS 126 Spring'22 Syllabus Schedule Assignments Project Resources Exams People Light Dark Automatic Assignments Weekly programming assignments are due on Sundays at 11:59pm Princeton Time. Before submitting the assignment, please ensure you have read the COS 126 Style Guide and that your code follows our conventions. Style is an important component of writing code, and not following guidelines will result in deductions. Please also read our assignment FAQ. 0. Hello World (Individual Assignment) Install a Java programming environment, take a collaboration quiz, answer a survey, and then write a few short Java programs, and submit them using TigerFile. 1. Loops & Conditionals (Individual Assignment) The goals of this assignment are to deepen your understanding of loops and conditionals and to learn how to debug code. 2. N-Body Simulation (Individual Assignment) Simulate the motion of n particles, mutually affected by gravitational forces, and animate the results. 3. Conjunction Function (Individual Assignment) Implement and test a collection of functions, which manipulate audio. 4. Recursive Graphics (Individual Assignment) Create a library of geometric transforms on polygons; plot a Sierpinski triangle; and plot a recursive pattern of your own design. 5. Hamming Codes in Toy (Partner Assignment) Write a TOY program to encode data using Hamming codes. Then write a TOY program to correct encoded data that has been corrupted. 6. Machine Learning Classifier (Partner Assignment) Write a program to classify images using the perceptron algorithm. 7. Guitar Hero (Partner Assignment) Simulate the plucking of a guitar string using the Karplus–Strong algorithm, transforming your computer into a musical instrument. 8. Markov Model (Partner Assignment) Use a Markov chain to create a statistical model of a piece of English text. Simulate the Markov chain to generate stylized pseudo-random text. 9. TSP (Partner Assignment) Implement two greedy heuristics to find good (but not optimal) solutions to the traveling salesperson problem. » Published with Wowchemy — the free, open source website builder that empowers creators. Cite × Copy Download