
C C++ Java Python Processing编程在线培训 程序编写 软件开发 视频讲解

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; Hello!!! ; ; Please take 35 seconds to read carefully the following comments. ; ; The (main) routine will load an image, a convolution kernel, prepare the kernel, ; prepare the image, convolve them, and write the result back into a fits file. ; ; It will load your images, kernels and write the result in the current directory, ; althougt this can be adjusted by changing the path variabes (see below) ; ; If you have the image and kernel already loaded into the current IDL session, ; you can convolve them by typing: ; ; .compile conv_image ; do_the_convolution,image,header,kernel_image,kernel_header,result_image,result_header,$ ; result_kernel_image,result_kernel_header,do_we_write ; ; Where: ; original_image,original_header are the the starting (original) image and header ; kernel_image,kernel_header are the the convolution kernel image and header ; result_image,result_kernel are the the final (result) image and header ; result_kernel_image,result_kernel_header are the the final (adapted) kernel image and header ; do_we_write should be either the number 0 if you do not want to have feedback in your screen ; or the number 1 if you would like the routine to tell you the intermediate steeps... ; (the resulting convolved image should be the same in either case, and error messages will always be displayed) ; ; At the begining of the main routine (pro conv_image) 4 variables are defined that you may want to change: ; ; do_we_write (idem as above) ; ; do_we_save_the_kernel should be either the number 0 if you do not want to store the adjusted kernel ; or the number 1 if you want to save the adapted kernel (useful for sanity check and tests) ; ; images_path : set path to load/save the images relative to the crrent directory. ; You may want to use something like: images_path = './../Images/' ; ; kernels_path : set path to load the kernels relative to the crrent directory. ; You may want to do something like: kernels_path = './../Kernels/' ; ; It should work with either 2D images or 3D cubes (like IRS data or Scanamorphos data). ; In the 3D case, the same kernel will be used to convolve every individual plane. ; (I have a slightly more complex version that load a family of kernels, useful ; when the PSF changes from frame to frame, or when the uncertanty image have correlations, ; please let me know if you need it and I can send it to you) ; ; Please let me know if you find any bug or problem, if you would like to add some other feature ; to this routine, or you woud like to catch a beer next time we meet in a conference ;)) ; ; Written by Gonzalo J. Aniano on Feb 2, 2011 (it coincided with my birthday...) ; ; Comments appreciated at ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pro gaussian_kernel,kernel,sigma_kernel ; Dont worry, we will only use a gaussian kernel to smoothly interpolate over the ; missing data (NAN) values, not for any kind of real convolution!!! size_kernel = 1 + 2 * fix(3.0*sigma_kernel) size_kernel = size_kernel > 5 dist_sq = fltarr(size_kernel,size_kernel) for index_x=0,size_kernel-1 do begin for index_y=0,size_kernel-1 do begin dist_sq[index_x,index_y] = ( float(index_x) - (float(size_kernel-1) / 2.0) ) ^2 + $ ( float(index_y) - (float(size_kernel-1) / 2.0) ) ^2 endfor endfor kernel = exp (-dist_sq / ( 2*(sigma_kernel^2))) kernel = kernel/total(kernel) end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pro remove_nan,image,header,places_with_original_data,do_we_write if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'Checking for NaN values in the image.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' places_with_original_data = image *0.0 +1.0 wh = where(finite(image) ne 1,cnt) if cnt ne 0 then begin places_with_original_data(wh) = !Values.F_NAN if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'The image has NAN values, we will replace them during the convolution, and restore them later.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' sigma_kernel = 2 ; pixels gaussian_kernel,kernel,sigma_kernel image(wh)=0 check_FITS, image, header, dimen,/NOTYPE if (N_elements(dimen) EQ 2) then dimen=[dimen[0], dimen[1],1] image_smooth = image * 0.0 for nan_iter=1,5 do begin for frame=0,dimen[2]-1 do begin temp = image[*,*,frame] image_smooth [*,*,frame] = convolve (temp,kernel) endfor image(wh)=image_smooth(wh) endfor if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'The image has NAN values were replaced succesfully.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' endif else begin if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'The image do not have NAN values.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' endelse end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pro make_odd_square,image,header,do_we_write ; Pad the PSF with zeros into a square of odd number of pixels check_FITS, image, header, dimen,/NOTYPE x_size_old = dimen[0] y_size_old = dimen[1] size_new = x_size_old > y_size_old if ((size_new mod 2) EQ 0) then size_new = size_new + 1 if (size_new gt x_size_old ) or (size_new gt y_size_old) then begin new_image = fltarr(size_new,size_new) new_image[0:x_size_old-1,0:y_size_old-1] = image image = new_image if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'The PSF was padded from a size ('+strtrim(string(x_size_old),2)+'x'+strtrim(string(y_size_old),2)+$ ') into an odd square of size ('+strtrim(string(size_new),2)+'x'+strtrim(string(size_new),2)+') pixels.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' sxaddpar,header,'NAXIS1',size_new sxaddpar,header,'NAXIS2',size_new endif end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pro get_maximun,image,x_max,y_max rad_to_mean = 5 mean_im = image*0.0 for i =-fix(rad_to_mean),fix(rad_to_mean) do begin for j =-fix(sqrt(rad_to_mean^2-i^2)),fix(sqrt(rad_to_mean^2-i^2)) do begin mean_im = mean_im + shift(image,i,j) endfor endfor mx = max(mean_im, location) index = ARRAY_INDICES(mean_im, location) x_max = index[0] y_max = index[1] wh = where (abs(mean_im - mx)/mx lt 5e-4, cnt) if cnt gt 1 then begin print,'WARNING: The PSF has '+string(cnt)+' pixels with values similar to its maxximun...' print,'WARNING: we will take their centroid...' size_im = size(image) x_size = size_im[1] y_size = size_im[2] xpos = rebin( (dindgen(x_size)),x_size,y_size) ypos = rebin( transpose(dindgen(y_size)),x_size,y_size) x_max = total(xpos(wh))/float(cnt) y_max = total(xpos(wh))/float(cnt) endif end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pro center_PSF,image,do_we_write if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'Centering the PSF.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' size_im = (size(image))[1] center_pixel = fix((size_im - 1) / 2) get_maximun,image,x_max,y_max ; determine the needed shifts shift_x = center_pixel - x_max shift_y = center_pixel - y_max ; make the shift if nonzero if (shift_x ne 0) or (shift_y ne 0) then begin if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'Shifting the PSF center by ('+ strtrim(string(shift_x),2) +','+ strtrim(string(shift_y),2) + ') pixels' image = shift(image,shift_x,shift_y) image[ 0 :abs(shift_x),*]=0.0 image[ size_im-1-abs(shift_x):size_im-1 ,*]=0.0 image[*,0 :abs(shift_y) ]=0.0 image[*,size_im-1-abs(shift_y):size_im-1 ]=0.0 endif ; We check that the centering is OK: get_maximun,image,x_max,y_max shift_x = center_pixel - x_max shift_y = center_pixel - y_max if (shift_x ne 0) or (shift_y ne 0) then if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'WARNING: Something went wrong in the image centering routine!!!' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'The PSF was centered successfully.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pro do_the_convolution,image,header,kernel_image,kernel_header,$ result_image,result_header,result_kernel_image,result_kernel_header,$ do_we_write result_image = image ; We make copies of the incoming images/headers so we can change result_header = header ; then without changing the user original images/headers result_kernel_image = kernel_image ; result_kernel_header = kernel_header ; ; First of all we replace the nan value with an interpolation of its neighbours, so ; the convolution works better. After the convolution finishes, we will replace back ; the points that had NAN with NAN, but we will keep the image real during the convolution. remove_nan,result_image,result_header,places_with_original_data,do_we_write ; Secondly we pad the images into a square with an even number of pixels per side. ; We add 100 Arcsec of black sky in each side to be able to include ; the boundaries contributions in the convolutions... padding_arcseconds = 100.0 pixel_scale = fxpar(result_header,'PIXSCALE',count=count) if (count EQ 0) then pixel_scale = fxpar(result_header,'SECPIX' ,count=count) if (count EQ 0) then pixel_scale = sqrt( (fxpar(result_header,'CD1_1' ,count=count)^2) + (fxpar(result_header,'CD1_2',count=count)^2) )*3600.0 if (count EQ 0) then pixel_scale = abs ( fxpar(result_header,'CDELT1' ,count=count) *3600.0) if (count EQ 0) then begin print,'WARNING: we cannot get the pixel size in the image fits file header!!!!' print,' ' print,'Please enter the pixel size of the image in arcsec.' print,'For example: 0.50' pixel_scale = 1.0 read,': ',pixel_scale pixel_scale = pixel_scale > 0.001 print,' ' endif else begin if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'The image has pixel of '+strtrim(string(pixel_scale,format='(F8.3)'),2)+' arcsec side.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' endelse pixels_added_side = fix(padding_arcseconds / pixel_scale) pixels_added = 2 * pixels_added_side check_FITS, result_image, result_header, dimen,/NOTYPE if (N_elements(dimen) EQ 2) then dimen=[dimen[0], dimen[1],1] number_of_frames = dimen[2] old_image_size_x = dimen[0] old_image_size_y = dimen[1] new_image_size_x = old_image_size_x + pixels_added new_image_size_y = old_image_size_y + pixels_added if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'Padding the Original image for the convolution' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' padded_image = fltarr(new_image_size_x,new_image_size_y,dimen[2]) for index=0,number_of_frames-1 do begin padded_image [pixels_added_side:pixels_added_side+old_image_size_x-1,pixels_added_side:pixels_added_side+old_image_size_y-1,index] = result_image [*,*,index] endfor if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'The original image had size '+strtrim(old_image_size_x,2)+' x '+strtrim(old_image_size_y,2)+' pixels, and' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'was be padded to '+strtrim(new_image_size_x,2)+' x '+strtrim(new_image_size_y,2)+' pixels for the convolution.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' ; We need to put the psf and the original images in pixel of the same physical dimmensions. if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'Adjusting the convolution kernel to the image resolution.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' make_odd_square,result_kernel_image,result_kernel_header,do_we_write size_ker = (size(result_kernel_image))[1] if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'The kernel has '+strtrim(size_ker,2)+' x '+strtrim(size_ker,2)+' pixels.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' pixel_scale_kernel = fxpar(result_kernel_header,'PIXSCALE',count=count) if (count EQ 0) then pixel_scale_kernel = fxpar(result_kernel_header,'SECPIX',count=count) if (count EQ 0) then pixel_scale_kernel = abs(fxpar(result_kernel_header,'CD1_1',count=count)*3600.0) if (count EQ 0) then pixel_scale_kernel = abs(fxpar(result_kernel_header,'CDELT1',count=count)*3600.0) if (count EQ 0) then begin print,'WARNING: we cannot get the pixel size in the image fits file header!!!!' print,' ' print,'Please enter the pixel size of the image in arcsec.' print,'For example: 0.50' pixel_scale_kernel = 1.0 read,': ',pixel_scale_kernel pixel_scale_kernel = pixel_scale_kernel > 0.001 print,' ' endif if (abs(pixel_scale_kernel - pixel_scale)/pixel_scale) gt 0.05 then begin if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'The convolution kernel and the image are in grids of different pixel size,' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'we will transform the kernel into the correct pixel size now.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' size_ker = (size(kernel_image))[1] size_new = round( float(size_ker) * pixel_scale_kernel / pixel_scale ) if ((size_new mod 2) EQ 0) then size_new = size_new + 1 if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'Resampling the kernel from ' $ +strtrim(size_ker,2)+' x '+strtrim(size_ker,2)+' to '$ +strtrim(size_new,2)+' x '+strtrim(size_new,2)+' pixels.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' sxaddpar,result_kernel_header,'CD1_1' ,pixel_scale/3600.0 sxaddpar,result_kernel_header,'CD1_2' ,0 sxaddpar,result_kernel_header,'CD2_1' ,0 sxaddpar,result_kernel_header,'CD2_2' ,pixel_scale/3600.0 sxdelpar,result_kernel_header,'PIXSCALE' sxdelpar,result_kernel_header,'SECPIX' sxdelpar,result_kernel_header,'CDELT1' result_kernel_image = congrid(result_kernel_image+0.0,size_new,size_new,cubic=-0.5,/center) endif else begin if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'The convoution kernel and image are in the same pixel scale.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' endelse max_ker_size = new_image_size_x < new_image_size_y if ((max_ker_size mod 2) EQ 0) then max_ker_size = max_ker_size -1 size_ker = (size(result_kernel_image))[1] if max_ker_size lt size_ker then begin if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'Trimming the kernel from ' $ +strtrim(size_ker,2)+' x '+strtrim(size_ker,2)+' to '$ +strtrim(max_ker_size,2)+' x '+strtrim(max_ker_size,2)+' pixels.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' trim_side = fix(size_ker-max_ker_size)/2 result_kernel_image = result_kernel_image (trim_side:trim_side+max_ker_size-1,trim_side:trim_side+max_ker_size-1) endif center_PSF,result_kernel_image,do_we_write result_kernel_image = result_kernel_image/total(result_kernel_image) size_ker = (size(result_kernel_image))[1] sxaddpar,result_kernel_header,'NAXIS1',size_ker sxaddpar,result_kernel_header,'NAXIS2',size_ker if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'The convolution kernel has been adapted to the image resolution successfully.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' check_FITS,result_kernel_image,result_kernel_header, dimen,/NOTYPE if size_ker lt 3 then result_kernel_image = float([[0,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,0]]) if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'Convolving the image.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' for index=0,number_of_frames-1 do begin if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'Convolving the frame '+strtrim(index+1,2)+' of '+strtrim(number_of_frames,2)+'.' padded_image [*,*,index] = convol_fft(padded_image [*,*,index],result_kernel_image) endfor if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'Convolution ready!!!' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' for index=0,number_of_frames-1 do begin result_image [*,*,index] = padded_image [pixels_added_side:pixels_added_side+old_image_size_x-1,pixels_added_side:pixels_added_side+old_image_size_y-1,index] endfor result_image = result_image * places_with_original_data check_FITS, result_image, result_header, dimen,/NOTYPE end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pro convolve_image ;images_path = './../Images/' ;kernels_path = './../Kernels/' images_path = './' kernels_path = './' do_we_write = 1 do_we_save_the_kernel = 1 if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' Ok=0 while Ok ne 1 do begin print,'Please enter the file name of the convolution kernel, without the .fits ending.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'For example: "Ker_Mips_24_to_Spire_500".' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'You can also enter the number 0 to list all the .fits files in the directory '+kernels_path str_readed_with_spaces = ' ' read,': ',str_readed_with_spaces ;we now dischard everything after the first space Filename_kernel = strsplit(str_readed_with_spaces,' ',/extract) if (Filename_kernel eq '0') then begin spawn,'ls '+kernels_path+'*.fits*' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' endif else begin FilenameExist=file_test(kernels_path+Filename_kernel+'.fits.gz') if FilenameExist eq 1 then begin spawn,'gunzip -f '+kernels_path+Filename_kernel+'.fits.gz' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'Decompresing the kernel file.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' endif FilenameExist=file_test(kernels_path+Filename_kernel+'.fits') if FilenameExist lt 1 then begin if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'Unfortunately the filename '+Filename_kernel+'.fits is not found in the directory '+kernels_path if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' endif else begin fits_read,kernels_path+Filename_kernel+'.fits',kernel_image,kernel_header wh_bad_data = where(kernel_image ne kernel_image,cnt_bad_data) if cnt_bad_data ne 0 then kernel_image(wh_bad_data)=0 if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'The kernel '+Filename_kernel+'.fits was loaded successfully.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' Ok=1 endelse endelse endwhile Ok=0 while Ok ne 1 do begin print,'Please enter the file name of the image, without the .fits ending.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'For example: "ngc1097_Mips_24".' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'You can also enter the number 0 to list all the .fits files in the directory '+images_path str_readed_with_spaces = ' ' read,': ',str_readed_with_spaces ;we now dischard everything after the first space Filename = strsplit(str_readed_with_spaces,' ',/extract) if (Filename eq '0') then begin spawn,'ls '+images_path+'*.fits*' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' endif else begin FilenameExist=file_test(images_path+Filename+'.fits.gz') if FilenameExist eq 1 then begin spawn,'gunzip -f '+images_path+Filename+'.fits.gz' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'Decompresing the kernel file.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' endif FilenameExist=file_test(images_path+Filename+'.fits') if FilenameExist lt 1 then begin if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'Unfortunately the filename '+Filename+'.fits is not found in the directory '+images_path if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' endif else begin fits_info,images_path+Filename+'.fits',N_ext=number_of_extensions,/silent if number_of_extensions ne 0 then print,'WARNING: The fits file has several extension, and we will only convove the main one.' if number_of_extensions ne 0 then print,' ' fits_read,images_path+Filename+'.fits',image,header if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'The image '+Filename+'.fits was loaded successfully.' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' Ok = 1 endelse endelse endwhile if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' do_the_convolution,image,header,kernel_image,kernel_header,$ result_image,result_header,result_kernel_image,result_kernel_header,do_we_write fits_write,images_path+Filename+'_convolved.fits',result_image,result_header if do_we_save_the_kernel eq 1 then fits_write,images_path+Filename+'_kernel.fits',result_kernel_image,result_kernel_header if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'The image was convolved and saved successfully' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,' ' if do_we_write eq 1 then print,'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' end