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What Makes Testing Work: Nine Case Studies of 
Software Development Teams 
Christopher D Thomson* 
Business School 
University of Hull 
Hull, UK 
Mike Holcombe, Anthony J H Simons 
Department of Computer Science 
University of Sheffield 
Sheffield, UK 
Abstract— Recently there has been a focus on test first and test 
driven development; several empirical studies have tried to 
assess the advantage that these methods give over testing after 
development. The results have been mixed. In this paper we 
investigate nine teams who tested during coding to examine the 
effect it had on the external quality of their code. Of the top 
three performing teams two used a documented testing 
strategy and the other an ad-hoc approach to testing. We 
conclude that their success appears to be related to a testing 
culture where the teams proactively test rather than carry out 
only what is required in a mechanical fashion. 
Testing; test first; test driven development; extreme 
programming;emprical; qualitative; testing culture. 
Extreme programming (XP) [1] presents what is, on the 
surface, a simple but effective testing practice known as test 
first, or test driven development. The idea is reassuringly 
simple, that unit tests should be defined and run before any 
implementation is present. Several studies have attempted to 
measure the effect of the test first practice on the quality of 
the software produced and time taken, but the results 
presented are inconclusive.  
The testing practice of XP encompassed more than 
simply test first. System testing is automated, incremental, 
regular, and early. User acceptance testing is similar 
although often less or not at all automated [1]. But these 
features can be used independently of test first and perhaps 
with some success. This raises our research question:  
How does the practice of testing effect a team following 
XP – or if test first is not followed then do the other practices 
of XP still influence the way testing is performed and the 
external quality? 
We collected data from nine teams, which we present as 
case studies. In the case studies the teams were novice users 
of XP, who we provided with training. They were given the 
option of using test first and whilst three teams expressed 
enthusiasm they ultimately did not follow the practice 
accurately. We found that the teams had a high degree of 
variation in external quality that cannot be easily explained 
by the teams’ testing practice alone or the practices of XP 
alone. Instead we find that testing must become part of the 
culture of the team, and can do so in at least two different 
Test first (TF) is an established development technique 
which is essentially the same as test driven development 
(TDD). In both cases the aim is to write tests before writing 
the functional code. This should in theory aid development 
as the tests form the basis of the specification, design and 
functional tests, whereas testing after the code is written is 
regarded as only a testing technique [1; 2]. Whilst TF and 
TDD are well defined, the traditional or test last technique is 
interpreted differently by the studies in the literature 
investigating this phenomenon. The studies’ definitions of 
test last can be divided into roughly four categories, which 
we will refer to as TL 1 to 4: 
TL-1: Unspecified traditional method. Most 
experiments provided at least a few hints as to the method 
that the non-TF teams should follow, however some did not 
[3-5]. The following statement was typical of the broad 
definitions that these papers used: "the control group which 
followed the traditional process" ([5], p132). As no further 
discussion was made about the process followed we can't 
make generalizations about what affected their performance. 
TL-2: Specified traditional method. This method is 
typified by manual or ad-hoc testing and was used in three 
studies [6-8]. The method was defined thus: "no automated 
tests were written and the project was developed in 
traditional mode with a large up-front design and manual 
testing after the software was implemented." ([7], p71) and 
"a conventional design-develop-test (similar to waterfall)” 
([6], p339). Lastly this study also noted that whilst the teams 
had been asked to use unit tests, only one team wrote any [6]. 
TL-3: Unit tests written at the end of the development 
cycle. Two studies identified a method that used unit testing 
at the end of the development cycle [7; 9]. These studies 
were able to provide some metrics on coverage to define the 
amount of testing undertaken, but assumed that all tests were 
only written and used at the end of the project. One study 
*Author contributed whilst at the University of Sheffield. 
also noted that in this method there was late integration of 
the code [9]. 
TL-4: Unit tests written just after the code in an 
iterative development cycle. In this final group the test 
method was analogous to test first in all regards except that: 
"automated tests were written shortly after code in an 
iterative test-last fashion" ([7], p87). Of the five studies that 
used this definition, three had iteration periods the same as 
test first [7; 10; 11], and two had longer iteration periods [12; 
With these definitions in mind we can explore the results 
of the previous experiments, which at first glance appear 
contradictory. Two studies have targeted the design-
enhancing claims of TF. One group of studies showed that 
the quality of the design produced as result of TF is better, in 
that the units are less complex and smaller than those 
developed using TL-2 and TL-3 methods [7]. However other 
recent empirical evidence suggests that TF in some cases 
degrades the quality of the design when compared to TL-4 
[11], this was also apparent in one of the earlier individual 
studies which used TL-4 [7].  
The early studies that compared TF to TL-1 in terms of 
performance were conducted by Müller in an academic 
situation [5]. He found that TF teams were no quicker but 
that there were marginal benefits to reliability and that 
functions were reused more frequently. The other studies in 
an academic setting had conflicting results. In the first TL-4 
was compared with TF [10], where it was found that TDD 
was marginally less efficient, with marginally higher quality 
(not significant) [10]. The second study, again in an 
academic setting, altered the work cycle so that the TL-4 
group constructed larger chunks of code before testing, than 
the TF group. The authors concluded that quality between 
the teams was the same, but that TF wrote more tests, and 
their productivity was higher but not significantly so [12]. 
Three TL-2 studies in academia found similar effects: 
productivity was increased (but this was not significant, 
perhaps due to a high degree of variability in the data [3]) 
and that quality was about the same [3; 7; 8]. In one study it 
was noted that the increase in productivity was due to an 
increase in testing time, with a decrease in coding time [3]. 
Another study identified that TF developers generated more 
tests [7]. In contrast a TL-1 study found that the TF team 
were 50% faster in development but this result was 
compromised by the fact that the TF group had more 
experience in software development [4]. 
To date, the results most favorable toward TF have come 
from industrial studies [6; 7; 9; 13; 14]. In the case studies 
the first found that the introduction of TDD gave a 40% 
reduction of defects with the same overall productivity 
against TL-3 [9]. The second case study found a reduction in 
defects of 62% in TDD compared to TL-1 [14]. A final study 
looked at several development projects and concluded that 
when using TF mature developers delivered less complex 
code, in smaller units compared to TL-2 and TL-3 [7]. In the 
first comparative study the TDD group passed 18% more 
tests than the TL-2 group but took 16% more time to do so 
[6]. In the second, no significant differences were found 
between TF and TL-4 and the researcher concluded that the 
time permitted (2 hours) was not enough for differences to 
emerge [7]. The final study found that the TF teams wrote 
more tests and ran them more frequently than TL-4, although 
this might have been influenced by the experimental 
procedure which required TL-4 teams only to generate tests 
towards the end of a story implementation [13]. 
The previous literature gives contrasting results for 
similar experiments, in summary the results for TL-1 show 
that TF is either as good as or better than TL-1, against TL-2 
and TL-3 TF is better, and against TL-4 the results are more 
mixed. The studies using TL-4 suggest that the issue of 
iteration may be important. Three of the five studies that 
included a concept of TL-4 concluded that TL-4 maybe 
better that TF [7; 10; 11] the exception was based on a 
version of TL-4 where the TL practice was iterated at the end 
of a story, whereas TF was at the level of a sub-story [12; 
13]. It could be that the effect of the testing frequency is 
more important than when the tests are written. Thus deep 
exploratory studies on testing methods are required in order 
to identify confounding factors [15].  
The literature therefore supports the argument that the 
practice of testing takes many years for practitioners to 
develop; nonetheless, novice developers often deliver good 
quality software – although quality can be varied. This basic 
aptitude or naïve method can confound the results of studies 
that attempt to evaluate empirically the effectiveness of well 
founded methods. In this paper we will use a qualitative 
analysis to uncover the naïve methods used by three 
successful teams. To do this we observed the testing 
practices and their effect in nine case studies of student 
teams following the XP method.  
In order to gain some further insight into the effects of 
the test techniques TL1-4 as used by novices, data was 
collected about the testing process followed by nine teams. 
The teams selected their own members, each consisting of 
between three to five students [16]. The teams were 
composed of second or third year undergraduate students. 
The students had no previous instruction on XP but had 
experience developing software using a plan-driven 
approach, which was presented in nine hours of lectures and 
tutorials [19].  
 The development projects ran over twelve weeks, for 
fifteen hours a week. There were three industrial clients who 
each provided a project, two required database driven 
websites (B and C) and the other an e-learning environment 
(A). Each client represented a small business and came with 
a project brief, none had experience in commissioning 
custom software. Client A had the most expertise in 
computing, but this was derived from his degree several 
decades previously having since moved into a different area.  
The distribution of teams to projects follows the 
randomized complete block experimental design [17]; 
however in this study we treat the teams as a multiple case 
study [18]. The relationship between projects and teams is 
shown in Table I, along with the programming language 
used by the teams. 
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
Project C B B C C B A A A 
Language P P CP P P P J J J 
P – PHP, J – Java, CP – existing PHP program customized. 
We collected data weekly in order to examine the testing 
process over time. The students were instructed to submit 
their test logs, test code/document, time spent testing and 
program code having run the tests on a lab computer. For 
this project, the authors selected three popular unit test tools 
to be used by the teams: JUnit (Java); PHPUnit (PHP 
classes) and Selenium (PHP pages).  
In order to establish how successful the tests were, we 
recorded the number of test files present for each team and 
their outcome if run. Each week the number of tests was 
calculated by counting the tests found in the teams’ working 
To investigate the value of the testing process we 
calculated the ratio successful test to unsuccessful test 
outcomes to against the eventual external quality. To 
determine the outcome of the test we referred to the logs. We 
recorded each batch of tests submitted as a single test and if 
one or more tests failed then a “fail” was recorded. In many 
cases the tests submitted did not run because they were 
incorrectly configured, in this case we recorded that they 
“did not run”. It was not always clear if manual tests 
documented had been run, therefore we recorded if they 
were successful, if they were changed in the week, or if there 
was evidence that they had been run, otherwise they were 
recorded as “not run”. These tests were counted per test 
document which contained one or more tests. 
The test coverage was calculated by examining the tests 
present in the final week of the project. This measurement 
would reveal if coverage were related to successful projects. 
This was calculated in terms of class coverage by the tests 
provided. We define class coverage in a weakly as the 
number of classes (files in the case of poorly structured PHP) 
which had one or more test cases. We also identified two 
additional types of test (which we counted within the manual 
tests before) which were partially automated by the teams: 
Abbot tests to test Java user interfaces [23]; and a custom 
test harness which was produced by team seven.  
We used the client’s mark to judge the external quality 
[24] of the product produced. Unlike other methods of 
assessing quality via humans, such as inspection, only one 
person assesses the quality. As the population of clients for 
each software system is exactly one, we sampled the whole 
population. Thus whilst an agreement score cannot be 
computed in the traditional sense, we can be confident that 
the score is correct. In addition there is no evidence that 
other product measurements are correlated to client 
satisfaction. Another approach would be to collect post 
deployment metrics (bug reports and so on); however this 
would not be appropriate here, as three products were 
developed for each problem and only one of these was 
selected to be used in production. Lastly, whist users of the 
software could also be surveyed; this is prone to problems in 
relation to the requirements specification, where the users 
and client are not in agreement. So, to measure the success of 
a project, the only acceptable method is to interview the 
The measurement of external quality (50 points in total) 
was split equally between the categories: demo, manual, 
install guide, maintenance guide, ease of use, 
understandability, completeness, innovation, robustness and 
happiness. They are based on the products required as part of 
the course (first four items) and secondly on product quality 
metrics as discussed by Fenton [25]. A detailed description is 
available in the lab pack [20]. This process selected the three 
winning teams (3, 5 and 8).  
Each developer completed a self assessment at the end of 
the project. In this paper we consider the responses to the 
open questions shown in Table II. The complete instrument 
is in a lab pack [20]. This captured the developers’ individual 
performance, which the developers described in their own 
Lastly, to evaluate if other project management factors 
were more important for predicted quality, each member of 
the team also answered a survey based on the Shodan 
questionnaire which is used to evaluate XP adherence [21]. 
We used a shortened version, as questions on the metaphor 
and changes to release plans were not relevant for our teams; 
the full set of modified questions is available in a technical 
report [22]. To calculate a value of adherence for each team 
we took the mean value of the responses from the team 
The teams were rated by the clients both in summary (as 
summarized later in Table VI) and an overall grade (Table 
III). The winning teams 3 and 5 scored the highest, but 
despite winning for their client, team 8 scored slightly lower 
than these teams and one of the others (team 6).  
Our first observation on test technique was that no team 
wrote tests before they wrote their code and all used a variant 
of TL-4. Typically a team member would develop the tests 
on his own local copy of the system before bringing them 
into the lab to run and record the tests, but configuration 
issues at this point meant that many of the tests failed to run 
correctly – leading to the tests not being run (Fig. 1). For 
example team 1 mostly found that their tests did not run 
(although they attempted to run them most weeks) with only 
two cases where they failed. In contrast team 4 was more 
successful with the tests running and failing after week 6 and 
In your own words please comment on your achievements. 
In your own words please comment on your failures. 
In your own words please comment on your role in the team. 
Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
Mark 29 33 39 29 38 35 28 34 34 
being successful in week 10. Therefore when we examined 
the cases, we used these results to indicate when tests were 
being run by the team, rather than considering the outcome. 
Fig. 2 summarizes the data collected on when manual 
tests were run. Only four of the teams recorded manual tests 
(3, 4, 5 and 7). The overall testing strategy in terms of code 
class coverage for each of the teams is summarized in Fig. 3. 
This shows that only teams 4 and 7 mixed manual and 
automated tests with team 7 using their own custom test 
harness and Abbot. Teams 3 and 5 only used manual tests 
(although they had automated tests, these had insignificant 
low coverage). Teams 1, 2, 6 and 8 only ran automated tests 
and team 9 ran both automated tests and Abbot tests.  
Fig. 4 shows the time that the teams reported for testing. 
This mostly correlates with the amount of testing shown in 
Figs. 1 and 2, with the exception of the manual testing for 
team 6, where the team did not record any documented 
manual tests. 
We pre-tested all the developers to establish their basic 
level of ability before the start of the project. Table IV shows 
the mean pre-test scores for each team, each out of 100. A 
previous result on a larger data set [16] showed that these 
tests could account for around 27% of the variance in the 
mark for external quality as awarded by the client based. For 
this set of data there does not appear to be any direct 
relationship between the pre-test score and external quality. 
Thus ability does not appear to be strongly related to 
performance for these teams. 
Table V shows the responses from the Shodan 
questionnaire. The data clearly shows that the teams all 
interpreted and applied the XP practices differently. For 
example for pair programming team 1 scored 8/10 and teams 
3, 5 and 7 scored 3/10. We consider the impact of this effect 
in the discussion. 
Figure 1.  Frequency of automated testing. 
Figure 2.  Frequency of formal manual testing. 
4 5 6 7 9 10 11 6 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 5 7 5 6 7 9 11 5 6 5 6 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
didn't run
6 7 11 4 5 6 7 11 4 5 6 9 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 4 5 7
not run
 Figure 3.  Class coverage at the end of the project. 
Figure 4.  Time in hours spent testing. 
Lastly, the data collected from the developer surveys was 
summarized along with comments received from the client 
(Table VI). For easy reference each column is labeled by a 
letter and each row by the team number. Empty cells indicate 
that either the team or client respectively did not comment on 
that subject. In some cases the client or team was vague in 
their descriptions of the problems encountered and this is 
reflected in evidence presented in Table VI. A brief analysis 
of the table indicates that the teams were highly variable in 
their approaches. In the discussion that follows we use the 
descriptions in Table VI to explore the interpretation of the 
other data. 
A. Overview 
Initial investigations into the quantitative data presented 
Figs. 1-4 and Tables 3-5 found no significant correlations 
between external quality and the various measurements. 
Furthermore the qualitative data in Table VI also gives no 
clear indication as to why certain teams produced the best 
systems. Therefore a more detailed analysis was required to 
compare the teams. 
In terms of success, the assessment of the teams’ 
products by the client was conducted using the external 
quality measurement (Table III) and comments (Table V). 
The clients’ comments highlighted two things that varied 
between the teams: the completeness of the functionality 
included and the robustness of the system developed (Table 
VI: C and D). 
B. Factors that Led to Success and Failure 
Completeness seems to have been a particular issue for 
three of the teams. In two cases there were instances of 
members not being fully involved (Teams 2 and 9, Table VI: 
C) and in team 2 the willingness of one member take on the 
majority of the coding and thus being overloaded (Table VI: 
D). Team 4 was reported both by the team (Table VI: D) and 
the client as being disorganized (Table VI: E). Robustness 
was a factor for two of the other teams (Table VI: F): In team 
1 this may have been due to the time wasted on automated 
tests that never functioned as intended (Table VI: A-C), and 
for team 6 the problems with the tests not keeping pace with 
the code evolution (Table VI: A). Lastly team 7 was the only 
team where the client had serious difficulties understanding 
and installing the software (Table VI: F). In the end he was 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Manual tests Automated tests Custom tests Abbot
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Unit Testing
Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
Pre Test 2 66 64 72 74 65 71 69 58 76 
Pre Test 3 67 58 62 77 72 69 53 65 69 
 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
A Automated unit tests 4 4 0 2 1 4 2 3 2 
B Customer acceptance tests 2 2 0 1 1 3 4 0 3 
C Test-first design 5 4 0 2 1 3 0 0 3 
D Pair programming 8 6 3 5 3 5 3 7 4 
E Refactoring 3 5 2 4 3 5 4 4 2 
F Release planning/planning game 4 4 5 3 4 5 2 4 2 
G Short releases 5 7 4 1 5 3 3 3 5 
H Stand-up meeting 1 6 0 8 3 6 0 1 2 
I Continuous integration 7 5 2 6 4 6 5 9 4 
J Coding standards 9 6 7 8 4 6 8 9 4 
K Collective code ownership 7 6 5 8 6 9 6 9 5 
L Sustainable pace 7 6 6 5 8 7 7 5 7 
M Simple design 6 6 5 6 6 7 8 6 7 
forced to mark their system based on a demonstration that 
the team gave him, with little time for him to explore it by 
himself. In summary most of the non-winning teams failed in 
a single area, most likely as an oversight. 
This leaves us with the winning teams. Teams 3 and 5 
produced extensive manual tests in the second half of the 
project (Fig. 2), although team 5 left the writing of most until 
the last week of development (Fig. 3). The comments from 
the members of team 5 suggest that they did ad-hoc testing 
prior to this as the whole team highlighted their lack of 
documented tests (Table VI: B). Team 8 took a different 
approach and, based on their comments (Table VI: A), were 
more inclined to deliver functionality. By inspecting team 
8’s code we found that they developed it in a highly iterative 
way. When we inspected team 8's directory and we 
discovered that there were working areas for each of the 
 A B C D E F 
Team Automated testing Manual testing Team involvement 
in testing 
Client impression Client assessment 
Errors in the test script 
were difficult to 
resolve: “Our major 
failure was [the lack 
of] a runable test 
After the first two 
weeks they abandoned 
the automated methods 
as they felt they were 
falling behind. 
Everyone, around 
60 hours total. 
Frequent contact 
using a variety of 
online tools. Frequent 
meetings and pair 
Slow to start but then 
worked well and creative. 
product but some 
parts of the system 
The tester “found 
testing first with PHP 
time consuming and 
Mostly ad-hoc as 
the code was 
One member was did 
most of the coding 
and testing. 
One member often did not 
turn up for meetings. They 
relied on MSN for 
Not very innovative. Brief documentation, some 
missing functionality, 
Hard to write as they 
modified an open 
source product. This 
interfered with the 
Detailed manual 
tests in the second 
half of the project. 
Several members. Used multiple lines of 
communication and met 
 Documentation was clear, 
but was complex to use. 
Mostly functionally 
complete and robust. 
“The selenium testing 
took a long time to 
 One member who 
was also responsible 
for the website. 
Ad-hoc meetings where 
"jobs were never really 
assigned so we didn't know 
who was doing what" 
Laid back and 
lacked urgency. Had 
some good ideas. 
Not all functionality was 
delivered and the 
documentation was not 
Did not use PHP 
classes so could not 
use PHPUnit. 
"We never really 
did enough 
Members worked on 
tests for their own 
Worked together in the lab 
but did not pair program or 
integrate their code 
Started slowly. Some features did not work 
as expected, but more 
robust than team 1. 
Provided features were 
comprehensive and 
Greatest number of 
tests. But these were 
reported to be difficult 
to maintain as the 
project evolved. 
Manual tests were 
used but 
One member who 
spent most of his time 
Shared their code regularly, 
but did not integrate it. 
 Documentation was 
comprehensive but not 
detailed enough. Was not 
functionally complete and 
some functions reported 
Did not understand 
how to run or write 
unit tests. Used a 
custom test harness. 
Used both manual 
and Abbot tests. 
 Communicated mainly by 
email with few meetings. 
 Did not install and run 
properly and documentation 
was too complex. 
11 unit tests: spending 
time on testing "could 
jeopardize the 
completion of the 
Very little testing 
Two members. The team frequently 
integrated their code (up to 
3 times a week). 
Communicated frequently 
to set tasks and check 
 Clear documentation, with 
some unexpected but not 
erroneous results. 
JUnit was used.  Focused on ad-hoc 
testing, Abbot 
found to be 
Two members who 
did most of the work. 
Described their team as 
having poor team-working 
 Documentation was brief 
but clear. Was not easy to 
use, and some options were 
hidden or disabled. Some 
features difficult to 
members as well as a combined solution. The combined 
solution was copied up to three times a week as the 
individual elements were integrated; this showed the regular 
integration of the system. The ad-hoc testing associated with 
the iterative development appears to have ensured that they 
kept the project working. The client’s comment about 
unexpected but not erroneous results adds further weight to 
this argument (Table VI: F), as ad-hoc testing may be less 
likely to identify such problems if everything seems to be 
working fine. Given that both iteration and testing could be 
important factors we can reassess the remaining teams 
concentrating on these factors. 
C. The Effect of the XP Process  
The Shodan questionnaire (Table V) measured 
compliance to XP practices. Team 8 ranked highest on 
several questions (coding standards, shared code ownership, 
continuous integration and pair programming). This fits well 
with the other observations of team 8's method; however 
other teams (notably team 1) have similar patterns of process 
on the same questions but did not do so well overall. 
Furthermore it is surprising, given the iterative nature of the 
programming style that team 8 adopted, that they should 
rank so low on the short releases measurement. This 
indicates that their success was not dependent on client 
feedback (as they did not give releases to the client) but on 
internal feedback mechanisms within the team. Lastly the 
other two winning teams (3 and 5) did not rank highly on 
these questions with the exception of team 3 which was 
ranked fourth on the short releases question only. 
It is important to note that in the responses to each of the 
Shodan questions only one of the winning teams (3, 5 or 8) 
was present in the top four, indeed in several cases a winning 
team was also at the bottom of the scale. Thus the practices 
that were related to the questions were not universally 
important to success. We also investigated if it was the 
combination of factors that was important. As previously 
noted, despite ranking highly on similar questions, teams 8 
and 1 had different outcomes. The main failure of team 1 as 
assessed by the client was that several parts of the system did 
not work (Table VI: F). The Shodan survey showed two 
differences between these teams: team 1 was ranked fourth 
for collective code ownership whereas 8 was ranked top 
(Table V) and team 1 attempted more unit testing but with 
similar coverage to team 8 (Table V, Fig. 3).  
Therefore we can speculate that a team using a highly 
iterative process, sharing its code and integrating this in 
regular builds is more likely to achieve greater external 
quality than one which does not share its code as frequently 
and relies on automated testing with low coverage. 
D. Success Without Documented Testing 
The conditions for success, as achieved by team 8, can be 
further refined by examining the problems the other teams 
encountered. For example, in team 2 only one member 
focused on writing the code for the system (Table VI: C) 
making activities like pair programming less advantageous 
(as there is no need to disseminate information and the pair 
observer may have had very little interest in the code being 
written) (Table V). In team 6 one person focused on testing 
(Table VI: C) and as a result found it hard to keep pace with 
rapidly evolving code (Table VI: A) as it was refactored 
(Table V – ranked top for refactoring).  
Thus we can broaden the definition of the advantageous 
method used by team 8 to include the observation that 
regular integration (by inspecting their code) that was led by 
two members (Table VI: C) led to ad-hoc code review and 
testing (Table VI: D). This was more effective than the other 
methods because of its regularity. We might then speculate 
that this led to team 8 being acutely aware of the tests 
required without the documentation process which teams 3 
and 5 used. Furthermore as teams 3 and 5 did not benefit 
from the iterative approach we might further speculate that 
these teams required the documented testing method to 
ensure quality. 
E. Success Using Documented Testing 
In terms of manual tests, teams 3 and 5 achieved class 
coverage of 40% spending 20-30 hours testing mostly in the 
second half of the development period (Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4). 
Two other teams recorded notable amounts of documented 
manual testing (4 and 7) and team 6 spent around 30 hours 
manually testing without documented records (Figs. 2 and 
4). Team 4 regularly ran their tests from early on in their 
project (Figs. 1 and 2), but the tests only had low class 
coverage (Fig. 3), but despite this the client did not address 
the issue of robustness of the code, commenting instead on 
missing features and lack of urgency towards the end (Table 
VI: E and F). Team 7 achieved 30% class coverage for their 
tests (Fig. 3) but their product was too complex for the client 
to understand (Table VI: F). Team 6 did not leave evidence 
of manual tests but recorded time doing them so these must 
have been ad-hoc (Fig. 4). As with the unit testing for team 6 
it seems these tests did not keep up with the final evolution 
of the code (Table VI: A), allowing the faults into the final 
version (Table VI: F).  
Thus to be successful, the tests must be accurate and up 
to date. For two of these teams, this seemed to be an issue 
but for the other team, although their code was robust, it was 
not complete. Thus we speculate that for testing to be 
effective the tests should be reviewed to ensure they are 
current and that this cannot be carried out by a single 
member effectively. 
A. Summary 
The most striking thing about the cases presented is the 
differences between the teams. All the teams were following 
much the same development technique with some variability 
and the evidence supports this. The variability in the process 
was noticeable in the testing method used (Figs. 1 to 4) and 
the way the team approached the development task with 
regards to the practices of XP (Figs. 7 and 8). Analysis of the 
cases suggested that none of the practices of XP, or testing 
alone, or XP and testing in conjunction could by themselves 
guarantee a high level of external quality.  
The winning teams all carried out testing that could 
identify errors, some documented and some ad-hoc. To 
achieve this it was apparent that a review process was 
required to ensure tests developed kept pace with evolution 
in the code. This could be achieved by documented tests, or 
ad-hoc tests that the team was aware of, due to their regular 
repetition. To achieve an effective review process more than 
one team member was needed to be involved in testing, so 
that the changes to the code could be identified.  
B. Testing Culture 
Teams 3 and 5 knew what to test because they had a 
document test plan; team 8 knew what to test because they 
had a culture of repeating a familiar set of ad-hoc tests. In 
both cases a 'testing culture' was present and the quality that 
client required was delivered. The 'testing culture' for the 
winning teams has the characteristics listed in Fig. 5. 
However for teams to win, well tested code was not 
enough. They also needed to completely satisfy the 
requirements of the client. The teams which did not wholly 
satisfy the requirements were disorganized in some way 
often due to members not fully taking part in the 
development process.  
C. Recommendations 
In summary, for teams to achieve the highest levels of 
external quality, as judged by a client, the team needs to have 
a testing culture and be organized enough to deliver the 
client’s requirements. Both test-first and a highly iterative 
test last method met the requirements for a testing culture 
which explains the previous positive results for these 
methods in the literature. A less documented or less iterative 
test last method is perhaps less likely to meet the 
requirements for a strong testing culture, leading to the 
negative results found in comparison. 
 Based on the analysis of data collected, it is 
recommended that a testing culture is fostered in 
development teams, particularly if their members are 
novices. What counts is not so much the chosen testing 
method, but proactive involvement in testing, either through 
frequent ad-hoc testing or documented testing that increases 
towards the end of the project. In both cases the successfully 
collaborating team should contain at least two testers who 
are also involved with at least two testers who are also 
involved in the programming task. 
D. Validity 
We should consider the weight of the evidence in the 
light of the theoretical and literal replications of cases 
presented [18]. Theoretical replications represent those 
where the context or method is significantly different, thus 
we expect theoretical replications to have different 
outcomes. Literal replications are where the context and 
method are similar, and similar results are expected.  
In terms of theoretical replication no test-first cases were 
available although a variety of TF-cases in the TL-4 group 
were available. Unlike case studies found in the literature 
unit, manual and ad-hoc testing techniques were also 
investigated. Given this partitioning we had teams in each of 
the three replications thus we had some literal replication, 
although some teams fell into multiple partitions. However, 
the instruction given to the teams to help them use unit tests 
was clearly not sufficient, given the number of tests that 
failed on technical grounds. Thus the relationship between 
the cases studied and unit testing is not theoretically 
Given the results of the analysis, the theoretical 
replications as partitioned by testing method was not enough 
to explain the differences and some consideration to testing 
culture must be given instead. This suggests that further 
theoretical replications should be planned to investigate the 
effects of strong testing culture and unit testing, since there 
were no cases studied thus far with both. 
E. Future Work 
The emergence of a testing culture with novice 
developers during highly iterative development and regular 
integration is an alluring concept. In general, software 
developers are not keen on testing. Extreme programming 
and test-first have gone some way to address this, but writing 
unit tests, even after the code exists, is still challenging, as 
can be seen from the case studies. If an iterative method with 
the right features can lead to the same outcome then this is 
desirable if the effect can be replicated and controlled.  
Therefore we recommend that future research looks more 
closely at the effect of iteration and how developers cope 
with testing during integration. Ideally a future research 
project should observe, in detail, a development team that 
plans to use an iterative approach with frequent integration 
and ad-hoc testing. Given the difficulty of analyzing the 
quantitative data in a meaningful way we recommend the use 
of ethnography to discover the significant features of this 
process which are likely to be in the detail of the 
We thank the reviewers for their invaluable help in 
improving the presentation of this paper. 
EPSRC Grant awarded: £500K over three years (March 
2006-2009) to carry out research in the Observatory. 
EP/D031516 - the Sheffield Software Engineering 
 A balance between testing and programming. 
o Where testers are part of the programming team. 
 More than one person responsible for testing. 
 Tests kept current. 
 Either: 
o Documented testing, increasing towards the end of the 
project, or 
o Ad-hoc throughout the project combined with regular 
integration of code. 
Figure 5.  The characteristics of a testing culture. 
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