The Student Database Examples: Part 2 The Student Database Examples: Part 2 Linked cells data structures We shall now move on to considering a completely different way of storing a database of students. One of the problems we had with storing the records in an array is that we had to create an array of some maximum size as we did not know how many records we would be storing. So the chances are we would be creating an array much bigger than we really needed and unnecessarily taking up a lot of computer store. While this can be overcome in Java, it's awkward. We also had the problem of having to move data up and down the array, which actually meant copying all the object references. The alternative way of storing a collection of data is to use a linked cells data structure. A linked cells data structure is one where an object of class C contains some fields storing data and some fields which are themselves of class C. For now we shall keep to the simplest type of linked cell structure, the linked list. A linked list is an object which has two fields: one a piece of data, the other a linked list. You may wonder how can a linked list have a linked list inside it. Surely the linked list inside will also have a further linked list inside itself, and that linked list will have one inside itself, and so on for ever. The solution to this problem is that any object variable or field may have the special value null, which means "refers to no data". For example, an object field which has not been set a value will be given the value null. If an object variable v is set to null, any attempt to refer to a field of it such as v.somefield, or use a method attached to it, such as v.somemethod() will cause an exception of the type NullPointerException to be thrown. In a linked list, eventually if we keep following the list inside the list inside the list, we will get to a list field which has the value null, so it refers to no data. Object and pointers In fact in Java all objects are actually stored as pointers or references to data. In many languages it is possible to refer to data directly as well as by reference, but not in Java. This is done deliberately, as use of pointers in other languages is a common source of confusion. However, with linked data structures, it can help to think in terms of pointers. For example, suppose we have two variables a and b of some object type ObjType. They are declared as:
ObjType a,b;
but a and b can't be considered as pointing to anything until the object values are created with new, or they are set to point to some existing object value. The situation after both a and b are set to new values with:
a = new ObjType();
b = new ObjType();
can be represented by: The small boxes represent a part of the computer memory holding the reference to an object, the big boxes represent the part of the computer memory holding the actual data of an object. Suppose we have another variable, c of type ObjType, declared by:
ObjType c;
and set to be an alias of b (remember assignment is aliasing with objects) by:
c = b;
Thinking of this as aliasing, we said this meant b and c are two names for the same object. Another way of thinking of this is to say that b and c point to the same object, as in: Now if we do:
b = a;
the effect is that b no longer points to what it used to, but instead points to what a points to. Meanwhile, c continues to point to what b used to point to: If however, we then set c to point to something new, by:
c = new ObjType();
the effect is that nothing points to what b originally pointed to, and then c was set to point to: There is no way of getting to the box that b originally pointed to, and c was first set to point to (unless another variable was set to point to it). In Java, data which is no longer pointed to like this is automatically recycled so the actual computer memory used for it may be reused next time a new call is made. This process of recycling is known as garbage collection. In many other languages (like C) it is necessary for the programmer to write a special command to cause garbage collection to happen. As mentioned previously, any object variable may be set to null meaning it refers to no data. This can be illustrated diagramatically by something like an electrical earth sign: but more usually it is done by just putting a bar through the box representing the pointer of the variable: Linked lists Now we can use this cells and pointers idea to represent a linked list diagrammatically. Suppose we have:
class StudentList
Student head;
StudentList tail;
StudentList(Student h,StudentList t)
Then a StudentList object L has two parts, L.head which is a Student object, and L.tail which is itself a StudentList object. We could show this diagrammatically by having L point to a box with two parts: But as L.tail refers to a StudentList object, it has two parts itself: L.tail.head and L.tail.tail, and since L.tail.tail is a StudentList object, it has two parts, and so on. Eventually the chain ends when we get to a .tail part which is set to null rather than pointing to further data. This chain can be represented diagrammatically as: Note the arrows here point to the box as a whole (each containing two fields), not to an individual field of the box. The left-hand side of each box represents a student record (i.e. a field of type Student), the right-hand side of each box represents a StudentList reference. The diagram represents a list of five students. Suppose these students are named a, b, c, d and e, giving us the structure: Then we can think of this structure as representing the list which we could write [a,b,c,d,e] (this notation is simply the way we choose to write it and is nothing to do with the Java representation). L can be thought of as storing this list, then L.head stores student record a, while L.tail stores the list [b,c,d,e]. L.tail.head stores student record b while L.tail.tail stores the list [c,d,e]. If we have another variable of type StudentList, called L1, if we execute the assignment:
L1 = L.tail.tail;
we will get the structure: Note this means that L and L1 point to different parts of the same data structure. If we were to execute
L1.head = x;
where x is some value of type Student, the resulting structure would have the form:
so L1 then represents [x,d,e], but also, L then represents [a,b,x,d,e]. L1.tail.tail represents the list consisting of just e. If we execute:
L1.tail = L1.tail.tail;
the results will be that L1.tail changes from representing [d,e] to representing [e]. Since the structure is shared with L, it will also result in L changing from representing [a,b,x,d,e] to representing [a,b,x,e]. Diagrammatically, the effect of the assignment L1.tail=L1.tail.tail is: Assuming nothing else points to the box that stores d, that store will be recycled, and the above is equivalent to: If we execute:
L = new StudentList(y,L);
the result is that L references a new StudentList whose head is y and whose tail is the old value of L. Following on from where we were last, that means L changes from representing [a,b,x,e] to representing [y,a,b,x,e], diagrammatically: Student Database using Linked List The linked list of Student objects may be used to represent a database of students. In order to maintain compatibility with the previous examples in student database part 1 , we shall again have a class for the student database which implements the Database interface. Having this means even though the database is implemented completely differently, using a linked list rather than an array, the original StudentDatabaseUse program can be easily changed to use it, just by changing StudentDatabase1 on line 27 to StudentDatabase5. Here is the code for StudentDatabase5:
1 class StudentDatabase5 implements Database
2 {
3 // Implemented with an unordered linked list
5 private StudentList students;
7 public StudentDatabase5()
8 {
9 students=null;
10 }
12 public void insert(Object obj) throws FullUpException
13 {
14 StudentList newstudents;
15 try {
16 newstudents = new StudentList((Student)obj,students);
17 students=newstudents;
18 }
19 catch(OutOfMemoryError e)
20 {
21 throw new FullUpException();
22 }
23 }
25 public void delete(String key) throws NotFoundException
26 {
27 StudentList ptr;
28 if(students==null)
29 throw new NotFoundException(key);
30 if(students.head.equalKey(key))
31 {
32 students=students.tail;
33 return;
34 }
35 if(students.tail==null)
36 throw new NotFoundException(key);
37 for(ptr=students;ptr.tail!=null;ptr=ptr.tail)
38 if(ptr.tail.head.equalKey(key))
39 {
40 ptr.tail=ptr.tail.tail;
41 return;
42 }
43 throw new NotFoundException(key);
44 }
46 public Object retrieve(String key) throws NotFoundException
47 {
48 StudentList ptr;
49 for(ptr=students;ptr!=null;ptr=ptr.tail);
50 if(ptr.head.equalKey(key))
51 return ptr.head;
52 throw new NotFoundException(key);
53 }
55 public void list()
56 {
57 StudentList ptr;
58 for(ptr=students;ptr!=null;ptr=ptr.tail)
59 System.out.println(ptr.head);
60 }
62 private static class StudentList
63 {
64 Student head;
65 StudentList tail;
67 StudentList(Student h,StudentList t)
68 {
69 head=h;
70 tail=t;
71 }
72 }
74 }
This class makes use of a new concept, an inner class. Lines 62 to 72 show the inner class StudentList. As you can see, the complete code for this class is inside the class StudentDatabase5 (whose closing bracket is on line 74). As it is private it may only be referred to inside the class StudentDatabase5. So StudentDatabase5 presents to the outside world the familiar database methods we saw previously, and keeps to itself its list representation. This is an extension of data hiding: now a complete class is being hidden. This helps structure the program, making it clear the type StudentList is for use only with the StudentDatabase5 class. If it were a separate class in a separate file, that link might not be so apparent. An object of type StudentDatabase5 keeps its own list of students in field students declared on line 5. The fact that Students is private prevents it being manipulated by other objects. As the examples shown above with diagrams indicate, unrestricted access to lists can cause complications as changes intended for one list can affect another which shares its data. Here only the StudentDatabase5 object can manipulate its own list, which it does with its methods. There is no danger caused by the list being shared with some other object. It also overcomes the otherwise rather awkward problem of representing the empty database. An empty list could be represented by null, but no methods can be performed on an object variable which is set to null (an attempt to do so will result in a NullPointerException). However, a StudentDatabase5 object whose private students list is set to null represents the empty database of students, but can have all the normal methods applied to it. The methods insert and delete change the internal list students. It cannot be changed in any other way. The insert method changes it in a way similar to that we used to change what L referred to above, adding the new student y. The delete method is a little more complex. It works in a way similar to that used to cut the student d from out of the list L above. In order to cut an element out of a linked list, we need to have something that points to the element before it, as L1 pointed to the element before d above. In delete the variable used to point to the element before the element to be deleted is called ptr (a common name for such a pointer used in linked structure manipulation). Lines 37-42 give a loop where ptr is made to move down the linked list until it points to the last element, or until the element after the one it points to is the one to be deleted. In this latter case, the condition on line 38 becomes true, meaning line 40 is executed (cutting out the element) and then line 41, which being return causes the method to be halted immediately. Only if the loop is not halted and left in this way is line 43 ever reached. So when line 43 is reached it must be because no student with the name to be deleted was found, so a NotFoundException is thrown. Because deleting an element from a linked list involves having a pointer to the element before it in the list, a special case has to be made when the element being deleted is the first element in the list. In delete this special case is dealt with on lines 30-34. When dealing with linked lists, the pattern of starting a pointer pointing to the first element of a list, and then moving it down the list using ptr=ptr.tail is a common one. It is used again in the method retrieve which returns the complete student record of a student with the name given as its argument. The common pattern has a general header:
for(ptr=L; condition; ptr=ptr.tail)
where L is the list being moved down. In the example given here, retrieve, like delete uses the technique that the loop is finished early when a return is encountered in its body. An alternative way of writing retrieve which did not use this trick would look like:
public object retrieve(String key) throws NotFoundException
StudentList ptr;
for(ptr=students; ptr!=null&&!ptr.head.equalKey(key); ptr=ptr.tail);
return new NotFoundException(key);
return ptr.head;
Note that this makes use of a loop with no body (shown by the semicolon at the end of the line beginning for) and it is necessary to use && in the condition to show how it can be exited in two different ways. Here the sequential operation of && is essential - if ptr becomes null, the loop is on the left-hand side of the && becomes false without even trying the right-hand side, which is just as well as the right-hand side can't be correctly executed if pre is null. Because linked lists only take up enough store to store the actual data in them, and more store is taken just when needed, the storage problems we had with implementing a database with an array no longer occur. We don't have to reserve space as big as we think we might ever need. Nor do we have to have a fixed limit, beyond which no more records can be stored. When we had this fixed limit with arrays and it was exceeded, we threw a FullUpException. It is however, possible for the whole computer to run out of memory, which causes a problem when more store is allocated using a new command. In Java when this happens a OutOfMemoryError occurs. This can be caught like an exception. You are unlikely to see this error happen during the normal course of the sort of program you will be writing in this course - the computers have plenty enough memory for the amount of data you are going to want to store. If you do get an OutOfMemoryError it is almost certainly because you have written a program with an inifinite loop or infinite recursion where each step round the loop or recursion takes some more memory. However, for completeness the method insert in StudentDatabase5 can catch a OutOfMemoryError (on line 19) and convert it to a FullUpException by throwing a new FullUpException (on line 21). It is, for the reasons explained, much less likely that StudentDatabase5 will throw a FullUpException than the previous student database examples. Student Database using Ordered Linked List In the previous example there was no ordering on the linked list which stored the student data. That meant that if we wanted to delete or retrieve a student record for a given name, we had to go right to the end of the list before we could conclude it was not there. As in the array-based implementation, we could store our database in order of name which would save us some time in searching it. Here is a version of the student database implementation which stores the student records in a linked list ordered by name:
1 class StudentDatabase6 implements Database
2 {
3 // Implemented with a linked list ordered by name
5 private StudentList students;
7 public StudentDatabase6()
8 {
9 students=null;
10 }
12 public void insert(Object obj) throws FullUpException
13 {
14 Student student=(Student)obj;
15 StudentList ptr;
16 try {
17 if(students==null)
18 students = new StudentList(student,null);
19 else if(student.beforeAlphabetically(students.head))
20 students = new StudentList(student,students);
21 else
22 {
23 for(ptr=students;
24 ptr.tail!=null&&ptr.tail.head.beforeAlphabetically(student);
25 ptr=ptr.tail);
26 ptr.tail = new StudentList(student,ptr.tail);
27 }
28 }
29 catch(OutOfMemoryError e)
30 {
31 throw new FullUpException();
32 }
33 }
35 public void delete(String key) throws NotFoundException
36 {
37 StudentList ptr;
38 if(students==null)
39 throw new NotFoundException(key);
40 if(students.head.equalKey(key))
41 {
42 students=students.tail;
43 return;
44 }
45 for(ptr=students;
46 ptr.tail!=null&&<0;
47 ptr=ptr.tail);
48 if(ptr.tail==null)
49 throw new NotFoundException(key);
50 else if(ptr.tail.head.equalKey(key))
51 ptr.tail=ptr.tail.tail;
52 else
53 throw new NotFoundException(key);
54 }
56 public Object retrieve(String key) throws NotFoundException
57 {
58 StudentList ptr;
59 for(ptr=students;
60 ptr!=null&&<0;
61 ptr=ptr.tail);
62 if(ptr==null||!ptr.head.equalKey(key))
63 throw new NotFoundException(key);
64 return ptr.head;
65 }
67 public void list()
68 {
69 StudentList ptr;
70 for(ptr=students;ptr!=null;ptr=ptr.tail)
71 System.out.println(ptr.head);
72 }
74 private static class StudentList
75 {
76 Student head;
77 StudentList tail;
79 StudentList(Student h,StudentList t)
80 {
81 head=h;
82 tail=t;
83 }
84 }
86 }
In this version, when we are moving the pointer down a list to retrieve or delete a record, we stop if we go beyond the point where the record would be found alphabetically as we know it won't be found past there. Inserting a new record is rather more complex than before, however. We no longer add it to the front of the list, but find the appropriate place to insert it, again by moving a pointer down the list. Lines 23-25 are the for loop that does this. The for loop has no body, but exits either when the pointer is pointing to the last item in the list (so ptr.tail is null), or when the item after the one it is pointing to is no longer less than the one being inserted alphabetically. In either case, the pointer is then pointing to the right place for insertion to take place. To illustrate the effect of inserting into an ordered list, suppose the list is [a,b,c,e,f], and we want to insert d, assuming the letters used here represent the correct alphabetic orderihng for the data. This is the initial state diagramatically: Now here is the state after ptr has been moved to point to the insertion point, that is after the loop on lines 23-25 has exited: Now here is the state after executing line 26 (where the variable student holds the record for d): At this point, ptr.tail was referring to [e,f] and it is changed to refer to [d,e,f]. As you can see, the effect is that the field students (which will be inside a StudentDatabase6 object) is changed from referring to the list [a,b,c,e,f] to referring to the list [a,b,c,d,e,f]. Matthew Huntbach These notes were produced as part of the course Introduction to Programming as it was given in the Department of Computer Science at Queen Mary, University of London during the academic years 1998-2001. Last modified: 17 March 2000