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2.3: Lab Exercise on translating nested control structures 
In this exercise, we’ll go through an example of how to translate nested control structures 
in C++ to MIPS. The thing to focus on is how mechanical this process is! It’s basically 
what a compiler does to translate your C++ or Java code automatically, to machine 
language or Java bytecodes. 
We start with a C++ program from a past quiz: 
using std::cin; 
using std::cout; 
int main() 
  int max, num = 4, i; 
  max = 100; 
  while (max > 42) { 
    for (i=1; i < num; i++) { 
      max = max / i; 
      if ((max > i) || (max < 2)) { 
        cout << max; 
    cin >> max; 
The first step is to identify the main blocks. It helps to draw boxes around the nested 
structures. For example, this helps me to see the structure of the code: 
  int max, num = 4, i; 
  max = 100; 
  while (max > 42) { 
(It might also be helpful to draw more boxes, say around the if block. Whatever works for 
   for (i=1; i < num; i++) { 
      max = max / i; 
      if ((max > i) || (max < 2)) { 
        cout << max; 
   cin >> max; 
There are lots of ways to go about the translation. I find it easier to work at one level at a 
time. Let’s start with the outermost level, the while loop. Note that we can translate the 
while loop completely independently of what’s inside it! (Let’s make $s0 max, $s1 num, 
$s2 i.) 
        li   $s0, 100            #  max = 100; 
        li   $s1, 4              #  num = 4; 
        ble  $s0, 42, exit       #  while (max > 42) { 
                                 #    for (i=1; i < num; i++) { 
                                 #      max = max / i; 
                                 #      if ((max > i) || (max < 2)) { 
                                 #        cout << max; 
                                 #      } 
                                 #    } 
                                 #    cin >> max; 
        bgt  $s0, 42, loop       #  } 
Next we deal with the body of the while loop. It contains two blocks: the for loop, and the 
cin statement. First we translate the for loop, once again leaving out the body of the for 
        li   $s0, 100            #  max = 100; 
        li   $s1, 4              #  num = 4; 
        ble  $s0, 42, outw       #  while (max > 42) { 
while:  li   $s2, 1 
        bge  $s2, $s1, maxin    #    for (i=1; i < num; i++) { 
                                 #      max = max / i; 
                                 #      if ((max > i) || (max < 2)) { 
                                 #        cout << max; 
                                 #      } 
        add  $s2, $s2, 1 
        blt  $s2, $s1, for       #    } 
                                 #    cin >> max; 
        bgt  $s0, 42, loop       #  } 
Again there are several ways to proceed, but let’s start filling in the body of the for loop. 
We translate the divide, and then the compound if: 
        li   $s0, 100            #  max = 100; 
        li   $s1, 4              #  num = 4; 
        ble  $s0, 42, outw       #  while (max > 42) { 
while:  li   $s2, 1 
        bge  $s2, $s1, maxin    #    for (i=1; i < num; i++) { 
        div  $s0, $s0, $s2      #      max = max / i; 
        bgt  $s0, $s2, out      #      if ((max > i) || (max < 2)) { 
        bge  $s0, 2, inci 
                                 #        cout << max; 
                                 #      } 
inci:   add  $s2, $s2, 1 
        blt  $s2, $s1, for       #    } 
                                 #    cin >> max; 
        bgt  $s0, 42, loop       #  } 
You should be able to handle the rest. The full solution is at:  
In summary, keep in mind that we’re not writing code, we’re pretending to be a compiler, 
translating C++ code to MIPS assembly language. It’s a very mechanical procedure.