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C2.3. Write a sequence of MIPS assembly code that will detect overflow for unsigned 
subtraction.  Hint:  overflow occurs when the operation’s result falls outside the valid 
 (assuming $t1-$t2) 
 ble $t1,$t2,ovf 
 Bonus answer: 
Write a sequence of MIPS assembly code that will detect overflow for signed 
subtraction.  Hint:  overflow occurs when the operation’s result falls outside the valid 
 subu $t0,$t1,$t2 
 xor $t3,$t1,$t2 
 beqz $t3,no_ovf 
 xor $t3,$t0,$t1 
 beqz $t3, no_ovf 
 (overflow code) 
 j out 
 (no overflow code) 
C2.4. Write a MIPS assembly-language subroutine having the following requirements.  The 
subroutine takes two arguments, in $a0 and $a1, which hold the base memory addresses 
of two equal-sized arrays, and a third argument in $a2 that holds the arrays’ lengths.  The 
subroutine’s function is to copy the contents of the first array into the second array but in 
reverse order.  This subroutine also must preserve the values of all the caller’s registers. 
  (assuming array is of bytes)   
 rev: addi $sp,$sp,-16 
  sw $t0,0($sp) 
  sw $t1,4($sp) 
  sw $t2,8($sp) 
  sw $t3,12($sp) 
  li $t0,0 
  move $t1,$a2 
  addi $t1,$t1,-1 
 loop: add $t2,$a0,$t0 
  lb $t3,0($t2) 
  add $t2,$a1,$t1 
  sb $t3,0($t2) 
  addi $t0,$t0,1 
  addi $t1,$t0,-1 
  bne $t0,$a2,loop 
  lw $t0,0($sp) 
  lw $t1,4($sp) 
  lw $t2,8($sp) 
  lw $t3,12($sp) 
  addi $sp,$sp,16 
  jr $31 
C2.7. Assume there is a MIPS pseudoinstruction named ADD64 rd, rs, rt that performs a 64-bit 
integer addition. 
 The instruction ADD64 $2, $4, $6 combines registers $4 and $5 to form one 64-bit 
operand (i.e. $4 is high-order 32 bits and $5 is low-order 32 bits) and combines registers 
$6 and $7 as the other 64-bit operand.  The result would be stored in a 64-bit register 
spanning register $2 and $3.  Translate this pseudocode instruction. 
 Hint:  Think of how you perform binary addition on paper. 
 addu $2,$4,$6 
 addu $3,$5,$7 
 nor $1,$5,$0 
 sltu $1,$t1,$7 
 bnez $1,carryin 
 j out 
carryin:addi $2,$2,1 
C2.9. Many CISC instruction set architectures, such as Intel IA-32 (x86) and IBM 360, include a 
set of instructions that do computation using a datatype called binary-coded decimal 
(BCD).  BCD stores integer values by assigning binary-encoded decimal values (0-9) into 
4-bit fields.  Eight of these 4-bit fields can be packed into a 32-bit word, representing a 
value between 0 and 99,999,999.  For example, the (16-bit) value 0011 1001 0001 0101 
represents 3,915 (instead of 14,613 as it would as a regular base-2 integer). 
 Assume we have a pseudoinstruction called CBCD rd, rs that converts the binary value 
in register rs to an 8-digit packed BCD value written to register rd.  Show (for full credit) 
or describe (for partial credit) how CBCD $2, $3 could be translated into MIPS 
instructions.  Hint:  how would you perform this base conversion yourself? 
 srl $2,$3,24 
 li $1,10 
 mult $2,$2,$1 
 sll $3,$3,8 
 srl $1,$3,24 
 add $2,$2,$1 
 li $1,10 
 mult $2,$2,$1 
 sll $3,$3,8 
 srl $1,$3,24 
 add $2,$2,$1 
 li $1,10 
 mult $2,$2,$1 
 sll $3,$3,8 
 srl $1,$3,24 
 add $2,$2,$1 
 li $1,10 
 mult $2,$2,$1 
C2.10. Write a sequence of MIPS assembly instructions that will swap the values of registers 
$s0 and $s1 without using any additional registers or any loads and stores. 
Hint:  this requires that you use the XOR instruction. 
xor $s0,$s0,$s1 
xor $s1,$s0,$s1 
xor $s0,$s0,$s1 
C2.14. Convert the following assembly-language instruction to machine instruction(s) 
represented in hexadecimal.  Assume the data segment of the program starts at 1010 
010016 and that INPUT is offset from the beginning of the data segment by 24 bytes.  
Also assume that register $1 is the only register you may use for resolving 
 lb $2,INPUT+2($3) 
 Note: the opcode for lb is 2016. 
 First, we need to convert this statement to assembly language... 
 lui $1,0x1010 
  ori $1,$1,0x0100 
  add $1,$1,$3 
  addi $1,$1,2 
  lb $2,24($1) 
 Next, we need to encode the instructions... 
Because I only provided the opcode for lb, you will receive full credit for this 
question if you encoded the lb (regardless of the registers used in the instruction). 
C2.15. MIPS has the following pseudoinstruction defined, as part of its interface spec: 
 ror rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2 
 This instruction performs a rotate.  That is, it is a right shift but the bits that are shifted in 
from the left are the same bits that are shifted out from the right.  The source register is 
defined by rsrc1 and the rotate distance is defined in rsrc2.  How would the following 
instruction be translated into nonpseudo-MIPS assembly language?  Remember, 
pseudoinstruction translation uses register 1 as a temporary register. 
 ror $2, $3, $4 
 sub $1,$0,$4 
 sllv $1,$3,$1 
 srlv $2,$3,$4 
 or $2,$2,$1 
C2.18. Write a recursive assembly language routine called printover that takes the address of a 
50-element halfword array and an integer as arguments.  The routine iterates through the 
array, calling another routine called over for every element that is greater than the integer 
sent in as printover’s second argument.  over’s arguments are the index of an element 
and its value.  over has no return value, but printover returns the number of elements 
found.  You only have to write printover.  You may assume that over will not destroy any 
$a or $s registers.  printover must save any registers that it destroys on the MIPS stack 
before doing anything else.  Provide reasonable commentting for your code. 
printover: addi $sp,$sp,-32 
  sw $ra,0($sp) 
  sw $s0,4($sp) 
  sw $s1,8($sp) 
  sw $s2,12($sp) 
  sw $s3,16($sp) 
  sw $s4,20($sp) 
  sw $s5,24($sp) 
  sw $s6,28($sp) 
li $s0,0   # index 
  li $s1,100  # loop bound 
  li $s4,0   # no. times over called 
  move $s5,$a0  # array base 
  move $s6,$a1  # num. to compare 
loop:  add $s2,$s5,$s0 # compute eff. address in $s2 
  lh $s3,0($s2)  # load into $s3 
  ble $s3,$s6,skip # skip if $s3 <= $s6 
  addi $s4,$s4,1  # increment counter 
  move $a0,$s0  # set up arguments for over 
  move $a1,$s3 
  jal over   # call over 
skip:  addi $s0,$s0,2  # increment index by 2 
  blt $s0,$s1,loop # branch back up if $s0<100 
  move $v0,$s4  # set up return value (count) 
  lw $ra,0($sp) 
  lw $s0,4($sp)  
  lw $s1,8($sp)  
  lw $s2,12($sp)  
  lw $s3,16($sp)  
  lw $s4,20($sp)  
  lw $s5,24($sp)  
  lw $s6,28($sp)  
  addi $sp,$sp,32 
  jr $ra 
C2.19. “Compile” the following C statement into MIPS assembly language. 
 for (i=a ; (i