Web Browser / Operating System Compatibility List for Blackboard – eLearning Support and Resources eLearning support and resources for the University of Southampton Blackboard for Staff Blackboard Ally Supporting the Continuity of Education Access Blackboard Prepare your course for the next academic year Rollover – Copy course content to a new course Blackboard Collaborate Support Getting Started Your Course Training Content Communication Assessment E–Submission User Admin Blogs and Journals Wikis Service and Policies Blackboard for Students Blackboard Ally Access Blackboard Blackboard Mobile App Blackboard Collaborate Getting Started Blackboard App Student FAQs How to… Using Blogs Using Wikis Support Turnitin ‘At risk’ period Collaborate Blackboard Collaborate for Staff Blackboard Collaborate for Students TurnItIn Turnitin for Staff Managing Assignments Originality Reports Feedback Studio for PC Feedback Studio for iPad Rubrics in Feedback Studio External Guides Turnitin for Students Viewing submission ID Submitting to Turnitin Checking your submission Viewing your Similarity Report Viewing feedback Viewing assignment Info Viewing rubrics OnDemand Panopto Panopto and Blackboard Creating a recording Live-streaming Uploading Settings Editing Assessments and other uses Legal information Office 365 Connect BoB TV MySouthampton Training Vevox Accessibility Blackboard Ally Using Colours Accessibly Captions, Subtitles, and Transcripts eAssignments Staff FAQ’s Student FAQ’s eFolio Web Browser / Operating System Compatibility List for Blackboard Supported Browsers Browser Supported Desktop Browser Versions Chrome** 49+ Edge** 20+*** Firefox 48+ Internet Explorer**** Unsupported Safari 12+ (MacOS only) Run the browser checker to see whether Blackboard Learn supports your browser. ** Google Chrome versions 42+ and Microsoft Edge do not support NPAPI-type plug-ins, including Java plug-ins and many media browser plug-ins. Blackboard doesn’t support these browsers for multiple-file upload interface, or embedded media that require NPAPI plug-ins for viewing. *** Some Edge users have experienced difficulties submitting assignments using Edge. Submissions result in a zero kilobyte file. Therefore we do not recommend using Edge when submitting assignments. **** Microsoft ended active development for Internet Explorer (IE) in January 2016. Some aspects of Blackboard of Blackboard may not appear correctly or work correctly in IE. If you experience a problem with Blackboard whilst using IE and report it, we will ask you to use a different web browser. Compatible Mobile Browsers Browser Supported Desktop* Browser Versions Chrome 49+ Edge 20+ Firefox 48+ Safari With iOS 11+ Modern mobile browsers are generally considered compatible when using Blackboard. Not all instructor-added materials may be mobile-compatible. Not all tools and workflows have been optimized for mobile use. Issues reported for tools that aren’t yet optimized for mobile devices will be advised to be worked around by using a desktop browser. Blackboard App and Blackboard Instructor are supported native apps for mobile and tablet devices that interact with our Blackboard service. These apps may have their own device requirements. Tested Devices and Operating Systems Operating Systems used in testing Windows 8, Windows 10, MacOS 10.11, MacOS 10.12, MacOS 10.13, Chrome OS ChromeOS tested device Chromebook (Chrome browser; features requiring NPAPI plug-ins are not supported) Conclusion More information at: https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Administrator/Hosting/Release_Notes/Release_Notes_All_91_Releases/Release_Notes_9.1_2018_Q4/Browser_Support_Q4_2018 Blackboard (431) TurnItIn (77) Panopto (76) Bb Assessment (76) Bb Content (52) How to… Bb Guides for students (41) Blackboard Collaborate (39) Bb Communication (38) Bb Tests and Surveys (35) Collaborate (35) Bb assignments (29) Your Bb course (23) Bb User admin (21) My Southampton (21) Bb Groups (20) Bb Question Types (19) Office 365 (18) Bb Grade Centre (15) Bb Grade Centre (15) Bb Blogs (13) Bb Course Design (13) Student Response Systems (13) Adobe Connect (12) Bb Content tools (12) embedding in Bb (11) ↑ Found a mistake? Have a question? Need some help? Email serviceline@soton.ac.uk or beat the email queue through http://www.southampton.ac.uk/ithelp's self service page. Web pages created and maintained by the Managed Learning Environment Team Managed Learning Environment Services | Managed Learning Environment team blog |Teaching Support Services Service Level Target attainment Powered by WordPress • Themify WordPress Themes