Development and Preliminary Testing of a Device for the Direct Measurement of Forces and Moments in the Prosthetic Limb of Transfemoral Amputees during Activities of Daily Living | QUT ePrints QUT Home Contact Home Browse About Login Development and Preliminary Testing of a Device for the Direct Measurement of Forces and Moments in the Prosthetic Limb of Transfemoral Amputees during Activities of Daily Living Frossard, Laurent, Beck, Jim, Dillon, Michael, & Evans, John (2003) Development and Preliminary Testing of a Device for the Direct Measurement of Forces and Moments in the Prosthetic Limb of Transfemoral Amputees during Activities of Daily Living. Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, 15(4), pp. 135-142. Preview PDF (1MB) 2556.pdf. View at publisher Description Abstract Purpose. To provide a comprehensive description of the direct measurement of forces and moments applied on the socket of transfemoral amputees during daily living activities. Methods. The forces and the moments applied on the socket of one female transfemoral amputee were measured with a commercial transducer at a sampling frequency of 200 Hz and recorded at distance using a wireless modem to transmit the data. The subject was asked to walk in a straight line and around a circle as well as to ascend and to descend a slope and stairs. The subject was instructed to perform each activity at her natural pace and as she would usually perform it during daily life. Results. The results were based on a high number of gait cycles of the prosthetic leg for each activity. For instance, 62 gait cycles were measured during level walking in a straight line. Ascending a slope produced a larger moment around the medio-lateral axis than walking over the entire support phase. Also, walking around a circle produced a higher moment about the long axis of the socket than walking during the push off phase of the support. The mean stride frequency during descending a slope was higher than straight level walking. All the other activities presented a slower mean stride frequency than straight level walking. The impulse on the three axes was similar or smaller than walking in a straight line for all of the activities except for walking around a circle on the medio-lateral axis, as well as ascending a slope and stairs and walking around a circle on the long axis. Conclusion. An apparatus to directly measure the actual forces and moments applied to the socket of the transfemoral amputees during an unlimited number of steps and a wide range of activities is presented. The apparatus presented here could be largely used by multi-disciplinary teams including engineers, prosthetists and physiotherapists facing the challenge of safely restoring the locomotion of transfemoral amputees fitted with a conventional socket or osseointegrated implant in particular. Impact and interest: 64 citations in Scopus 8 citations in Web of Science® Search Google Scholar™ Citation counts are sourced monthly from Scopus and Web of Science® citation databases. These databases contain citations from different subsets of available publications and different time periods and thus the citation count from each is usually different. Some works are not in either database and no count is displayed. Scopus includes citations from articles published in 1996 onwards, and Web of Science® generally from 1980 onwards. Citations counts from the Google Scholar™ indexing service can be viewed at the linked Google Scholar™ search. Notify us of incorrect data How to use citation counts More information Full-text downloads: 852 since deposited on 13 Jul 2006 63 in the past twelve months Full-text downloads displays the total number of times this work’s files (e.g., a PDF) have been downloaded from QUT ePrints as well as the number of downloads in the previous 365 days. The count includes downloads for all files if a work has more than one. More statistics... ID Code: 2556 Item Type: Contribution to Journal (Journal Article) Refereed: Yes ORCID iD: Frossard, Laurent Measurements or Duration: 8 Keywords: Daily Activities:Biomechanics, Loading conditions, Locomotion, Transducer, Transfemoral Amputees DOI: 10.1016/S1350-4533(03)00113-9 ISSN: 1040-8800 Pure ID: 34125248 Divisions: Past > QUT Faculties & Divisions > Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering ?? 1407 ?? Past > QUT Faculties & Divisions > Science & Engineering Faculty ?? 32 - ?? Copyright Owner: Copyright 2003 American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists Copyright Statement: This work is covered by copyright. Unless the document is being made available under a Creative Commons Licence, you must assume that re-use is limited to personal use and that permission from the copyright owner must be obtained for all other uses. 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