Simons :: Cloud Computing AJH Simons Home Linked In Google+ Research Projects Students Publications Citations Teaching Modules Resources Employment Administration Find Things Open Days Admissions Personal Contact Details Map Anthony J H Simons, MA PhD Senior Lecturer in Computer Science University Computer Science Testing Group Space Tech Europe Industry Cloud Computing This page is the main source for lectures, lab-handouts and assignments. This course will cover a mix of business-oriented material about the growth of Cloud Computing; and technical material describing how to build your own Cloud platform using the standard Linux/Apache/Tomcat/Servlet/MySQL technology stack offered on the DCS OpenNebula private cloud infrastructure. Lectures are provided as powerpoint slides (the primary format, with active links to videos, when viewed in presentation mode) and also as PDF handouts (printed 2-up to save paper). Lab practical work will start with training sessions for those unfamiliar with Linux, HTML, permissions and web-development. Please watch the lab schedule for new labs relevant to your needs. The assessment for this module is a group assignment, the details for which will appear at the end of week 3. You will need to work in teams of 4, and a team sign-up system will support this. Lecture Contents Handout 01: What is Cloud Computing? An introduction to what cloud computing is, and what it is not PDF 02: The Business Case for the Cloud Compelling business reasons for migrating to the cloud, or not PDF 03: Cloud Service Models Infrastructure-, Platform- and Software-as-a-Service models PDF 04: OpenNebula Infrastructure Configuring Infrastructure-as-a-Service using OpenNebula PDF 05: Web Services: Cloud Foundations Web application server technologies and Internet protocols PDF 06: Servlets and Containers Java servlets and the Apache Tomcat web application server PDF 07: The Java Servlet API A complete tutorial walk-through of the Java Servlet API PDF 08: Concurrency, Scaling, Sessions Multithreading, servlet pools and sessions with Java servlets PDF 09: The Presentation Tier Presentation concerns, HTML and responsive design styles PDF 10: XML Processing in Java Reading, writing, searching and modifying XML structures in Java PDF 11: Java Server Pages Template web pages with scripts for inserting dynamic content PDF 12: Java Beans and Web Patterns Page-centric, page-with-bean and controller servlet styles PDF 13: Cloud Data Storage Data storage concerns, NoSQL and relational database options PDF 14: Data Processing in Java Overview of the Java Database Connectivity API (JDBC) PDF 15: Security in the Cloud Overview of general security, plus cloud multi-tenancy issues PDF 16: Service-Oriented Architectures Service-oriented computing with SOAP, WSDL, REST and AJAX PDF 17: Message Queues and Brokers Message queue middleware and publish-subscribe brokers PDF 18: Quality and Pricing in the Cloud Pricing strategies, service level agreements, monitoring quality PDF 19: Future Cloud Ecosystems Quality assurance in brokered cloud service platforms PDF Self-Study Lab Contents Handout Week 1: Introduction to Linux Booting Linux, useful desktop tools and command-line programming PDF Week 2: Basic Web Programming Building a website, programming simple web forms with CGI PDF Week 3: Java CGI Programming Programming more advanced web forms with CGI and Java PDF Week 4: Java Servlet Programming Installing and configuring Tomcat, running your first Java servlet PDF Week 5: Cloud Servlet Deployment Run your second Java servlet; copy and deploy to your cloud VM PDF Week 6: Platform & Apps in Tomcat Platform design, app bundle uploading and unpacking strategies PDF Assignment Description Deadline Project Teams (Complete) A dynamically-updated list of properly-constituted teams Available now Stage 0: Team Sign-Up A web-form allowing you to sign up as a pair for a team of four Friday week 3 Stage 1: Product Pitch Instructions on how to make your pitch for a cloud product Friday week 6 Stage 2: Product Development Instructions on how to develop and market your cloud product Tuesday week 11 Stage 3: Product Testing Instructions on how to test another cloud ecosystem Monday week 12 Resource Description Source Using FileZilla How to set up FileZilla to upload files to your cloud VM W Briggs, 2018 Install JEE with Tomcat How to install Eclipse for JEE and a local Tomcat server W Briggs, 2018 CloudBase Template HTML styling for the dashboard of your platform, using W3-CSS AJHS, 2017 Introduction to XML Introduction to XML, document well-formedness and validation AJHS, 2017 Introduction to Databases Introduction to Relational Databases, SQL queries and updates AJHS, 2017 Advanced Databases in Java Batch processing, transactions and connection pools with JDBC/JNDI AJHS, 2017 Advanced JSP with Taglibs The JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) and Expression Language (EL) AJHS, 2017 MOLE Discussion Forum The self-help discussion forum for solving technical problems, on MOLE (MOLE sign-in) OpenNebula Cloud IaaS An introduction to OpenNebula, the cloud resource in DCS OpenNebula, 2017 Compaq Cloud Memorandum The first ever historic reference to cloud computing in print Compaq, 1996 © AJH Simons, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield Regent Court, 211 Portobello, Sheffield S1 4DP, United Kingdom