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A Aker
Dr. Ahmet Aker 
DEPARTMENT: Computer Science
University of Sheffield 
PhD in Computer Science (10/2007—10/2013)
Topic: Entity Type Modeling for Multi-Document Summarization: Generating 
Descriptive Summaries of Geo-Located Entities
Supervisor: Prof. Robert Gaizauskas
University of Sheffield
MSc(Eng) in Advanced Software Engineering (09/2006-09/2007)
University of Dortmund 
German Diplom in Computer Science
minor: Electrical Engineering (10/2000-05/2005)
PhD, University of Sheffield, awarded in October 2013
MSc (Eng), University of Sheffield, awarded in September 2007
Dipl. Inf., Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany, awarded in May 2006
Short summary:
I am a Research Fellow in the Sheffield NLP group. For the past 7 years I have been playing a 
major role in several EU funded projects, where I have mainly been responsible for the design, 
implementation and evaluation of software meeting project research objectives, writing and co-
ordinating project deliverables and scientific papers, and presenting research results at technical 
meetings and international conferences. I have worked in various NLP and related areas such as 
automatic text summarization, statistical machine translation, comparable data acquisition from 
the web, term alignment, automatic POS tag projection, data linking, clustering and social media 
analysis. Currently I am aim to become an independent researcher in the area of Big Data and 
argument extraction. This year I coordinated a big consortium for an H2020 proposal on this 
I have published 34 peer reviewed conference papers, 4 journal papers and 1 book chapter on 
these topics. My background is software engineering. I have more than 2 years experience 
working as a software developer in the industry. In addition, I developed several software 
solutions for industry and research on a freelance basis. I am holding a German Diplom in 
Computer Scieance, a Masters degree in Advanced Software Engineering and a PhD in Natural 
A Aker
Language Processing. I was the best Masters student in our department and was also awarded 
with a scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des 
deutschen Volkes) during my Computer Science studies in Germany.
June 2014 – present
University of Sheffield, 
Department of Computer   
NLP research group
Research Fellow in Natural Language Processing
on SENSEI project
PI: Rob Gaizauskas 
January 2013 – present
University of Sheffield, 
Department of Computer 
NLP research group
Research Fellow in Natural Language Processing
on ViSen project
PI: Rob Gaizauskas 
June 2012 – June 2014
University of Sheffield, 
Department of Computer Science, 
NLP research group
Research Associate  in  Natural  Language
Processing on TaaS project
PI: Rob Gaizauskas 
January 2010 – July 2012
University of Sheffield, 
Department of Computer Science, 
NLP research group
Research Associate  in  Natural  Language
Processing on ACCURAT project
PI: Rob Gaizauskas 
October 2007 – December 2009
University of Sheffield, 
Department of Information Studies
Research Associate  in  Natural  Language
Processing on TRIPOD project
PIs: Mark Sanderson and Rob Gaizauskas
May 2010 – October 2010
University of Sheffield, 
Department of Information Studies
Research  Associate  in  Information
Retrieval on TNA project
PIs: Mark Sanderson and Paul Clough
August 2008 – October 2009
University of Sheffield, 
Department of Computer Science, 
Software  Developer  in  Information
Management on X-Media project
PI: Fabio Ciravegna and Daniela Petrelli
A Aker
OAK research group
September 2007 – December 2007
University of Sheffield, 
Department of Computer Science, 
NLP research group
Research  Associate  in  Social  Media
Platform Design on Lycos project
PI: Fabio Ciravegna 
December 2004 – April 2006
GBTeC Software + Consulting AG
Bochum, Germany
Full-time Software developer for web-
based enterprise process management 
October 2003 – April 2004
Polk GmbH
Essen, Germany
Software tester
February 2003 – May 2003
Siemens VDO, Dortmund, Germany
Data base programming and system 
May  2009  –
September 2009
University of Sheffield
Teaching  Java  for
Sun Java Certification
An  extra  curricular  course  organised  in
collaboration  with  Sun  Campus
representative  to  prepare  UoS
undergraduate  students  for  Java
Certification exams.
The course was taking place twice a week,
attended regularly by 15 students.
February  2008  –
June 2008
University of Sheffield
Introductory Java 
course for 
A  course  organised  in  collaboration  with
research  students  and  early  career
researchers  from  the  Departments  of
Computer Science and Information Studies
to  teach  basic  concepts  of  Java  (syntax,
containers,  OOP).  The  course  took  place
once a week with 10 participants. 
October 2006 – June
University of Sheffield
Course  on  Software
Deisgn  Patterns  in
Java  for  MSc
Organised  and  thought  an  extra-curricular
course  on  design  patterns  in  Java  for
students  studying  on  Computer  Science
MSc courses 
September  2007  –
December 2007  and
February 2008 – May
Lab  demonstration
for  the  course
Introduction to Java
Lab  demonstrations  for  undergraduate
engineering  students.  The  course  was  a
part of the curriculum. 
A Aker
University of 
Sheffield, Department
of Computer Science
October 2004 – April
2005  and  October
2005 – April 2006
University of 
Department of 
Computer Science
Tutor  in  C++
Sole responsibility for leading lab sessions
twice a week and marking assignments for
a course of 20 first year students. 
October  2000  –
October 2005
University of Essen, 
Department of 
Teaching  secondary
school  students  in
Mathematics  and
Computer Science
Teaching  and  exam  preparation  in
mathematics  and  computer  science  to  A
level students. I thought students in groups
of 3-5 and had 8-10 groups each semester. 
April 2003 – October
University of 
Department of 
Computer Science
Student  tutor  in Data
Structures  and  Java
In  the  course  I  had  two  groups  of  each
around  15  second  year  students.  Weekly
the students were given problems to solve.
They send their solutions to me. I assessed
their solutions and marked them. I also met
each  group  every  week  to  discuss  the
correct solutions. 
Professional skills:
Key IT skills: 
 Programming languages: Java, C++, Python, Scala, Perl
 Big data processing infrastructures: MapReduce with Hadoop
 Data acquisition from the web: FOCUS monolingual crawler 
 Web development: Javascript, HTML, JSP, WebWork, Struts, Tomcat
 Databases: MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server
 Software testing: JUnit, JMock, EasyMock
 Natural  language  processing  and  information  retrieval: GATE,  OpenNLP,  Stanford
dependency parser, Semaphor semantic parser 
 Information retrieval: Lucene, LIRE for image indexing and retrieval
 Machine learning and big data mining: WEKA, SVMLight, MERT 
 Statistical machine translation: Giza++, Moses
 Language modelling: SRILM
 Integrated Development Environments: Eclipse, NetBeans
Turkish and German (native), English (fluent), Bosnian (basics), Arabic (basic reading) 
A Aker
My team-working skills were developed and strengthened by: 
 Being a significant and visible member of large international teams in 5 EU projects
 Establishing further successful international research collaborations outside these 
 Organising and leading small teams of programmers in three software development 
projects for research and industry during my undergraduate and MSc studies
 Collaborating with on-campus representatives of industry (Sun, now Oracle and Sun 
Microsystems) to organise and teach extra-curricular Java programming courses to 
undergraduate and post-graduate students at the University of Sheffield
Time management: 
I have repeatedly demonstrated the ability to complete multiple tasks well ahead their 
scheduled deadlines using efficient planning, scheduling and prioritization, for example by:
 Submitting the PhD thesis one year before it was due
 Always completing research papers well before the deadline to allow extensive 
feedback and editing
 Always submitting project deliverables ahead of internal deadlines
 Successfully progressing my research work despite extensive caring responsibilities 
for my family. 
My experience includes the following opportunities to show and enhance my 
communication skills:
 Poster and oral presentation of my research in front of large audiences at significant 
international conferences
 Sole representation of Sheffield team at project kick off and review meeting in the 
EU-funded project TaaS in presence of project evaluators
 Regular and active participation in face-to-face meetings in 5 EU projects over past 7
years, as well as in numerous teleconferences via Skype 
 Social media communications through LinkedIn and Research Gate to liaise with a 
wider research community and representatives of industry interested in using my 
research outputs
Project management skills
1. I had responsibility for project management in two EU funded projects, TaaS and 
Accurat. This involved:  
 Project deliverable leading and management including: 
o regular contact with partners to ensure that deadlines are met
o eliciting, assembling and reviewing partners’ inputs to the deliverables 
o independently approving Sheffield’s contributions
o co-ordinating editing and improvements to the deliverables in view of project officers’
o dealing with problems and delays in deliverable creation. 
 Line management to a junior research associate colleague leading to 4 significant
 Independent decision-making on resources and actions not included in the 
description of work
 Representation of the Sheffield group at review meetings, project meetings and 
regular teleconferences 
 Tracking the workload of the group and writing quarterly activity reports as well 
as yearly reports for the project coordinator. 
2. I organised three extra-curricular programming courses at the University of Sheffield 
listed below. In order to make these courses happen I: 
A Aker
 Designed the course materials
 Secured industrial support from Sun Microsystems (now Oracle and Sun 
Microsystems) to provide technologies and free access to access-restricted 
 Advertised the courses to potential students
 Taught the courses
Resource management
I have the responsibility for development, improvement and distribution of the following
software and data resources: 
Natural language processing:
1. multi-lingual sentence splitters and tokenisers
2. POS taggers  and  lemmatisers  for  English,  German,  Dutch,  Spanish,  Italian  and
3. POS tag projection tool for all EU languages
Big data acquisition from the web:
4. News crawler through RSS feeds
5. Web crawler for collecting user generated content from the web
6. FlickR image and caption retriever
Automatic text summarisation:
7. Multi-lingual text summariser for 4 languages: English , Latvian, Italian and German
Machine Learning: 
8. Java implementation of regression models
Machine Translation: 
9. Giza++ dictionary cleaners
10. Term  normaliser  for  6  languages:  English,  German,  Dutch,  Spanish,  Italian  and
11. Term aligner for all EU languages
12. Parallel phrase extractor 
1. A corpus of  model  summaries for  location-related images  for  development  and
evaluation of automatic text summarizers
2. Clean Giza++ dictionaries for all EU languages
3. Term grammars for all EU languages 
4. POS tag corpora for all EU languages
Web site, social media and outreach publications: 
1. I provide free, multi-lingual language processing software tools through my departmental
web site, which are actively downloaded by academic and industrial researchers. 
2. I regularly use ResearchGate and LinkedIn to publicise my research outputs and 
communicate with wider research and industrial communities. 
3. I published the article “Wieviel Testen ist genug?” (How much testing is sufficient?) in the
Eclipse Magazin (Nr. 01, January 2009), a German popular journal for programmers 
A Aker
interested in software development using Eclipse development environment. The article 
publicises the outputs of my MSc thesis Testing by interception of communication. 
Industrial collaborations: 
4. I collaborate with Dr. Giuseppe Di Fabrizio at to apply my multi-document 
summariser to product review domain. 
5. I collaborate with TILDE, a machine translation and language technology company 
based in Latvia that specialises on less-studied languages. They use and provide 
several natural language processing software I developed within the EU projects Accurat
and TaaS.
6. I worked for the TNA project in which we collaborated with The National Archives in 
which we provided tools for user query log analysis. 
7. I worked in a team of researchers at the UoS who prototyped a user interface for a social
media platform for Lycos Inc. 
8. I worked for the X-Media project, where I designed and implemented data visualisation 
tools for data produced by airplanes used by Rolls Royce.  
Prizes and Awards Received
2013: University of Sheffield Exceptional Achievement Award (4% award rate) 
2012: University of Sheffield Exceptional Achievement Award (4% award rate) 
2009-2013: Exceeded expectations on the SRDS (Staff Review and Development 
2007: Achieved the best MSc Degree in the Department of Computer Science at the 
University of Sheffield 
2003-2005: Fellowship of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (awarded to 1% of 
all university students in Germany) 
Research Grants Awarded
I have written two grant proposals in collaboration with my PhD supervisor and the members of 
the international consortium for the following successful EU projects, in which I was named as a
member of the research team: 
1. EU-FP7-ICT-SME-DCL. June 2012 for 24 months. Project name: Terminology as a 
Service (TaaS).
2. EU FP7 ERA-NET CHIST-ERA. January 2013 for 36 months. Project name: Visual 
Sense (ViSen).
Self initiated & coordinated H2020 proposal
I initiated and led the creation of the BigHealth project proposal submitted to the BigData 2015 
H2020 call as a PI and the main coordinator. With Sheffield as coordinated institution the project
had 9 partners (3 industrial and 6 academic) from 6 Eu countries. The project was set for 4 years 
with a total budget of 6 Mio. Euros of which 1.6 Mio Euros were planned for the University of 
Sheffield.  My main duties during the preparation of the proposal were:
 Creating the project proposal idea
 Identifying relevant potential partners
 Inviting the partners to join the consortium via emails and holding Skype calls to describe and 
motivate the project as well as to pursue them to join the consortium
A Aker
 Closely talking to the industrial partners in order to define the business use cases for the project
 Coordinating the work division, distributing jobs to partners and supervising the inputs sent by 
 Holding regular Skypes with partners: This included weekly Skype calls with all partners and also
more frequent Skypes (daily) with individual partners. The frequent Skypes were necessary to 
clarify the jobs and discuss the connectivity of the input to other parts of the proposal
 Writing several sections in the Excellence and Impact Sections
 Planning and coordinating the entire Work Package Section
 Writing several work packages
 Reviewing work packages of other partners and suggesting major changes
 Making the entire plans for the Person Month efforts
 Managing the entire financial plan
 Writing the entire Management section
The proposal scored 12 in total (15 is the maximum score). Unfortunately it was not funded. 
Manuscript reviewer for the following academic journals:
1. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) 
(2013, 2014, 2015)
2. Journal of Natural Language Engineering (JNLE) (2014, 2015)
3. Journal of Natural Language Engineering – Special Issue on Comparable Corpora and
Machine Translation (JNLE) (2014)
4. Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP) (2014)
5. Language Resources and Evaluation (LRE) (2014)
6. EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing (2013)
7. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology (JRPIT)(2013)
8. Information Processing & Management (IMP)  (2012)
9. Computer Speech and Language Journal (2015)
Scientific committee member for the following conferences:
1. European conference on information retrieval (ECIR) (2011, 2013, 2014, 2015)
2. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (2014)
3. ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval 
(SIGIR) (2013, 2014)
4. Recent advanced in the natural language processing (RANLP) (2011, 2015)
5. International joint conference on natural language processing (IJCNLP) (2011)
6. 3rd Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation (HyTra) at the 14th Conference of 
the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL). 
Gothenburgh, Sweden. 2014.
7. ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 
(CIKM 2015)
8. Building and Using Comparable Corpora workshop (BUCC 2015)
9. International Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Semantic Annotation 
(KESA 2016)
10. CIKM 2015 Workshop on Topic Models: Post-Processing and Applications.
A Aker
Organizing Committee member for the 7th Workshop on Building and Using 
Comparable Corpora (BUCC) at the 9th Language Resources and Evaluation 
Conference (LREC). Reykjavik, Iceland. 2014. Activities: Designing the workshop, 
preparing the call for contributions, reviewing the contributions, chairing panel sessions, 
Dr. Elena Lloret University  of  Alicante,
published:  2  journal  papers,  2
conference  papers  and  1  book
submitted: 2 journal papers 
in preparation: 1 journal paper
Prof. Laura Plaza University of Madrid,
published:  2  journal  papers,  2
conference  papers  and  1  book
submitted: 2 journal papers 
in preparation: 1 journal paper
Dr. Giuseppe Di 
Amazon Research Labs, 
published:  1  journal  paper  and  1
conference paper
Dr. Evangelous 
Google Research Labs, 
published: 1 conference paper
Dr. Lionel Nicolas EURAC Research Labs, 
in preparation: 1 journal paper
Dr. Udo Kruschwitz University of Essex published: 1 conference paper
Areas of established research activity:
 automatic summarisation: generating image captions, multi-lingual 
summarisation, summarisation evaluation, social media summarisation
 information extraction
 statistical machine translation: comparable data acquisition from the web,
term alignment and automatic POS tag projection. 
I have published 30 papers on the above topics in:
 prestigious  peer  reviewed  conference proceedings  (Association  for
Computational  Linguistics  (ACL),  Conference  on  Empirical  Methods  in
Natural  Language Processing (EMNLP),  ACM International  Conference
on  Information  and  Knowledge  Management  (CIKM)  and  International
A Aker
Conference on  European  Conference on  Information  Retrieval  (ECIR))
 journals  with  high  impact  factor  (Journal  of  the  Association  for
Information  Science  and  Technology  (JASIST)(impact  factor:  2.005),
IEEE Intelligent Systems (impact factor: 1.93), Language Resources and
Evaluation Journal (LRE)(impact factor: 0.659)). 
Areas of developing research activity
 Argument  and  information  extraction,  summarization  and  automatic
translation of social media content 
Research degree supervision
 Co-supervising (second supervisor / advisor) one PhD student
 main supervisor: Dr. Kalina Bontcheva
 ongoing: PhD start October 2013, my involvement started in March 2014. 
 My role: 
o attending bi-weekly meetings, 
o responding to his queries outside meeting times
o providing feedback on his research activities and ideas
o suggest further research avenues, literature and tools
 Results: one submitted workshop paper, conference paper in preparation
Undergraduate and thought-postgraduate supervision: 
 Proposed project topic and co-supervised one Third Year Project on "An
iPhone  application  for  photo  captioning"  (main  supervisor  Prof.  Guy
 Proposed project  topic  and co-supervised one MSc Student  project  on
"Implementing a smart automatic web search for places" (main supervisor:
Prof. Mark Sanderson)
Number of published peer reviewed conference and workshop papers: 34
Number of published journal papers: 5
Number of published book chapters: 1
Google scholar citation information: 
Independent Research Publications (without PhD supervisor)
Citations 258
h­index 10
i10­index 10
A Aker
Published research papers:
Lloret, E., Plaza, L. & Aker, A. (2013). Analyzing the capabilities of crowdsourcing 
services for text summarization. Language Resources and Evaluation 47(2), 337-369. 
Aker, A., El-Haj, M., Albakour, M. & Kruschwitz, U. (2012). Assessing crowdsourcing 
quality through objective tasks. In Proceedings of the International Conference on 
Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Istanbul, Turkey, 1456-1461.
Kurtic, E. & Wells, B. & Brown, G.J., Kempton, T. & Aker, A. (2012). A corpus of 
spontaneous multi-party conversation in Bosnian Serbo-Croatian and British English. In 
Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 
(LREC). Istanbul, Turkey, 1323-1327.
Lloret, E. & Plaza, L. & Aker, A. (2011). Multi-document summarization by capturing the 
information users are interested in. In Proceedings of the International Conference on 
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP). Hissar, Bulgaria, 77-83.
Plaza, L. & Lloret, E. & Aker, A. (2010). Improving automatic image captioning using text
summarization techniques. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6231, 165-172.
Gornostay, T. & Aker, A. (2009). Development and implementation of multilingual object 
type toponym-referenced text corpora for optimizing automatic image description. In 
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 
Bekasovo, Russia. 
Under review/to be submitted by 01.01.2016: 
Aker, A. (to be submitted by 01.01.2016). Clustering short user comments in the news
domain. To be submitted to Journal of the Association for Information Science and 
Technology (JASIST)..  
Aker, A. (to be submitted by 01.01.2016). Associating the trigger sentences with the 
trigerred user comments: An application in the news domain. To be submitted to 
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST). 
Aker, A., Lloret, E. & Plaza, L. (under review). The Challenging Task of Summary 
Evaluation: An overview. Submitted to Journal of Natural Language Engineering.  
Peer-reviewed journals
Robert Gaizauskas, Monica Paramita, Emma Barker, Marcis Pinnis, Ahmet Aker and 
Marta Pahisa. Extracting bilingual terms from the Web. Terminology across languages 
and domains Special Issue - Terminology 21(2), 2015. 
Aker, A. & Gaizauskas, R. (2014). Generating Descriptive Multi-Document Summaries 
of Geo-Located Entities Using Entity Type Models. Journal of the Association for 
Information Science and Technology (JASIST). doi: 10.1002/asi.23211. 
Di Fabbrizio, G., Aker, A. & Gaizauskas, R. (2013). Summarizing Online Reviews Using 
Aspect Rating Distributions and Language Modeling. IEEE Intelligent Systems 28(3), 
A Aker
Aker, A., Plaza, L., Lloret, E. & Gaizauskas, R. (2013). Do humans have conceptual 
models about geographic objects? A user study. Journal of the Association for 
Information Science and Technology (JASIST) 64(4), 689-700.
Papers in highly selective, prime conferences (acceptance rate 18-26%) in natural
language processing and information science: 
Ahmet Aker, Emina Kurtic, Mark Hepple, Rob Gaizauskas, Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio. 
Comment-to-Article Linking in the Online News Domain. Proceedings of MultiLing, 
SigDial 2015.
Ahmet Aker, Fabio Celli, Emina Kurtic, Mark Hepple, Rob Gaizauskas. Sheffield-Trento 
System for Comment-to-Article Linking and Argument Structure Annotation in the Online
News Domain. Proceedings of MultiLing, SigDial 2015.
Aker, A., Lestari Paramita, M. & Gaizauskas, R. (2013). Extracting bilingual 
terminologies from comparable corpora. In Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of 
the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). Sofia, Bulgaria, 402 – 411.
Aker, A., Fan, X., Sanderson, M. & Gaizauskas, R. (2012). Investigating summarization 
techniques for geo-tagged image indexing. In Proceedings of the International 
Conference on European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR). Barcelona, 
Spain, 472 – 475. 
Aker, A. & Gaizauskas, R. (2011). Understanding the types of information humans 
associate with geographic objects. In Proceedings of the 20th ACM International 
Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Glasgow, UK, 1929-
Di Fabbrizio, G., Aker, A. & Gaizauskas, R. (2011). Starlet: Multi-document 
summarization of service and product reviews with balanced rating distributions. In 
Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW). 
Vancouver, Canada, 67- 74.
Aker, A. & Gaizauskas, R. (2010). Generating image descriptions using dependency 
relational patterns. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for 
Computational Linguistics (ACL). Uppsala, Sweden, 1250-1258.
Aker, A., Cohn, T. & Gaizauskas, R. (2010). Multi-document summarization using A* 
search and discriminative training. In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical 
Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Cambridge MA, USA, 482-491.
Fan, X., Aker, A., Tomko, M., Smart, P., Sanderson, M. & Gaizauskas, R. (2010). 
Automatic image captioning from the web for GPS photographs. In Proceedings of the 
International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR). Philadelphia, USA,
Skadina, I., Aker, A., Giouli, V., Tufis, D., Gaizauskas, R., Mierina, M. & Mastropavlos, 
N. (2010). A collection of comparable corpora for under-resourced languages. In 
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Baltic HLT. Riga, Latvia, 161-168.
Papers in other major international conferences (acceptance rate >30%):
A Aker
Aker, A., Lestari Paramita, M., Pinnis, M. & Gaizauskas, R. (2014). Bilingual dictionaries
for all EU languages. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Language 
Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Reykjavik, Iceland, 2840-2845.
Aker, A., Lestari Paramita, M., Barker, E. & Gaizauskas, R. (2014). Bootstraping Term 
Extractors for Multiple Languages. In Proceedings of the International Conference on 
Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Reykjavik, Iceland, 483-489.
Aker, A., Feng, Y. & Gaizauskas, R. (2012). Automatic bilingual phrase extraction from 
comparable corpora. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on 
Computational Linguistics (COLING 2012). Mumbai, India, 23-32.
Aker, A., Kanoulas, E. & Gaizauskas, R. (2012). A light way to collect comparable 
corpora from the web. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Language 
Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Istanbul, Turkey, 15-20. 
Lestari Paramita, M., Clough, P., Aker, A. & Gaizauskas, R. (2012). Correlation between
similarity measures for Wikipedia. In Proceedings of the International Conference on 
Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Istanbul, Turkey, 790 – 797. 
Skadina, I. & Aker, A., Mastropavlos, N., Su, F., Tufis, D., Verlic, M., Vasiljevs, A. 
Babych, B., Paramita, M., Clough, P., Gaizauskas, R. & Glaros, N. (2012). Collecting 
and using comparable corpora for statistical machine translation. In Proceedings of the 
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Istanbul, 
Turkey, 438-445.
Aker, A. & Gaizauskas, R. (2010). Model summaries for location-related images. In 
Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 
(LREC). Valetta, Malta, 3119 – 3124. 
Aker, A. & Gaizauskas, R. (2009). Summary generation for toponym-referenced images 
using object type language models. In Proceedings of the International Conference on 
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP). Borovets, Bulgaria, 6-11.
Papers in specialised meetings and workshops: 
Wang, J., Yan, F., Aker, A. & Gaizauskas, R. (2014). A Poodle or a Dog? Evaluating 
Automatic Image Annotation Using Human Descriptions at Different Levels of 
Granularity. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Vision and Language. Dublin, 
Ireland, 38-45.
Gaizauskas, R., Barker, E., Lestari Paramita, M. & Aker, A. (2014). Assigning Terms to 
Domains by Document Classification. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop 
on Computational Terminology (CompuTerm2014). Dublin, Ireland, 11-22.
Aker, A. & Cohn, T. & Gaizauskas, R. (2012). Redundancy reduction for multi-document
summaries using A* search and discriminative training. In Proceedings of the 1st 
Workshop on Automatic Text Summarization of the Future. Castellón de la Plana, 
Aker, A. & Gaizauskas, R. (2008). Evaluating automatically generated user-focused 
multi-document summaries for geo-referenced images. In Proceedings of the Workshop
A Aker
on Multi-source Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization (MMIES). 
Manchester, UK, 41-48.
Book chapters: 
Aker, A., Plaza, L., Lloret, E. & Gaizauskas, R. (2012). Multi-document Summarization 
Techniques for Generating Image Descriptions: A Comparative Analysis. In Poibeau, T.,
Saggion, H., Piskorski, J. & Yangarber, R. (Eds.), Multi-source, Multilingual Information 
Extraction and Summarization (Theory and Applications of Natural Language 
Processing)(pp. 299 - 320). Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. 
PhD thesis
Aker, A. (2014). Entity Type Modeling for Multi-Document Summarization: Generating 
Descriptive Summaries of Geo-Located Entities. PhD thesis. University of Sheffield.
Technical reports
Aker, A., Bayer, O., Favre, B., Riccardi, G., Stepanov, E., Trione, J. & Zaragoza, H. (2014). 
Report on Semantic Parsing of Human-Human Conversations (spoken and text). Deliverable 
D3.1. SENSEI FP7-ICT-610916.
Aker, A., Barker, E., Bayer, O., Celli, F., Favre, B., Funk, A., Gaizauskas, R., Lanzolla, V., Llao, 
M.J., Martinez, M., Stepanov, E., Tolsan, V., Valderrama, J. & Zaragoza, H. (2014). Data 
Collection Report Y1. Deliverable D2.2. SENSEI FP7-ICT-610916.
Funk, A., Aker, A., Favre, B., Ferrante, C., Gaizauskas, R. Specification and Design of 
Conversation Data Repository. Deliverable 5.1. SENSEI FP7-ICT-610916.
Favre, B., Aker, A., Ferrante, C., Funk, A., Lanzolla, V., Riccardi, G. Report on the architecture 
of SENSEI conversation summarization prototype. Deliverable 6.1. SENSEI FP7-ICT-610916.
Aker, A., Bayer, O., Favre, B., Riccardi, G., Stepanov, E., Trione, J. & Zaragoza, H. 
(2014). Report on Semantic Parsing of Human-Human Conversations (spoken and 
text). Deliverable D3.1.  SENSEI FP7-ICT-610916. 
Aker, A., Barker, E., Bayer, O., Celli, F., Favre, B., Funk, A., Gaizauskas, R., Lanzolla, 
V., Llao, M.J., Martinez, M., Stepanov, E., Tolsan, V., Valderrama, J. & Zaragoza, H. 
(2014). Data Collection Report Y1. Deliverable D2.2. SENSEI FP7-ICT-610916. 
Aker, A., Lestari Paramita, M., Barker, E., Gaizauskas, R. & Pinnis, M. (2014). Bilingual 
Term Extraction System Evaluation Report. Deliverable D2.5. TaaS-FP7-ICT-SME-DCL-
Aker, A., Pinnis, M., Paramita, M., Gaizauskas, R., Ruopp, A. & Keppeler (2014). Final 
Bilingual Term Extraction System. Deliverable D2.4. TaaS-FP7-ICT-SME-DCL-296312.
Aker, A., Paramita, M., Gaizauskas, R., Ruopp, A. &  Pinnis, M. (2014). Parallel and 
comparable data for term extraction. Deliverable 2.2. TaaS-FP7-ICT-SME-DCL-296312.
A Aker
Aker, A., Paramita, M., Barker, E., Gaizauskas, R., Pinnis, M., Choudhury, R. & Ruopp, 
A. (2013). Prototype Bilingual Term Extraction System. Deliverable 2.3. TaaS-FP7-ICT-
Aker, A., Paramita, M., Gaizauskas, R., Pinnis, M., Khalilov, M., Kis, B., Raupach, I. & 
Ruopp, A. (2012). Report on existing tools and techniques with recommendations on 
which to adopt/modify/develop in the platform. Deliverable D2.1. TaaS-FP7-ICT-SME-
Ion, R., Pinnis, R., Thurmair, G., Aker, A., Gaizauskas, R., Verlic, M. & Glaros, N. 
(2011). Extracted data for translation models of SMT and RBMT lexicon from aligned 
comparable corpora. Deliverable D2.5. ACCURAT-FP7-ICT-248347.
Ion, R., Glaros, N., Pinnis, M., Verlic, M., Aker, A., Thurmair, G., Fangzhong S. (2011). 
Aligned comparable corpora. Deliverable D2.4. ACCURAT-FP7-ICT-248347.
Paramita, M., Aker, A., Gaizauskas, R., Clough, P., Barker, E., Mastropavlos, N. & Tufis,
D. (2011). Report on methods for collection of comparable corpora. Deliverable D3.4. 
Preiss, J., Aker, A., Paramita, M. & Barker, E. (2011). Comparable corpora for under-
resourced languages. Deliverable D3.6. ACCURAT-FP7-ICT-248347.
Aker, A., Kanoulas, E., Preiss, J., Paramita, M., Gaizauskas, R., Clough, P., Barker, E., 
Mastropavlos, N., Glaros, N. & Ion, R. (2011). Tools for building comparable corpus 
from the Web. Deliverable D3.5. ACCURAT-FP7-ICT-248347.
Ion, R., Pinnis, M., Ştefănescu, D., Aker, A., Paramita, M., Su, F., Irimia, E., Zhang,  X. &
Ljubešić, N. (2011). Toolkit for multi-level alignment and information extraction from 
comparable corpora. Deliverable D2.6. ACCURAT-FP7-ICT-248347.
Aker, A., Gaizauskas, R., Kanoulas, E., Paramita, M., Emma Barker, E., Paul Clough, 
P., Marcis Pinnis, M., Gornostay, T., Ion, R., Stefanescu, D., Irimia, E., Glaros, N., Tadic,
M. & Tufis, D. (2012). Report on information extraction from comparable corpora. 
Deliverable D2.3. ACCURAT-FP7-ICT-248347.
Babych, B., Sharoff, S., Kanoulas, E., Paramita, M., Tufis, D., Aker, A., Guthrie, D. & 
Skadina, I. (2010). Report on application of existing alignment methods to comparable 
corpora. Deliverable D2.1. ACCURAT-FP7-ICT-248347.
Barker, E., Newman, E., Ostermann, F., Purves, R., Smart, Ph., Aker, A. & Gaizauskas, 
R. (2009). Final report on caption quality. Deliverable D5.4. TRIPOD-FP6-IST-2005-
Invited Presentations and Keynote Speeches
Conceptual Modelling in Multi-document Summarization: An Update. UCREL Corpus 
Research Seminar (CRS), Lancaster University, May 2014. 
A Aker
Entity Type Modeling for Multi-Document Summarization: Generating Descriptive 
Summaries of Geo-Located Entities. Fraunhofer Institut, Sankt Augustin (Germany), 
March 2013. 
Conceptual  Modelling  for  Multi-Document  Summarization. NLP  Research  Seminar,
Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, November 2011.
Oral paper presentations: 
Comment-article linking. Paper presented at the Researchers Symposium. Department 
of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, November, 2014.
Bootstraping Term Extractors for Multiple Languages. Paper presented at the 9th 
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Reykjavik, 
Iceland, May 2014.
Extracting bilingual terminologies from comparable corpora. Paper presented at the 51st 
Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). Sofia, Bulgaria, 
August 2013.
Generating image descriptions using dependency relational patterns. Paper presented 
at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). 
Uppsala, Sweden, July 2010.
Summary generation for toponym-referenced images using object type language 
models. Paper presented at the International Conference on Recent Advances in 
Natural Language Processing (RANLP), Borovets, Bulgaria, September 2009.
Evaluating automatically generated user-focused multi-document summaries for geo-
referenced images. Paper presented at the Workshop on Multi-source Multilingual 
Information Extraction and Summarization (MMIES), Manchester, UK, August 2008.
Poster presentations:
Bilingual dictionaries for all EU languages. Poster presented at the 9th International 
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Reykjavik, Iceland, May 
Understanding the types of information humans associate with geographic objects. 
Poster presented at the 20th ACM International Conference on Information and 
Knowledge Management (CIKM), Glasgow, UK, October 2011.
Model summaries for location-related images. Poster presented at the 7th International 
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Valetta, Malta, May 2010.