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Gait Analysis of Low-cost Flexible-shank Transtibial Prostheses | QUT ePrints QUT Home Contact Home Browse About Login Gait Analysis of Low-cost Flexible-shank Transtibial Prostheses Lee, Winson, Zhang, Ming, Chan, Peggy, & Boone, David (2006) Gait Analysis of Low-cost Flexible-shank Transtibial Prostheses. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 14(3), pp. 370-377. Preview PDF (1MB) 4851.pdf. View at publisher Description The latest lower-limb prosthetic designs have been incorporated with dynamic elastic response (DER) components to enhance prosthesis flexibility, which are suggested to be beneficial to gait. Although DER prosthetic feet are preferred by most trans-tibial amputees and their benefits to gait are supported by some biomechanical studies, many are still utilizing the simple conventional solid ankle cushioned heel (SACH) designs because of the lower cost. The monolimb, a trans-tibial prosthesis with the socket and the shank molded from a single piece of thermoplastic material, perhaps is an alternative to DER feet for providing flexibility at the shank. In addition to shank flexibility, low cost and light weight are other characteristics of monolimbs. In spite of the potential benefits, little analysis has been done to examine the simple-structured monolimb prosthesis. The main aim of this study is to evaluate the gait and perception of unilateral trans-tibial amputees using a flexible elliptical-shank monolimb as compared to a thicker circular-shank monolimb and a conventional rigid-shank prosthesis. Results suggested that a properly designed monolimb may potentially offer similar functional advantages to the relatively expensive DER feet. Impact and interest: 17 citations in Scopus 12 citations in Web of Science® Search Google Scholar™ Citation counts are sourced monthly from Scopus and Web of Science® citation databases. These databases contain citations from different subsets of available publications and different time periods and thus the citation count from each is usually different. Some works are not in either database and no count is displayed. Scopus includes citations from articles published in 1996 onwards, and Web of Science® generally from 1980 onwards. Citations counts from the Google Scholar™ indexing service can be viewed at the linked Google Scholar™ search. Notify us of incorrect data How to use citation counts More information Full-text downloads: 695 since deposited on 24 Aug 2006 47 in the past twelve months Full-text downloads displays the total number of times this work’s files (e.g., a PDF) have been downloaded from QUT ePrints as well as the number of downloads in the previous 365 days. The count includes downloads for all files if a work has more than one. More statistics... ID Code: 4851 Item Type: Contribution to Journal (Journal Article) Refereed: Yes Measurements or Duration: 8 Keywords: Amputee gait, dynamic elastic response prosthetic foot, flexibility test, monolimb, shank flexibility DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2006.881540 ISSN: 1534-4320 Pure ID: 33900614 Divisions: Past > QUT Faculties & Divisions > Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering Past > Schools > School of Engineering Systems Past > Institutes > Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation Past > QUT Faculties & Divisions > Science & Engineering Faculty ?? 32 - ?? Copyright Owner: Copyright 2006 IEEE Copyright Statement: Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. Deposited On: 24 Aug 2006 00:00 Last Modified: 28 Jan 2022 18:55 Export: EndNote | Dublin Core | BibTeX Repository Staff Only: item control page Home Browse research About CRICOS No. 00213J ABN 83 791 724 622 Accessibility Copyright Disclaimer Privacy Right to Information