Basic Image Processing 2 Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing COSC2271 (UG), COSC2272 (PG) Dr. Ron van SchyndelBasic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 2© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Lecture Overview …from last lecture Image Processing Definitions Image Processing in AWT The MVC pattern (Image producer / consumer / observer / filter) Point Operations – Single Pixel Filters Image Histograms Transfer Curves Geometrical Operations This lecture Neighbourhood Operations - Multiple Pixel Filters Convolutions Median and other statistical 'order' filters Basic Colour Theory Colour Models: RGB, CMYK, HSB, Lab/Luv, YCbCr/YUV/YIQ, Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 3© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Multiple Pixel Filters Consider neighbours in creating new value. Essentially it is an operation with 2 images to create a third. Another name given to this filter type is a Box or Spatial Filter and the process is sometimes termed Convolution. Most common method uses a 3x3 pixel pattern. Larger patterns like 5x5 and 7x7 are also used. The centre pixel value is calculated by a formula which includes old and new values of pixel and neighbours. The standard method is to multiply a coefficient by old pixel values, sum the results and save as pixel in new image. Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 4© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University 1D Neighbourhood Operations 1 1 1 Σ ÷ 3 The Running Average is a neighbourhood operation in 1D. Other 2 operations are: Non-weighted average mask -1 0 +1End-weighted difference mask 1D example: Running Average 0 1 0unit mask xxx 1 2 1centre-weighted mask ÷ 4 Original Data Stream Averaged Data Stream 10 20 30 20 20 20 10 50 10 20 20 23 23 20 16 26 23 26 Value is unchanged 20 25 22 20 17 22 30 22 20 0 -10 0 -10 30 0 -30 ? = Peak has completely disappeared Zero since no gradient Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 5© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Σ 2D Neighbourhood Operations Like the 1D running average, each entry in the 2D original image is multiplied by a corresponding entry in the 2D mask and the result summed as shown below. This process is called convolution. pold mask pnew ( ) ( ) ( )∑ −= −−= n nji oldnew jimaskjyixpyxp , ,,, Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 6© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University 3 x 3 Filtering Process Dark pixels covered by cross 0 pixels 1 pixel 2 pixels 3 pixels 4 pixels 5 pixels This diagram shows image convolution with a 5-pixel cross. The lower diagram shows how many pixels of the T matched in different regions. 5 Pixels covered 2 Pixels covered Note how dest has 2 fewer rows and cols Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 7© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University 3 x 3 Convolution Algorithm double sum; int maskwidth, maskheight, i, j, x, y; int image[][], mask[][]; double factor; double convolOutput[][]; // ...integer divide int mw2 = maskwidth/2; int mh2 = maskheight/2; for (x = mw2; x < width-mw2; x++) for (y = mh2; y < height-mh2; y++) sum = 0.0; for (i = -mw2; i < mw2; i++) { for (j = -mh2; j < mh2; j++) sum += (double) image[x+i][y+j] * mask[mw2-i][mh2-j]; } } convolOutput[x-mw2][y-mh2] = sum / factor; } } ( ) ( ) ( )∑ −= −−= n nji oldnew jimaskjyixpyxp , ,,, Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 8© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University 2D Neighbourhood Filters To modify image according to neighbours but retain the same overall level of image information then the total of all values should equal 1. Coefficients can be altered. Values shown are just typical values, experimentation is needed to obtain the 'best' values for different images. Lena 128x128 image Basic Image Processing 2 2D Neighbourhood Filters Unity Used for testing code Output = Input Replication An image occurs at any position containing a 1 Robert’s Edge A +ve and –ve image occurs at position containing a 1,-1 Digital Media Computing 9© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 10© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University 2D Neighbourhood Filters Sharpening Centre value is positive and surrounding neighbours are negative. This will highlight differences between a pixel and its neighbours. 0 -1 0 -1 5 -1 0 -1 0 Too much sharpening ! Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 11© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University 2D Neighbourhood Filters Blurring Merge with neighbours Amounts for each pixel are not fixed and smaller and larger effects are possible by varying values. e.g. Less blurring: The same applies to sharpening 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 0 1/8 0 1/8 1/2 1/8 0 1/8 0 Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 12© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Unsharp Masking A method of making an image look sharper without making the sharpening look obvious. Basic idea is Original = Blurred Image + Image Edges Rearrange equation. Image Edges = Original – Blurred Image -10 10 10 -10 = 60 90 90 60 – 70 80 80 70 + Sharp Image = Original + Image Edges 50 100 100 50 = 60 90 90 60 + -10 10 10 -10 So we get the edges by blurring an original, then add those edges to the original, which now has 2x edges. Note that NO NEW information has been added. Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 13© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Edge Detection (Image Analysis) These are filters that extract edge information from an image. The total of the weights equals zero.. -1 -1 -1 -1 8 -1 -1 -1 -1 Mathematically this is known as a Laplacian Filter Consider a group of pixels with equal values. The output will equal zero. This is correct as there are no edges. If the pixels have differing values then there will be a non- zero output for the centre pixel. Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 14© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Edge Detection The output from the algorithm has zero for regions of flat colour and non-zero values where differences exist between adjacent pixels. The non-zero values are often quite small. The more obvious edges in an image have bigger colour differences and result in larger output values. A post-processing step may be performed where all values below a threshold are reduced to zero and all values above the threshold are raised to the maximum, 255. This will extract the more major edges. The threshold is often altered inter-actively until the 'best' value for the image being analysed is found. A simple method to draw edges over an image is to build a new image with full transparency for all zero pixel values and no transparency for edges. Edge colour to depend on the image but white, black, red, orange are all potential highlight colours. Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 15© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Edge Detection (Directional) Edge detection can be directional and a wide variety of edge filters are used in practice. The following box will find vertical edges that are two pixels wide but ignore horizontal edges. North-East East (also SE, S, SW, W, NW, N) -1 0 +1 -2 0 +2 -1 0 +1 These 8 are known as Sobel Directional Edge Enhancements Filters can be created for finding horizontal and diagonal edges. Results can be combined with other edges and other filters for a variety of effects. One extensive use of this filter type is for car number plate detection from photographs 0 +1 +2 -1 0 +1 -2 -1 0 Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 16© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Edge Detection - Examples Use H/V Sobel Edges and replace with max of the 2. Original ‘Lena’ Horiz Signed Vert Unsigned Max(H,V) Unsigned Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 17© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Combining Edge Detection and Pixel Remapping import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import javax.imageio.*; import*; public class CropImage4a extends Frame { private BufferedImage im, crop, edgeCrop, lutEdgeCrop; private int w = 100, h = 100; // WARNING: hardcoded image dims float[] edgeKernel = { 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 4.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f }; // this code creates, draws a cropped image and an edge image public CropImage4a(String[] str) { try { // file operations can generate IOExceptions int[] pixels = new int[w*h]; im = File(str[0])); im.getRGB(110, 5, w, h, pixels, 0, w); // At this point, we can program the edge detect manually on pixels array, // or use Java 2D. Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 18© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Note Combining Edge Detection and Pixel Remapping crop = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); crop.setRGB(0, 0, w, h, pixels, 0, w); Kernel kernel = new Kernel(3, 3, edgeKernel); ConvolveOp cop = new ConvolveOp(kernel, ConvolveOp.EDGE_ZERO_FILL,null); edgeCrop = cop.filter(crop,null); // do it short [] x4 = new short[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) x4[i] = (short)((i > 63) ? 255 : 4*i); LookupOp lop = new LookupOp(new ShortLookupTable(0,x4),null); lutEdgeCrop = lop.filter(edgeCrop,null); // do it } catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();} } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(im, 10, 10, this); g.drawImage(edgeCrop, im.getwidth(this)+10, 10, this); g.drawImage(lutEdgeCrop, im.getwidth(this)+crop.getwidth(this)+20, 10, this); } Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 19© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Combining Edge Detection and Pixel Remapping // provide a parameter which is image filename public static void main(String[] str) { if (str.length == 0) System.exit(0); Frame f = new CropImage4a(str); f.setSize(1200,900); f.setVisible(Boolean.TRUE); }} This program uses a ConvolveOp and a supplied Kernel to perform an edge detection. It then uses LookupOp to create a lookup table and fill it with LUT[i] = i*4. This table is used to remap each pixel. This increases the intensity fourfold, allowing dim edges to be easily seen. Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 20© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Median Filter Instead of using a mathematical combination, this filter selects the MEDIAN value of a group of pixels. It is a statistical estimator. This is very useful for removing noise from an image. Noise could result from dust on a scan or in a sound file from poor quality recording equipment. It is relatively insensitive to outlier pixels, since outliers will not change the sort sequence. Example - given the pixel values shown (the sample is a uniform colour with some noise of both extremes) Sort 0, 10, 10, 30, 50, 50, 50, 255, 255 the 5th (median) value is 50 thus the centre pixel in the new image is 50 10 10 50 30 0 50 50 255 255 Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 21© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Median Filter (removing the sort) Sort 0, 10, 10, 30, 50, 50, 50, 255, 255 the 5th value is 50 thus the centre pixel in the new image is 50 Sorting is a very expensive activity. If the number of values to be sorted, and the domain is small, we can do a histogram sort. Create a 256 element array hist = 0, 0, 0, … ,0; // initialise 256 elements to 0 For every pixels = p, increment the pth element of the histogram . hist[ 0] = 1; hist[10] = 2; hist[30] = 1; hist[50] = 3; hist[255] = 2; When finished, scan from 0 until count exceeds half of all pixels counted. The index is then the median. for (cum = 0, i = 0; cum < 5; i++) cum += hist[i]; 10 10 50 30 0 50 50 255 255 Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 22© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Median Filtering (code fragment) public CropImage5(String[] str) { try // file operations can generate IOException { int cum, i; int[] pixels = new int[9]; int[] hist = new int[256]; im = File(str[0])); crop = new BufferedImage(im.getWidth(this), im.getHeight(this), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); for (int x = 1; x < im.getWidth(this)-1; x++) { for (int y = 1; y < im.getHeight(this)-1; y++) { im.getRGB(x-1,y-1, 3,3, pixels, 0, 3); // sort pixels, find middle value pixels[5] for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) hist[i]=0; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) hist[(pixels[i]>>8) & 0xff]++; // Green Only for (cum = 0, i = 0; cum < 5; i++) cum += hist[i]; crop.setRGB(x, y, ((i<<16)|(i<<8)|i)); // R=G=B } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Basic Image Processing 2 Order Filter The median filter can be generalised by choosing another value instead of the 5th. These are generally called Order Filters The Min, Median and Max values are special cases Min: (also called Oil-painting filter) generally darkens and blurs Also useful for emphasizing tiny details that might get lost otherwise It ‘fattens’ thin lines Max: (also called Watercolour filter) generally lightens and blurs Also useful for emphasizing overall colours removing tiny details Note that if the image is reversed (light on dark background), the effect of the above also reverses Digital Media Computing 23© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 24© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Image Transformations Images can be rotated, scaled and transformed with the use of homogenous transformations using matrix multiplication. For 2 D (x and y), a 3 x 3 matrix is used and for 3D (x, y and z) a 4 x 4 matrix applies. These matrices can also be used for altering perspective, shearing an image and other advanced transformations like fish eye lens projections, warping and morphing, covered later in this course. Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing COSC2271 (UG), COSC2272 (PG) Colour Dr. Ron van Schyndel Basic Image Processing 2 26 CIE 1931 Chromaticity Diagram The CIE is short for Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage - International Commission on Lighting (or Illumination). The lighting standard at left was defined in 1931 and is one of the reference standard used for scientific and engineering purposes. We can now easily describe colour using linear interpolation between three points: Red, Green, Blue. The spectrum is twisted into a curve so that we can model magenta/purple. The range of colours possible by linear interpolation of spectral red, green and blue. Basic Image Processing 2 27 CIE 1931 Chromaticity Diagram Range of visible colours. • RGB monitor colours lie within the white triangle above. • Printer colours lie within the Black ‘triangle’. • Illuminant C is an approximation of the colour of daylight. • Grassman’s law: Colours are complementary if their sum is close to the illuminant colour (so C1 is nearly complementary to C2). • Notice that both C1 and C2 are out-of-gamut. To make them in- gamut, you interpolate towards the illuminant C (eg ). If the monitor phosphors were completely monochromatic, these circles would lie on the curve Basic Image Processing 2 28 CIE 1976 Chromaticity Diagram Comparing Colours. (1976 diagram uses slightly different scale axes) • Colour descriptions are somewhat approximate since their perception is strongly affected by the prevailing light colour. • Comparing colours in two scenes can be achieved by: • Comparing the colour of a sheet of white paper in each scene. • Adjusting the colours in each scene along the line shown until the sheets are the same colour. • Assuming that lighting is uniform across the scene or changes identically in each scene. The first pictures of Mars’ surface showed a blue-ish sky until a colour chart mounted on the side of the lander was used to calibrate the colours - yielding the orange-pink sky we are now familiar with Warm Mid-range Cool (2000-3000K) (3000-4000K) (4000K +) v’ u’ Basic Image Processing 2 29 Colour Model - RGB If we shine a red light, our red-sensitive cones will pick it up. If we also shine a green light, our green sensitive cones will react. So now both red and green cones are reacting. We cannot tell the difference between this and a coloured light with mostly red and green in it. This is why monitors using RGB can create images indistinguishable from the real image. We can model this with image pixels containing three components – R, G and B. This RGB model is called additive colour synthesis and is used when the default background is black, and 100% of each colour equals white. Black is RGB of 0, 0, 0, white is 255, 255, 255 Generally 8 bits are used for each colour component. This allows 256 shades of each colour. Actual values range from 0 to 255. Total number of colours is 256*256*256 which equals 16,777,216 colour shades in total. This is normally called 16 million colours. While with our eyes, we cannot distinguish the 16 million shades, humans can actually see a greater range of colours than what can be shown on a RGB monitor. + == Basic Image Processing 2 30 The RGB Colour Cube G R B Gray Colour down the diagonal. Quantising the RGB colours By setting up ratios between the three RGB values, we get a cube of possible data points. In general if each of the RGB values has N possible values, then there will be N3 possible colour combinations.R Red White Green Cyan Magenta Yellow Blue Basic Image Processing 2 31 Colour Pixels Closeup – All Basic Image Processing 2 32 Colour Pixels Closeup – None (0%) Basic Image Processing 2 33 Colour Pixels Closeup – Red Basic Image Processing 2 34 Colour Pixels Closeup – Green Basic Image Processing 2 35 Colour Pixels Closeup – Red+Green=Yellow Basic Image Processing 2 36 Colour Pixels Closeup – Yellow+Blue=White Basic Image Processing 2 37 Colour Pixels Closeup – White (50%) = Gray Basic Image Processing 2 38 Colour Model - CMYK A simple model to describe the reflection effects is the CMYK subtractive synthesis. In this model, printers use inks with very specific SPD. – Cyan(C) / Magenta(M) / Yellow(Y) / Black(K) CMYK is called subtractive as the background is white and we subtract colours from white for display. In theory C = 1 - R M = 1 - G Y = 1 - B In practice 100% of each CMY does not produce Black but instead produces a dark brown. To overcome this problem black is introduced and is defined as equal amounts of CMY. This process is called undercolour removal. Hence (continuing above equations) K = minimum of (C, M Y) = ‘undercolour’ C = C - K M = M - K Y = Y - K Basic Image Processing 2 39 Colour Model – RGB / CMYK Emission Reflection Basic Image Processing 2 40 RGB Colour Model The additive synthesis model refers to the resulting colour of a mixture of emitted light sources The subtractive model refers to the resulting colour of a mixture of inks absorbing light. We can combine these into a final colour estimate: Final-Colour = Emissive_colourset – Subtractive_colourset = (colour of the light source) – (colour of object in white light) Example: What is the displayed colour of a blue object in yellow light? Light = yellow = R+G Object = B = 1 – (R+G) ie blue absorbs R and G Result_colour = R+G – B = R+G – (R+G) = 0, black Basic Image Processing 2 41 Dye = Yellow, • blue is absorbed Dye = Cyan, • red is absorbed Dye = Yellow & Cyan, • blue and red are both absorbed Dye = all three, • Blue, red and green are absorbed, but the dyes are not perfect, so a brown, muddy colour remains. Dye = all three + black, • Now the result is a true black Colour Model – Subtractive Basic Image Processing 2 42 Other Colour Models Many colour models exist. Some like YIQ and YCbCr, have been created specially for television transmission. These are used for JPEG and MPEG file. A simpler one, to get the idea, is HSV (= Hue/Saturation/Value - HSB, HLS are very similar) Instead of using a colour system which is hardware based, this one is user-oriented and is based on the familiar artistic ideas of tint, shade and tone. Hue represents the colour shade (measured in degrees on a colour wheel) Saturation represents the purity of a colour or the mix of the colour and white Value is the intensity or luminosity of the colour (brightness) Basic Image Processing 2 43 HSV representation Basic Image Processing 2 44 0 64 128 192 C olour 0 64 128 192 C olour 0 64 128 192 C olour Base = 128, H(128,0,0) = 0o, S = Max-Min = 128/256, V = 255. ColSat = 50% W / 50% C Base = 64, H(192,0,192)=300o, S = 192/256=0.75, V = 255. ColSat = 25% W / 75% C Base = 32, H(0,96,223)=214o, S = 223/255=0.87, V = 255. ColSat = 13% W / 87% C HSV Quick Guide Basic Image Processing 2 45 HSB Conversion in Java As would be expected, Java provides methods for some common conversions. The Colour class provides some static methods for converting between RGB and HSB static int HSBtoRGB(float h, float s, float b) static float [] RGBtoHSB(int r, int g, int b, float[] hsb) These perform the same calculation as the HSV algorithms except the hue (h) value ranges from 0 to 1, instead of 0 to 360 degrees. The API documentation explains how the hue value is handled in the methods. (Point your browser to index.html under the Docs directory in your Java installation) Basic Image Processing 2 46 La*b* and Lu*v* Color spaces The color spaces La*b* and Lu*v* are very similar and were created this way as a consequence of the color opponency theory. The diagram at right shows the typical values of L, a* and b*, where L is the luminosity and a b are two colour parameters. These scales are accurate from a colorimetric point of view. Basic Image Processing 2 47 YCbCr as used in JPEG/MPEG files One commonly used colour space is Y (Luminance) Cb (Chrominance B – Y) Cr (Chrominance R - Y). This is defined in the CCIR-601-2 standard for digital video (three-signal, studio quality), and is also used in JPEG and MPEG files. The luminance component Y is almost the same as the value in HSV or the Luminance in La*b*. This means that all the colour information is in the Cb and Cr components. These are known as the chrominance components. Since humans are much less sensitive to changes in colour compared to changes in brightness, it is possible to compress the CbCr components much more than Y. Basic Image Processing 2 48 YCbCr is conceptually identical to YUV and YIQ. The difference is in scaling. R B G White Black CbCr Y Conceptually, YCbCr can be related to RGB as follows: Y represents a distance along the diagonal line connecting black to white in the RGB colour cube, and Cr,Cb represent a coordinate axis perpendicular to Y as shown. YCbCr as used in JPEG/MPEG files Basic Image Processing 2 49 RGB to YCbCr Given R, G, B, Y, Cr and Cb are all integers from 0 to 255, RGB to YCbCr conversions is defined in matrix form as follows: which can be re-expressed as + −− −−= 128 128 16 1894112 1127438 2512966 256 1 B G R C C Y r b 128 )/25618– 94– (112 128 )/256112 74– (-38 16 )/25625 129 (66 + ++ +++ = = = BGR BGR BGR C C Y r b For you graphics people, think of this as a scaled rotation matrix Basic Image Processing 2 50 YCbCr to RGB YCbCr to RGB conversions is defined in matrix form as follows: and this can be re-expressed as − − − + − −= 128 128 16 0516289 208100298 4080298 256 1 r b C C Y B G R B G R ( ) ( )[ ] ( ) ( ) ( )[ ] ( ) ( )[ ]/256128516- 16-982 /256128208– 128100- 16-982 /256128408 16-982 − −− −+ = = = b rb r CY CCY CY B G R Basic Image Processing 2 51 So you think you can invert a Colour?? Given a color, which below of the ones is its inverse? Colour (Human Skin) R: 255 H: 21 G: 153 S: 255 B: 51 L: 153 RGB (255 - R,G,B) R: 0 H: 149 G: 102 S: 255 B: 204 L: 102 HSL (H += 128, L=266-L) R: 0 H: 149 G: 104 S: 255 B: 208 L: 104 HSL (H += 128 only) R: 255 H: 149 G: 153 S: 255 B: 51 L: 153 RGB (R=(G+B/2), G=...) R: 102 H: 149 G: 153 S: 128 B: 204 L: 153 Basic Image Processing 2 Digital Media Computing 52© 2003-2011 Ron van Schyndel, RMIT University Lecture Summary …from last lecture Image Processing Definitions Image Processing in AWT The MVC pattern (Image producer / consumer / observer / filter) Point Operations – Single Pixel Filters Image Histograms Transfer Curves Geometrical Operations This lecture Neighbourhood Operations - Multiple Pixel Filters Convolutions Median and other statistical 'order' filters Basic Colour Theory Colour Models: RGB, CMYK, HSB, Lab/Luv, YCbCr/YUV/YIQ,