9.30-12.30 9.30-12.30 9.30-12.30 9.30-12.30 9.30-12.30 9.30-12.30 9.30-12.30 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 14.10.32 14.09.23 14.09.15 14.10.32 14.09.15 12.12.02 14.10.32 14.09.15 14.10.30 13:30-16:30 13:30-16:30 13:30-16:30 13:30-16:30 13:30-16:30 13:30-16:30 13:30-16:30 13:30-16:30 14.10.32 14.09.15 14.09.23 14.09.15 14.10.32 14.09.15 14.10.32 14.09.15 17:30-20:30 17:30-20:30 14.10.32 14.09.15 Lab Induction for new students Unix Survival Skills Lab Induction for new students Lab Induction for new students Lab Induction for new students Lab Induction for new students Problem Solving in Java Academic Integrity Workshop Unix Survival Skills 22/01/2009 Unix Survival Skills WED 18 THURS 19 FRIDAY 20 Lab Induction for new students Unix Survival Skills Unix Survival Skills Lab Induction for new students Lab Induction for new students TUES 17 Lab Induction for new students Unix Survival Skills CSIT Orientation and Week Zero Timetable Semester 1 2009 Book into workshops online www.cs.rmit.edu.au/orientation - you will need a computer science account - available to newly enrolled students at the Duty Programmers Desk 10.10.13 All students enrolled in classes in CSIT should attend at a minimum a Lab Induction, two Unix Survival Skills sessions, an Academic Integrity Workshop and if at all possible, the New Student Welcome It is strongly recommened that new students attend a wide variety of Orientation activities that are designed to prepare you for your studies. You will then become familiar with travelling to university, finding locations on campus and get to know other students and staff. International Students The Meet and Greet Service has information to assist with settling into Melbourne and finding accommodation every day in Meeting Room, Building 14 Level 4 see www.rmit.edu.au/isis Unix Survival Skills Unix Survival Skills Do a Lab Induction first! 9.30-12.30 9.30-12.30 9.30-12.30 9.30-12.30 9.30-12.30 9.30-12.30 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 10:00-12:00 14.09.23 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 14.10.32 14.09.15 14.09.23 12.10.03 14.10.32 14.09.15 14.09.23 12.08.03 14.10.32 14.09.15 14.10.30 MCCC 12:30-14:30 14.09.23 13:30-15:30 13:30-15:30 13:30-15:30 13:30-15:30 13:30-15:00 13:30-16:30 13:30-16:30 14.09.23 12.08.03 13:30-16:30 13:30-16:30 14.09.23 12.08.03 13:30-16:30 13:30-16:30 10.10.03 14.09.23 14.09.23 14.10.32 14.09.15 14.10.32 14.09.15 14.10.32 14.09.15 15:30-17:30 14.09.23 17:30-19:30 17:30-20:30 17:30-20:30 17:30-20:30 17:30-20:30 17:30-20:30 17:30-20:30 10.10.03 14.09.23 14.10.32 14.09.15 14.10.32 14.09.15 14.10.32 14.09.15 WEDNESDAY 25 THURSDAY 26 1st Java Lecture Lab Induction for new students Unix Survival Skills Lab Induction for new students TAFE to Uni Java Boost Lab Induction for new students Unix Survival Skills Lab Induction for new students Skills for New Programmer s Lab Induction for new students Bowen Street 11:00 to 16:00 Bands and DJs Food Stalls, Roving Entertainment, Prize Giveaways 22/01/2009 Lab Induction for new students Lab Induction for new students Academic Integrity Workshop Eclipse IDE Unix Survival Skills Academic Integrity Workshop Unix Survival Skills Unix Survival Skills Unix Survival Skills Lab Induction for new students CS&IT Course Info read more www.rmit.edu.au/orientation/events/festivaldays TUESDAY 24MONDAY 23 Unix Survival Skills New Student Welcome commences 10.30 This timetable may change depending on workshop demand. Sessions may be added or cancelled or moved. Please check your registration before attending any session. Registered students will be notified of changes via email. New sessions will be listed on the registration system. Thursday 26 Feb, 11:00 to 16:00 CSIT Orientation and Week Zero Timetable Semester 1 2009 Page 2 Java Boost Java Boost Storey Hall Lecture Theatre 16.01.01 Problem Solving in Java Unix Survival Skills CS&IT Course Info RMIT Festival Day www.rmit.edu.au/isis/orientation International Students Orientation Storey Hall Lecture Theatre 16.01.01 Unix Survival Skills Using the gdb debugger C Shot Lab Induction for new students Do a Lab Induction first! Things to do □ □ □ □ 9.30-12.30 9.30-12.30 □ 10:30-12:30 14.09.23 14.09.15 14.10.30 □ 12:30-14:30 14.09.23 13:30-15:00 13:30-16:30 13:30-16:30 14.10.30 14.09.23 14.09.23 14.09.15 17:30-20:30 17:30-20:30 14.10.32 14.09.15 If you are unsure of how to do all this, check the Induction Manual you were given in your Lab Induction or see a Teaching and Learning Advisor - no appointment necessary Allocate yourself into classes using the STS student timetabling system www.rmit.edu.au/students/sts You can also find the timetable for most of your classes at www.rmit.edu.au/csit/timetables/ International Students Buy your lecture notes at the RMIT Bookshop Download the course guide for each course and keep it in a safe place. It contains information about text books, recommended reading and assessment due dates. It also contact details for the lecturer. Lab Induction for new students Unix Survival Skills Read announcements from your lecturer at the Learning Hub www.rmit.edu.au/online Get into the habit of checking your RMIT student email daily. Jeanette Holkner 12.09.38 jeanette.holkner@rmit.edu.au Cecily Walker 10.10.01 cecily.walker@rmit.edu.au Draw up a study plan for the semester. Mark in assignment and test dates. Then do some "backward planning" to make a study schedule for each week. Need help with time management? Visit the Study and Learning Centre or the online learning lab www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/lsu/ International Student Information and Support (ISIS) are conduction Survival Skills Workshops during February and March. Get help in settling in to RMIT and living in Melbourne. www.rmit.edu.au/isis Lab Induction for new students Unix Survival Skills Unix Survival Skills Lab Induction for new students FRI 13MON 9 Questions about enrolment and course selection? See your Academic Advisor www.rmit.edu.au/csit/advisor Problem Solving in C C Shot WED 11 THURS 12THURS 5TUES 3 WED 4 22/01/2009 Lectures, Labs and Tutorials start on Monday March 2 Week One Week Two FRI 6 FRIDAY 27 CS&IT Induction Labs, Unix Survival Skills sessions and Academic Integrity workshops will continue during this week for late arriving students. . See the Orientation and Week Zero Web page www.cs.rmit.edu.au/orientation for an updated timetable and register online or with a Teaching and Learning Advisor TUES 10 CSIT Orientation and Week Zero Timetable Semester 1 2009 Page3 MON 2 Create a Web Page Labour Day Public Holiday No Classes Make sure you get information about re-scheduled classes from your course Announcements or the Timetables page www.cs.rmit.edu.au/timetables/city/2009s1