Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Data Types, Variables, and Declarations • A data type refers to a kind of value that a language recognizes – For example, integers, real numbers, characters, Booleans (true/false), etc. • Primitive data types represent single values and are built into a language; i.e., they are given • Java primitive numeric data types: 1. Integral types (a) byte (b) int (c) short (d) long 2. Real types (NOTE: The text calls these decimal types) (a) float (b) double • What distinguishes the various data types of a given group is the amount of storage allocated for storage – The greater the amount of storage, the greater the precision and magnitude of the value – Precision refers to the accuracy with which a value can be represented – Magnitude refers to the largest (and smallest) value that can be represented • A variable represents a storage location in memory for a value – Identifiers are used to represent variables – By convention, user-defined Java variables start with a lower case letter 1 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Data Types, Variables, and Declarations (2) • Variable declarations – Java is a strongly typed language ∗ This means that a variable can only store values of a single data type – Semantics: A variable declaration tells the compiler how much storage to set aside for the variable, and how values in that memory location are to be interpreted ∗ Remember: Everything stored in memory is binary - zeroes and ones ∗ How the binary code is interpreted depends on what the system expects to find in a location – Syntax for primitive variable declaration: ∗ For example: int radius, length, width; double circleArea; – Generally, put one declaration per line 2 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Integral Types • Represent whole numbers: 2, 103, -47 • Stored as binary whole numbers – 21310 represents 3× 100 + 1× 101 + 2× 102 = 3× 1 + 1× 10 + 2× 100 = 213 – Binary only uses digits 0 and 1 – 110101012 represents 1×20+0×21+1×22+0×23+1×24+0×25+1×26+1×27 = 1× 1 + 0× 2 + 1× 4 + 0× 8 + 1× 16 + 0× 32 + 1× 64 + 1× 128 = 213 – Java allocates the following storage type bytes smallest largest byte 1 -128 127 short 2 -32768 32767 int 4 -2147483648 2147483647 long 8 -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807 3 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Floating Point Types • Represent numbers with decimal points: 3.0, 66.667, -32.5 • Internally stored using scientific notation – 125.3310 represented as 1.2533× 102 = 1.2533× 100 – 0.0041710 represented as 4.17× 10−3 = 4.17× .001 – Reals are known as floating point types because 125.3310 = 125.33× 100 = 12.533× 101 = 1.2533× 102 = .12533× 103 = ... – Java allocates the following storage type bytes smallest largest float 4 −3.40282347× 1038 3.40282347× 1038 double 8 −1.797693134862× 10308 1.797693134862× 10308 – Note that while integer values represent exact whole numbers, floating point types are often approximations to the actual value ∗ While their format allows very large numbers to be represented, it also de- creases the precision of their representation 4 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Assignment and Numeric Expressions • Assignment is the most basic instruction • Syntax: • For example: x = 10; • Left side often referred to as the lvalue of the assignment Right side often referred to as the rvalue of the assignment • Semantics: The expression is evaluated and the value is stored in the variable’s storage location 5 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Assignment and Numeric Expressions (2) • Numeric expressions can take a number of forms: 1. Literal – Literal is an actual value – Integer syntax: ∗ Note: · If the first digit is a zero, the integer will be interpreted as an octal integer (base 8) · If the first digit is an 0x, the integer will be interpreted as a hexadecimal integer (base 16) ∗ An optional plus or minus may precede the value – Simple float syntax: – A floating point literal may also be expressed in scientific notation: – NOTE: As of Java 7, numeric literals may include underscores for readability (not indicated on the above) E.g., 32 817 423 6 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Numeric Assignment (3) – Suffix ∗ What data type does 3.41457 represent? · By default, floating point literals are interpreted as type double · By default, integral literals are interpreted as type int · To indicate a specific type, Java allows a suffix to be appended to a literal Suffix Meaning f float F d double D l long L · For example: 123L, 13.7F 2. Variable – The assignment copies the value of the variable on the right into the memory associated with the variable on the left 7 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Numeric Assignment (4) 3. Named (symbolic) constant – Value that cannot be changed during program execution – Represented by an identifier, just like a variable – MUST be initialized at declaration – Syntax: – Convention: use all caps for identifier – For example: final double COMMISSION = 0.10; 4. Value-returning method calls – A method (also called functions or subprograms in other languages) are like mini programs that perform a task ∗ For right now, we will only be concerned with value-returning methods - ones that generate a value ∗ Also, we are only concerned with methods that are supplied by Java · Later on we’ll discuss how to write your own methods ∗ To use a method, you call the method ∗ Call syntax: ∗ – The value produced by such a method will ’take the place’ of the call – java.lang.Math provides a number of useful class methods for performing stan- dard math functions 8 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Numeric Assignment (5) – The table below lists a number of useful Math methods grouped by function- ality; ∗ If arguments are labeled as numeric, they could be int, long, float, or double (all the same type for a given version) ∗ All calls are preceded by Math. Method** Function numeric abs(numeric x) absolute value of x numeric max(numeric x, numeric y) larger of x and y numeric min(numeric x, numeric y) smaller of x and y double ceil(double x) smallest whole number ≥ x double floor(double x) largest whole number ≤ x int round(float x) x rounded to the nearest whole number long round(double x) ” double sin(double x) sine of x double cos(double x) cosine of x double tan(double x) tangent of x double toDegrees(double x) x converted to degrees double toRadians(double x) x converted to radians double pow(double x, double y) xy double sqrt(double x) √ x double cbrt(double x) 3 √ x double random() 0.0 ≤ value < 1.0 ** NOTE: trig functions are based on radians (And constants: ∗ Math.E ∗ Math.PI) – This package does not need to be imported to be used – For example: int x, y, larger; x = 25; y = 13; larger = Math.max(x, y); 9 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Numeric Assignment (6) 5. Math.random() needs some explanation – As indicated, it returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0, but will never be exactly one – To generate an integer between m and n, (a) Call Math.random() (b) Multiply the result by the number of possible values between m and n (c) Add m to the result – For example, to generate a value between one and six (e.g., to simulate a die roll) double result; result = Math.random(); result = 6 * result; result = 1 + result; – The general formula is result = m + (m− n + 1) ∗Math.random() 6. Arithmetic expressions – These involve a calculation involving arithmetic operators – Unary operators (1 operand): (a) + (b) - – Binary operators (2 operands): (a) + (b) - (c) * (multiplication) (d) / (division) (e) % (remainder) 10 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Numeric Assignment (7) 7. Compound expressions – Involve more than one operator – Evaluation determined by associativity and precedence – Associativity ∗ Pertains to the direction a given operator evaluates ∗ Can be left or right – Precedence ∗ Pertains to order in which different operators are evaluated 11 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Numeric Assignment (8) – Associativity and precedence chart Operator Type Precedence Operators Associativity Subexpression 16 () Postfix increment 15 ++ L and decrement −− Prefix increment 14 ++ R and decrement −− Unary 14 ! R + - Type cast 13 (type) R Multiplicative 12 * L / % Additive 11 + L - + (string catenation) Relational 9 < L > ≤ ≥ Equality 8 == L != Boolean AND 4 && L Boolean OR 3 || L conditional 2 ?: R Assignment 1 = R += (etc) Operator types listed from highest to lowest precedence. L indicates left-to-right; R indicates right-to-left. 12 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Numeric Assignment (9) 8. Increment and decrement operators – Operators: (a) ++ (b) −− – There are actually 4 of them ∗ 2 are postfix: (a) operand + + (b) operand−− ∗ 2 are prefix: (a) + + operand (b) −− operand – Postfix semantics: (a) operand = operand± 1 (b) return value of operand – Prefix semantics: (a) return value of operand (b) operand = operand± 1 9. ”Special” assignment operators – These are shortcuts: (a) += (b) -= (c) *= (d) /= (e) %= – They all work in the same way ∗ Each combines an arithmetic operation with assignment ∗ Semantics of variable op = value: variable = variable op value 13 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Mixed-Mode Expressions and Data Conversions • Operator overloading – Expression 5 + 2 uses integer addition – Expression 7.35 + 15.333 uses floating point addition – There are actually several versions of the ’+’ operator This is called operator overloading – How does Java handle 23.98 + 10? • Mixed-mode expressions involve 2 different data types • In order to perform the operation, the arguments must be made compatible so Java knows which version of ’+’ to use • Such changes in type are called type conversions • Java provides 2 approaches: implicit and explicit • Implicit – Java performs the conversion automatically – Argument of lesser precision is converted to the type of the argument with greater precision – Unary operator algorithm: 1. If type byte or short, ⇒ int 2. Else, do nothing – Binary operator algorithm: 1. If either type is double, other ⇒ double 2. Else if either type is float, other ⇒ float 3. Else if either type is long, other ⇒ long 4. Else, both ⇒ int – These called widening conversions, as no information is lost 14 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Mixed-Mode Expressions and Data Conversions (2) – Assignment conversion ∗ Refers to situation when lvalue and rvalue of assignment statement are of different types ∗ Algorithm: 1. If lvalue of equal or greater precision, convert rvalue to data type of lvalue 2. Else, generate type-mismatch error ∗ The following chart lists numeric data types from greatest to least precision Type Precision double highest float long int char short byte ∗ Thus, Java will promote a type lower in the chart to one higher ∗ Java will NOT implicitly perform a narrowing conversion (demotion); i.e., one in which a type higher in the chart is converted to a type lower · Dangerous: will lose precision, fractions, or may cause run-time error ∗ The following is legal int x = 25; float y; y = x; but this is not int x; float y = 25.0; x = y; 15 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Mixed-Mode Expressions and Data Conversions (3) • Explicit (type casting) – Programmer’s code forces the conversion – Achieved using a typecast operator ∗ Syntax: ∗ Semantics: Evaluate expression and convert result to type ∗ May be either widening or narrowing conversion ∗ Note that narrowing casts may lose precision int x; float y = 25.643; x = (int) y; //x stores integer 25 ∗ Java allows explicit narrowing conversions because it demonstrates that the programmer intends for this type of conversion to take place 16 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Assignment Cautions • Assignment is an instruction, not an equality as in algebra x = x + 1 is valid assignment • Operators are not assumed x = 5(y + 10) is not valid • Be careful of integer division int x, y float z x = 10 y = 4 z = x/y Value of z is ??? 17 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Initialization • Initialization assigns an initial value to a variable when it is declared • Syntax: • For example: int x, y = 10, z, w = -2; 18 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Characters - Intro • The java data type for characters is char E.g., char c; • A char literal is a single character enclosed within single quotes E.g., ’a’, ’7’, ’ !’ • Special characters are represented by escape sequences – An escape sequence is a sequence of characters indicated by a backslash (\) – Commonly used escape sequences: Character escape sequence single quote \’ double quote \” backslash \\ alert (bell) \a backspace \b formfeed \f newline \n return \r tab \t vertical tab \v – An escape sequence is considered a single character by the compiler 19 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Characters - Representation • Characters are represented internally as integers – ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) ∗ Standard encoding using 8 bits – Unicode ∗ What ASCII evolved into, using 16 bits ∗ More bits allows representation of a greater number of characters (i.e., inter- national character sets) – Both codes can be found online (see resources page) – Given this, you can represent characters as types char or int For example: char c; int i; c = ’A’; i = (int) c; //or just i = c; i += 1; c = (char) i; //c now stores char ’B’ //must use cast for this assignment 20 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Random Numbers - Revisited • Earlier, we looked at Math.random() – This allowed us to generate doubles in the range 0.0 ≤ x < 1.0 – What if we want an integer? – The example used in the earlier discussion for a die roll produced a value 1.0 ≤ result ≤ 6.0 – To remedy this we would need to cast the final result to an int • Another issue with Math.random() is – Suppose we have a program that uses random numbers, but our program has a bug in it – How can we track down the problem if every time we run the program, it uses different input values? – We can never repeat a situation • The solution is class java.util.Random – To use this class, we need to import it: import java.util.Random; – We then need to create an instance of the class: Random rand; rand = new Random(); (Or you can combine the above into a single line: Random rand = new Random(); ) 21 Java Primitive Numeric Types, Assignment, and Expressions: Random Numbers - Revisited (2) – Once we have an instance of class Random, we can use its methods to generate random values – Methods: Method Value returned nextFloat() 0.0 ≤ value < 1.0 nextDouble() 0.0 ≤ value < 1.0 nextInt() 0 ≤ value < max int represented nextInt(int n) 0 ≤ value < n setSeed(long s) Set seed value to s ∗ nextFloat() and nextDouble() do what Math.random() does ∗ nextInt() with no parameter returns a value that can be as large as the largest int that Java can represent ∗ setSeed() is used for replicating a set of random values each time yoou run your program · When you create a new instance of Random, it is automatically initiallized using the current system time · This is how you always get a different series of random values each time you run your program · To always initialize the generator with the same value, call setSeed() with the same seed every time · Generally, you would call setSeed() right after you create your instance ∗ There is a second constructor for Random: Random(long seed) · This constructor both creates a new instance and sets its seed value all at one time ∗ So we might use Random something like this: int x; double f, g; Random r = new Random(); x = r.nextInt(6) + 1; //1 <= x <= 6 f = r.nextDouble(); //0.0 <= f < 1.0 g = r.nextDouble(); //0.0 <= f < 1.0 22