CSCE515 Computer Network Programming Syllabus Schedule & Lecture Notes Homework & Projects CSCE515: Computer Network Programming Fall 2007 TTH 2:00PM- 3:15PM, SWGN 2A27 Instructor: Dr. Wenyuan Xu (wyxu Office Hours: TTH 3:30am-4:30pm or by appointment Room: SWGN 3A54 Announcement August 23: Text book has been changed! New book: Unix Network Programming, The Sockets Networking API, Volumes 1, by W Richard Stevens, Bill Fenner, Andrew M. Rudoff, published by Addison-Wesley **indicates must read; *indicates recommended reading; others are supplementary reading Date Lecture Material Reading & References Assignments 08/23/2007 Syllabus (pdf) Lecture 1 TI Ch. 1 ** How NOT to go about a programming assignment * None yet... 08/28/2007 OSI Reference Model Link layer TI 2.1, 2.2, 2.7, 2.8 ** TCP/IP FAQ IEEE 802.3 Overview IEEE 802.3 Standard Still Safe... But soon... 08/30/2007 TCP/IP TI 3,4,5,6 ** Hw1 Grad, Under, tinyoshw1.tar Due 9/13 (extended to 9/18) 09/04/2007 Sockets Programming API UNP1, 3** Socket Programming FAQ 09/07/2007 TinyOS TCP Details UNP 2.4, 2.6, 2.7 ** 09/11/2007 TCP Sockets Programming UNP 3.9, 4.3-4.9 ** 09/13/2007 RLOGIN, TELNET, FTP Protocol TIV 26, 27 ** RFC 854 TELENT RFC 959 FTP 09/18/2007 UDP Sockets Programming UNP 8** Makefile tutorial P1 Grau Under Due 9/27 09/20/2007 TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol TIV 15 *** RFC 1350 TFTP* 09/25/2007 I/O Multiplexing and select() TiynOS Comm UNP 5.12, 6.3-6.9** 09/27/2007 Threads Programming UNP 26.1-26.4, 26.7, 26.8 ** P2 due 10/11 Graduate Undergraduate 10/02/2007 IP, Routing TI Ch 3 **; Variable Length Subnet Masking* On the Assignment of Subnet Numbers * 10/04/2007 Midterm review 10/09/2007 Midterm 10/11/2007 Fall break-no classes 10/16/2007 No class 10/18/2007 Exam and project review Project2 Grading 10/23/2007 ICMP, Routing Principles TI Ch9** HW2 A sample program from your classmate for PJ2. Thank you, the author! 10/25/2007 DNS TI Ch 14** RFC 1034 RFC 1035 10/30/2007 Security, Kerberos 11/01/2007 Security (buffer overflow) Writing buffer overflow exploits - a tutorial for beginners Intel x86 Function-call Conventions - Assembly View sample code 11/06/2007 HTTP, Web Client/Server Example HTTP 1.1 HTTP 1.0 11/08/2007 Dynamic Web Documents & Concurrent servers UNP CH30 ** PJ3 due 11/27 Grad; Undergrad; Sample code: prefork server; sub func. 11/13/2007 Advanced Sockets programming UNP Ch 7.1-7.6, 11.3, 11.4, 11.6, 11.17 ** 11/15/2007 Daemons and inetd UNP 24, 13 **** Sample code. 11/20/2007 Email Protocols TIV Ch28.2, 28.4 ** SMTP POP3 11/22/2007 Thanksgiving recess-no classes 11/27/2007 Java Socket, ServerSocket Package docs 11/29/2007 Multicasting, MulticastSocket P4 Due 12/9 12/04/2007 Java RMI (remote method invocation) RMI FAQ (Sun) RemoteMathImpl 12/06/2007 Wireless MAC protocol/ Bluetooth December 11 - 2:00 p.m. Final exam Swearingen Engineering Center | Columbia, SC 29208 | 803.777.2880 | ? University of South Carolina Board of Trustees